Lalela uLwandle: An experiment in plural governance discussions
Number of Objects: 1
Lalela Zulu
Number of Objects: 6
Lalelani Bakithi
Number of Objects: 1
Lalelani izingelosi
Number of Objects: 1
Lalelani Izingelosi
Number of Objects: 1
Lalua Deleva
Number of Objects: 4
Lalwa deleva
Number of Objects: 2
Lam van God
Number of Objects: 2
Lam van god
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 7
Lamb from God
Number of Objects: 1
Lamb of god
Number of Objects: 1
Lamb of God
Number of Objects: 21
The lamb of God
Number of Objects: 4
Lamb of God have mercy on us
Number of Objects: 1
The Lamb of God take away our sin
Number of Objects: 2
The Lamb of God who takes away our sin
Number of Objects: 2
Lamb of the great God
Number of Objects: 1
Lamba mamone
Number of Objects: 1
Lamba mukalaha Helele wee!
Number of Objects: 1
Lamba Namone
Number of Objects: 2
Lamba nomone
Number of Objects: 1
Lament for a Species: Anabantidae sandelia bainsii
Number of Objects: 1
The lament of Nagalanya
Number of Objects: 1
A laminated, emergentist view of skills ecosystems
Number of Objects: 1
Lamnandi ugolohlang (That has fetched this person)
Number of Objects: 1
Lamnandi ugolohlang = That has fetched this person
Number of Objects: 1
Lamnandi ugolohlanq
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Land acquisition for and local livelihood implications of biofuel development in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Land and agrarian reform, and rural livelihoods in post-apartheid South Africa : a study on the Ehlanzeni District in Mpumalanga Province
Number of Objects: 1
Land claims and the pursuit of co-management on four protected areas in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land cover models to predict non-point nutrient inputs for selected biomes in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land degradation and livelihood strategies in rural Zimbabwe: the case of two A1 farms in Shurugwi District
Number of Objects: 1
Land expropriation and labour extraction under Cape colonial rule : the war of 1835 and the "emancipation" of the Fingo
Number of Objects: 1
Land expropriation without compensation: a study of constructions of the Parliamentary process in selected mainstream and “ground-up” media from 27 February – 12 August 2018
Number of Objects: 1
Land Grants
Number of Objects: 1
The land is crying for justice: a discussion document on Christianity and environmental justice in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land management in the Wild Coast: the case of indigenous people in Coffee Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land occupation and the limits of party politics
Number of Objects: 1
Land price premiums in South Africa's land redistribution process: a case study of Northern Kwazulu-Natal sugarcane farms
Number of Objects: 1
The land question in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya: a geographical perspective on resource endowment
Number of Objects: 1
Land redistribution and state decentralisation in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land reform and livelihood among subsistence farmers in Great Kei local municipality, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land reform and rural livelihoods of evicted farm workers: a case study of Radway Green Farm Project
Number of Objects: 1
Land Reform and the Challenge of Rural Development in Zimbabwe: The Case of the Fast Track Reform in Mashonaland West Region
Number of Objects: 1
Land reform in South Africa: effects on land prices and productivity
Number of Objects: 1
Land reform policies and human rights : a South African case study
Number of Objects: 1
Land rental policy and land market in Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe: implications on farmer decisions, efficiency and equity under A1 and A2 models
Number of Objects: 1
Land restitution policy in old West Bank location, East London
Number of Objects: 1
The land restitution programme on Rural Livelihoods in the Amathole District, Eastern Cape: The case of Cata Community land claim.
Number of Objects: 1
Land use change, landslide occurrence and livelihood strategies on Mount Elgon Slopes, Eastern Uganda
Number of Objects: 1
Land use decision-making on residential plots in Fingo Village, Makhanda (Grahamstown), South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Land use in Ward One of the Stutterheim district
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 311
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 311 / ALP 413 / ALP 415
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 311/ALP 413/ALP 415
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 313
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 313, July 2011
Number of Objects: 1
Land Use Planning: ALP 418 / ALP 419
Number of Objects: 1
Land use, compensational justice and energy resource extraction in Nigeria: a socio-historical study of petroleum and coal mining communities
Number of Objects: 1
Land use/cover change modelling and land degradation assessment in the Keiskamma catchment using remote sensing and GIS
Number of Objects: 1
Land, Church, Forced Removals and Community on Klipfontein Farm in the District of Alexandria, Eastern Cape c. 1872 - 1979
Number of Objects: 1
Land, labour and African affairs, 1924-1934
Number of Objects: 1
Land-use effects on mammal communities in the Fish-Kowie corridor, Eastern Cape, South Africa, with particular reference to carnivores
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Landeck, Jan '08
Number of Objects: 1
Landing Jetty
Number of Objects: 1
Landing of the 1820 Settlers in surf boats
Number of Objects: 2
Landscape drivers of mammal habitat use and richness in a protected area and its surrounding agricultural lands
Number of Objects: 1
The landscape holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask : perspectives of an environmental scientist
Number of Objects: 1
The landscape of childhood: play and place as tools to understanding children’s enviromental use and perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
A Landscape of Insects and Other Invertebrates, D.N. MacFadyen: book review
Number of Objects: 1
A landscape shot of Boma pass
Number of Objects: 1
A Landscape shot of the Kei River
Number of Objects: 1
A landscape shot of The Mancazama Valley
Number of Objects: 1
Landscape, memory and learning to change in changing worlds: Contemplating intergenerational learning and traditional knowledge practices within social-ecological landscapes of change
Number of Objects: 1
Landscapes of division: social movements and the politics of urban and rural space in the Grahamstown region of the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Lang's Nek
Number of Objects: 1
Langa lashona
Number of Objects: 5
Langa Lashona
Number of Objects: 2
Langa shona
Number of Objects: 1
Langalibalele, Hlubi chief
Number of Objects: 1
Langebosch, Alexandria
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Langholme-Martindale railway
Number of Objects: 1
Langkloof farmers' practices and attitudes regarding coloured and black farmworkers
Number of Objects: 1
Language & Communication for Educators: EDS 122
Number of Objects: 3
Language and access in the public healthcare system in South Africa with a particular focus on primary public health facilities in Grahamstown and Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Language And Gender Interaction In Bakossi Proverbial Discourse
Number of Objects: 1
Language and learning science in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Language and literacy development for a Grade 10 English first additional language classroom: a reading to learn case study
Number of Objects: 1
Language and media: isiXhosa in Journalism and Media Studies at a South African university
Number of Objects: 1
Language and social services in rural North West the status of Setswana
Number of Objects: 1
Language and the Thing in Itself in the fiction of John Banville
Number of Objects: 1
Language and thought : exploring the implications of the Whorfian hypothesis in social science : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Language and value : the place of evaluation in linguistic theory
Number of Objects: 1
Language and value: towards accepting a richer linguistic ecology for South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Language as a ‘resource’ in South Africa: the economic life of language in a globalising society
Number of Objects: 1
Language as source of revitalisation and reclamation of Indigenous epistemologies.
Number of Objects: 1