Sacrificial males the potential role of copulation and predation in contributing to copepod sex-skewed ratios
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Weston, Mark, Weyl, Olaf, L F, Froneman, P William, Welch, Rebecca J, Vink, Tim J F, Dalu, Tatenda
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Weston, Mark , Weyl, Olaf, L F , Froneman, P William , Welch, Rebecca J , Vink, Tim J F , Dalu, Tatenda
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:76843 ,
- Description: Predation is thought to play a selective role in the emergence of behavioural traits in prey. Differences in behaviour between prey demographics may, therefore, be driven by predation with select components of the population being less vulnerable to predators. While under controlled conditions prey demography has been shown to have consequences for predation success, investigations linking these implications to natural prey population demographics are scarce. Here we assess predator–prey dynamics between notonectid predators (backswimmers) and Lovenula raynerae (Copepoda), key faunal groups in temperate ephemeral pond ecosystems. Using a combination of field and experimental approaches we test for the development and mechanism of predation‐induced sex‐skewed ratios. A natural population of L. raynerae was tracked over time in relation to their predator (notonectid) and prey (Cladocera) numbers. In the laboratory, L. raynerae sex ratios were also assessed over time but in the absence of predation pressure.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Weston, Mark , Weyl, Olaf, L F , Froneman, P William , Welch, Rebecca J , Vink, Tim J F , Dalu, Tatenda
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:76843 ,
- Description: Predation is thought to play a selective role in the emergence of behavioural traits in prey. Differences in behaviour between prey demographics may, therefore, be driven by predation with select components of the population being less vulnerable to predators. While under controlled conditions prey demography has been shown to have consequences for predation success, investigations linking these implications to natural prey population demographics are scarce. Here we assess predator–prey dynamics between notonectid predators (backswimmers) and Lovenula raynerae (Copepoda), key faunal groups in temperate ephemeral pond ecosystems. Using a combination of field and experimental approaches we test for the development and mechanism of predation‐induced sex‐skewed ratios. A natural population of L. raynerae was tracked over time in relation to their predator (notonectid) and prey (Cladocera) numbers. In the laboratory, L. raynerae sex ratios were also assessed over time but in the absence of predation pressure.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Fish predation regimes modify benthic diatom community structures: experimental evidence from an in situ mesocosm study
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Vink, Tim J F, Dalu, Tatenda, Froneman, P William
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Dalu, Tatenda , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29190 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Diatoms are important primary producers in shallow water environments. Few studies have assessed the importance of biological interactions in structuring these communities. In the present study, benthic diatom community structure in relation to manipulated food webs was assessed using in situ mesocosms, whereby predator-free environments and environments comprising two different fish species were assessed. Zooplankton abundance, settled algal biomass and the diatom community were monitored over a 12‐day period across each of the three trophic scenarios. Differences among treatments over time were observed in zooplankton abundances, particularly copepods. Similarly, the benthic diatom community structure changed significantly over time across the three trophic treatments. However, no differences in total algal biomass were found among treatments. This was likely the result of non‐diatom phytoplankton contributions. We propose that the benthic diatom community structure within the mesocosms was influenced by trophic cascades and potentially through direct consumption by the fish. The study highlights that not only are organisms at the base of the food web affected by predators at the top of the food web, but that predator identity is potentially an important consideration for predator–prey interaction outcomes with consequences for multiple trophic levels.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Dalu, Tatenda , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29190 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Diatoms are important primary producers in shallow water environments. Few studies have assessed the importance of biological interactions in structuring these communities. In the present study, benthic diatom community structure in relation to manipulated food webs was assessed using in situ mesocosms, whereby predator-free environments and environments comprising two different fish species were assessed. Zooplankton abundance, settled algal biomass and the diatom community were monitored over a 12‐day period across each of the three trophic scenarios. Differences among treatments over time were observed in zooplankton abundances, particularly copepods. Similarly, the benthic diatom community structure changed significantly over time across the three trophic treatments. However, no differences in total algal biomass were found among treatments. This was likely the result of non‐diatom phytoplankton contributions. We propose that the benthic diatom community structure within the mesocosms was influenced by trophic cascades and potentially through direct consumption by the fish. The study highlights that not only are organisms at the base of the food web affected by predators at the top of the food web, but that predator identity is potentially an important consideration for predator–prey interaction outcomes with consequences for multiple trophic levels.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
Preliminary evidence for the organisation of a bacterial community by zooplanktivores at the top of an estuarine planktonic food web
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Matcher, Gwynneth F, Vink, Tim J F, Froneman, P William
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Matcher, Gwynneth F , Vink, Tim J F , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29222 ,
- Description: Publisher version , As part of a larger investigation, the effect of apex predation on estuarine bacterial community structure, through trophic cascading, was investigated using experimental in situ mesocosms. Through either the removal (filtration) or addition of specific size classes of planktonic groups, four different trophic scenarios were established using estuarine water and its associated plankton. One such treatment represented a “natural” scenario in which stable apex predatory pressure was qualified. Water samples were collected over time from each of the treatments for bacterial community evaluation. These samples were assessed through pyrosequencing of the variable regions 4 and 5 of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and analysed at the species operational taxonomic unit (OTU) level using a community procedure. The blue-green group dominated the samples, followed by Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Samples were the most similar among treatments at the commencement of the experiment. While the bacterial communities sampled within each treatment changed over time, the deviation from initial appeared to be linked to the treatment trophic scenarios. The least temporal deviation-from-initial in bacterial community was found within the stable apex predatory pressure treatment. These findings are consistent with trophic cascade theory, whereby predators mediate interactions at multiple lower trophic levels with consequent repercussions for diversity.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Matcher, Gwynneth F , Vink, Tim J F , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29222 ,
- Description: Publisher version , As part of a larger investigation, the effect of apex predation on estuarine bacterial community structure, through trophic cascading, was investigated using experimental in situ mesocosms. Through either the removal (filtration) or addition of specific size classes of planktonic groups, four different trophic scenarios were established using estuarine water and its associated plankton. One such treatment represented a “natural” scenario in which stable apex predatory pressure was qualified. Water samples were collected over time from each of the treatments for bacterial community evaluation. These samples were assessed through pyrosequencing of the variable regions 4 and 5 of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and analysed at the species operational taxonomic unit (OTU) level using a community procedure. The blue-green group dominated the samples, followed by Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Samples were the most similar among treatments at the commencement of the experiment. While the bacterial communities sampled within each treatment changed over time, the deviation from initial appeared to be linked to the treatment trophic scenarios. The least temporal deviation-from-initial in bacterial community was found within the stable apex predatory pressure treatment. These findings are consistent with trophic cascade theory, whereby predators mediate interactions at multiple lower trophic levels with consequent repercussions for diversity.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
Spawning and nest guarding of the river goby (Glossogobius callidus) from the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Vink, Tim J F, Woodford, Darragh J, Froneman, P William
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Woodford, Darragh J , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29203 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Introduction: The River goby, Glossogobius callidus (Smith 1937), occurs naturally in rivers and the upper reaches of estuaries along the eastern seaboard of southern Africa (Whitfield, 1998; James et al., 2007; Wasserman, Strydom & Wooldridge, 2010). This fish species is among the most abundant of fishes in many river systems of the region and is considered an important predator in these habitats, feeding on invertebrates and small fish (Whitfield, 1998; Strydom & Neira, 2006; Wasserman, 2012; Wasserman et al., 2014). Despite this, ecological information on this goby is sparse and to date, no published records on the biology of the species exist. The urgent need for such information was recently highlighted in a study that identified G. callidus as a potentially invasive species, given its ability to rapidly establish in novel environments (Woodford et al., 2013). The present study therefore endeavoured to determine the reproductive guild to which G. callidus belong and describe aspects of their spawning. This was performed by closely observing wild caught, mature G. callidus in aquaria over a 25-day period.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Woodford, Darragh J , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29203 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Introduction: The River goby, Glossogobius callidus (Smith 1937), occurs naturally in rivers and the upper reaches of estuaries along the eastern seaboard of southern Africa (Whitfield, 1998; James et al., 2007; Wasserman, Strydom & Wooldridge, 2010). This fish species is among the most abundant of fishes in many river systems of the region and is considered an important predator in these habitats, feeding on invertebrates and small fish (Whitfield, 1998; Strydom & Neira, 2006; Wasserman, 2012; Wasserman et al., 2014). Despite this, ecological information on this goby is sparse and to date, no published records on the biology of the species exist. The urgent need for such information was recently highlighted in a study that identified G. callidus as a potentially invasive species, given its ability to rapidly establish in novel environments (Woodford et al., 2013). The present study therefore endeavoured to determine the reproductive guild to which G. callidus belong and describe aspects of their spawning. This was performed by closely observing wild caught, mature G. callidus in aquaria over a 25-day period.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
Conspecific alarm cue sensitivity by the estuarine calanoid copepod, Paracartia longipatella
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Kramer, Rachel, Vink, Tim J F, Froneman, P William
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Kramer, Rachel , Vink, Tim J F , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29194 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Sensitivity to chemical cues associated with predation threat has been well observed in many freshwater zooplankters, yet few studies have highlighted such sensitivity in eury- and stenohaline metazoans. We aimed to assess sensitivity to conspecific chemical alarm cues in the estuarine copepod, Paracartia longipatella. Alarm cues associated with predation have been shown to have population level effects on certain zooplanktonic species. As such, we assessed the occurrence of such effects on population dynamics of P.longipatella over a 12 day period. Using experimental in situ mesocosms, we compared P.longipatella adult, copepodite and nauplii numbers between three treatments; one inoculated with conspecific alarm cues, one containing direct predation pressure (zooplanktivorous fish), and a control treatment containing no predation threat. Trends in population abundances were similar between the direct predation and alarm cue treatments for the six days of the experiment, decreasing in abundance. During the latter half of the study, however, P.longipatella abundances in the alarm cue treatment increased, while those in the presence of direct predation continued to decrease. In the treatment absent of any predation threat, P.longipatella abundances increased consistently over time for the duration of the study. We suggest that P.longipatella are indeed sensitive to conspecific alarm cues associated with predation threat. Furthermore, we propose that prolonged exposure to conspecific alarm cues in the absence of any real threat results in a reduction in sensitive to these cues.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Kramer, Rachel , Vink, Tim J F , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29194 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Sensitivity to chemical cues associated with predation threat has been well observed in many freshwater zooplankters, yet few studies have highlighted such sensitivity in eury- and stenohaline metazoans. We aimed to assess sensitivity to conspecific chemical alarm cues in the estuarine copepod, Paracartia longipatella. Alarm cues associated with predation have been shown to have population level effects on certain zooplanktonic species. As such, we assessed the occurrence of such effects on population dynamics of P.longipatella over a 12 day period. Using experimental in situ mesocosms, we compared P.longipatella adult, copepodite and nauplii numbers between three treatments; one inoculated with conspecific alarm cues, one containing direct predation pressure (zooplanktivorous fish), and a control treatment containing no predation threat. Trends in population abundances were similar between the direct predation and alarm cue treatments for the six days of the experiment, decreasing in abundance. During the latter half of the study, however, P.longipatella abundances in the alarm cue treatment increased, while those in the presence of direct predation continued to decrease. In the treatment absent of any predation threat, P.longipatella abundances increased consistently over time for the duration of the study. We suggest that P.longipatella are indeed sensitive to conspecific alarm cues associated with predation threat. Furthermore, we propose that prolonged exposure to conspecific alarm cues in the absence of any real threat results in a reduction in sensitive to these cues.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2014
Hyperbenthic and pelagic predators regulate alternate key planktonic copepods in shallow temperate estuaries
- Wasserman, Ryan J, Vink, Tim J F, Kramer, Rachel, Froneman, P William
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Kramer, Rachel , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29220 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Although predation has been identified as an important community driver, the role of predator diversity in structuring estuarine zooplankton has not been assessed. As such, we investigated the effects of two different zooplanktivorous fish species on the estuarine zooplankton community during a 12-day mesocosm study. Three experimental treatments were established, whereby natural zooplankton communities were subject to either (1) no predatory pressure, (2) predation by a pelagic predator (Monodactylus falciformis) or (3) predation by a hyper-benthic predator (Glossogobius callidus). The pelagic feeding M. falciformis fed largely on the numerically dominant mid-water copepod species, Paracartia longipatella. In contrast, the hyper-benthic fish had a greater predatory impact on the less numerically dominant copepod, Pseudodiaptomus hessei, which demonstrates strong diel vertical migration. Variations in prey-population regulation are ascribed to the distinct behavioural differences of the predators, and mediated by the differences in behaviour of the copepod species.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Wasserman, Ryan J , Vink, Tim J F , Kramer, Rachel , Froneman, P William
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29220 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Although predation has been identified as an important community driver, the role of predator diversity in structuring estuarine zooplankton has not been assessed. As such, we investigated the effects of two different zooplanktivorous fish species on the estuarine zooplankton community during a 12-day mesocosm study. Three experimental treatments were established, whereby natural zooplankton communities were subject to either (1) no predatory pressure, (2) predation by a pelagic predator (Monodactylus falciformis) or (3) predation by a hyper-benthic predator (Glossogobius callidus). The pelagic feeding M. falciformis fed largely on the numerically dominant mid-water copepod species, Paracartia longipatella. In contrast, the hyper-benthic fish had a greater predatory impact on the less numerically dominant copepod, Pseudodiaptomus hessei, which demonstrates strong diel vertical migration. Variations in prey-population regulation are ascribed to the distinct behavioural differences of the predators, and mediated by the differences in behaviour of the copepod species.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2014
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