The cicada genus Nyara n. gen. (Homoptera Cicadidae) systematics, behaviour and conservation status
- Authors: Villet, Martin H
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75295 ,
- Description: The cicada genus Nyara n. gen. and its sole species N. thanatotica n. sp. are described and diagnosed. This species is very peculiar because it often feigns death when disturbed. This is the first time such behaviour has been described in a cicada. Nyara is the third endemic cicada genus described from a South African forest. Its distribution along the subtropical Eastern Cape coast, which is threatened by strip mining and housing developments, highlights the need for conservation of these under-researched habitats.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Villet, Martin H
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75295 ,
- Description: The cicada genus Nyara n. gen. and its sole species N. thanatotica n. sp. are described and diagnosed. This species is very peculiar because it often feigns death when disturbed. This is the first time such behaviour has been described in a cicada. Nyara is the third endemic cicada genus described from a South African forest. Its distribution along the subtropical Eastern Cape coast, which is threatened by strip mining and housing developments, highlights the need for conservation of these under-researched habitats.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The classification of negative polarity items evidence from Dutch and Afrikaans
- Authors: Ter Horst, Paulus Willem
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Polarity , Grammar, Comparative and general -- Negatives , Semantics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2364 , , Polarity , Grammar, Comparative and general -- Negatives , Semantics
- Description: In this thesis I discuss the problem of negative polarity items (NPls). NPis are items that have to be licensed by a certain group of expressions. In this group of expressions which can trigger NPIs we find, among other things: negations, adversative expressions, questions and conditionals. I show that there is an important problem for a grammatical approach to negative polarity: the group of expressions which can licence NPls can't be adequately defined in a grammatical way. There is, however, a semantic way of defining the group of expressions that can licence NPIs. In semantics the group is often referred to as the group of "triggers". It can be proven logically that the group of triggers can be divided into four subgroups: a group of downward-entailing expressions, antimultiplicative expressions, anti-additive expressions and antimorphic expressions. By carrying out a corpus study I find evidence for the hypothesis that the way in which NPIs are licenced by the triggers with different logical properties originates from the different grammatical classes of NPIs (negative polarity nouns, negative polarity adjectives and negative polarity verbs). Since there is evidence for this causal relation, I argue that a grammatical approach to NPI-triggering is necessary from a formal point of view. I give a Minimalist account of NPI-triggering. To make the Minimalist Program suitable for NPI-triggering I have to assume, however, that the semantic information about triggers is available in the lexicon of the MP.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Ter Horst, Paulus Willem
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Polarity , Grammar, Comparative and general -- Negatives , Semantics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2364 , , Polarity , Grammar, Comparative and general -- Negatives , Semantics
- Description: In this thesis I discuss the problem of negative polarity items (NPls). NPis are items that have to be licensed by a certain group of expressions. In this group of expressions which can trigger NPIs we find, among other things: negations, adversative expressions, questions and conditionals. I show that there is an important problem for a grammatical approach to negative polarity: the group of expressions which can licence NPls can't be adequately defined in a grammatical way. There is, however, a semantic way of defining the group of expressions that can licence NPIs. In semantics the group is often referred to as the group of "triggers". It can be proven logically that the group of triggers can be divided into four subgroups: a group of downward-entailing expressions, antimultiplicative expressions, anti-additive expressions and antimorphic expressions. By carrying out a corpus study I find evidence for the hypothesis that the way in which NPIs are licenced by the triggers with different logical properties originates from the different grammatical classes of NPIs (negative polarity nouns, negative polarity adjectives and negative polarity verbs). Since there is evidence for this causal relation, I argue that a grammatical approach to NPI-triggering is necessary from a formal point of view. I give a Minimalist account of NPI-triggering. To make the Minimalist Program suitable for NPI-triggering I have to assume, however, that the semantic information about triggers is available in the lexicon of the MP.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The coastal grasslands of the Eastern Cape west of the Kei River
- Authors: Judd, Rachel Anne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Grassland ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Grasslands -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4203 ,
- Description: The grasslands of South Africa are the foundation of commercial and subsistence agriculture yet they are being degraded at an alanning rate. The coastal grasslands of the Eastern Cape are no exception and they suffer added pressure of coastal resort development because of their proximity to an attractive coastline. In order to determine the degree of conservation necessary for any area it is essential to know what species occur there in order to determine if protection from habitat destruction is required. Four aims were defined for this studv. The initial aim was a phytogeographical classification of the grasslands in the coastal region west of the Kei River. This was done by vegetation sampling followed by computer based analysis with TWINSPAN. This analysis defined ten grassland associations. five being located in the area west of the Keiskamma River and five occurring east of it. The associations in the eastern half are termed mesic while those in the western balf are xeric. The second aim was to determine the presence of any underlying ecological gradients affecting the distribution of tbe associations. Indirect gradient analysis was carried out where samples are analysed irrespective of environmental factors. Direct gradient analysis was then carried out using scores per sample of various environmental factors. Environmental factors whicb migbt produce such gradients are both naturally-ocurring and man-induced. Natural factors which were recorded in the field include depth of soil at sample site, soil family, aspect and distance from the shore. An important factor is the land / sea interface. Natural factors analysed in the laboratory include soil pH. conductivity. percent organic matter, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and potassium. Man-induced factors are land use history e.g. Ploughing and grazing. Both direct and indirect gradient analysis were carried out with the computer based programme CANOCO. The third aim of the study was to determine the presence of any successional trends between the ten defined associations. This was done using several characteristics of the associations. Alpha and beta diversity were the first factors compared between associations. The percentage contribution of the Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae to each association was assessed and compared. The presence of various life forms of the species occurring in each association was determined together with the cover abundance of different classes of grass species. These results were then combined and analysed in the light of the results from CANOCO analvsis. They show that the mesic Themeda Iriandra - Anthospermum herhoceum, association which occurs closest to the shore and with the least disturbance is a depauperate form of the mesic climax Themeda triandra association. The mesic Hyparrhenia hirta - Dtheteropogon amplectens association may be a secondary grassland on account of phosphate and potassiun poor soils and land-use. The mesic Hyparrhenia hirta - Themedo triandra association is a slightly degraded form of the climax association due to grazing. The severely disturbed Stenotaphrum secundatum - C'entella coriacea association, which is located close to the shore, is a secondary grassland. Analysis of the xeric associations indicates a clearly defined ordination of associations on the basis of land-use. The Cynodon daclylon - Helictolrichon hirtulum and Sporobolis africanus - Setaria sphacelata associations which occur where ploughed lands have been left to lie fallow are secondary in nature. The Themeda triandra - Ehrharta calycina association is thought to be the closest representati ve of a climax xeric association but the presence of E. calycina indicates that some disturbance has occurred. The vegetation is subject to moderate grazing. The Cynodon dactylon - Ehrharla calycina and Diheleropogon filifolius - Ehrharla calycina associations are subject to varying intensities of trampling and grazing and are degraded forms of the Themeda triandra - Ehrharla calycina association. Because of tbe overriding influence of the land-use gradient separation along gradients of the remaining eight factors was limited. The effect of fire and temporal change in the mesic Themeda triandra and Hyparrhenia hirta - Themeeia trianda associations was assessed via long-term studies at Potter's Pass outside East London. The results show a quick response to burning with a return to 100% cover within six months by both associations. During spring the two associations could not be separated by either TWINSPAN or DECORANA. indicating a temporal shift from the Hyparrhenia hirta - Themeda triandra association to the Themeda triandra association. The fourth and final aim was to identify plants requiring protection from habitat destruction and to make recommendations for further conservation areas and management of the coastal grasslands. Through the collection and identification of as many plants as possible a species checklist was prepared and the status of each was determined through reference to the Red Data Book of threatened and endangered species. Kniphofia rooperi is vulnerable in the Cape and Euphorbia hupleuroides is considered rare in kwazulu-Natal. Ten species are endemic to the Cape and / or South Africa. The richness of the vegetation lies in the presence of species representative of the four major floras which converge in the eastern Cape. i.e. The Cape, NamaKarroo, Tongoland-Pondolaod floras and the Kalahari Highveld Regional Transitional Zone. Suggestions are made for the conservation of the grassland associations at various sites within the study area based on the present area conserved. Less than 2% of the coastline in the study area is conserved and it is felt that the area under conservation should be increased. Management suggestions based on the available literature are given for both farmed and conserved areas. There is a great potential for further studies on grassland dmamics within the areas surveyed. In terms of management, the grasslands require careful examination to determine the most effective season in which to burn if at all. As with most agricultural systems in South Africa. grazing strategies will benefit from further research. Any additional research on the dynamics of these grasslands can only be of benefit to the sustained utilisation of this vital resource.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Judd, Rachel Anne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Grassland ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Grasslands -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4203 ,
- Description: The grasslands of South Africa are the foundation of commercial and subsistence agriculture yet they are being degraded at an alanning rate. The coastal grasslands of the Eastern Cape are no exception and they suffer added pressure of coastal resort development because of their proximity to an attractive coastline. In order to determine the degree of conservation necessary for any area it is essential to know what species occur there in order to determine if protection from habitat destruction is required. Four aims were defined for this studv. The initial aim was a phytogeographical classification of the grasslands in the coastal region west of the Kei River. This was done by vegetation sampling followed by computer based analysis with TWINSPAN. This analysis defined ten grassland associations. five being located in the area west of the Keiskamma River and five occurring east of it. The associations in the eastern half are termed mesic while those in the western balf are xeric. The second aim was to determine the presence of any underlying ecological gradients affecting the distribution of tbe associations. Indirect gradient analysis was carried out where samples are analysed irrespective of environmental factors. Direct gradient analysis was then carried out using scores per sample of various environmental factors. Environmental factors whicb migbt produce such gradients are both naturally-ocurring and man-induced. Natural factors which were recorded in the field include depth of soil at sample site, soil family, aspect and distance from the shore. An important factor is the land / sea interface. Natural factors analysed in the laboratory include soil pH. conductivity. percent organic matter, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and potassium. Man-induced factors are land use history e.g. Ploughing and grazing. Both direct and indirect gradient analysis were carried out with the computer based programme CANOCO. The third aim of the study was to determine the presence of any successional trends between the ten defined associations. This was done using several characteristics of the associations. Alpha and beta diversity were the first factors compared between associations. The percentage contribution of the Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae to each association was assessed and compared. The presence of various life forms of the species occurring in each association was determined together with the cover abundance of different classes of grass species. These results were then combined and analysed in the light of the results from CANOCO analvsis. They show that the mesic Themeda Iriandra - Anthospermum herhoceum, association which occurs closest to the shore and with the least disturbance is a depauperate form of the mesic climax Themeda triandra association. The mesic Hyparrhenia hirta - Dtheteropogon amplectens association may be a secondary grassland on account of phosphate and potassiun poor soils and land-use. The mesic Hyparrhenia hirta - Themedo triandra association is a slightly degraded form of the climax association due to grazing. The severely disturbed Stenotaphrum secundatum - C'entella coriacea association, which is located close to the shore, is a secondary grassland. Analysis of the xeric associations indicates a clearly defined ordination of associations on the basis of land-use. The Cynodon daclylon - Helictolrichon hirtulum and Sporobolis africanus - Setaria sphacelata associations which occur where ploughed lands have been left to lie fallow are secondary in nature. The Themeda triandra - Ehrharta calycina association is thought to be the closest representati ve of a climax xeric association but the presence of E. calycina indicates that some disturbance has occurred. The vegetation is subject to moderate grazing. The Cynodon dactylon - Ehrharla calycina and Diheleropogon filifolius - Ehrharla calycina associations are subject to varying intensities of trampling and grazing and are degraded forms of the Themeda triandra - Ehrharla calycina association. Because of tbe overriding influence of the land-use gradient separation along gradients of the remaining eight factors was limited. The effect of fire and temporal change in the mesic Themeda triandra and Hyparrhenia hirta - Themeeia trianda associations was assessed via long-term studies at Potter's Pass outside East London. The results show a quick response to burning with a return to 100% cover within six months by both associations. During spring the two associations could not be separated by either TWINSPAN or DECORANA. indicating a temporal shift from the Hyparrhenia hirta - Themeda triandra association to the Themeda triandra association. The fourth and final aim was to identify plants requiring protection from habitat destruction and to make recommendations for further conservation areas and management of the coastal grasslands. Through the collection and identification of as many plants as possible a species checklist was prepared and the status of each was determined through reference to the Red Data Book of threatened and endangered species. Kniphofia rooperi is vulnerable in the Cape and Euphorbia hupleuroides is considered rare in kwazulu-Natal. Ten species are endemic to the Cape and / or South Africa. The richness of the vegetation lies in the presence of species representative of the four major floras which converge in the eastern Cape. i.e. The Cape, NamaKarroo, Tongoland-Pondolaod floras and the Kalahari Highveld Regional Transitional Zone. Suggestions are made for the conservation of the grassland associations at various sites within the study area based on the present area conserved. Less than 2% of the coastline in the study area is conserved and it is felt that the area under conservation should be increased. Management suggestions based on the available literature are given for both farmed and conserved areas. There is a great potential for further studies on grassland dmamics within the areas surveyed. In terms of management, the grasslands require careful examination to determine the most effective season in which to burn if at all. As with most agricultural systems in South Africa. grazing strategies will benefit from further research. Any additional research on the dynamics of these grasslands can only be of benefit to the sustained utilisation of this vital resource.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The development from a Wesleyan perspective of an appropriate model of multi-cultural ministry, from within a traditionally mono-cultural Methodist congregation
- Authors: Rist, Timothy John
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 , Religion and culture , Methodist church buildings -- South Africa , Methodist church buildings -- South Africa -- Bloemfontein
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTh
- Identifier: vital:1309 ,
- Description: From introduction: The intention of this thesis is to develop a model for multi-cultural ministry, and, in so doing, to enable Trinity Methodist Church, Charles Street, Bloemfontein to provide a comprehensive and meaningful ministry to all people, one that is not limited by the constraints of language and culture but which transcends them. The fact that Trinity is a Methodist Church means that I will be establishing the "Model for Multi-Cultural Ministry" firmly within Wesleyan theology. South Africa has undergone far-reaching political change since the general elections of April 1994. This political transformation has emphasised a need for the bringing together of people across the barriers of race, culture and religion. In this thesis I will be focusing my attention on the latter - the realm of religion - and specifically that of Christianity. Furthermore, I will be restricting my attention to a specific congregation within the denomination of Methodism, within the religion of Christianity, namely Trinity Methodist Church, Charles Street, Bloemfontein'. The "Model for MultiCultural Ministry" developed in this thesis will therefore be 'congregation specific'. The Methodist ChurcQ of Southern Africa2 proclaims itself to be a Church "one and undivided" (Minutes: 1980: 65: para l(a) ), where people from all racial groups can worship God together in a meaningful way. In many respects this is not the case. The years of political pressure that the (MCSA) has endured, in particular the years of legislated Apartheid (1948-1989), ensured that existing divisions between the Methodist congregations became entrenched along racial, cultural and religious lines (Thompson: 1990: 187ff). The Group Areas Act (1950) is but one such example where the National Party Government "divided urban areas into zones where members of one specified race alone could live and work" (Thompson: 1990: 194). The homeland policy (implemented from 1963, but legislated from 1971 in the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Rist, Timothy John
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Wesley, John, 1703-1791 , Religion and culture , Methodist church buildings -- South Africa , Methodist church buildings -- South Africa -- Bloemfontein
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTh
- Identifier: vital:1309 ,
- Description: From introduction: The intention of this thesis is to develop a model for multi-cultural ministry, and, in so doing, to enable Trinity Methodist Church, Charles Street, Bloemfontein to provide a comprehensive and meaningful ministry to all people, one that is not limited by the constraints of language and culture but which transcends them. The fact that Trinity is a Methodist Church means that I will be establishing the "Model for Multi-Cultural Ministry" firmly within Wesleyan theology. South Africa has undergone far-reaching political change since the general elections of April 1994. This political transformation has emphasised a need for the bringing together of people across the barriers of race, culture and religion. In this thesis I will be focusing my attention on the latter - the realm of religion - and specifically that of Christianity. Furthermore, I will be restricting my attention to a specific congregation within the denomination of Methodism, within the religion of Christianity, namely Trinity Methodist Church, Charles Street, Bloemfontein'. The "Model for MultiCultural Ministry" developed in this thesis will therefore be 'congregation specific'. The Methodist ChurcQ of Southern Africa2 proclaims itself to be a Church "one and undivided" (Minutes: 1980: 65: para l(a) ), where people from all racial groups can worship God together in a meaningful way. In many respects this is not the case. The years of political pressure that the (MCSA) has endured, in particular the years of legislated Apartheid (1948-1989), ensured that existing divisions between the Methodist congregations became entrenched along racial, cultural and religious lines (Thompson: 1990: 187ff). The Group Areas Act (1950) is but one such example where the National Party Government "divided urban areas into zones where members of one specified race alone could live and work" (Thompson: 1990: 194). The homeland policy (implemented from 1963, but legislated from 1971 in the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The Development of a Generic Framework for the Implementation of Cheap, Component-Based Virtual Video-Conferencing System
- Panagou, Soteri, Bangay, Shaun D
- Authors: Panagou, Soteri , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72903 ,
- Description: We address the problem of virtual-videoconferencing. The proposed solution is effected in terms of a generic framework based on an in-house Virtual Reality system. The framework is composed of a number of distinct components: model acquisition, head tracking, expression analysis, network transmission and avatar reconstruction. The framework promises to provide a unique, cheap, and fast system for avatar construction, transmission and animation. This approach affords a conversion from the traditional video stream approach to the management of an avatar remotely and consequently makes minimal demands on network resources.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Panagou, Soteri , Bangay, Shaun D
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72903 ,
- Description: We address the problem of virtual-videoconferencing. The proposed solution is effected in terms of a generic framework based on an in-house Virtual Reality system. The framework is composed of a number of distinct components: model acquisition, head tracking, expression analysis, network transmission and avatar reconstruction. The framework promises to provide a unique, cheap, and fast system for avatar construction, transmission and animation. This approach affords a conversion from the traditional video stream approach to the management of an avatar remotely and consequently makes minimal demands on network resources.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The development of an immobilised-enzyme bioprobe for the detection of phenolic pollutants in water
- Authors: Russell, Ingrid Margaret
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Pollutants , Chemical reactors , Membrane reactors , Fungi -- Biotechnology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4069 , , Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Pollutants , Chemical reactors , Membrane reactors , Fungi -- Biotechnology
- Description: The possibility of developing an immobilised-enzyme bioprobe, based on mushroom polyphenol oxidase, for the purely biological detection and quantification of phenolic pollutants in water was investigated. Polyphenol oxidase catalyses the bioconversion of many phenolic compounds into quinone-related coloured products. Thus, in an immobilised form, the enzyme serves as a visible indicator of the presence and concentration of phenolic pollutants in water. The objective of this research was to develop a portable, disposable bioprobe incorporating polyphenol oxidase for this purpose. The intensity of the colour changes produced by the enzyme on reaction with p-cresol, p-chlorophenol and phenol was found to increase proportionally with increasing concentrations of these substrates in solution. Immobilisation of the enzyme on various supports did not appear to significantly affect the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The enzyme was immobilised by adsorption and cross-linking on polyethersulphone, nitrocellulose and nylon membranes with the production of various colour ranges on reaction with the phenolic substrates. The most successful immobilisation of the enzyme, in terms of quantity and distribution of enzyme immobilised and colour production, was obtained with the enzyme immobilised by adsorption on nylon membranes in the presence of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH). The enzyme, immobilised using this method, produced ranges of maroon colours in phenolic solutions and orange colours in cresylic solutions. The colour intensities produced were found to increase proportionally with increasing substrate concentration after 5 minutes exposure to the substrates. The bioprobe had a broad substrate specificity and was sensitive to substrate concentrations down to 0.05 mg/L. The enzyme activity of the bioprobe was not significantly affected in a pH range from 4 to 10 and in a temperature range from 5-25⁰C. The bioprobe activity was not affected by various concentrations of salt and metal ions and the bioprobe was able to detect and semi-quantify phenolic substrates in industrial effluent samples. These features of the bioprobe indicate that the commercialisation of such a bioprobe is feasible and this technology has been patented (Patent No. SA 97/0227). , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Russell, Ingrid Margaret
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Pollutants , Chemical reactors , Membrane reactors , Fungi -- Biotechnology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4069 , , Pollutants -- Biodegradation , Pollutants , Chemical reactors , Membrane reactors , Fungi -- Biotechnology
- Description: The possibility of developing an immobilised-enzyme bioprobe, based on mushroom polyphenol oxidase, for the purely biological detection and quantification of phenolic pollutants in water was investigated. Polyphenol oxidase catalyses the bioconversion of many phenolic compounds into quinone-related coloured products. Thus, in an immobilised form, the enzyme serves as a visible indicator of the presence and concentration of phenolic pollutants in water. The objective of this research was to develop a portable, disposable bioprobe incorporating polyphenol oxidase for this purpose. The intensity of the colour changes produced by the enzyme on reaction with p-cresol, p-chlorophenol and phenol was found to increase proportionally with increasing concentrations of these substrates in solution. Immobilisation of the enzyme on various supports did not appear to significantly affect the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The enzyme was immobilised by adsorption and cross-linking on polyethersulphone, nitrocellulose and nylon membranes with the production of various colour ranges on reaction with the phenolic substrates. The most successful immobilisation of the enzyme, in terms of quantity and distribution of enzyme immobilised and colour production, was obtained with the enzyme immobilised by adsorption on nylon membranes in the presence of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH). The enzyme, immobilised using this method, produced ranges of maroon colours in phenolic solutions and orange colours in cresylic solutions. The colour intensities produced were found to increase proportionally with increasing substrate concentration after 5 minutes exposure to the substrates. The bioprobe had a broad substrate specificity and was sensitive to substrate concentrations down to 0.05 mg/L. The enzyme activity of the bioprobe was not significantly affected in a pH range from 4 to 10 and in a temperature range from 5-25⁰C. The bioprobe activity was not affected by various concentrations of salt and metal ions and the bioprobe was able to detect and semi-quantify phenolic substrates in industrial effluent samples. These features of the bioprobe indicate that the commercialisation of such a bioprobe is feasible and this technology has been patented (Patent No. SA 97/0227). , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The dynamics of a subtropical lake fishery in central Mozambique
- Authors: Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Fisheries -- Chicamba, Lake Fisheries -- Mozambique
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5212 ,
- Description: Fisheries in African reservoirs are typically multi -species and in most cases the fish resource is harvested with a number of gears. These characteristics complicate their management and the development of management procedures. Typically, long time series of data on catch and effort and length- or age-based catch are not available for these fisheries. This precludes the use of data intensive methods such as multi-species virtual population analysis. The principal aim of this thesis was to develop a management procedure for African reservoir fisheries that takes into account the pertinent biological characteristics of the target species and accounts for the multi-species and multi-gear irIteractions in such fisheries. An opportunity availed itself to undertake this work on Lake ChicaIllba (19°08'S 33°08'E) a man-made hydroelectric dam in subtropical Mozambique (Manica province). The specific objectives of this study were: to obtain locality specific biological parameters for the target species in Lake ChicaIllba; to assess gear utilisation trends in the fishery through the determination of gear-selectivity, catch rate and effort for each of the principal gears used in the fishery; to assess the fishery using traditional per-recruit models and to test existing and new per-recruit models that account for the multi-species and multi-gear nature of the fishery and to determine the adequacy of each of these approaches in the determination of suitable target reference point (TRP) exploitation rates. The three principal specIes in Lake Chicamba are the introduced largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and two cichlids the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus and the redbreast tilapia, Tilapia rendalli. Sectioned otoliths were used for age and growth determination. Marginal zone analysis showed that annulus formation in all three species occurred during winter. The maximum-recorded age was 5 years for M. salmoides, 16 years for T. rendalli and 10 years for O. mossambicus. Growth of the three species was best described by the 3 parameter von Bertalanffy growth model as ℓa = 465.51 (1 - e⁻ₑ·ₑ⁷⁵⁽a⁺⁰·⁰⁰⁹⁾ mm FL for M salmoides; ℓa = 238.74 (1 - e⁻⁰⁶³⁶⁽a⁺⁰·⁹⁰⁵⁾) mm TL for T. rendalli; and ℓa = 266.06 (1 - e⁻⁰⁷⁹⁰⁴⁽a⁺⁰·²⁶⁹⁾) mm TL for 0. mossambicus. Female T. rendalli attained 50%-maturity at 2.89 years, while O. mossambicus matured at 2.83 years and M. salmoides at 0.9 years. Both cichlid species spawned throughout summer while M. salmoides had a very short spawning season from August to September. The total annual mortality rate (Z) for M. salmoides in Lake Chicamba was 1.27 yr⁻¹, the mean empirical estimate of natural mortality (M) was 0.73 yr⁻¹, and fishing mortality (F) was calculated at 0.54 yr⁻¹. For T. rendalli Z = 0.31 yr⁻¹, M = 0.20 yr⁻¹, F = 0.11 yr⁻¹ and for 0. mossambicus Z= 0.62 yr⁻¹, M= 0.38 yr⁻¹, F= 0.24 yr⁻¹. The three species exhibited reproductive traits, which implied a high reliance of recruitment on spawner stock (nest guarding in T. rendalli and M. salmoides and mouthbrooding in O. mossambicus). For this reason it was decided that the cichlid fisheries should be managed using TRPs which maintained the spawner biomass-per-recruit at 50% (FSB50) of pristine levels. However, based on good evidence it was hypothesised that the high rate of fishing mortality helped to maintain the fast growth rate of M. salmoides. It was, therefore, decided to manage this species at a TRP of F SB40. The three most important fishing sectors were the gill-net, seine-net and hook-and-line fisheries. The total catch for 1996 was 223 t. The gill nets selected all three species at a size/age approximating 50%-maturity while the seine-net and hook-and-line fisheries selected mainly juvenile fishes. There was strong evidence to suggest that seine net fishing also disrupted spawning. It was shown that the 'traditional' single-species per-recruit models were unsuitable to assess multi-species and multi-gear reservoir fisheries. Since existing multi-species/multifishery yield-per-recruit models were not capable of defining FsB(x) TRPs, a new multispecies/ multi-fishery spawner-biomass-per-recruit approach was developed. This approach allowed for the simulation of the response of spawner biomass-per-recruit to changes in effort in the three fishery sectors, simultaneously. The models showed that the spawner biomass-per-recruit, at current effort levels, was higher than the suggested TRP for the three species. However, it was shown that an increase of 10% in current total effort would reduce spawner biomass-per-recruit to below the recommended TRP levels. With the closure of the seine-net fishery, gill-net effort could be increased to 338 fishers (340 for management purposes) and effort in the hook-and-line fishery could be increased by 30% before the TRP was reached. To maintain the fish stocks above TRP levels, effort control was considered to be the most effective management method. The main recommendations for Lake Chicamba were to close the seine-net fishery, to limit the gill-net fishery to 340 fishers (using 137-m long x 3-m deep gill nets) and to maintain the open access nature of the hook-and-line fishery. The multi-species/multi-fishery per-recruit approach allows for the meaningful simulation of various scenarios and provides relatively robust management options. In the absence of long time series of effort and age- or length-based catch data, this approach was considered as the most suitable assessment method for multi-species/multi-gear African reservoir fisheries.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Fisheries -- Chicamba, Lake Fisheries -- Mozambique
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5212 ,
- Description: Fisheries in African reservoirs are typically multi -species and in most cases the fish resource is harvested with a number of gears. These characteristics complicate their management and the development of management procedures. Typically, long time series of data on catch and effort and length- or age-based catch are not available for these fisheries. This precludes the use of data intensive methods such as multi-species virtual population analysis. The principal aim of this thesis was to develop a management procedure for African reservoir fisheries that takes into account the pertinent biological characteristics of the target species and accounts for the multi-species and multi-gear irIteractions in such fisheries. An opportunity availed itself to undertake this work on Lake ChicaIllba (19°08'S 33°08'E) a man-made hydroelectric dam in subtropical Mozambique (Manica province). The specific objectives of this study were: to obtain locality specific biological parameters for the target species in Lake ChicaIllba; to assess gear utilisation trends in the fishery through the determination of gear-selectivity, catch rate and effort for each of the principal gears used in the fishery; to assess the fishery using traditional per-recruit models and to test existing and new per-recruit models that account for the multi-species and multi-gear nature of the fishery and to determine the adequacy of each of these approaches in the determination of suitable target reference point (TRP) exploitation rates. The three principal specIes in Lake Chicamba are the introduced largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and two cichlids the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus and the redbreast tilapia, Tilapia rendalli. Sectioned otoliths were used for age and growth determination. Marginal zone analysis showed that annulus formation in all three species occurred during winter. The maximum-recorded age was 5 years for M. salmoides, 16 years for T. rendalli and 10 years for O. mossambicus. Growth of the three species was best described by the 3 parameter von Bertalanffy growth model as ℓa = 465.51 (1 - e⁻ₑ·ₑ⁷⁵⁽a⁺⁰·⁰⁰⁹⁾ mm FL for M salmoides; ℓa = 238.74 (1 - e⁻⁰⁶³⁶⁽a⁺⁰·⁹⁰⁵⁾) mm TL for T. rendalli; and ℓa = 266.06 (1 - e⁻⁰⁷⁹⁰⁴⁽a⁺⁰·²⁶⁹⁾) mm TL for 0. mossambicus. Female T. rendalli attained 50%-maturity at 2.89 years, while O. mossambicus matured at 2.83 years and M. salmoides at 0.9 years. Both cichlid species spawned throughout summer while M. salmoides had a very short spawning season from August to September. The total annual mortality rate (Z) for M. salmoides in Lake Chicamba was 1.27 yr⁻¹, the mean empirical estimate of natural mortality (M) was 0.73 yr⁻¹, and fishing mortality (F) was calculated at 0.54 yr⁻¹. For T. rendalli Z = 0.31 yr⁻¹, M = 0.20 yr⁻¹, F = 0.11 yr⁻¹ and for 0. mossambicus Z= 0.62 yr⁻¹, M= 0.38 yr⁻¹, F= 0.24 yr⁻¹. The three species exhibited reproductive traits, which implied a high reliance of recruitment on spawner stock (nest guarding in T. rendalli and M. salmoides and mouthbrooding in O. mossambicus). For this reason it was decided that the cichlid fisheries should be managed using TRPs which maintained the spawner biomass-per-recruit at 50% (FSB50) of pristine levels. However, based on good evidence it was hypothesised that the high rate of fishing mortality helped to maintain the fast growth rate of M. salmoides. It was, therefore, decided to manage this species at a TRP of F SB40. The three most important fishing sectors were the gill-net, seine-net and hook-and-line fisheries. The total catch for 1996 was 223 t. The gill nets selected all three species at a size/age approximating 50%-maturity while the seine-net and hook-and-line fisheries selected mainly juvenile fishes. There was strong evidence to suggest that seine net fishing also disrupted spawning. It was shown that the 'traditional' single-species per-recruit models were unsuitable to assess multi-species and multi-gear reservoir fisheries. Since existing multi-species/multifishery yield-per-recruit models were not capable of defining FsB(x) TRPs, a new multispecies/ multi-fishery spawner-biomass-per-recruit approach was developed. This approach allowed for the simulation of the response of spawner biomass-per-recruit to changes in effort in the three fishery sectors, simultaneously. The models showed that the spawner biomass-per-recruit, at current effort levels, was higher than the suggested TRP for the three species. However, it was shown that an increase of 10% in current total effort would reduce spawner biomass-per-recruit to below the recommended TRP levels. With the closure of the seine-net fishery, gill-net effort could be increased to 338 fishers (340 for management purposes) and effort in the hook-and-line fishery could be increased by 30% before the TRP was reached. To maintain the fish stocks above TRP levels, effort control was considered to be the most effective management method. The main recommendations for Lake Chicamba were to close the seine-net fishery, to limit the gill-net fishery to 340 fishers (using 137-m long x 3-m deep gill nets) and to maintain the open access nature of the hook-and-line fishery. The multi-species/multi-fishery per-recruit approach allows for the meaningful simulation of various scenarios and provides relatively robust management options. In the absence of long time series of effort and age- or length-based catch data, this approach was considered as the most suitable assessment method for multi-species/multi-gear African reservoir fisheries.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The effect of combined vitamin E succinate and ascorbic acid supplementation on growth and cyclooxygenase expression in murine melanoma (BL6) cells
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Megan Lynne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3982 , , Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Description: This thesis examines the effect of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc supplementation on the in vitro growth of a non-malignant monkey kidney (LLCMK) and a malignant melanoma (BL6) cell line, with nutritional concentration ranges of 5-20µg/ml and 25-50µg/ml respectively. Vitamin E and C are thought to interact synergistically to inhibit tumour cell growth by virtue of their antioxidant properties, whereby they quench free radicals and terminate lipid peroxidation. Furthermore vitamin E and C are thought to modulate the biosynthetic pathways in arachidonic acid metabolism at a number of different points. This may also offer a means of regulating tumour cell growth. It is well documented that vitamin E and C are distributed in the lipid and aqueous phases in the cell respectively. However, the cells need to obtain the vitamins from the environment in which they are found in order to exert a growth inhibitory effect. Supplementation of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc on BL6 and LLCMK cells resulted in a significant increase in LLCMK cell growth, and a significant decrease in cell growth was observed in BL6 cells. Vitamin E succinate in its esterified form cannot function as an antioxidant and requires the cleavage of the succinate to become an active antioxidant. The metabolism of vitamin E succinate to form free vitamin E in LLCMK and BL6 cells resulted in the cleavage of the succinate group from the vitamin E molecule in BL6 cells only, thus suggesting that an esterase may be present in BL6 cells. This would allow for a synergistic interaction between the two vitamins. The arachidonic acid cascade generates a family of bioactive lipids that modulate diverse physiological and pathological responses including tumour growth and promotion. The enzyme prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS) or cyclooxygenase (Cox) is the key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of prostaglandins. Two enzyme isoforms of Cox have been identified, Cox 1 and Cox 2. Supplementation with vitamin E succinate and Asc at a combination 20:25µg/ml respectively resulted in a trend of increasing Cox activity over 12 hours suggesting that vitamin E and Asc have a stimulatory effect on Cox activity in BL6 cells. The inhibitors of Cox 2, dexamethasone, showed a decreasing trend in Cox activity at the 20:25µg/ml combination, while cycloheximide showed an initial stimulatory effect and then a gradual decrease in Cox activity. The elimination of the Cox activity by dexamethasone suggests that transcriptional regulation may be occurring in BL6 cells. We examined by Northern blot analysis whether combined supplementation of vitamin E succinate and Asc caused an elevation of Cox 2 RNA expression in BL6 cells. An inducible effect of Cox 2 was observed after 2 hours of supplementation with a combination of vitamin E succinate and Asc in BL6 cells, however the results are inconclusive and further studies are required to substantiate this finding.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Megan Lynne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3982 , , Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Description: This thesis examines the effect of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc supplementation on the in vitro growth of a non-malignant monkey kidney (LLCMK) and a malignant melanoma (BL6) cell line, with nutritional concentration ranges of 5-20µg/ml and 25-50µg/ml respectively. Vitamin E and C are thought to interact synergistically to inhibit tumour cell growth by virtue of their antioxidant properties, whereby they quench free radicals and terminate lipid peroxidation. Furthermore vitamin E and C are thought to modulate the biosynthetic pathways in arachidonic acid metabolism at a number of different points. This may also offer a means of regulating tumour cell growth. It is well documented that vitamin E and C are distributed in the lipid and aqueous phases in the cell respectively. However, the cells need to obtain the vitamins from the environment in which they are found in order to exert a growth inhibitory effect. Supplementation of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc on BL6 and LLCMK cells resulted in a significant increase in LLCMK cell growth, and a significant decrease in cell growth was observed in BL6 cells. Vitamin E succinate in its esterified form cannot function as an antioxidant and requires the cleavage of the succinate to become an active antioxidant. The metabolism of vitamin E succinate to form free vitamin E in LLCMK and BL6 cells resulted in the cleavage of the succinate group from the vitamin E molecule in BL6 cells only, thus suggesting that an esterase may be present in BL6 cells. This would allow for a synergistic interaction between the two vitamins. The arachidonic acid cascade generates a family of bioactive lipids that modulate diverse physiological and pathological responses including tumour growth and promotion. The enzyme prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS) or cyclooxygenase (Cox) is the key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of prostaglandins. Two enzyme isoforms of Cox have been identified, Cox 1 and Cox 2. Supplementation with vitamin E succinate and Asc at a combination 20:25µg/ml respectively resulted in a trend of increasing Cox activity over 12 hours suggesting that vitamin E and Asc have a stimulatory effect on Cox activity in BL6 cells. The inhibitors of Cox 2, dexamethasone, showed a decreasing trend in Cox activity at the 20:25µg/ml combination, while cycloheximide showed an initial stimulatory effect and then a gradual decrease in Cox activity. The elimination of the Cox activity by dexamethasone suggests that transcriptional regulation may be occurring in BL6 cells. We examined by Northern blot analysis whether combined supplementation of vitamin E succinate and Asc caused an elevation of Cox 2 RNA expression in BL6 cells. An inducible effect of Cox 2 was observed after 2 hours of supplementation with a combination of vitamin E succinate and Asc in BL6 cells, however the results are inconclusive and further studies are required to substantiate this finding.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The effect of diet and age-at-weaning on growth and survival of clownfish Amphiprion percula (Pisces : Pomacentridae)
- Authors: Gordon, Andrew K
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Anemonefishes , Pomacentridae , Fishes -- Growth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5270 , , Anemonefishes , Pomacentridae , Fishes -- Growth
- Description: The aim of this study was to improve the rearing of common clownfish Amphiprion percula, by weaning juveniles from a live feed to a formulated feed as early as possible, while still maintaining good growth and survival. The growth response of A. percula to a formulated dry feed was initially investigated. There was no difference in growth rate of juveniles fed a formulated feed, and the formulated feed supplemented with either Artemia or a Donax serra / Penaeus indicus combination. Amphiprion percula readily consumed the formulated feed, and the fishmeal/casein combination appeared an acceptable protein source. As the amount of protein included in a diet can have a profound effect on growth, the optimal dietary protein level for juvenile A. percula was investigated by feeding semipurified diets containing graded levels of protein, ranging from 40-65%. There was no difference in the growth rates of juveniles fed the various diets, however all diets promoted good growth with an average weight gain of 419%, and thus for the purposes of this study the diet formulation was deemed adequate. The histological study of the digestive system of larval A. percula revealed that the alimentary canal was advanced at hatching and that larvae start exogenous feeding immediately. Three days after hatch (DAH) the yolk sac is completely absorbed. In the hind-gut epithelium of 5-day-old larvae small supranuclear inclusion vacuoles appear, suggesting pinocytotic digestion, and by 7 DAH gastric glands are established in the epithelium of the stomach. Nine DAH supranuclear inclusion vacuoles appear in the epithelium of the mid-gut, indicating extracellular digestion and absorption across the lumen. As pinocytotic digestion of protein is less efficient than extracellular digestion, especially in the case of formulated feeds, it was hypothesised that the digestive system of A. percula could only effectively digest formulated feeds 9 DAH onwards. The two weaning experiments designed to test this hypothesis revealed that A. percula was able to utilise the formulated feed, without reduction in survival, from 7 DAH onwards. However, in terms of growth, the optimal time to wean juveniles from the live feed to the formulated dry feed was between 15 to 20 DAH. As A. percula accept a formulated feed and can benefit nutritionally from it, the dependence of larvae and juveniles on live feed can be reduced. This study has shown that the rearing of A. percula can been simplified and improved by weaning from 7 DAH with no reduction in survival, and from 15 to 20 DAH with no reduction in growth.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Gordon, Andrew K
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Anemonefishes , Pomacentridae , Fishes -- Growth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5270 , , Anemonefishes , Pomacentridae , Fishes -- Growth
- Description: The aim of this study was to improve the rearing of common clownfish Amphiprion percula, by weaning juveniles from a live feed to a formulated feed as early as possible, while still maintaining good growth and survival. The growth response of A. percula to a formulated dry feed was initially investigated. There was no difference in growth rate of juveniles fed a formulated feed, and the formulated feed supplemented with either Artemia or a Donax serra / Penaeus indicus combination. Amphiprion percula readily consumed the formulated feed, and the fishmeal/casein combination appeared an acceptable protein source. As the amount of protein included in a diet can have a profound effect on growth, the optimal dietary protein level for juvenile A. percula was investigated by feeding semipurified diets containing graded levels of protein, ranging from 40-65%. There was no difference in the growth rates of juveniles fed the various diets, however all diets promoted good growth with an average weight gain of 419%, and thus for the purposes of this study the diet formulation was deemed adequate. The histological study of the digestive system of larval A. percula revealed that the alimentary canal was advanced at hatching and that larvae start exogenous feeding immediately. Three days after hatch (DAH) the yolk sac is completely absorbed. In the hind-gut epithelium of 5-day-old larvae small supranuclear inclusion vacuoles appear, suggesting pinocytotic digestion, and by 7 DAH gastric glands are established in the epithelium of the stomach. Nine DAH supranuclear inclusion vacuoles appear in the epithelium of the mid-gut, indicating extracellular digestion and absorption across the lumen. As pinocytotic digestion of protein is less efficient than extracellular digestion, especially in the case of formulated feeds, it was hypothesised that the digestive system of A. percula could only effectively digest formulated feeds 9 DAH onwards. The two weaning experiments designed to test this hypothesis revealed that A. percula was able to utilise the formulated feed, without reduction in survival, from 7 DAH onwards. However, in terms of growth, the optimal time to wean juveniles from the live feed to the formulated dry feed was between 15 to 20 DAH. As A. percula accept a formulated feed and can benefit nutritionally from it, the dependence of larvae and juveniles on live feed can be reduced. This study has shown that the rearing of A. percula can been simplified and improved by weaning from 7 DAH with no reduction in survival, and from 15 to 20 DAH with no reduction in growth.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The haunted bedroom: female sexual identity in Gothic literature, 1790-1820
- Authors: Rae, Angela Lynn
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797 -- Criticism and interpretation , Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 -- Criticism and interpretation , Gothic literature , Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823 Criticism and interpretation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2251 , , Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797 -- Criticism and interpretation , Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 -- Criticism and interpretation , Gothic literature , Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823 Criticism and interpretation
- Description: This thesis explores the relationship between the Female Gothic novel of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and the social context of women at that time. In the examination of the primary works of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley, this study investigates how these female writers work within the Gothic genre to explore issues related to the role of women in their society, in particular those concerned with sexual identity. It is contended that the Gothic genre provides these authors with the ideal vehicle through which to critique the patriarchal definition of the female, a definition which confines and marginalizes women, denying the female any sexual autonomy. The Introduction defines the scope of the thesis by delineating the differences between the Female Gothic and the Male Gothic. Arguing that the Female Gothic shuns the voyeuristic victimisation of women which characterizes much of the Male Gothic, it is contended that the Female Gothic is defined by its interest in, and exploration of, issues which concern the status of women in a patriarchy. It is asserted that it is this concern with female gender roles that connects the overtly radical work of Mary Wollstonecraft with the oblique critique evident in her contemporary, Ann Radcliffe’s, novels. It is these concerns too, which haunt Mary Shelley’s texts, published two decades later. Chapter One outlines the status of women in the patriarchal society of the late eighteenth century, a period marked by political and social upheaval. This period saw the increasing division of men and women into the “separate spheres” of the public and domestic worlds, and the consequent birth of the ideal of “Angel in the House” which became entrenched in the nineteenth century. The chapter examines how women writers were influenced by this social context and what effect it had on the presentation of female characters in their work, in particular in terms of their depiction of motherhood. Working from the premise that, in order to fully understand the portrayal of female sexuality in the texts, the depiction of the male must be examined, Chapter Two analyses the male characters in terms of their relationship to the heroines and/or the concept of the “feminine”. Although the male characters differ from text to text and author to author, it is argued that in their portrayal of “heroes and villains” the authors were providing a critique of the patriarchal system. While some of the texts depict male characters that challenge traditional stereotypes concerning masculinity, others outline the disastrous and sometimes fatal consequences for both men and women of the rigid gender divisions which disallow the male access to the emotional realm restricted by social prescriptions to the private, domestic world of the female. It is contended that, as such, all of the texts assert the necessity for male and female, masculine and feminine to be united on equal terms. Chapter Three interprets the heroine’s journey through sublime landscapes and mysterious buildings as a journey from childhood innocence to sexual maturity, illustrating the intrinsic link that exists between the settings of Gothic novels and female sexuality. The chapter first examines the authors’ use of the Burkean concept of the sublime and contends that the texts offer a significant revision of the concept. In contrast to Burke’s overtly masculinist definition of the sublime, the texts assert that the female can and does have access to it, and that this access can be used to overcome patriarchal oppression. Secondly, an analysis of the image of the castle and related structures reveals that they can symbolise both the patriarchy and the feminine body. Contending that the heroine’s experiences within these structures enable her to move from innocence to experience, it is asserted that the knowledge that she gains, during her journeys, of herself and of society allows her to assert her independence as a sexually adult woman.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Rae, Angela Lynn
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797 -- Criticism and interpretation , Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 -- Criticism and interpretation , Gothic literature , Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823 Criticism and interpretation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2251 , , Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797 -- Criticism and interpretation , Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 -- Criticism and interpretation , Gothic literature , Women and literature , Feminism and literature , Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823 Criticism and interpretation
- Description: This thesis explores the relationship between the Female Gothic novel of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and the social context of women at that time. In the examination of the primary works of Ann Radcliffe, Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley, this study investigates how these female writers work within the Gothic genre to explore issues related to the role of women in their society, in particular those concerned with sexual identity. It is contended that the Gothic genre provides these authors with the ideal vehicle through which to critique the patriarchal definition of the female, a definition which confines and marginalizes women, denying the female any sexual autonomy. The Introduction defines the scope of the thesis by delineating the differences between the Female Gothic and the Male Gothic. Arguing that the Female Gothic shuns the voyeuristic victimisation of women which characterizes much of the Male Gothic, it is contended that the Female Gothic is defined by its interest in, and exploration of, issues which concern the status of women in a patriarchy. It is asserted that it is this concern with female gender roles that connects the overtly radical work of Mary Wollstonecraft with the oblique critique evident in her contemporary, Ann Radcliffe’s, novels. It is these concerns too, which haunt Mary Shelley’s texts, published two decades later. Chapter One outlines the status of women in the patriarchal society of the late eighteenth century, a period marked by political and social upheaval. This period saw the increasing division of men and women into the “separate spheres” of the public and domestic worlds, and the consequent birth of the ideal of “Angel in the House” which became entrenched in the nineteenth century. The chapter examines how women writers were influenced by this social context and what effect it had on the presentation of female characters in their work, in particular in terms of their depiction of motherhood. Working from the premise that, in order to fully understand the portrayal of female sexuality in the texts, the depiction of the male must be examined, Chapter Two analyses the male characters in terms of their relationship to the heroines and/or the concept of the “feminine”. Although the male characters differ from text to text and author to author, it is argued that in their portrayal of “heroes and villains” the authors were providing a critique of the patriarchal system. While some of the texts depict male characters that challenge traditional stereotypes concerning masculinity, others outline the disastrous and sometimes fatal consequences for both men and women of the rigid gender divisions which disallow the male access to the emotional realm restricted by social prescriptions to the private, domestic world of the female. It is contended that, as such, all of the texts assert the necessity for male and female, masculine and feminine to be united on equal terms. Chapter Three interprets the heroine’s journey through sublime landscapes and mysterious buildings as a journey from childhood innocence to sexual maturity, illustrating the intrinsic link that exists between the settings of Gothic novels and female sexuality. The chapter first examines the authors’ use of the Burkean concept of the sublime and contends that the texts offer a significant revision of the concept. In contrast to Burke’s overtly masculinist definition of the sublime, the texts assert that the female can and does have access to it, and that this access can be used to overcome patriarchal oppression. Secondly, an analysis of the image of the castle and related structures reveals that they can symbolise both the patriarchy and the feminine body. Contending that the heroine’s experiences within these structures enable her to move from innocence to experience, it is asserted that the knowledge that she gains, during her journeys, of herself and of society allows her to assert her independence as a sexually adult woman.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The impact of water as a security issue on the Middle East peace process: 1991-1996
- Authors: Kaniaru, Wanjiku
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Middle East -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Arab-Israeli conflict, 1993- -- Peace , Water-supply -- Political aspects -- Middle East , Natural resources -- International cooperation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2785 , , Middle East -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Arab-Israeli conflict, 1993- -- Peace , Water-supply -- Political aspects -- Middle East , Natural resources -- International cooperation
- Description: In recent years, there has been increasing realisation that resource based conflicts constitute one of the most salient threats to the survival of mankind, namely, water. In particular, the fundamental link between water and security can no longer be ignored given the indispensable role of water in the sustenance of human life as well as crucial sectors of agriculture and industry. Since the flow of water does not respect political boundaries, co-operation in the utilisation of dwindling supplies remains the most sustainable option for the future in an era of ecological interdependence. This thesis endeavours to investigate the impact of water as a security issue on the Middle East peace process. This is done within the theoretical framework that is provided by the schools of complex interdependence and new security studies. With the demise of the cold war, and the emergence of an expanded security agenda, water is an important non-military threat especially in the Middle East region. However, even with an expanded security agenda, the case of the Middle East suggests that it remains difficult to discard the hierarchy of security issues advocated by the Realists. The ongoing debate between the schools of complex interdependence and Realism is instructive in determining whether co-operation over water issues, considered "low" politics, is attainable in the absence of resolving "high" politics concerns of territory and security. Given its profound security implications for the Middle East region, water has been accorded a central role in both the bilateral and multilateral peace negotiations. In the context of water scarcity, and rising demographic patterns, the role of water as a facilitator of regional co-operation remains critical. However, for multilateral co-operation over water resources to become a tangible reality, it is the contention of this thesis that both "low" politics issues of water and "high" polities concerns of territory as well as security must be addressed simultaneously.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Kaniaru, Wanjiku
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Middle East -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Arab-Israeli conflict, 1993- -- Peace , Water-supply -- Political aspects -- Middle East , Natural resources -- International cooperation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2785 , , Middle East -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Arab-Israeli conflict, 1993- -- Peace , Water-supply -- Political aspects -- Middle East , Natural resources -- International cooperation
- Description: In recent years, there has been increasing realisation that resource based conflicts constitute one of the most salient threats to the survival of mankind, namely, water. In particular, the fundamental link between water and security can no longer be ignored given the indispensable role of water in the sustenance of human life as well as crucial sectors of agriculture and industry. Since the flow of water does not respect political boundaries, co-operation in the utilisation of dwindling supplies remains the most sustainable option for the future in an era of ecological interdependence. This thesis endeavours to investigate the impact of water as a security issue on the Middle East peace process. This is done within the theoretical framework that is provided by the schools of complex interdependence and new security studies. With the demise of the cold war, and the emergence of an expanded security agenda, water is an important non-military threat especially in the Middle East region. However, even with an expanded security agenda, the case of the Middle East suggests that it remains difficult to discard the hierarchy of security issues advocated by the Realists. The ongoing debate between the schools of complex interdependence and Realism is instructive in determining whether co-operation over water issues, considered "low" politics, is attainable in the absence of resolving "high" politics concerns of territory and security. Given its profound security implications for the Middle East region, water has been accorded a central role in both the bilateral and multilateral peace negotiations. In the context of water scarcity, and rising demographic patterns, the role of water as a facilitator of regional co-operation remains critical. However, for multilateral co-operation over water resources to become a tangible reality, it is the contention of this thesis that both "low" politics issues of water and "high" polities concerns of territory as well as security must be addressed simultaneously.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The importance of personal and collective resources in coping with stressors related to industrial action at the Coldstream sawmill
- Authors: Besseling, Elizabeth Anne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Stress (Psychology) , Stress (Physiology) , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- Case studies , Coldstream (South africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2932 , , Stress (Psychology) , Stress (Physiology) , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- Case studies , Coldstream (South africa)
- Description: The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether the stress response moderators served as effective variables in reducing the stress of the strike. For instance, if individuals differ in' their ability to actualise resources, does someone with a high SOC utilise friendships or supportive relationships more than someone with a low SOC? Does someone who has a high score for religious practice become less depressed when faced with a significant stressor than someone less involved in church activities?
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Besseling, Elizabeth Anne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Stress (Psychology) , Stress (Physiology) , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- Case studies , Coldstream (South africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2932 , , Stress (Psychology) , Stress (Physiology) , Industrial relations -- South Africa -- Case studies , Coldstream (South africa)
- Description: The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether the stress response moderators served as effective variables in reducing the stress of the strike. For instance, if individuals differ in' their ability to actualise resources, does someone with a high SOC utilise friendships or supportive relationships more than someone with a low SOC? Does someone who has a high score for religious practice become less depressed when faced with a significant stressor than someone less involved in church activities?
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The isolation and characterisation of thermostable hydantoinases from hydantoinase-producing bacteria
- Authors: Phehane, Vuyisile Ntosi
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Hydantoin , Bacteria -- Physiology , Enzymes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3998 , , Hydantoin , Bacteria -- Physiology , Enzymes
- Description: In order to characterise thermostable hydantoin-hydrolysing enzymes from bacteria, locally-isolated thermophilic organisms were screened for the ability to convert hydantoin to N-carbamylglycine at 55°C using the hydantoinase enzyme. Cell disruption of a selected strain, RU-20-15, was conducted by French pressing to release enzyme from within the cell. In all of the experiments conducted, the amounts of product were low. In view of the low yields of products formed by the thermophiles, a previously-isolated Gram negative strain, RU-KM3L was selected from a number of mesophiles by screening for hydantoinase and carbamylase activity over a 40-55°C temperature range. Hydantoin conversion at 40°C using crude extract from pressed cells of this organism was similar to conversion at 50°C, and therefore subsequent assays were conducted at the higher temperature. The growth kinetics of RU-KM3L cells were studied and the enzyme activities of the extracts were compared in complete and chemically-defined media. The results suggested that the optimal time to harvest cells was at early stationary phase, when using complete medium for culture of cells; the specific activity of enzyme extracts produced by culture in complete medium was higher than that obtained in chemically-defined medium. 5-methylhydantoin was shown to be the preferred substrate for both the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes in the crude extract of RU-KM3L. The substrate specificity of the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of the crude RU-KM3L extract was observed to be altered in the presence of increasing amounts of hydantoin, 5,5-dihydrouracil (DHU) and 5-thiouracil (TU) as inducers, showing selectivity for 5-methylhydantoin over hydantoin at inducer concentrations of 0.1 to 1%. A limiting effect on the hydrolysis of 5-methylhydantoin was observed when DHU and 5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DMH) were used as inducers, while the limiting effect on hydantoin specificity was observed when DHU and TU were used as inducers. The limiting effect was observed to be dependent upon the concentration of inducer, and was not observed when hydantoin was used as an inducer. The optimal time for assay of the hydantoinase enzyme in crude extract preparations at 50°C was observed to be 3h. Alkaline conditions were shown to be optimal for both the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of RU-KM3L. Assay for enzyme activities of RU-KM3L extract in the presence of metal ions showed Mn²⁺ ions (and to a lesser extent, Co²⁺) to activate both the hydantoinase and carbamylase activities. Cu²⁺ ions were observed to inhibit the hydantoinase enzyme. In order to determine the location of the enzymes within the cell, cell debris from disrupted cells of RU-KM3L was removed by centrifugation. A decrease in enzyme activity in the supernatant was observed, and suggested association of the enzymes with the cell membrane. Ammonium sulfate fractionation experiments conducted on the crude extract provided further evidence for this result. Sonication of the crude enzyme extract was the only successful method for the releasing of membrane-associated enzyme. Of a number of strategies investigated, the use of sucrose at 50% (w/v) concentration was shown to preserve the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzyme activities during lyophilisation. Furthermore, assay for these enzyme activities showed the activities to be higher after lyophilisation in the presence of sucrose. However, sucrose did not increase the thermostability of lyophilised crude enzyme extracts. Water-miscible organic solvents at 1% concentration were shown to be inhibitory to the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of RU-KM3L, and the inhibition was also observed to increase with increasing concentrations of these solvents. Hydantoinase activity in the presence of water-immiscible organic solvents was shown to increase with an increase in the hydrophobicity of these solvents, but the activity observed was not significantly higher than activity in the absence of solvent when hydantoin and 5-methylhydantoin were used as substrates. The possibility of reversing the hydantoinase enzyme reaction by water-immiscible organic solvents was investigated, and the results obtained suggested that the reaction could be reversed. It was thought that the partitioning of substrates or products into hydrophobic organic solvents could influence the reaction equilibrium, but the partitioning observed was not sufficient to affect reaction rates. Peptide synthesis was shown to have occurred in small amounts when the hydantoinase reaction was carried out in the presence of water-immiscible organic solvents. In conclusion, the hydantoin-hydrolyzing enzyme activity of a crude extract preparation from the bacterial strain RU-KM3L was characterised at elevated temperatures, and in the presence of watermiscible and -immiscible organic solvents.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Phehane, Vuyisile Ntosi
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Hydantoin , Bacteria -- Physiology , Enzymes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3998 , , Hydantoin , Bacteria -- Physiology , Enzymes
- Description: In order to characterise thermostable hydantoin-hydrolysing enzymes from bacteria, locally-isolated thermophilic organisms were screened for the ability to convert hydantoin to N-carbamylglycine at 55°C using the hydantoinase enzyme. Cell disruption of a selected strain, RU-20-15, was conducted by French pressing to release enzyme from within the cell. In all of the experiments conducted, the amounts of product were low. In view of the low yields of products formed by the thermophiles, a previously-isolated Gram negative strain, RU-KM3L was selected from a number of mesophiles by screening for hydantoinase and carbamylase activity over a 40-55°C temperature range. Hydantoin conversion at 40°C using crude extract from pressed cells of this organism was similar to conversion at 50°C, and therefore subsequent assays were conducted at the higher temperature. The growth kinetics of RU-KM3L cells were studied and the enzyme activities of the extracts were compared in complete and chemically-defined media. The results suggested that the optimal time to harvest cells was at early stationary phase, when using complete medium for culture of cells; the specific activity of enzyme extracts produced by culture in complete medium was higher than that obtained in chemically-defined medium. 5-methylhydantoin was shown to be the preferred substrate for both the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes in the crude extract of RU-KM3L. The substrate specificity of the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of the crude RU-KM3L extract was observed to be altered in the presence of increasing amounts of hydantoin, 5,5-dihydrouracil (DHU) and 5-thiouracil (TU) as inducers, showing selectivity for 5-methylhydantoin over hydantoin at inducer concentrations of 0.1 to 1%. A limiting effect on the hydrolysis of 5-methylhydantoin was observed when DHU and 5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DMH) were used as inducers, while the limiting effect on hydantoin specificity was observed when DHU and TU were used as inducers. The limiting effect was observed to be dependent upon the concentration of inducer, and was not observed when hydantoin was used as an inducer. The optimal time for assay of the hydantoinase enzyme in crude extract preparations at 50°C was observed to be 3h. Alkaline conditions were shown to be optimal for both the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of RU-KM3L. Assay for enzyme activities of RU-KM3L extract in the presence of metal ions showed Mn²⁺ ions (and to a lesser extent, Co²⁺) to activate both the hydantoinase and carbamylase activities. Cu²⁺ ions were observed to inhibit the hydantoinase enzyme. In order to determine the location of the enzymes within the cell, cell debris from disrupted cells of RU-KM3L was removed by centrifugation. A decrease in enzyme activity in the supernatant was observed, and suggested association of the enzymes with the cell membrane. Ammonium sulfate fractionation experiments conducted on the crude extract provided further evidence for this result. Sonication of the crude enzyme extract was the only successful method for the releasing of membrane-associated enzyme. Of a number of strategies investigated, the use of sucrose at 50% (w/v) concentration was shown to preserve the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzyme activities during lyophilisation. Furthermore, assay for these enzyme activities showed the activities to be higher after lyophilisation in the presence of sucrose. However, sucrose did not increase the thermostability of lyophilised crude enzyme extracts. Water-miscible organic solvents at 1% concentration were shown to be inhibitory to the hydantoinase and carbamylase enzymes of RU-KM3L, and the inhibition was also observed to increase with increasing concentrations of these solvents. Hydantoinase activity in the presence of water-immiscible organic solvents was shown to increase with an increase in the hydrophobicity of these solvents, but the activity observed was not significantly higher than activity in the absence of solvent when hydantoin and 5-methylhydantoin were used as substrates. The possibility of reversing the hydantoinase enzyme reaction by water-immiscible organic solvents was investigated, and the results obtained suggested that the reaction could be reversed. It was thought that the partitioning of substrates or products into hydrophobic organic solvents could influence the reaction equilibrium, but the partitioning observed was not sufficient to affect reaction rates. Peptide synthesis was shown to have occurred in small amounts when the hydantoinase reaction was carried out in the presence of water-immiscible organic solvents. In conclusion, the hydantoin-hydrolyzing enzyme activity of a crude extract preparation from the bacterial strain RU-KM3L was characterised at elevated temperatures, and in the presence of watermiscible and -immiscible organic solvents.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The legal position of unmarried fathers in the adoption process after Fraser v Children's Court, Pretoria North, and others 1997 (2) SA 261 (CC) : towards a constitutionally-sound adoption statute
- Schäfer, Lawrence Ivan, 1972-
- Authors: Schäfer, Lawrence Ivan, 1972-
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Case studies , Children's rights -- South Africa , Adoption -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3694 , , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Case studies , Children's rights -- South Africa , Adoption -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The subject-matter of this thesis is the rule, previously contained in section 18(4)(d) of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983, in terms of which a mother could surrender her child born out of wedlock for adoption without the consent of its father. This section was struck down as unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in Fraser v Children's Court, Pretoria North and others 1997 (2) SA 261 (CC), on the grounds that it violated an unmarried father’s constitutional rights to equality and non-discrimination. In the light of this judgment, this thesis seeks to articulate the constitutional parameters within which section 18(4)(d) must be amended. The requirements of Fraser are identified and discussed. Regard is also had to other constitutional rights upon which Fraser might have been decided; in particular, an unmarried father’s right to procedural fairness, and his child’s right to family or parental care. Case law from the United States, Canada, Ireland and the European Court of Human Rights is also discussed. The end product of this examination is an exposition of the various constitutional rights which vest in the father of a child born out of wedlock. A separate exposition is given of the distinct rights which vest in all children in the adoption process. The latter set of rights is drawn both from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 96 of 1996, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The thesis then proceeds to examine the Adoption Matters Amendment Act 56 of 1998, which was enacted in response to Fraser. The consent and notice provisions of adoption statutes in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland and England are also examined, and compared to the provisions of the Adoption Matters Amendment Act. The object, here, is two-fold: first, to consider the practical value of this Act; and second, to consider whether it satisfies the constitutional requirements identified earlier in this thesis. The thesis concludes with suggestions for the improvement of this Act.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Schäfer, Lawrence Ivan, 1972-
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Case studies , Children's rights -- South Africa , Adoption -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3694 , , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa , Unmarried fathers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Case studies , Children's rights -- South Africa , Adoption -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The subject-matter of this thesis is the rule, previously contained in section 18(4)(d) of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983, in terms of which a mother could surrender her child born out of wedlock for adoption without the consent of its father. This section was struck down as unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in Fraser v Children's Court, Pretoria North and others 1997 (2) SA 261 (CC), on the grounds that it violated an unmarried father’s constitutional rights to equality and non-discrimination. In the light of this judgment, this thesis seeks to articulate the constitutional parameters within which section 18(4)(d) must be amended. The requirements of Fraser are identified and discussed. Regard is also had to other constitutional rights upon which Fraser might have been decided; in particular, an unmarried father’s right to procedural fairness, and his child’s right to family or parental care. Case law from the United States, Canada, Ireland and the European Court of Human Rights is also discussed. The end product of this examination is an exposition of the various constitutional rights which vest in the father of a child born out of wedlock. A separate exposition is given of the distinct rights which vest in all children in the adoption process. The latter set of rights is drawn both from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 96 of 1996, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The thesis then proceeds to examine the Adoption Matters Amendment Act 56 of 1998, which was enacted in response to Fraser. The consent and notice provisions of adoption statutes in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland and England are also examined, and compared to the provisions of the Adoption Matters Amendment Act. The object, here, is two-fold: first, to consider the practical value of this Act; and second, to consider whether it satisfies the constitutional requirements identified earlier in this thesis. The thesis concludes with suggestions for the improvement of this Act.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The market for commercial farm land in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa as a means of redistribution:
- Antrobus, Geoffrey G, Fraser, Gavin C G
- Authors: Antrobus, Geoffrey G , Fraser, Gavin C G
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38194 , DOI: 10.4314/rosas.v3i1.22991
- Description: The election promise of the majority party in the new South African government was to redistribute 30% of the agricultural land in the hands of Whites within a period of 5 years. Transfers of land in the Eastern Cape Province are examined as a case study. While 60% of the total number of Eastern Cape farms changed hands over 5 years, these constituted only 19% of the surface area. A large proportion of rural transfers were small (less than 5 hectares) peri-urban properties which cannot all be considered as viable farming units. At average prices about R1 to R2 billion would be required to establish new farmers on land with the necessary livestock, machinery and equipment. Resource poor new entrants would need a major state contribution to make initial entry and subsequent survival feasible. To achieve their goal through market transfers the government would need to either substantially lengthen its time horizon or lower its target.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Antrobus, Geoffrey G , Fraser, Gavin C G
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38194 , DOI: 10.4314/rosas.v3i1.22991
- Description: The election promise of the majority party in the new South African government was to redistribute 30% of the agricultural land in the hands of Whites within a period of 5 years. Transfers of land in the Eastern Cape Province are examined as a case study. While 60% of the total number of Eastern Cape farms changed hands over 5 years, these constituted only 19% of the surface area. A large proportion of rural transfers were small (less than 5 hectares) peri-urban properties which cannot all be considered as viable farming units. At average prices about R1 to R2 billion would be required to establish new farmers on land with the necessary livestock, machinery and equipment. Resource poor new entrants would need a major state contribution to make initial entry and subsequent survival feasible. To achieve their goal through market transfers the government would need to either substantially lengthen its time horizon or lower its target.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The power behind the scenes: the Afrikaner Nationalist Women's Parties, 1915 to 1931.
- Authors: Vincent, Louise
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38005 , DOI: 10.1080/02582479908671348
- Description: The Enlightenment expectation was that political identity based on ethnic nationalist sentiments would gradually give way to more ‘rational’ forms of association. That expectation has, in the late twentieth century, proved somewhat premature. The explosion of ethnic nationalist conflicts onto the international stage in the post-Cold War era has brought with it a renewed intellectual interest in the politics of nationalism and ethnicity. In response to the need for new avenues of inquiry amidst a vast and growing literature, Anthony Smith’s work on national identity appeals for a research agenda which treats nations and nationalism as cultural phenomena as well as forms of politics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Vincent, Louise
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38005 , DOI: 10.1080/02582479908671348
- Description: The Enlightenment expectation was that political identity based on ethnic nationalist sentiments would gradually give way to more ‘rational’ forms of association. That expectation has, in the late twentieth century, proved somewhat premature. The explosion of ethnic nationalist conflicts onto the international stage in the post-Cold War era has brought with it a renewed intellectual interest in the politics of nationalism and ethnicity. In response to the need for new avenues of inquiry amidst a vast and growing literature, Anthony Smith’s work on national identity appeals for a research agenda which treats nations and nationalism as cultural phenomena as well as forms of politics.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The process of learning and teaching in supplemental instruction groups at Rhodes University
- Authors: Vorster, Jo-Anne Elizabeth
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Group work in education , Team learning approach in education , College teaching -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3081 , , Group work in education , Team learning approach in education , College teaching -- South Africa
- Description: This thesis investigates the process of peer collaborative learning in three Supplemental Instruction (SI) groups at Rhodes University. The roles of the SI leader, the students and the task in the peer-collaborative learning-teaching process were researched. The research is rooted in sociocultural theories of learning and development. The notion of activity is thus central to this investigation. The tasks, goals and interactions in the SI sessions were analysed in order to arrive at an understanding of the process of learning-teaching in each of the three SI sessions. A method of analysis devised by Van Vlaenderen to study the process of everyday cognition in the problem solving activities of community activists (1997) was adapted for this study. The method of analysis was used to study the interaction processes of participants in the SI groups. Each interaction between the SI participants was broken into its constituent parts and labeled in terms of the goals of the interactions in relation to the preceding interaction or operation, the task or subtask under discussion, and the SI session as a whole. Data from the analysis of the activity were quantified in order to assess the quality of the learning-teaching process. A qualitative analysis of the patterns of mediation was used in conjunction with the quantified data of interaction patterns to draw conclusions about the nature of the peer collaborative learning-teaching process in the three SI sessions. The research findings indicate that the nature of the SI task is crucial; students in SI need to be able and willing to participate; and the facilitation style of the SI leader plays a role in determining the quality of the activity in the SI session. The thesis explicates learning-teaching activity that results in higher order learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Vorster, Jo-Anne Elizabeth
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Group work in education , Team learning approach in education , College teaching -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3081 , , Group work in education , Team learning approach in education , College teaching -- South Africa
- Description: This thesis investigates the process of peer collaborative learning in three Supplemental Instruction (SI) groups at Rhodes University. The roles of the SI leader, the students and the task in the peer-collaborative learning-teaching process were researched. The research is rooted in sociocultural theories of learning and development. The notion of activity is thus central to this investigation. The tasks, goals and interactions in the SI sessions were analysed in order to arrive at an understanding of the process of learning-teaching in each of the three SI sessions. A method of analysis devised by Van Vlaenderen to study the process of everyday cognition in the problem solving activities of community activists (1997) was adapted for this study. The method of analysis was used to study the interaction processes of participants in the SI groups. Each interaction between the SI participants was broken into its constituent parts and labeled in terms of the goals of the interactions in relation to the preceding interaction or operation, the task or subtask under discussion, and the SI session as a whole. Data from the analysis of the activity were quantified in order to assess the quality of the learning-teaching process. A qualitative analysis of the patterns of mediation was used in conjunction with the quantified data of interaction patterns to draw conclusions about the nature of the peer collaborative learning-teaching process in the three SI sessions. The research findings indicate that the nature of the SI task is crucial; students in SI need to be able and willing to participate; and the facilitation style of the SI leader plays a role in determining the quality of the activity in the SI session. The thesis explicates learning-teaching activity that results in higher order learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The psychological adjustment of middle managers after revolutionary organisational change
- Authors: Coates, Nicholas Robert
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Psychology, Industrial -- South Africa Organizational change -- South Africa Organizational change -- Psychological aspects Management -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:3190 ,
- Description:
With the accelerated process of political and socio-economic transformation in South Africa, revolutionary organisational change has become a given in contemporary South African business life (Human & Horwitz, 1992). For revolutionary organisational change to succeed in South Africa, middle managers who represent the 'cement' of the organisation, need to adjust at the individual level. However, the literature on organisational change remains curiously silent about individual adjustment (Ashford, 1988). The goals of the research were firstly, to recount the middle manager's perceptions and experiences of revolutionary organisational change. Secondly, to detail the psychological re-
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Coates, Nicholas Robert
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Psychology, Industrial -- South Africa Organizational change -- South Africa Organizational change -- Psychological aspects Management -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:3190 ,
- Description:
With the accelerated process of political and socio-economic transformation in South Africa, revolutionary organisational change has become a given in contemporary South African business life (Human & Horwitz, 1992). For revolutionary organisational change to succeed in South Africa, middle managers who represent the 'cement' of the organisation, need to adjust at the individual level. However, the literature on organisational change remains curiously silent about individual adjustment (Ashford, 1988). The goals of the research were firstly, to recount the middle manager's perceptions and experiences of revolutionary organisational change. Secondly, to detail the psychological re-
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- Date Issued: 1999
The relative influence of value priorities ethnicity and worries in the determination of political party affiliation amongst Ugandan university students
- Authors: Kibanja, Grace M
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Political psychology , Uganda -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Students -- Uganda -- Political activity , College students -- Uganda -- Psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3003 , , Political psychology , Uganda -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Students -- Uganda -- Political activity , College students -- Uganda -- Psychology
- Description: This study examines the relative influence of value priorities, ethnicity and 'worries' in the determination of political party affiliation amongst Ugandan university students. Schwartz's values questionnaire was administered to 309 male and 176 female first year students from the faculties of engineering, medicine, law, commerce, social sciences, sciences, education and mass communication at Makerere University Uganda. The sample included respondents from all of the six sub-ethnic groups in Uganda. Respondents also covered the major religious groups in the country and were also representative of the major political parties. Results from the statistical analysis on the data show that ethnicity and certain values playa role in the determination of these students' affiliation to a political party. Chi-square results show that achievement, benevolence, universalism, security, tradition and conformity values are given differing importance across political parties. And, Anova results show that the tradition value has a significant mean difference across parties. Other factors such as religion and course of study are also found to have significant influence on these student's affiliation to political parties. Although 'worries' are found not to have a significant influence on student's political party affiliation, findings show that students from different political parties differ in their ratings of the different types of ' worries'. Therefore results show that ethnicity and value priorities do infl4ence these students' affiliation to a political party but ' worries' do not. The discussion section explores these findings in the context of contemporary Ugandan politics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Kibanja, Grace M
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Political psychology , Uganda -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Students -- Uganda -- Political activity , College students -- Uganda -- Psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3003 , , Political psychology , Uganda -- Politics and government -- 1979- , Students -- Uganda -- Political activity , College students -- Uganda -- Psychology
- Description: This study examines the relative influence of value priorities, ethnicity and 'worries' in the determination of political party affiliation amongst Ugandan university students. Schwartz's values questionnaire was administered to 309 male and 176 female first year students from the faculties of engineering, medicine, law, commerce, social sciences, sciences, education and mass communication at Makerere University Uganda. The sample included respondents from all of the six sub-ethnic groups in Uganda. Respondents also covered the major religious groups in the country and were also representative of the major political parties. Results from the statistical analysis on the data show that ethnicity and certain values playa role in the determination of these students' affiliation to a political party. Chi-square results show that achievement, benevolence, universalism, security, tradition and conformity values are given differing importance across political parties. And, Anova results show that the tradition value has a significant mean difference across parties. Other factors such as religion and course of study are also found to have significant influence on these student's affiliation to political parties. Although 'worries' are found not to have a significant influence on student's political party affiliation, findings show that students from different political parties differ in their ratings of the different types of ' worries'. Therefore results show that ethnicity and value priorities do infl4ence these students' affiliation to a political party but ' worries' do not. The discussion section explores these findings in the context of contemporary Ugandan politics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
The removal of toxic heavy metals from aqueous solutions by algal extracellular polysaccharides
- Authors: Selepe, Mamaropeng Marcus
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Heavy metals -- Absorption and adsorption , Copper , Lead , Algae -- Biotechnology , Polysaccharides -- Biotechnology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3994 , , Heavy metals -- Absorption and adsorption , Copper , Lead , Algae -- Biotechnology , Polysaccharides -- Biotechnology
- Description: This study investigated the possible use of algal extracellular polysaccharide as a biosorbent for removal of heavy metals (copper and lead) from aqueous solutions as a means of bioremediation for metal containing effluents. This biopolymer has good biosorbent properties and a potential to provide a cost effective, selective and efficient purification system. A variety of environmental conditions induce the production of extracellular polysaccharides in algae. The production of exopolysaccharides by Dunaliella cultures was induced by nitrogen deficient conditions. A high ratio of carbon to nitrogen source considerably enhanced the polysaccharide release. Purified extracellular polysaccharide samples exhibited a monosaccharide composition consisting of the following sugars: xylose, arabinose, 2-0-methyl mannose, mannose, glucose and galactose. The relative abundance (%) of these sugars were calculated relative to xylose. The major sugar constituent was 2-0-methyl mannose, which was present at approximately 160% relative to xylose. The percentage relative abundance of other sugars was as follows: 18.8; 86.8; 85.3 and 22.3% for arabinose; mannose; glucose and galactose respectively. The identity of the various constituents were confirmed by mass spectrometry. The ability of Dunaliella exopolysaccharides to accumulate metals was investigated. The following parameters were studied because they affect metal uptake: solution pH, biomass concentration, temperature, time and metal concentration. The uptake of both copper and lead were pH dependent. However, metal uptake was not significantly affected by temperature. Kinetic studies showed that Dunaliella extracellular polysaccharides exhibit good bioremediation properties. Metal uptake was rapid. In addition, the exopolysaccharide has good metal binding capacity with an uptake capacity for lead of 80 mg/g from a solution containing initial lead concentration of approximately 40 mg/l. Competition studies revealed that the presence of a second metal in solution inhibits uptake of the other metal compared to uptake in single metal solution of that particular metal. The presence of lead inhibited the uptake of copper from approximately 65% in single metal solution to 10% in binary metal solution. The presence of copper also inhibited lead uptake, though not to the same extent. Higher concentrations of lead could not completely prevent removal of copper from solution and visa versa. The same was true for lead which could not be displaced by a four-fold concentration of copper. Instead, a certain percentage of copper was always removed showing that lead did not compete with copper for these binding sites. In conclusion it appears that, copper and lead bind to different sites on Dunaliella exopolysaccharides and that they exhibit selective or preferential removal of lead.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1999
- Authors: Selepe, Mamaropeng Marcus
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Heavy metals -- Absorption and adsorption , Copper , Lead , Algae -- Biotechnology , Polysaccharides -- Biotechnology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3994 , , Heavy metals -- Absorption and adsorption , Copper , Lead , Algae -- Biotechnology , Polysaccharides -- Biotechnology
- Description: This study investigated the possible use of algal extracellular polysaccharide as a biosorbent for removal of heavy metals (copper and lead) from aqueous solutions as a means of bioremediation for metal containing effluents. This biopolymer has good biosorbent properties and a potential to provide a cost effective, selective and efficient purification system. A variety of environmental conditions induce the production of extracellular polysaccharides in algae. The production of exopolysaccharides by Dunaliella cultures was induced by nitrogen deficient conditions. A high ratio of carbon to nitrogen source considerably enhanced the polysaccharide release. Purified extracellular polysaccharide samples exhibited a monosaccharide composition consisting of the following sugars: xylose, arabinose, 2-0-methyl mannose, mannose, glucose and galactose. The relative abundance (%) of these sugars were calculated relative to xylose. The major sugar constituent was 2-0-methyl mannose, which was present at approximately 160% relative to xylose. The percentage relative abundance of other sugars was as follows: 18.8; 86.8; 85.3 and 22.3% for arabinose; mannose; glucose and galactose respectively. The identity of the various constituents were confirmed by mass spectrometry. The ability of Dunaliella exopolysaccharides to accumulate metals was investigated. The following parameters were studied because they affect metal uptake: solution pH, biomass concentration, temperature, time and metal concentration. The uptake of both copper and lead were pH dependent. However, metal uptake was not significantly affected by temperature. Kinetic studies showed that Dunaliella extracellular polysaccharides exhibit good bioremediation properties. Metal uptake was rapid. In addition, the exopolysaccharide has good metal binding capacity with an uptake capacity for lead of 80 mg/g from a solution containing initial lead concentration of approximately 40 mg/l. Competition studies revealed that the presence of a second metal in solution inhibits uptake of the other metal compared to uptake in single metal solution of that particular metal. The presence of lead inhibited the uptake of copper from approximately 65% in single metal solution to 10% in binary metal solution. The presence of copper also inhibited lead uptake, though not to the same extent. Higher concentrations of lead could not completely prevent removal of copper from solution and visa versa. The same was true for lead which could not be displaced by a four-fold concentration of copper. Instead, a certain percentage of copper was always removed showing that lead did not compete with copper for these binding sites. In conclusion it appears that, copper and lead bind to different sites on Dunaliella exopolysaccharides and that they exhibit selective or preferential removal of lead.
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- Date Issued: 1999