Heleweda Chigulu
- Authors: Ngodo of Kanda , Ngunyuza, wa Nguyuzane , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Dance music , Dance music--Caribbean Area , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Zavala District f-sa
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/217958 , vital:48341 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , CR1302 , XYZ4345T
- Description: Traditional Ngodo orchestral dance song accompanied by timbila xylophone
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Kornaleau waChelene
- Authors: wa Chelane, Pindane , Women and girls at Kanda , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199053 , vital:46064 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CO9
- Description: Indigenous folk song of lament with unaccompanied singing, clapping and brief yodelling.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
- Authors: Ngodo of Banguza , waSimbi, Komukomu , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Mavila, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199234 , vital:46084 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CP3
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones, singing and intermittent background cries, accompanied by whistling. Orchestral dance song for the Mchuyo movement of the Ngodo of Banguza of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
- Authors: waSimbi, Komukomu , Ngodo waBanguza , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Mavila, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199212 , vital:46082 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CP2
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones, drumming and singing, accompanied by brief, intermittent whistling and rattles. Orchestral dance song for the Ngeniso movement of the Ngodo of Banguza of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Msitso woKata
- Authors: Chopi people , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique City not specified f-mz
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/276532 , vital:55173 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1066-XYZT4348
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Msitso woMbidi
- Authors: Chopi people , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique City not specified f-mz
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/276545 , vital:55174 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1067-XYZT4349
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Msitso woRaru
- Authors: Ngodo of Zavala , Faduko, Fomeni , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Dance music , Dance music--Caribbean Area , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Zavala District f-sa
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/217940 , vital:48339 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , CR1300 , XYZ4343T
- Description: Traditional Ngodo orchestral dance song accompanied by timbila xylophone
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Msungiso Wasiwaka
- Authors: Ngodo wa Cabo Mutoti , Composer not Specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Dance music , Dance music--Caribbean Area , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Zavala District f-sa
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/218008 , vital:48346 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , CR1309 , XYZ4350T
- Description: Traditional Ngodo orchestral dance song accompanied by timbila xylophone
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Mtsitso woKata
- Authors: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/198979 , vital:46056 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-017 , Research no. CO10 , HTFT-018 Research no. CO10
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and background cries, accompanied by rattles. Mtsitso woKata, the first orchestral introduction for the Ngodo waCabo Mtoti of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Mtsitso woMbidi
- Authors: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199011 , vital:46059 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CO11
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and background cries, accompanied by rattles. Mtsitso woMbidi, the second orchestral introduction for the Ngodo waCabo Mtoti of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Mtsitso woMbidi
- Authors: Ngodo waCabo Mtoti , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199019 , vital:46060 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CO11
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and background cries, accompanied by rattles. Mtsitso woMbidi, the second orchestral introduction for the Ngodo waCabo Mtoti of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Ngeniso - Tata nikaute
- Authors: Chopi people , Nyahwelanyany, Fulaho , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique City not specified f-mz
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/276514 , vital:55171 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1064-XYZT4344
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Ngeniso movement of Ngodo of Banguza 1949
- Authors: waSimbi, Komukomu , Ngodo waBanguza , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Mavila, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199066 , vital:46065 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CP1
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones, drumming and singing, accompanied by brief, intermittent whistling and rattles. Orchestral dance song for the Ngeniso movement of the Ngodo of Banguza of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Tata nikaute
- Authors: Ngodo of Kanda , Fulaho, Nyahwelanyane , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/198871 , vital:46042 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-016 , Research no. CO1
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and singing, accompanied by whistling and percussion. Orchestral timbila dance for the Ngeniso movement of the Ngodo of Kanda of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Tata Nikaute
- Authors: Ngodo of Mahikete Kanda , Fulaho, Nyahwelanyane , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Dance music , Dance music--Caribbean Area , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Zavala District f-sa
- Language: Chopi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/217949 , vital:48340 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , CR1302 , XYZ4344T
- Description: Traditional Ngodo orchestral dance song accompanied by timbila xylophone
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Tate wamina Mavumbuke
- Authors: wa Chelene, Mazivelane , Women and girls at Kanda , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/199048 , vital:46063 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-018 , Research no. CO8
- Description: Indigenous folk song of lament with unaccompanied singing, clapping and brief yodelling.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
- Authors: Ngodo of Kanda , waDitsakale, Hamela , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/198934 , vital:46050 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-017 , Research no. CO6
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and singing, accompanied by whistling and rattles. Orchestral timbila dance for the Mzeno movement of the Ngodo of Kanda of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Wamba mahungu
- Authors: Ngodo of Kanda , waDitsakale, Hamela , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/198907 , vital:46047 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-017 , Research no. CO4
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and singing, accompanied by whistling and rattles. Orchestral timbila dance for the Mzeno movement of the Ngodo of Kanda of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05
Wamba mahungu
- Authors: Ngodo of Kanda , waDitsakale, Hamela , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949-06-05
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Chopi , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique Kanda, Zavala District f-rh
- Language: Chpoi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/198916 , vital:46048 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , HTFT-017 , Research no. CO5
- Description: Indigenous folk song with timbila xylophones and singing, accompanied by whistling and rattles. Orchestral timbila dance for the Mzeno movement of the Ngodo of Kanda of 1949.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949-06-05