Grade four teachers’ experiences on using English as a medium of instruction: case study of two primary schools in Mdantsane Township
- Authors: Ngozi, Moyisi Victor
- Date: 2022-10
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching , English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary)|
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64787
- Description: Learners in South African schools are reportedly struggling with literacy when they reach grade four (PIRLS, 2016). This is attributed to instructional language transition between grades three and four that is underpinned by Language in Education policy (LiEP), whic9h enforces language transition from mother tongue instruction to English medium of instruction. Hence, the study focused on the grade four teachers’ experiences on using English as medium of instruction. The study used a qualitative research approach and adopted the interpretivism paradigm as well as a case study research design. A small target sample of the study included 15 participants sampled in two primary schools of Mdantsane Township in the Eastern Cape Province. Participants who are grade four teachers’, one of which is Head of the department (HOD) were selected through a purposive sampling technique. Semi-structured interviews and observations were used as methods of collecting data. The data were analysed through a thematic approach according to the themes taken from the sub research questions that were formulated to guide the study The study found that the learners’ transition from to grade four is a multifaceted one and presented teachers with a burden of having to deal with second language instructional issues among learners. There are no clearly defined guidelines to facilitate smooth language transition from grade three and four. There is lack of teacher involvement on language policy development and implementation. Furthermore, there are misconceptions regarding the use of code switching as a method of teaching and learning. The study recommended that the language transtion from mother tongue instruction to English medium of instruction should be separated from the multifaceted phase transition. Learners should be introduced to English medium of instruction earlier than grade four. The department should establish guidelines to manage the transition. The departmental approach to language policy development should take into consideration the views of teachers. The department should regularly organise sufficient teacher workshops aimed at addressing teachers’ second language instructional ability issues. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10
Implications of a currency board arrangement for the Zimbabwean economy: the lessons of experience
- Authors: Ndlovu, Edwin
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Economic indicators , Inflation targeting , Foreign exchange
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65480
- Description: Inflation is one of the most important factors for gauging the health of the economy. For production, employment and trade to take place, it is crucial that inflation be low and stable. This study analyses the implications of a currency board system in a hyperinflationary economy, using quarterly Zimbabwean data covering the period 1995 to 2008.An empirical model linking inflation to its identified theoretical determinants is specified. The study employs a cointegration and a vector error correction (VEC) modeling, to provide robust long run and short run dynamic effects of hyper inflation on the economy. The empirical findings reveal a strong significant relationship between inflation and government deficit, expected inflation, money supply growth and the exchange rate. These results corroborate the theoretical predictions and the previous findings that most hyperinflations are deficit-induced. The study thus suggests an implementation of a currency board arrangement for Zimbabwe to eradicate hyperinflation based on its link with exchange rate, money supply and government deficit. A currency board restrains the tendency by most central banks to create money to finance government deficits, and reduces expectations of rising inflation through its instantaneous credibility in reducing inflation. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2010
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- Date Issued: 2010