Behavioural flexibility in an endangered seabird during current changes
- Authors: Traisnel, Gwendoline
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Penguins -- South Africa , Penguins -- Behavior Sea birds -- Behavior Sea birds -- Ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: , vital:37048
- Description: Penguins spend a large part of their life cycle at sea and are amongst the most threatened seabirds as they suffer high mortality and have low reproductive success. Across the world, many populations are currently declining despite the constant development of conservation actions. The lack of information at the individual level reduces the understanding of individual variability and its potential role in the population dynamics of these vulnerable species. For example, long-lived species are characterised by substantial individual heterogeneity in their contribution to the overall population dynamic that should be understood when considering the implemention of conservation policies. This thesis explored some of the primary mechanisms behind inter-individual differences in behaviour and breeding success in the endangered African penguin Spheniscus demersus. On Bird island (Algoa Bay), nest defence behaviours were investigated on adults brooding chicks 1-3 weeks-old and chicks were measured at regular intervals (every 5 days) to assess their growth rate, a proxy for breeding success in this species. All adults were sexed and implanted with a passive integrated transponder which was used for individual identification. In this species, males are usually larger than females and have a higher survival rates both as juveniles and as adults. A subsample of them was equipped with tracking devices (GPSs and Time Depth Recorders), sometimes over consecutive foraging trips and across years. Finally, mate and nest fidelity were investigated to understand the drivers and consequences of this trait in that population. Breeding success was linked to nest defence behaviours, with bolder birds generally showing lower breeding success. This relation could not, however, be explained by differences in foraging strategies. Males were generally bolder than females when defending the nests, but their foraging behaviour did not vary with their personality. They generally had lower foraging effort than females. By contrast, bolder females performed more sinuous path, more wiggles and travelled larger vertical distances than shyer ones. Overall, females were more flexible than males over consecutive trips, suggesting that they probably adjust their behaviours to the offspring needs in this species. However, no sex difference in behavioural flexibility between sexes was visible across years, indicating that environmental variability may equally impact females and males’ behaviour over such time-scale. Generally, consistency was time-scale dependent as penguins increased their foraging flexibility across years, potentially adjusting to the variability of the environment. Interestingly, foraging consistency over consecutive trips increased during years of poor environmental conditions, and individuals with consistent foraging strategies were more successful than more flexible individuals when resources were extremely scarce. Finally, while nest and mate fidelity were high in this species, individuals that changed nest/partners, improved their breeding outcome. Particularly, after low breeding success females were more likely to change nest site and thereby partner to possibly improve their fitness. The potential biased adult sex ratio towards males in this population may facilitate changes in females which may have more partners available to re-mate than males. The present thesis reveals the existence of individual differences in behaviour and breeding success which relate to personality in penguins. These findings highlight the importance to integrate individual variability to predict future population dynamics in the context of global changes to understand the resilience and vulnerability of the species.
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- Date Issued: 2019
Statistical analysis and modelling of malaria relapse risk factors using Cox Proportional Hazards model approach : a case study of material data collected from Democratic Republic of Congo
- Authors: Mutambayi, Ruffin Mpiana
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Malaria -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Mathematical models Statistics -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Econometric models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:40110
- Description: The field of survival analysis has experienced tremendous growth during the latter half of the 20th century. The objective of this study was to model the relapsing time of uncomplicated falciparum malaria using biographical, sanitation, environmental and preventive information as covariate risk factors. The methodological developments of survival analysis that have had the most profound impact are the Kaplan-Meier method for estimating the survival function, the log-rank test for comparing the equality of two or more survival distributions, and the Cox proportional hazards (PH) model for examining the covariate effects on the hazard function. This thesis presents basic concepts, nonparametric methods (the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test), semi parametric methods (the Cox PH model, and Cox model with time-dependent covariates) and parametric methods (Parametric PH model and the AFT model) for analysing survival data. An improved method was applied to randomized uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients to investigate the risk factors related to the relapsing time in RD Congo. Firstly, the Cox PH model , inf 1 0 ( ) ( )exp 1.91613 0.49633 0.81466 dump spr t X h h t X X X where is the instantaneous risk of experiencing the event at time , without the influence of any covariate was found to better fit the data, as confirmed by the results of the global test that present reasonable and significant results: (Likelihood Ratio: 18.2264 with p-value < 0.0004; Score: 17.6569 with p-value < 0.0005 and Wald: 19.3975 with p<0.0002). Hence from the model above, it can be noticed that ‘dumping site’ (p-value <0.0106; 95percent HR C.I: 1.545, 29.451), ‘spray used’ (p-value < 0. 0.0220; 95percent C.I: 0.391, 0.915), and ‘information related to source of malaria’ (p-value < 0. 0.0012; 95percent C.I: 1.380, 3.725), have a significant impact on the relapsing time of the patients under investigation. It should be noted that many 0() h tt other important covariates such as “usage of mosquito nets” were excluded because of the non-proportionality of the hazards. Secondly, the improvement concept was applied to the Cox model as proposed, and the improved model was as follows: h h t t X t X t X t X t X t X t X t r dump_inf1 spr_inf1 Where h0 (t) is the instantaneous risk of experiencing the event at time t , without the influence of any covariate. The model was found to better fit the data than the standard model — as confirmed by the results from the convergence criterion comparison, where the AIC value of the improved model (754.460) was lower than that of the standard model (767.428). Moreover, the improved model was found to be adequate as the results from the global null hypothesis were significant: (Likelihood Ratio: p-value is 0.0001; Score: p-value is 0.0001; Wald: p-value is 0.0001) and the goodness-of-fit test was confirmed by the plotting of Coxresiduals where the 45 degrees’ line confirmed the results. In conclusion, it was found that the covariates ‘pit’ (p-value is 0.0009; 95percent HR C.I: 11.4133, 1.243e+04), ‘tdwel_spr’ (pvalue = 0.0257; 95percent HR C.I: 1.0016, 1.030e+00), ‘tdwel_inf1 (p-value = 0.0122; 95percent HR C.I: 0.9691, 9.964e-01), ‘maint_dump’ (p-value is 0.0005; 95percent HR C.I: 1.0239, 1.087e+00),‘maint_pit’ (p-value is 0.0007; 95percent HR C.I: 0.9179, 9.774e-01), ‘dump_spr’ (p-value is 0.0027; 95percent HR C.I: 0.9308, 9.853e-01), ‘dump_inf1’ (p-value <0.0001; 95percent HR C.I: 0.9849, 9.947e-01) and ‘spr_inf1’ (p-value is 0.0005; 95percent HR C.I: 1.0119, 1.043e+00) affected the time to relapse from uncomplicated falciparum malaria.
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- Date Issued: 2017
An investigation into how two Natural Science teachers in the Khomas region mediate learning of the topic of atoms and molecules in Grade 7 : a case study
- Authors: Hoepfner, Narenda
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Life sciences -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Namibia -- Khomas , Pedagogical content knowledge , Cognitive learning , Teachers -- In-service training -- Namibia -- Khomas
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2031 ,
- Description: The teaching of abstract concepts requires higher cognitive thinking skills and thus presents a challenge for most subjects in the curriculum, in particular, science subjects. Teachers often complain that they struggle to develop higher cognitive skills in learners in such topics. As a result, learners fail to understand science concepts and then complain that science is boring and hence lose interest in the subject. The main reason for this study was to investigate how Grade 7 Natural Science teachers mediate the learning of abstract topics, in particular, atoms and molecules which are regarded as the building blocks in chemistry. This study further sought to develop a teaching unit of work on atoms, molecules and the Periodic Table in partnership with the participating teachers, in order to help improve teaching and learning of the topic. The study is located within an interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, a qualitative case study approach was adopted whereby two Grade 7 Natural Science teachers in the Khomas Region were the research participants. This approach enabled me to seek for answers beyond the obvious classroom experiences by using document analysis, semi-structured interviews and classroom observation (which were video-taped and transcribed). The theoretical frameworks underpinning this study focused on mediation of learning and social constructivism as expounded by Vygotsky, in conjunction with Shulman’s pedagogical content knowledge. Hence, emphasis was placed on the teaching strategies used by teachers, such as elicitation of prior knowledge during the lessons, language used, interaction of learners and ways how teachers deal with the challenges faced by them in the mediation of learning. An inductive analysis to discover patterns and themes was applied during the data analysis process. The themes were further turned into analytical statements to interpret the data. The validation process was achieved by using a variety of data gathering techniques. I watched the videotaped lessons with the observed teachers and I made use of member checking in the form of stimulated recall interviews and transcripts of the interviews. Thus, a summary of discussions were given back to the respondents to verify their responses and check for any misinterpretations. Different chapters of my study were given to colleagues to read through as a means of the validation process. Herein lies the importance of a critical friend in qualitative research. The findings of the study revealed that concepts of high cognitive demand should not be oversimplified when introduced to learners, as learners might find it difficult to define and conceptualise concepts as they do not have proper insights into the concepts. The findings further illuminated that teachers should develop a strong subject content knowledge as well as pedagogical content knowledge to have the best strategies in place to mediate learning of this topic. The study concludes, with Phase 2, that the exposure of and cooperation between teachers plays an indispensable role in their professional development. Essentially, this enables teachers to make use of different teaching styles as they scaffold learners in the process of making sense of, in particular, abstract science concepts. Finally, this study recommends that teachers need to engage in on-going professional development opportunities and be equipped with suitable learning support and other necessary physical resources, as a way of motivation and to be in a position to deal with all the many challenges they have to face during the mediation of learning.
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- Date Issued: 2015
An investigation of socio-ecological issues and risks and capabilities in the 'my future is my choice' HIV and AIDS programme : a case in northern Namibia
- Authors: Tjiveze, Wakaa
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: My Future is My Choice (Program : Namibia) , HIV infections -- Social aspects -- Namibia , AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects -- Namibia , AIDS (Disease) -- Study and teaching -- Namibia , AIDS (Disease) -- Risk factors -- Namibia , AIDS (Disease) -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2050 ,
- Description: The HIV and AIDS crisis can be presented as a socio-ecological issue, with an ever-increasing impact on both human beings and the environment. Teaching about socio-ecological issues and the consideration of individual capabilities has become crucial within HIV and AIDS education programmes. Issues of deforestation, land degradation and other environmental problems have worsened since the advent of HIV and AIDS, especially in developing countries. The My Future is My Choice (MFMC) programme has been identified as an important HIV and AIDS education initiative that caters for young people in Namibian secondary schools (Grades 8-12). One of the themes within the programme (Facing HIV and AIDS) is highlighted in this study. This study was constituted as a case study of one school in rural Omuthiya, in the Oshikoto region. The study investigated the opportunities for the integration of a focus on socio-ecological issues and risks, within the MFMC education programme. The study also investigated the way in which the program develops learners‟ capabilities to respond to HIV and AIDS related socio-ecological issues and risks/vulnerabilities. The study also presents the constraints and enabling factors influencing the implementation of the programme. This study used a qualitative, interpretive case study methodology. The research methods included the analysis of eight documents and nineteen semi-structured interviews, with the Programme Coordinator, the Programme Facilitator, the School Principal and with the programme participants. The analysis also included two focus group discussions with a group of learners; and two classroom observations; and the learners' submissions (reflection sheets). Convenience sampling was used, and ethical issues were taken into consideration throughout the study. The study revealed the following as key findings: The aims and objectives of the HIV and AIDS education programme can enhance and constrain the development of capabilities, as well as opportunities and challenges for the integration of a focus on socio-environmental issues and risks as additional learning content. Teaching and learning methods that are participatory and rooted within the learner centered approach can make the integration of HIV and AIDS inherent socio-environmental issues and risks into the MFMC education programme possible. The values and beliefs inherent within the MFMC education programme stand as opportunities for the successful development of capabilities in the education programme. The study concluded by recommending that capabilities within the MFMC programme be developed through teaching learners about their rights, respect for human dignity, and the right to health and to living the life free from discriminatory practices, as a moral entitlement of each and every individual. While teaching learners about their right to health and the importance of healthy diets, this study found that the programme could include learning about food production and handling practices for the benefit of those living with HIV and AIDS, while caring for the environment. Another recommendation was that future research should consider actively involving young people in decision-making with regard to the programme, as this will allow them to choose and decide on what knowledge and skills they need and want to acquire. The study further explained that this will promote the programme participants‟ sense of agency, and their freedom to choose what they value being and doing as an important element in enhancing learner capabilities. Ultimately, this will also enable the learners to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge they need in order to respond to the socio-ecological problems they face in their communities.
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- Date Issued: 2015
An investigation of Wikipedia translation as an additive pedagogy for Oshikwanyama first language learning
- Authors: Hautemo, Aletta Mweneni
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Kuanyama language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Computer-assisted instruction , Kuanyama language -- Machine translating -- Namibia , Language and languages -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Computer-assisted instruction , Computer-assisted instruction -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Information technology -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Educational technology -- Namibia , Wikipedia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1982 ,
- Description: The integration of Information and Communication Technology in the indigenous language classroom lags behind compared to other subjects. In many ways, indigenous language teachers find it difficult and to some extent, impossible to integrate ICT into their classroom activities. The focus of this study is to explore the ways in which ICT could be used as a learning tool in an Oshikwanyama First Language classroom. I investigated the use of Wikipedia translation as an additional teaching and learning tool. I concentrated on the impact that ICT tools have on learning, and the motivation it has on learners to learn Oshikwanyama. This qualitative case study was conducted in an urban school in northern Namibia. The adoption of ICT at the school is good as there is a full-fledged computer lab with unlimited wireless internet access. This was a requirement for the project to enable the participants to work online. I purposefully chose higher-level learners (Secondary phase) for this study. I conducted a survey with them on their access to and use of ICT devices in their daily lives, and thereafter conducted a basic computer workshop and a Wikipedia translation project with them. My research findings show that although the use of ICT is part of the learners’ lives, most of the communication through ICT devices is done in English not Oshikwanyama. Wikipedia translation offers a stimulating learning platform for learners to learn Oshikwanyama and English at the same time and this improved their performance in both languages. Furthermore, the Wikipedia translation, which was done collaboratively, gave learners the confidence to work with other learners to create knowledge. Lastly, Wikipedia translation motivates learners to learn Oshikwanyama and use it in their daily ICT interaction.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Factors influencing market orientation in SME computer retailers in Buffalo city metropolitan, South Africa
- Authors: Moyo, Hazel Nobandile
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Marketing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com
- Identifier: , vital:26496
- Description: Despite the significant contribution to socio-economic development by SMEs (small and medium enterprises), their failure rate is very high in South Africa. Adoption and implementation of market orientation has been identified by various scholars as a means to mitigate SME failure in the highly competitive environments they operate in. This study investigated the factors influencing market orientation in SME computer retailers in King Williams Town and East London, South Africa. The objectives of the study were to investigate whether owner/manager involvement of had an influence on market orientation in SME computer retailers, to establish whether organisational systems and interdepartmental dynamics had an impact on the customer focused culture as well as investigate whether competitive intensity influenced the SME computer retailers to be market focused. Both primary and secondary data sources were used in this study. A quantitative research design was used in conducting this research. Simple random sampling, a probability sampling technique was used to select a sample of 104 from the sample frame of 141 registered SME computer retailers. The survey method, by way of a selfadministered questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) as statistical software was used to analyse data. The Chi-square test, Pearson correlation, the t-test, and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. The findings of this research found that there are factors influencing market orientation in SME computer retailers, such as owner/manager involvement. Competitive intensity was found to influence SME computer retailers to be market focused. It was also found that organisational systems and interdepartmental dynamics did not impact on the customer focused culture. The findings of this research showed that SME owner/managers hold the key to shaping an organisation‟s values and culture orientation therefore in order to be market orientated, they need pass on a clear message to the lower levels of the organisation. The careful implementation of organisational systems and interdepartmental dynamics that encourage market orientation as well as constant matching and monitoring of competitors was recommended to enable SMEs to be market orientated and in turn improve their business performance and success.
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- Date Issued: 2013
A foucaultian critique of the conception of individual subjectivity within contemporary environmental discourse
- Authors: Konik, Inge
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Environmentalism , Environmental policy , Environmental management -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPhil
- Identifier: vital:8422 ,
- Description: Certain prominent environmental theorists have accounted for and/or addressed our unmitigated environmentally damaging behavior in cognitive terms, related to a common (misplaced) belief that economic development and technological advancement, among other contemporary processes, will solve our environmental problems. However, I argue that they have not given due consideration to the complex (predominantly non-cognitive/non-conscious) discursive constitution of the individual, and thus seem to adhere to a Kantian notion of autonomy that overlooks such non-cognitive factors. Focusing on this non-cognitive aspect of discursive constitution, I ascribe our ecological apathy mainly to the fact that we have been discursively constituted as docile bodies and prostrate subjects. Further, I argue that, because this process of discursive constitution is primarily non-cognitive, any attempts to remedy our ecological apathy at a cognitive level alone will not be completely effective. Consequently, I propose that a more effective way of fostering pro-environmental dispositions may be for individuals to engage in an ethic/culture of the self that is not exclusively conceptual in orientation, and which is centered on the practice of a counter-discourse that does not constitute the individual as docile and prostrate nor negate the individual’s dependence on the environment. Alternatively, in order to engender pro-environmental civilizational change, it may be necessary to operate within the discursive parameters of dominant/popular institutions, in order to incrementally alter the discourses employed within, and disseminated through, these institutions, in a manner that would lead to the problematization, rather than the endorsement, of the ecologically deleterious technological, political and economic trajectories of our time.
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- Date Issued: 2009
An assessment of the experience of small town local economic development in the Eastern Cape Midlands
- Authors: Pio, Elizabeth
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Small cities -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , City planning -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:4888 ,
- Description: This thesis is an assessment of the experience of small town local economic development in four towns namely Graaff-Reinet, Somerset East, Aberdeen and Pearston situated in the Eastern Cape Midlands, South Africa. It aims firstly to provide a critical overview of these selected small town economies before evaluating their local responses to the changing economic climate. The study is contextualized within the framework of locality development and emphasizes the heterogeneity of small towns with regards to physical, socio-economic, demographic and historical elements. From this, the original economic reasons for existence of these small towns are ascertained and then the major changes that occurred are identified. Amongst other aspects, the changes in the agricultural sector, the demographic changes particularly with regard to the significant increase in the urban population and the fluctuations in the quantity and types of businesses have all played a part in transforming the small towns' economies. As a result of these changes and many external driving forces such as changes in the regional and national economy, there are many severe challenges facing these small towns especially regarding the high unemployment rate, the associated poverty, HIV/AIDS and the low volume or absence of private investment into these localities. The responses of these small towns to the daunting challenges that they face have been considered in terms of Local Economic Development (LED) strategies that have been implemented. The LED initiatives in each town are examined in the context of their general characteristics, objectives, achievements and challenges. Emphasis is placed on Somerset East as it is the only town in the study area that has a development agency actively promoting various forms of LED. What has ultimately been established is: in all four towns, LED is not making a significant or meaningful difference and that natural market and economic forces play an important role in shaping and dictating the local economy. Somerset East is the only town where the economy could potentially be restructured with the proposed mega market-led approach to tourism and planning in the form of the Boschberg Development node. Four sectors perceived to be required for locality development are considered in this study, namely the export sector, the human resources, the local service sector and the government agencies. It is ascertained that although these sectors need to be part of a symbiotic relationship to promote and enhance economic development, they are not present in all the towns and as a result development, at both a household and a macro town level, is further hindered. Ultimately, these small towns in the Eastern Cape Midlands defy the notion that they are dying. 'Growth' and 'decline' have been two central features throughout this thesis and one of the biggest contradictions and challenges that these small towns face is the population growth with a declining or stagnant economy that cannot accommodate the increased number of people.
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- Date Issued: 2009
The resurgence of tuberculosis in South Africa: an investigation into socio-economic aspects of the disease in a context of structural violence in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Erstad, Ida
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Tuberculosis -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Tuberculosis -- Patients -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Tuberculosis -- Treatment -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Community health services -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Medical anthropology -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Tuberculosis -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Grahamstown Tuberculosis -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Grahamstown
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2090 ,
- Description: This thesis is an investigation into the socio-economic constraints that influence the decisions of tuberculosis sufferers in the health seeking process and therapeutic management of tuberculosis in Grahamstown, the Eastern Cape. It is shown that structural violence influences experiences and perceptions of tuberculosis at all levels. Management of tuberculosis in the formal health sector is explored at local levels and related to national and global strategies of health care. The role of health workers, and particularly voluntary health workers, is explored and it is shown that they work within a context of growing burden of sickness and co-infections and a lack of government commitment to deal with increasing TB and HIV incidences. Kleinman’s notion of explanatory models is explored and it is evident that although knowledge of the aetiology of tuberculosis is well-known to patients and general members of the communities, they are nevertheless victims of increased stigmatisation and marginalisation as a result of illness. The importance of social support in curing tuberculosis is explored using Janzen’s concept of therapy managing groups. Social capital is a fundamental component in adhering to biomedical therapy, but is commonly weak among the structurally poor. The availability of temporary social grants for people living with TB influences health seeking behaviour. In a context of structural poverty the sick are faced with what Nattrass terms “perverse incentives”, having to choose between the right to health and the right to social security, both guaranteed in the South African Constitution, for him/herself and dependants. Although adherence to biomedical therapy is essential in curing tuberculosis, it is shown throughout this thesis that ignoring wider structural causes of disease limits the patient’s ability to get well. The ethnography shows that the right to health is a social and economic right which is not the reality for most South Africans.
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- Date Issued: 2007
How policy discourses and contextual realities influence environmental teaching and learning processes in early childhood development: a case study of the Raglan Road child care centre
- Authors: Vallabh, Priya
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Early childhood education -- South Africa , Health education -- South Africa , Environmental education -- Study and teaching -- South Africa , Day care centers -- South Africa , Child development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1559 , , Early childhood education -- South Africa , Health education -- South Africa , Environmental education -- Study and teaching -- South Africa , Day care centers -- South Africa , Child development
- Description: This case study considers the relationship between context, school policy and environmental teaching and learning processes at a community-based early childhood development centre in South Africa. The study recognises that educational practices in the early childhood development field are shaped by historical, cultural, economic and political realities at both local and national levels. It is from the understanding that each school is a unique composition of these shaping factors that the research was designed to consider the community-based school participating in this study. By compiling a contextual profile, this study attempts to consider dominant contextual factors affecting the school. Through the critical discourse analysis of a school policy document, this study considers local level policy, and through the literature chapter, national policy. Teacher interviews provide insight into teacher understanding of school policy in response to contextual issues, as well as providing insight into how teachers perceive their translation of policy into teaching practice. Observations of lessons in the centre provided an. opportunity to see how context and policy translated into and influenced environmental teaching and learning processes. This study looks at how environmental education is addressed in the Raglan Road Child Care Centre, and provides insight into how environmental education within the context of the school and in relation to school policy may be strengthened. It comments on the tensions and ambivalences arising from the relationships between context, policy and environmental teaching and learning processes and makes recommendations to address these ambivalences in ways that are contextually relevant. The main recommendations were designed to be practically useful for the school involved in the study and are focused around engaging the ambivalences emerging from this study to open up 'spaces' for deliberating environmental teaching and learning processes and other tensions arising out of the study at an ECD level. Recommendations included: 1) engaging with the strong development focus in school policy and the educational focus in national policy and teacher discourse; 2) deliberating the ways in which school policy and national policy respond to risk; 3) engaging with the ambivalence in the school-parent relationship; 4) the re-alignment of the explicit curriculum and broadening the contextually-based view of whole child development; and 5) engaging the ambivalence in approaches to education at the centre.
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- Date Issued: 2005
An evaluation of the interventions utilized by manufacturing organizations in the Eastern Cape to ensure the optimal implementation and functioning of self-directed work teams
- Authors: Mey, Michelle Ruth
- Date: 2001
- Subjects: Self-directed work teams , Teams in the workplace
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Human Resources Management)
- Identifier: vital:10870 , , Self-directed work teams , Teams in the workplace
- Description: Organisations worldwide are attempting to increase individual job satisfaction, productivity and efficiency by implementing work teams. This research study evaluates the interventions considered necessary to optimally implement and maintain self-directed work teams (SDWTs). In order to complete this study it was necessary to address the characteristics associated with SDWTs, problems commonly experienced during implementation and functioning of SDWTs and the identification of the interventions used to promote the successful implementation and maintenance of SDWTs. These objectives were achieved by means of a comprehensive literature study. Subsequent to the literature study, a process model for the successful implementation and maintenance of a SDWT within a South African organization was developed. Thereafter, a questionnaire was developed based on the findings of the literature study and distributed to a randomly selected population. The objective of the questionnaire was to evaluate the interventions utilized during the implementation and maintenance of SDWTs. The results of the empirical study were statistically analysed and interpreted. Finally, conclusions and recommendations were made. The most important recommendations are as follows: Firstly, the trade union must be consulted and involved in the decision to implement SDWTs. Members of the team must be exposed to training interventions prior to the implementation of the SDWT. Thereafter, team members must undergo advanced training in interpersonal and problemsolving skills. Salary and reward structures within the organisation must be adapted to suit a teambased environment. Finally, the success of the SDWT will depend on the support provided by management. Management needs to exhibit total commitment to the change on a continuous basis.
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- Date Issued: 2001
Application of capillary electrophoresis for the assay of erythromycin and its related substance
- Authors: Lalloo, Anita Kantilal
- Date: 1997
- Subjects: Antibiotics -- Analysis , Capillary electrophoresis , Erythromycin -- Analysis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3765 , , Antibiotics -- Analysis , Capillary electrophoresis , Erythromycin -- Analysis
- Description: Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) is a high resolution analytical technique that may be employed in the separation and quantification of a wide range of analytes. The enormous efficiency obtained in CE are well suited for complex mixtures in which resolution of a large number of peaks in a short time is desirable. Therefore, CE has a promising future in pharmaC-eutical analysis. The separation mechanism of CE is based on the differential electrophoretic mobility of the solutes inside a buffer filled capillary upon the application of a voltage. Capillary electrophoresis is especially suitable for ionic species. The full potential of this technique can only be realised through the manipulation of numerous experimental parameters. In the present study, a CE method has been developed for the analysis of the macrolide antibiotics: erythromycin, oleandomycin, troleandomycin and josamycin. The selection of initial analysis conditions and optimisation of selectivity are reviewed. A systematic approach to method development was used to maximise analyte differential electrophoretic mobilities, by adjusting the pH. Thereafter, the influences of electrolyte molarity and electrolyte additives were investigated. In addition, some instrumental parameters, such as capillary length emf diameter, applied voltage and injection conditions were varied. The effect of the sample solvent and oncapillary concentration techniques such as FASI, were investigated. Also, the influence of injecting a water plug on the quantity of sample injected was demonstrated. Full resolution was achieved with the addition of methanol to the electrolyte. The applicability of CE for the assay of erythromycin and its related substances was investigated. Two methods were developed and successfully validated using CE: one for the quantitative determination of erythromycin alone and another for erythromycin related substances in the presence of large quantities of erythromycin A. Several related substances and impurities that result from the fermentation process used to produce erythromycin as well as degradation products are known to be present in commercial sa~ples. These impurities include erythromycin B, C, D, E, F, erythromycin enol ether, anhydroerythromycin and N-demethylerythromycin. Currently both the USP and BP official assays for the analysis of erythromycin involve the use of microbiological assays. These methods are limited as they are unable to differentiate between erythromycin and its related substances and degradation products. Furthermore, the microbiological assays are time-consuming and tedious to perform. 11 The CE methods developed for the analysis of erythromycin and for its related substances were fully validated in terms of precision, linearity, accuracy, sensitivity and stability. In addition, erythromycin was subjected to six stress modes and the stressed samples were analysed. An intemal standard was employed to provide acceptable precision for the migration time « 1.80 % RSD) and peak area « 4.44 % RSD). Optimum sensitivity was obtained using low UV wavelengths, with LOO values of less than 10 % for the related substances. The developed method was accurate for erythromycin C, anhydroerythromycin and N-demethylerythromycin, even in the presence of large concentrations of the parent. The method for~ erythromycin related substances was applied to the determination of impurities in three commercial erythromycin bases. The CE methods developed were rapid, precise, specific and stability-indicating and may be used to provide additional information to augment that attained by HPLC for purity assessment and in stability studies of erythromycin. Capillary electrophoresis is a simple, cost-effective technique that is capable of generating high quality data. This technique will become firmly established within pharmaceutical analysis for main peak and related impurity determination assays as familiarity becomes more widespread across the pharmaceutical industry and improvements in instrumentation are performed.
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- Date Issued: 1997
Participatory programme development at an environmental education centre through action research involving secondary school teachers
- Authors: Klein, Charmain Phillida
- Date: 1997
- Subjects: Environmental education -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1690 ,
- Description: This mini-thesis documents and analyses an action research project which I conducted with secohdary school teachers. The teachers wished to learn more about environmental education so that they could run their own programmes. I, on the other hand, wanted to improve environmental education programmes offered at the centre where I worked. I hoped that through encouraging teacher participation and involvement, I could begin a process through which the teachers themselves could contribute to, and be in greater control of, their own learning in environmental education. As an introduction to this mini-thesis, I provide some background information on the centre, and state the reasons for having embarked on this project. In addition, I outline the literature and various research findings pertinent to this study. For the purpose of this study, I have selected emancipatory action research as a mode of research, since I believe that emancipatory action research, which embodies processes of reflection and informed action, constitutes the possibility for authentic, emancipatory change in the practice of teachers. The bulk of this thesis, therefore, documents the first two cycles of the action research process and the experiences of those involved in the process. I also briefly comment on some of the claims of action research as a method for research. An important feature of this thesis is that it addresses the possibilities of and constraints to implementing education for the environment in the teachers' practices. The existence of the latter is acknowledged and discussed from my perspective and those of the participating teachers. The study, furthermore, documents teachers' understandings of environmental education, and how this determines the kind of environmental education activities in which they engage. In the final analysis, I argue that the education system we inherited from the apartheid regime has had the effect of producing passive, disempowered and highly demotivated teachers with extremely low levels of self confidence and assertiveness. Despite this fact, I have not only had the opportunity to wltness some positive attitudinal changes occurring in teachers as the study progressed; the project has also enhanced my own understanding of environmental education and the effect the apartheid education system had in shaping my own thoughts and life.
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- Date Issued: 1997
An investigation into the development, principles and practice of environmental interpretation in South Africa: a case study of the National Parks Board
- Authors: Milne, Ian Bertram
- Date: 1996
- Subjects: National parks and reserves -- South Africa Environmental education -- South Africa National parks and reserves -- Interpretive programs Conservation of natural resources -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1604 ,
- Description: This study looks firstly at the historical background to conservation, particularly in the South African National Parks Board, and relates this to developments in interpretation in the National Parks. These are evaluated against international norms as they appear in the current literature. The aim is to establish a platform upon which future developments in interpretation may be built, avoiding the mistakes of the past, while capitalising on the strong points. Current views of what interpretation is, and what it should be, are reviewed. Knowing who the audience is, in terms of cultural background, education, needs and interests, as well as sound planning, clear objectives and ongoing evaluation of interpretive programmes, emerge as essential prerequisites for effective interpretation. Through reviewing the development and current status of interpretation in the National Parks, the study finds that although the view has been expressed by management, both past and present, that interpretation in the national parks is of great importance, the past and current status of interpretation does not reflect that view. Generally, interpretation appears to be regarded as a non-essential service. This report argues that environmental interpretation should be given a higher status in the National Parks Board and that it should form an important part of the conservation strategy and management plan for the national parks. The researcher contends that a greater investment in interpretation could lead to a decrease in the need for further, increased investment in law enforcement in the parks. The researcher is also of the opinion that interpretation aimed at all levels of personnel of the National Parks Board is at least as important as interpretation aimed at visitors.
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- Date Issued: 1996
The regulation of Serotonin N-acetyltransferase in the rat pineal gland
- Authors: Olivieri, Gianfranco
- Date: 1993
- Subjects: Serotonin -- Research Pineal gland Acetyltransferases
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4051 ,
- Description: The synthesis of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is finely regulated by the pineal enzyme serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT). In the absence of light, the activity of NAT is markedly enhanced by the release of nor-adrenaline from sympathetic nerve endings in the pineal. Exposure of animals to light during darkness causes a sudden and dramatic reduction in the activity of NAT. The present study investigated a possible mechanism for this sudden decline in NAT activity. These investigations included the determination of the effects of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), adenosine nucleotides and calcium on NAT activity. In vitro experiments using SAM showed that pineals pre-incubated with SAM prior to adrenergic stimulation did not significantly alter NAT activity or pineal indoleamine metabolism. However, measurement of pineal cyclic AMP showed that SAM exposure reduced the adrenergic-induced rise in pineal cyclic AMP. Experiments using adenosine 5'-monophosphate (5'-AMP) showed that this nucleotide enhanced both dark- and isoproterenol-induced NAT activity. Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (A TP), on the other hand, reduced NAT activity with a concomitant reduction in pineal indoleamine metabolism. Exposure of isoproterenol-stimulated pineals in organ culture to propranolol resulted in a marked rise in ATP and adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) synthesis accompanied by a decline in 5'-AMP levels as compared with pineals treated with isoproterenol alone. This then implies that exposure of animals to light could cause a change in pineal nucleotide levels. Since nucleotide levels are also controlled by calcium, experiments were carried out to determine the effect of calcium on pineal NAT activity. These experiments showed that ethyleneglycol-bis-N,N,N,N,-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) enhanced NAT activity whilst calcium reduced the activity in pineal homogenates, implying that calcium may act directly on NAT to regulate its activity. Exposure of pineal glands in organ culture to the calmodulin antagonist R24571 caused a rise in pineal cyclic AMP levels with a concomitant decrease in cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity. This was, however, accompanied by a decline in Nacetyl serotonin and melatonin synthesis. These findings implicate a number of factors in the regulation of pineal NAT activity. A mechanism for the regulation of pineal NAT is proposed.
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- Date Issued: 1993
An existential-phenomenological explication of the older person's perception of anticipated death
- Authors: du Plessis, Christine Edna
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Death -- Psychological aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:2905 ,
- Description: This study attempts to explore, both theoretically and empirically, death anxiety across the lifespan in Western society. Six elderly women between the ages of 75 and 90 years were interviewed about their current perceptions and attitudes toward their anticipated deaths, and to what extent these perceptions may have altered over the course of the life cycle. It was hypothesized that an acceptance of religion and a belief in an afterlife existence; a sense of having experienced death before, in seeing loved ones die; and a feeling of having lived a meaningful life through the reminiscence of past events would all facilitate an older person's acceptance of anticipated death. An existential phenomenological explication of the protocols revealed that: religion need not necessarily play a major role in this regard; both the life reminiscence process and having experienced death before in seeing loved ones die facilitated acceptance of death; older persons are prepared for death in the sense of experiencing a feeling that their life cycles have been completed; although death may not be feared, many fears of dying are prevalent. It was thus concluded from this study that, although death is not a major preoccupation of the older person, it does still play a significant role in the lives of the elderly in that being aware of impending death allows the older person to regulate her life according to ̕̕̕̕̕ʾtime-left-to-liveʾ
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- Date Issued: 1988
"All vistas close in the unseen" : a study of the transcendent in the fiction of E. M. Forster
- Authors: Butler, Ian
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970 -- Criticism and interpretation , Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2175 ,
- Description: From introduction: It has become something of a commonplace among critics to remark Forster's relative lack of success in offering an alternative to the world which he satirises with such wit and humour. His comic treatment of the suburban absurdities of the Edwardian Englishman is, on the whole, far more compelling and memorable than the often vague, symbolic gestures by means of which he implies the possibility of something better. With the exception of his last and greatest novel, A Passage to India, his "alternatives" are largely factitious and contrived. Worse, the reader senses a fundamental uncertainty on the part of the author: his characteristic ambivalence in itself an indication of a perceptive and discriminating mind -- all too often suggests lack of conviction rather than an intelligent awareness of the infinitude of human possibilities.
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- Date Issued: 1987
Prototypes of black wattle tannins and their stereochemistry
- Authors: Drewes, Siegfried Ernst
- Date: 1963
- Subjects: Tannins -- Anthocyanidis Stereochemistry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4460 ,
- Description: A number of interrelated flavonoid compounds, present in trace quantities in mature black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild) bark, have been isolated and identified for the first time. They include a) the resorcinol-pyrogallol analogues, (+)-leuco-robinetinidin (7,5',4',5'-tetrahydroxyflavan-3,4-diol), dihydrorobinetin (7,5',4',5'-tetrahydroxyflavan-3-ol-4-one) and robtein (2',4',5,4,5- pentahydroxychalcone) and b) the resorcinol-catechol analogues, (+)-leuco-fisetinidin (7,3',4'-trihydroxyflavan-3,4-diol), fustin (7,3',4'-trihydroxyflavan-3-ol-4-one), (-)-fisetinidol (7,3',4'trihydroxyflavan- 3-ol), butein (2',4',3,4-tetrahydroxychalcone) and butin (7,5',4'-trihydroxyflavan-4-one). In addition, two flavonol glycosides, myricitrin (3,5,7,3',4',5'-hexahydroxyflavone-3-rhamnoside ) and quercitrin (5,5,7,5',4'-pentahydroxyflavone-3-rhamnoside), which belong to the phloroglucinol-pyrogallol and phloroglucinolcatechol class of flavonoids respectively, were isolated from immature bark. These represent the only glycosides isolated hitherto from wattle bark or heartwood extracts. Summary, p. i.
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- Date Issued: 1963