The role of seasonality, environmental correlates and edge effects on the diversity and abundance of small mammals in Afromontane forest patches, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Junkuhn, Kyle Peter
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Upland ecology -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Mammal populations -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Forest animals -- Adaptation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Forest animals -- Climatic factors -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Forest animals -- Effect of habitat modification on -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4270 ,
- Description: The Eastern Cape contains the majority of the remaining forested areas in South Africa (95.8 percent Coastal forests and 47.6 percent Afromontane forests), however these occur in fragments. Due to the rapid rise in the human population and its needs, conversion of forests to agricultural land and the extraction of timber increases, natural vegetation are lost and this therefore leads to forests becoming fragmented into small forest patches. One of the main consequences of forest fragmentation is loss of contiguous habitat, which is the dominant threat to species globally as it negatively affects both species richness and genetic diversity. This research investigates the effects that forest fragmentation has on small mammal diversity and abundance. The study sampled small mammals in Southern Mistbelt Afromontane forest patches in the Eastern Cape. The first aim of this study was to identify which environmental variable, or combinations of variables, affect the diversity and abundance of small mammals in fragmented forest patches in the Eastern Cape during the austral summer. The second aim was to compare seasonal changes in small mammal diversity and abundance at a forest edge compared to the forest core at Beggars Bush, an Afromontane forest in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. To identify the environmental impacts that different forests have on small mammals, nine different forests were chosen in the Eastern Cape and sampled during the summer in 2013. These nine forests were: Fort Fordyce Forest, Thaba Ndoda Forest, Hogsback Forest, Dassie Kraans Forest, Langeni Forest, Burchell’s Reserve Forest, Maiden Dam Forest and Kagaberg Forest. At each site, three transects of 30 Sherman Traps each were used. Trapping periods within each forest patch lasted between three to five consecutive nights and traps were inspected once a day in the morning. Nine environmental variables were initially identified and after being tested for normality and colinearity, five variables were chosen. These variables were Altitude, Mean Annual Temperature, Gradient, Patch Size and Mean annual potential evaporation. The number of individuals captures and species richness were then incorporated as dependent variables for best subset multiple regression model selection using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). For the second aim, the same trapping methods were used when comparing seasonal changes to diversity and abundance within the forest core. However at the forest edge, due to the small size of the forest, only 20 Sherman traps were used in each transect with five traps (25 percent) placed in the grassland and 15 (75 percent) placed in the forest along each transect. This study was one of few to survey small mammal diversity and abundance in fragmented forests in the Eastern Cape. Gradient, patch size and mean annual potential evaporation were the variables that best predicted the individual number of small mammal captures while only gradient best explained species richness. It does however, need to be noted that capture rates and species richness were very low and this would therefore effect the analysis of environmental variables. Future studies should have a larger sample size of forest patches and include more microhabitat environmental variables to determine their effects on small mammal diversity and abundance. However, it should be noted that through climatic extinction filtering, forest mammals are resilient generalists that can tolerate fragmentation effects. Furthermore, it was found that forest edges appear to play a significant role in small mammal diversity and abundance in the Beggars Bush Afromontane forest. Some species were habitat specialists such as Rhabdomys pumilio preferring the grassland habitat and Graphiurus murinus and Aethomys namaquensis the forest habitat, while Myosorex varius was the only species that was not habitat dependant. It was found that there was a greater diversity and abundance at the forest edge compared to within the forest core throughout most of the seasons. One possible flaw was that the sampling methods were different at the edge and within the forest and therefore future studies should ensure that the method stays uniform throughout the study.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Trophodynamics of carnivorous zooplankton in the region of the subtropical convergence within the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, with particular emphasis on chaetognaths
- Authors: Sterley, Jessica Anne
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Zooplankton -- Antarctic Ocean , Chaetognatha , Euphausiacea , Amphipoda , Predation (Biology)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5790 , , Zooplankton -- Antarctic Ocean , Chaetognatha , Euphausiacea , Amphipoda , Predation (Biology)
- Description: Trophodynamics of carnivorous zooplankton in the region of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean was investigated during austral autumn (April 2007) as part of the first cruise of the Southern Ocean Ecosystem Variability Study. Within the region of the study, the STC was well defined by the 14°C surface isotherm which separated the Agulhas Return Current and Subtropical water in the north from Sub-Antarctic waters to the south. Total average abundance (3.89 ± 5.46ind 100m-3) and biomass (0.14 ± 0.27mg Dwt 100m-3) of carnivorous zooplankton south of the front were significantly higher than the total average abundance (1.33 ± 1.81ind 100m-3) and biomass (0.03 ± 0.05mg Dwt 100m-3) north of the front (p<0.001). There were no significant correlations between the selected physico-chemical (temperature and salinity) and the biological (mesozooplankton abundance and biomass) variables and the total abundance and biomass of the carnivorous zooplankton during the investigation (p>0.05 in all cases). There was no evidence of enhanced biomass and abundance values at stations occupied in the immediate vicinity of the front. Total average carnivorous zooplankton abundance was dominated by chaetognaths (Eukrohnia hamata Möbius 1875, Sagitta gazellae Ritler-Záhony 1909 and S. zetesios Fowler 1905) and euphausiids (Nematoscelis megalops Sars 1883, Euphausia longirostris Hansen 1908 and E. spinifera Sars 1883), which contributed up to 86.58 ± 32.91% of the total counts. The total average biomass was dominated by euphausiids and amphipods (Themisto gaudichaudii Guérin-Méneville 1825, Phronima sedentaria Forsskål 1775 and Vibilia armata Bovallius 1887) which contributed up to 71.45 ± 34.85% of the total counts. In general the populations of both the euphausiids and amphipods were dominated by females while the chaetognaths were dominated by juveniles. Numerical analysis identified two major zooplankton groupings within the survey area which did not coincide with the water masses within the survey area. The SIMPER procedure of the PRIMER package indicated differences between the groups were mainly attributed to changes in the abundance of the numerically dominant species rather than the presence or absence of individual species. The absence of any significant spatial patterns in the distribution of the carnivorous zooplankton suggests that the STC did not act as a biogeographical barrier during the present study. The mean feeding rates of the chaetognaths E. hamata, S. gazellae and S. zetesios were 1.82 ± 0.85prey d-1, 3.63 ± 2.08prey d-1 and 2.18 ± 0.59prey d-1, respectively. These rates correspond to a combined predation impact equivalent to <5% of the mesozooplankton standing stock or <10% of the mesozooplankton secondary production. Mesozooplankton, comprising mainly copepods was the dominant prey in the guts of the three chaetognath species. Total predation impact of the euphausiids, chaetognaths and amphipods, estimated using published daily ration data, on the mesozooplankton standing stock and secondary production ranged from 0.01% to 1.53% and from 0.03% to 30.54%, respectively. Among the carnivorous zooplankton, chaetognaths were generally identified as the dominant predators of mesozooplankton. Low predation impact of selected carnivorous zooplankton suggested that these organisms contributed little to the vertical carbon flux within the region of investigation during the study.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Trophodynamics of mesozooplankton in the the vicinity of the subtropical convergence in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
- Authors: Daly, Ryan
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Zooplankton -- Antarctic Ocean , Phytoplankton -- Antarctic Ocean
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5791 , , Zooplankton -- Antarctic Ocean , Phytoplankton -- Antarctic Ocean
- Description: The trophodynamics of the numerically dominant mesozooplankton (200-2000 m) in the vicinity of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during austral autumn (April / May) 2007 were investigated as part of the Southern Ocean Ecosystem Variability Study. The survey consisted of six north-south transects each bisecting the STC between 38º to 43ºS and 38º to 41º45’E. In total, 48 stations situated at 30 nautical mile intervals were occupied over a period of ten days. Hydrographic data revealed a well defined surface and sub-surface expression of the STC, which appeared to meander considerably between 41ºS and 41º15’S. Surface chlorophyll-a (chla) concentrations were low, ranging between 0.08 and 0.68 mg chl-a.m-3 and were generally dominated by the picophytoplankton (<2 m) which made up 66.6% (SD±17.6) of the total pigment. Chl-a concentrations integrated over the top 150m of the water column ranged between 11.97 and 40.07 mg chl-a.m-2 and showed no significant spatial patterns (p>0.05). Total integrated mesozooplankton abundance and biomass during the study ranged between 3934.9 and 308521.4 ind.m-2 (mean = 47198.19; SD±62411.4 ind.m-2) and between 239.8 and 4614.3 mg Dwt.m-2 (mean = 1338.58; SD ±1060.5), respectively. Again, there were no significant spatial patterns in the total mesozooplankton abundance or biomass within the region of study (p>0.05). No significant correlations were found between biological (chlorophyll-a concentrations and zooplankton abundance) and physico-chemical variables (temperature and salinity) (p>0.05). The total mesozooplankton community was numerically dominated by copepods of the genera Pleuromamma, Calanus, Oncaea and Oithona. Other important representatives of the mesozooplankton community included the tunicate, Salpa thompsoni, and the pteropod, Limacina retroversa. At the 40% similarity level, numerical analysis identified five distinct mesozooplankton groupings within the survey area. Differences between the groupings were associated with changes in the relative contribution of numerically dominant species rather than the presence or absence of individual species. No groupings were associated with any specific feature of the front within the survey area. The feeding rates of the six most numerically abundant mesozooplankton species (Calanus simillimus, Limacina retroversa, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Clausocalanus breviceps, Oncaea conifera, Salpa thompsoni) accounting for on average 39% of the total mesozooplankton counts, were investigated using the gut fluorescence technique. For all species, the total gut pigment contents during the night time were significantly higher than the daytime values (p<0.05 for all species). The gut evacuation rates (k) for selected mesozooplankton ranged between 0.14 and 0.81 h-1. The ingestion rates ranged between 147.8 and 5495.4 ng(pigm) which corresponded to a daily ration of between 2.4 and 10.9% body carbon. The combined grazing impact of the selected species on the daily phytoplankton standing stock was highly variable and ranged between 1.2 and 174.1% with an average of 27.3% (SD±38.78%) within the survey area. The highest grazing impact (>60%) was typically associated with those stations where the pteropod, L. retroversa, and the tunicate, S. thompsoni, contributed more than 5% of the total mesozooplankton counts. No significant differences were found in the grazing impact of any or all selected species situated either north, south or in the immediate vicinity of the front (p>0.05 in all cases). The lack of defined spatial patterns in the mesozooplankton abundance and community structure suggests that the STC did not act as a significant biogeographic barrier to the distribution of mesozooplankton during the study. It is presumed that the large scale mixing event caused by a storm prior to this study was responsible for the observed lack of elevated biological activity within the region of the STC.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Extension theorems on L-topological spaces and L-fuzzy vector spaces
- Authors: Pinchuck, Andrew
- Date: 2002
- Subjects: Topology , Vector spaces , Generalized spaces
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5405 , , Topology , Vector spaces , Generalized spaces
- Description: A non-trivial example of an L-topological space, the fuzzy real line is examined. Various L-topological properties and their relationships are developed. Extension theorems on the L-fuzzy real line as well as extension theorems on more general L-topological spaces follow. Finally, a theory of L-fuzzy vector spaces leads up to a fuzzy version of the Hahn-Banach theorem.
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- Date Issued: 2002
The factors which influence algal growth in the P.K. le Roux impoundment, Orange River, South Africa
- Authors: Selkirk, Wayne Thomas
- Date: 1982
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5798 ,
- Description: Introduction: In South Africa, much of the work on algal limitation in man-made lakes has centered on nutrients rather than the possible effects of physical factors such as turbidity.In order to determine which is the most important factor in algal limitation in the turbid Orange River system, a comprehensive study of spatial and seasonal changes of the following factors was undertaken in the P.K. Ie Roux impoundment: trace elements , silicon, nitrate, phosphate, total phosphate, phytoplankton standing stock, total suspended solids, secthi disc transparency, light attenuation and the spectral quality of the light. None of the chemical factors appeared to be in short supply but the shallowness of the euphotic zone (0.8 m) had two effects. Firstly. the quantity of light in the upper 1.5 metres was extremely small due to the rapid attenuation of the light by silt. Secondly. the quality of the light was poor due to the selective screening of the shorter wavelengths of light. Once light limitation had been implicated as an important factor in the control of phytoplankton stocks a series of column experiments were used to demonstrate that increased circulation rate. and therefore a higher light dosage. would elevate the algal standing stocks without the addition of nutrients. It was demonstrated that light. as a result of the negative effects of turbidity was the principal cause of low algal standing stocks within the impoundment. and not nutrients as has previously been suggested by other workers.
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- Date Issued: 1982
The geology of the Bindura granite complex in Southern Rhodesia
- Authors: Bowen, David James
- Date: 1961
- Subjects: Geology -- Zimbabwe -- Bindura , Granite outcrops -- Zimbabwe -- Bindura
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5073 ,
- Description: From Introduction: The object of the investigation was to examine the variations in the granite and the relation between the granite and the surrounding metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Shamvaian System (Primitive). Although this object may not have been fully achieved, it has been possible to show that a wide variety of rocks is present in the area, and a few suggestions as to their origin have been made.
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- Date Issued: 1961