A central enrichment-based comparison of two alternative methods of generating transcription factor binding motifs from protein binding microarray data
- Authors: Mahaye, Ntombikayise
- Date: 2013 , 2013-03-13
- Subjects: Transcription factors , Bioinformatics , Protein binding , Protein microarrays , Cell lines
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3890 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003049 , Transcription factors , Bioinformatics , Protein binding , Protein microarrays , Cell lines
- Description: Characterising transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) is an important problem in bioinformatics, since predicting binding sites has many applications such as predicting gene regulation. ChIP-seq is a powerful in vivo method for generating genome-wide putative binding regions for transcription factors (TFs). CentriMo is an algorithm that measures central enrichment of a motif and has previously been used as motif enrichment analysis (MEA) tool. CentriMo uses the fact that ChIP-seq peak calling methods are likely to be biased towards the centre of the putative binding region, at least in cases where there is direct binding. CentriMo calculates a binomial p-value representing central enrichment, based on the central bias of the binding site with the highest likelihood ratio. In cases where binding is indirect or involves cofactors, a more complex distribution of preferred binding sites may occur but, in many cases, a low CentriMo p-value and low width of maximum enrichment (about 100bp) are strong evidence that the motif in question is the true binding motif. Several other MEA tools have been developed, but they do not consider motif central enrichment. The study investigates the claim made by Zhao and Stormo (2011) that they have identified a simpler method than that used to derive the UniPROBE motif database for creating motifs from protein binding microarray (PBM) data, which they call BEEML-PBM (Binding Energy Estimation by Maximum Likelihood-PBM). To accomplish this, CentriMo is employed on 13 motifs from both motif databases. The results indicate that there is no conclusive difference in the quality of motifs from the original PBM and BEEML-PBM approaches. CentriMo provides an understanding of the mechanisms by which TFs bind to DNA. Out of 13 TFs for which ChIP-seq data is used, BEEML-PBM reports five better motifs and twice it has not had any central enrichment when the best PBM motif does. PBM approach finds seven motifs with better central enrichment. On the other hand, across all variations, the number of examples where PBM is better is not high enough to conclude that it is overall the better approach. Some TFs bind directly to DNA, some indirect or in combination with other TFs. Some of the predicted mechanisms are supported by literature evidence. This study further revealed that the binding specificity of a TF is different in different cell types and development stages. A TF is up-regulated in a cell line where it performs its biological function. The discovery of cell line differences, which has not been done before in any CentriMo study, is interesting and provides reasons to study this further.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Cointegration, causality and international portfolio diversification : investigating potential benefits to a South African investor
- Authors: Msimanga, Nkululeko Lwazi
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Cointegration , Econometrics , International finance , Stock exchanges -- South Africa , Stock exchanges -- Developing countries , Stock exchanges -- Developed countries , Investments -- South Africa , Portfolio management -- South Africa , Investment analysis , Autoregression (Statistics)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:962 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002696 , Cointegration , Econometrics , International finance , Stock exchanges -- South Africa , Stock exchanges -- Developing countries , Stock exchanges -- Developed countries , Investments -- South Africa , Portfolio management -- South Africa , Investment analysis , Autoregression (Statistics)
- Description: Research studies on portfolio diversification have tended to focus on developed markets and paid less attention to emerging markets. Traditionally, correlation analysis has been used to determine potential benefits from diversification but current studies have shifted focus from correlation analysis to exploring cointegration analysis and other forms of tests such as the Vector Error Correction Methodology. The research seeks to find if it is beneficial for a South African investor to diversify their portfolio of emerging market equities over a long-term period. Daily weighted share indices for the period of January 1996 to November 2008 were collected and analysed through the application of the Johansen cointegration technique and Vector Error Correction Methodology. Granger Causality tests were also performed to established whether one variable can be useful in forecasting another variable. The study found that there was at least one statistically significant long-run relationship between the emerging markets. After testing for unit roots for all the share indices and their first difference using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF), Philips-Perron and Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (KPSS) unit root tests, similar conclusions were m~de. All the unit root tests and their levels could not be rejected for all the series. However, unit root tests on the first differences were rejected, meaning that all series are of order 1(1) - evidence of cointegration. Simply put, emerging markets tend not to drift apart over time. This suggests that emerging markets offer limited benefits to investors who are looking to add some risk to their portfolios. In addition, the study also found evidence of both unidirectional and bidirectional causality (Granger-Cause tests) between markets. This implies that the conditions for a particular market are exogenous of the other market. The study concludes that emerging markets are gradually adopting the same profile as developed markets.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Aspects of reproduction in the four-striped field mouse, Rhabdomys pumilio
- Authors: Jackson, Claire
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Microtus , Mice , Mice -- Reproduction
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5637 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1005319 , Microtus , Mice , Mice -- Reproduction
- Description: Rhabdomys pumilio, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, does not use short day length as an inhibitory cue for reproductive activity, and, despite previous records indicating that these mice are strictly seasonal in their reproduction, litters have been found during the winters of some years,both in the Eastern Cape and in the Western Cape. This led me to believe that the reproductive activity of Rhabdomys pumilio is more opportunistic and that the cue or cues used to control reproduction are less predictable and, or more variable than the photoperiod cue used by many seasonally reproducing rodents. Two experiments were conducted, investigating the influence of low ambient temperature (15⁰C)and reduced food availability on the reproductive activity of both male and female four striped field mice. Mice were maintained in one of four conditions (food restricted at 15⁰C, food restricted at 26⁰C, ad lib. food at 15⁰C, and ad lib. food at 26⁰C) for 4 (males) and 8 weeks (females)(photoperiod 12L:12D, humidity 40%). Results indicated that the males reduced their reproductive activity slightly when exposed to either low temperature or low food availability and that maximum inhibition of reproduction occurred when mice were exposed to both low temperature and low food availability. However, female reproductive activity was inhibited when exposed to low food availability, irrespective of the temperature. Both sexes of mice showed varying abilities to resist fat loss and, in the males, the size of the fat store had a significant effect on reproduction. This varying ability to resist fat loss could be related to levels of activity and in the females (where activity was quantified), high activity scores were significantly associated with reproductive inhibition. These results support the hypothesis that reproduction in Rhabdomys pumilio is opportunistic and controlled by the availability of energy. I propose that the females will be more sensitive to reproductive inhibition due to their far greater post-fertilization responsibilities, where the reproductive activity of the females is rapidly inhibited by a reduction in food availability, while the males are less readily inhibited by low food availability or low temperature, unless the change in the controlling factors is severe enough, or prolonged, at which stage their reproductive activity will cease. The significance of opportunistic reproduction in the seasonal but unpredictable climate of the study area is discussed.
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- Date Issued: 2000
The effect of combined vitamin E succinate and ascorbic acid supplementation on growth and cyclooxygenase expression in murine melanoma (BL6) cells
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Megan Lynne
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3982 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004041 , Vitamin E , Vitamin C , Melanoma
- Description: This thesis examines the effect of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc supplementation on the in vitro growth of a non-malignant monkey kidney (LLCMK) and a malignant melanoma (BL6) cell line, with nutritional concentration ranges of 5-20µg/ml and 25-50µg/ml respectively. Vitamin E and C are thought to interact synergistically to inhibit tumour cell growth by virtue of their antioxidant properties, whereby they quench free radicals and terminate lipid peroxidation. Furthermore vitamin E and C are thought to modulate the biosynthetic pathways in arachidonic acid metabolism at a number of different points. This may also offer a means of regulating tumour cell growth. It is well documented that vitamin E and C are distributed in the lipid and aqueous phases in the cell respectively. However, the cells need to obtain the vitamins from the environment in which they are found in order to exert a growth inhibitory effect. Supplementation of combined vitamin E succinate and Asc on BL6 and LLCMK cells resulted in a significant increase in LLCMK cell growth, and a significant decrease in cell growth was observed in BL6 cells. Vitamin E succinate in its esterified form cannot function as an antioxidant and requires the cleavage of the succinate to become an active antioxidant. The metabolism of vitamin E succinate to form free vitamin E in LLCMK and BL6 cells resulted in the cleavage of the succinate group from the vitamin E molecule in BL6 cells only, thus suggesting that an esterase may be present in BL6 cells. This would allow for a synergistic interaction between the two vitamins. The arachidonic acid cascade generates a family of bioactive lipids that modulate diverse physiological and pathological responses including tumour growth and promotion. The enzyme prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS) or cyclooxygenase (Cox) is the key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of prostaglandins. Two enzyme isoforms of Cox have been identified, Cox 1 and Cox 2. Supplementation with vitamin E succinate and Asc at a combination 20:25µg/ml respectively resulted in a trend of increasing Cox activity over 12 hours suggesting that vitamin E and Asc have a stimulatory effect on Cox activity in BL6 cells. The inhibitors of Cox 2, dexamethasone, showed a decreasing trend in Cox activity at the 20:25µg/ml combination, while cycloheximide showed an initial stimulatory effect and then a gradual decrease in Cox activity. The elimination of the Cox activity by dexamethasone suggests that transcriptional regulation may be occurring in BL6 cells. We examined by Northern blot analysis whether combined supplementation of vitamin E succinate and Asc caused an elevation of Cox 2 RNA expression in BL6 cells. An inducible effect of Cox 2 was observed after 2 hours of supplementation with a combination of vitamin E succinate and Asc in BL6 cells, however the results are inconclusive and further studies are required to substantiate this finding.
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- Date Issued: 1999
The growth characteristics of sparid otoliths
- Authors: Lang, Judy Brenda
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Fishes -- Age determination , Otoliths , Sparidae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5285 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1005129 , Fishes -- Age determination , Otoliths , Sparidae
- Description: The periodicity of formation of growth increments in the otoliths of South African sparids was validated by the oxytetracycline labelling technique. Intramuscular injections of oxytetracycline at a dosage of 250mg/kg marked the otoliths of laboratory held juvenile sparids, while a dosage range of 50 - 100mg/kg oxytetracycline, injected intramuscularly, marked adult sparids in the field. Laboratory held, larval sparid otoliths were marked by immersion for 24hrs a solution of 100-150mg/l alizarin complexone. Both daily (microstructural) and annual (macrostructural) growth increments were identified in the otoliths. The micro incremental pattern of deposition in the sparid otoliths conformed to the general pattern of otolith structure. Sparid otoliths consisted of a central opaque nucleus composed of multiple primordia. surrounding this nucleus were daily increments which decreased in width as the distance from the nucleus increased. Both check rings and subdaily increments were visible throughout the otolith. Minor environmental changes did not affect micro incremental deposition. Narrow opaque and wide hyaline annual growth zones were identified in sectioned sparid otoliths. Scanning electron microscope analysis of the annual growth zones revealed that microincrements within the opaque zone were narrowly spaced with prominent discontinuous phases. This resulted in the greater optical density and higher protein content of the zone. The hyaline zone was composed of widely spaced daily increments with prominent incremental phases accounting for the translucent nature of this zone. Opaque zone formation in the otoliths of many South African sparids was found to occur primarily during periods of reproductive activity and was shown to be indicative of slow otolith growth. The hyaline zone was formed after the spawning season, representative of fast otolith growth. The results of this study have resolved much of the controversy surrounding the rate of growth and time of formation of the opaque and hyaline growth zones in South African sparid otoliths.
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- Date Issued: 1992
The oxalate complexes of thorium
- Authors: Phillpotts, Charles Adrian Richard
- Date: 1962
- Subjects: Oxalates , Thorium , Complex compounds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4488 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013029
- Description: (1) The ammonium, potassium and sodium salts of three complex thorium oxalates were prepared and studied. (2) Their solubilities and conditions of stability were studied. (3) The reaction between thorium and excess oxalate, and vice versa, was studied by means of conductivity and high frequency conductivity measurements. (4) The formation constant of Th(C₂O₄)₄⁴⁻ and Th(C₂O₄)₃²⁻, and the solubility product of (NH₄)₂Th₂(C₂O₄)₅, were determined by a solubility method.
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- Date Issued: 1962