Perceptions of South African teenagers on HIV counselling and testing (HCT) at an Eastern Cape School
- Authors: Fray, Veronica
- Date: 2011-10
- Subjects: Teenagers , Sexual Ethics , Diseases
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62344
- Description: HIV counselling and testing has long been identified and used as an important entry point around the world in trying to minimise the impact of HIV, particularly on vulnerable populations. South Africa is one of the countries in the world most affected by HIV, and despite concerted governmental efforts to try to contain the disease since the 1990‟s; it remains a threat to the South African population today. Teenagers are a particularly vulnerable group, as they have been found to often engage in behaviours without apparent regard for the consequences of such actions. With the government’s recent upscale of HIV counselling and testing, through its largest national HCT campaign which includes school learners, this study aimed at establishing the perceptions of high school learners through a KABP survey. The study found that while learners may have the necessary knowledge of HIV/ADS, this did not necessarily determine their sexual behaviour or attitudes. Variations were also found in terms of their developmental needs, with possible implications for testing campaigns. Finally, a lack of trust that confidentiality would be maintained may seriously limit uptake of such a service at schools. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty Social Sciences and Humanities, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-10
The determinants of demand for public transport in South Africa
- Authors: Seleseng, Tshegofatso Priscilla
- Date: 2011-10
- Subjects: Transportation--South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:63176
- Description: This study analyses the determinants of demand for public transport in South Africa, using quarterly data covering the period from 1990-2009. The study initially provides an overview of the South African public transport system and population trends. Based on the review of the theoretical and empirical literature on transport, the study specifies a model of public transport demand in South Africa. Tests for stationarity and unit roots in the series (both informal and formal tests), and co-integration test have been performed. The co-integration test is done using the Johansen (1990, 1995) methodology. A vector error correction model is run to provide robust determinant variables on public transport. The results revealed that in the short run, the demand for public transport depends positively and significantly on GDP per capita growth and negatively on prices for public transport and fuel prices. However, over the long run, the demand for public transport depends negatively on GDP per capita growth as expected, but positively on the other variables including the growth in employment levels. To check for robustness of the VECM results the diagnostic tests were performed. The AR Roots Graph reports the inverse roots of the characteristics AR polynomial. The graph showed that all roots lie inside the unit circle which is an indication that VAR is stable. Some of the results found in this the study, such as the short run and long run impact of income growth on public demand, are supported by findings from other studies. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-10
Medicinal properties of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam) leaves and the effect of its use as a supplement on goat growth performance and meat characteristics
- Authors: Moyo, Busani
- Date: 2011-09
- Subjects: Moringa , Medicinal plants
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62662
- Description: The main objective of the study was to determine if feeding goats with Moringa oleifera leaves would lead to an increase in productivity and in value of the meat. The proximate, van Soet, atomic absorption spectrophotometric and soxhlet extraction methods were used to determine the nutritional value M. oleifera leaves of the South African. The in-vitro antimicrobial screening methods were used to determine antimicrobial activities M. oleifera extracts while in vitro and invivo models were used to determine the antioxidant activities of M. oleifera leaves. An evaluation of the potential of M. oleifera leaf meal as a feed supplement in terms of its effect on helminth load, goat growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality attributes, nutritional and consumer sensory characteristics of goat meat was done. A total of 24, eight month old goats were randomly allocated to dietary treatments of M. oleifera leaf meal (MOL), sunflower seed cake (SC) and GH (grass hay) which was the control. All the groups were fed on basal diet of grass hay ad libitum and 200g wheat bran per head per day. The MOL group was given an additional 200 g of dried M. oleifera leaves while the SC group was offered 170 g sunflower seed cake per head/day. The study showed that the dried leaves had crude protein levels of 30.3 percent, polyunsaturated fatty acids (52.21 percent), Saturated fatty acids (43.31), n-3 (44.57 percent), n-6 (7.64 percent), 19 amino acids, vitamin E (77 mg/100 g) and Beta-carotene (18.5 mg/100 g). The M. oleifera leaf extracts showed antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloace, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus kristinae. The supplementation of goats with MOL and SC resulted in decreased feacal larval count and lower Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriforms and Oesophagastum columbianum worm burdens than those in the non-supplemented goats. Goats supplemented with SC and MOL had higher average daily weight gain and heavier carcasses than those in the GH group. Higher pH1 scores were observed in chevon from GH diet than the supplemented ones. The MOL and SC supplemented goats had chevon with higher values for lightness (L*) 24 hr post-mortem than the one from the GH group. The redness (a*) values of chevon 24 hr post mortem was highest in MOL supplemented goats. Warner Bratzler shear force (WBSF) values of SC (30.1 N) and MOL (29.8 N) supplemented goats were lower than those from GH diet (32.6 N). Chevon from goats fed GH diet had significantly higher cooking losses (29.5 percent) than that from MOL (25.4 percent) and SC (25.6 percent) fed groups. It was observed that chevon from MOL and SC supplemented groups had higher crude protein (23.57 and 22.95 percent, respectively) than the one from the GH group (21.20 percent). Cholesterol levels were higher in chevon from SC (42.84) supplemented goats than those from MOL (38.76) and GH (35.63 mg). Chevon from GH and MOL group had higher (P < 0.05) proportions of PUFA, n-3, PUFA/SFA ratio and lower n-6/n-3 ratio. Mean consumer scores for first bite, aroma, flavour and juiceness were higher in the MOL group than in the GH group (P < 0.05). The acetone extract exhibited higher concentrations of total flavonoids, flavonols, phenolics. The acetone extracts depicted higher percentage inhibition against DPPH, ABTS and nitric oxide radicals which were comparable with reference antioxidant (vitamin C and BHT). The M. oleifera leaf meal increased the antioxidant activity of GSH, SOD and catalase. Moringa oleifera leaves also exhibited medicinal properties by having anthelmintic, antibacterial activities and showed antioxidant properties. It was also observed that protein supplementation improved the animal growth performance, the physico-chemical characteristics, nutritional and fatty acids composition of meat hence meeting the consumer needs. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-09
Social policy and the state in South Africa: pathways for human capability development
- Authors: Monyai, Priscilla B. (
- Date: 2011-08
- Subjects: Social Policy , Human Capital , Apartheid
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62334
- Description: The main focus of this thesis is the challenges that are facing social policy development and implementation in South Africa in relation to the enhancement of human capability. The study adopted a historical approach to assess the model of social policy in South Africa and identified that social relations of domination inherited from the apartheid era continuing to produce inequalities in opportunities. Social policy under the democratic government has not managed to address social inequalities and the main drivers of poverty in the form of income poverty, asset poverty and capability poverty which are the underlying factors reproducing deprivation and destitution of the majority of the population. Although South Africa prides itself of a stable democracy, social inequalities continue to undermine the benefits of social citizenship because political participation in the midst of unequal access to economic and social resources undermine the value of citizenship. Also, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth, and in the control of economic production undermine political equality which is an ethic upon which social rights are predicated. As a result, state interventions are lacking inherent potential to build human capability for people to live the life that they have reason to value. The paradox of social policy in South Africa is that the majority of those who are marginalised are those who were excluded by the apartheid regime even though state intervention is claimed to be targeting them. This points to the failure of incremental equalisation of opportunities within a context of stark social inequities. It is also an indication that the economic growth path delivered by the political. , Thesis (Doctoral) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-08
An assessment of local economic development as a mechanism for poverty alleviation: a case study of selected municipalities in Amathole District
- Authors: Dube, Kethiwe
- Date: 2011-06
- Subjects: Economic development -- South Africa , Poverty -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62788
- Description: The legacy of apartheid created uneven development in South Africa, which led to lack of effective service delivery, high levels of poverty and unemployment. This resulted in many people within the communities being vulnerable to poverty. In response to the retarded development, the post apartheid government formulated a number of policies and legislations. Local Economic Development (LED) is one of the policies mandated to guide developmental local government initiatives in addressing poverty, unemployment and redistribution. The aim of the study was to assess LED as a mechanism for poverty alleviation, focusing on the effectiveness of the LED strategies employed by the selected municipalities in Amathole District Municipality (ADM). The literature and the empirical study revealed that LED is seen as a tool through which socio-economic development can be achieved. To achieve the objectives of the study, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A thematic content and pie chat analysis were employed to analyse data, which was gathered using questionnaires, interviews, non-participant observation and documentary survey. The findings of the study revealed that LED strategies have a significant impact on improving infrastructure and service delivery, have both a pro-poor and a pro-growth focus on improving the general welfare of the residents and that LED agencies play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable development, thereby alleviating poverty. Though the current LED strategies employed by ADM are deemed to be effective, they do not fully meet the intended goal of eradicating poverty. Therefore, the researcher recommended that the municipalities should, inter alia, encourage responsible leadership, expand capital investment, promote capacity building and communities should be fully committed in working together with the municipalities in promoting sustainable development. , Thesis (MPA) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-06
On the design, evaluation and performance of an energy efficient solar house with integrated photovoltaics
- Authors: Ziuku, Sosten
- Date: 2011-06
- Subjects: Solar energy , Solar energy -- Environmental aspects , Photovoltaic power generation
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:67331
- Description: The design, construction and performance monitoring of an energy efficient house with integrated photovoltaics is considered. Unlike conventional housing, the house design combines energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies into one building structure. The objective of the study was to investigate the feasibility of using energy efficient solar designs to regulate indoor thermal environment, and determine thecost effectiveness and environmental benefits of such housing designs. The use of ordinary photovoltaic panels as a building element for South Africa’s latitude and meteorological conditions was also investigated. The house model was designed using Autodesk Revit architecture and Ecotect building simulation software. Electrical performance was analyzed using RETScreen and PVDesignPRO software. In addition to passive solar design features and clerestory windows, the design has solar water heaters for hot water supply. The designed energy efficient building integrated photovoltaic (EEBIPV) house was built at the University of Fort Hare. A 3.8 kW BIPV generator was mounted on the north facing roof in such a way that the solar panels replace conventional roofing material. A data acquisition system that monitors thermal and electrical performance was installed. The grid independent house has been occupied since February 2009 and its winter indoor thermal efficiency improved from 70 to more than 78% after ceiling installation. Models for indoor thermal performance and BIPV energy and exergy contributions were developed. The avoided energy consumption from the grid has potential to reduce carbon emissions by 12.41 tons per annum. The total building cost per m2 of floor area compares favourably with the cost of commercial middle-to-upper income domestic housing units without energy efficiency measures and building integrated photovoltaics. The research output provides a good framework for the integration of passive solar designs, natural ventilation and lighting, solar water heaters and building integrated photovoltaics into new and existing housing units. , Thesis (MSci) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-06
Xenophobia in South Africa: a socio-legal analysis
- Authors: Sibanda, Samukeliso
- Date: 2011-04
- Subjects: Xenophobia -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64334
- Description: The ways in which xenophobia continues to express itself in South Africa deserve to be noted at an advanced study. Over the past 15 years the expressions of xenophobia have been accompanied by increased deaths, more discrimination, increase of stereotyping of people of African descent and increased violence towards non-nationals, especially in the poorer parts of South Africa. Many of such xenophobic expressions have gone unnoticed and where they have been noticed, they have received little attention, leading to the exacerbation of the problem. The researcher of this study dwelt on a socio-legal analysis of xenophobia in South Africa. Appreciating the legal connotations and the expressions of xenophobia in South African society is a major concern of this study. To fulfill the objectives of this study, the researcher explores the extent and expression of xenophobia, in addition to analyzing and assessing the efficacy of legislative and other measures aimed to protect non-nationals in South Africa. The study investigates the role of state organizations, government and civil society and evaluates the impact of xenophobia on the enjoyment of human rights by non-nationals. A central objective of this study was to suggest alternative ways of explaining and understanding xenophobia and the responses to it. Empirical research was conducted to explore the extent of xenophobia in South Africa and how and why it is manifested in the way it is. Through in-depth face-to-face interviews it was revealed that the extent and manifestation of xenophobia differs in relation to particular communities, economic set ups and social settings; with poor communities being the most vulnerable to violent xenophobic attacks. Further, it was interesting to note that people have no firm understanding of what xenophobia entails as a social, legal, political and economical phenomenon. Again, it became evident that xenophobia still manifests in a country founded on values of equality, dignity and justice. Moreover, it was established that there is a weak link between law, human action and human behavior. It also became evident that education and sensitization need to be employed if xenophobic perceptions and behaviors are to be sufficiently dealt with. Recommendations were provided upon completion of the study. These included developing the law consciously, thus ensuring that the law has public legitimacy; effective law enforcement and prosecution; human rights education and training (especially in government departments, civil society organizations and institutions of learning); use of media and other communication channels to advocate for non discrimination, equality and respect for human rights, values and integration. Finally, the fight against xenophobia, racial discrimination and other related forms of intolerance needs to be taken up by all members of South African society and Africa at large. , Thesis (LLM) -- Faculty of Law, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-04
The role and contribution of the South African money market towards financial development
- Authors: Gwenhure, Yvonne
- Date: 2011-03
- Subjects: Money market -- South Africa , Finance -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62385
- Description: The Money Market has sparked a lot of interest amongst many researchers over the years of evolving financial markets, with particular reference to its impact on Financial Development. It has been viewed as an important stimulus for financial development and ultimately economic growth in developing countries. Therefore this thesis attempts to establish the impact that the money market has on Financial Development in South Africa. The main objective of this thesis is to comparatively examine the impact of the money market on financial development within the banking sector and financial markets sector. Money Markets that function in an era of liberalized interest rates are perceived to have a greater impact on Financial Development than those whose interest rates are repressed. Therefore, the underpinning theoretical literature in this study is the McKinnon-Shaw theory of Financial Liberalization. The study disaggregates measures of financial depth into indicators covering both the banking sector and financial markets sector. A single equation model is used for both the banking and financial markets sectors were the dependant variable for the banking sector model (LRPG) as well as that of the financial markets model (LSBG) are modeled as functions of the money market, real deposit rate, real income and inflation. Stationarity as well as cointegration tests have been employed in the generation of the Error Correction Model. Results obtained confirm that the money market does have a positive impact on financial development and also that factors such as financial liberalization and real income enhance financial development. For policy recommendations, it is therefore imperative to prioritize money market policies in order to enhance financial development in the country. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2011-03
Consensus and contentions around community engagement in a South African tertiary institution: University of Fort Hare
- Authors: Mudefi, Elmon (
- Date: 2011-02
- Subjects: Community and college , Education Higher
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:57937
- Description: This study examines the nature and character of consensus and contentions around the discourse of community engagement in a South African university context. This is against the background of the growing body of literature that advocates for the need for universities to make their impact felt in communities in more direct ways than through teaching and research. The examination is also against the background of the assumption that the success or failure of community engagement initiatives is, in part, a function of how stakeholders agree/disagree on the meaning and purpose of community engagement. The University of Fort Hare is used as a case study. Interviews and Focus Group Discussions were used for qualitative data collection, whilst a survey was conducted for gathering quantitative data. The study revealed that stakeholders attach different meanings to community engagement, with those possessing power and influence acting as key decision makers. Thus powerful stakeholders (in this case, the university and donor organizations) are at the core of the decision making process, while beneficiaries are pushed to the periphery. Moreover, both the meanings and the activities within which they cohere have important implications for the way beneficiary communities perceive university-community partnerships. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011-02
1H NMR-based kinetic and mechanistic study of unusual skeletal rearrangements of a spirobornyl tosylate derivative
- Authors: Lobb, Kevin A , Kaye, Perry T
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74766 , xlink:href=""
- Description: 1H NMR analysis of the kinetics of skeletal rearrangement of optically pure 3,3-xylyl-2-exo-bornyl tosylate in CDCl3 indicates the operation of tandem autocatalytic and pseudo-first-order transformations, leading sequentially to a pairof isomeric camphene derivatives and involving partial racemization. Changing the solvent system has been shown topermit the chemoselective isolation of either of the isomeric camphenes.
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- Date Issued: 2011
A Critical Analysis of the Role of School Governing Bodies in the Recruitment, Selection and Transfer of Educators in the Butterworth District
- Authors: Sifuba, Mpilo
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: Masters theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:43616
- Description: Recruitment, selection and transfer of educators were decentralized after South Africa became a democratic state in 1994 and shifted to School Governing Bodies. The legislation promoted a shared governance and participation of parents in issues that are related to recruitment, selection and transfer of educators, but parents are struggling and facing challenges in performing these tasks as School Governing Body members especially in the Butterworth district, as a result of that Butterworth district is experiencing problems with increasing number of disputes resulting from the appointment of educators after they have been recommended by the School Governing Bodies. This study focuses on the recruitment, selection and transfer of educators in the Butterworth district of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The study sought to reveal the thinking behind government insistence on giving the School Governing Bodies a responsibility to recruit, select and transfer educators knowing fully well that they do not perform this responsibility. A qualitative approach was used to explore and challenge this phenomenon. This approach is concerned with understanding social phenomenon from the participant’s perspective. In depth semi – structured interviews with open ended questions were used to bring the researcher more closer to a more plausible perspective of this phenomenon. Moreover, they were used because they are the most appropriate method to capture the data. The findings revealed that School Governing Bodies are faced with challenges such as: high level of illiteracy, manipulation of School Governing Bodies by school management, unions and candidates, the issue of regionalism and kickbacks, capacity building and empowerment and role played by the Departmental Officials. By conducting this study, we hope that the findings might contribute in identifying the disjuncture between the policy and the practice in issues pertaining to educator recruitment, selection and transfers. , Thesis (MMED) -- Faculty of Educational Sciences, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011
A research tool for analysing and monitoring the Extent to which Environmental issues are integrated into teachers’ lessons
- Authors: Nsubuga, Yvonne
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:68142 , xlink:href=""
- Description: South Africa enjoys strong policy support for the integration of environmental issues into school curricula. However, much doubt exists over the extent to which this has been converted into appropriate classroom practice at the majority of under-resourced rural schools in the country. This article reports on a study which piloted a research tool which can be used to analyse teachers’ lessons, with the aim of gaining insight into the extent to which they integrate natural resource management issues. The research tool was based on Bernstein’s concept of classification and consisted of five indicators of natural resource management integration into Life Sciences lessons. The study contributes to the design of research tools that can be used to analyse and monitor the integration of environmental issues into teachers’ lessons. It also provides some insight into the environmental content of a sample of Grade 10 Life Sciences lessons at four rural underresourced schools in the Eastern Cape.
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- Date Issued: 2011
A Search for Conjunctions at a Time of Direction-setting Review and Synthesis
- Authors: O'Donoghue, Rob B
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:68209 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This journal reflects a diversity of environment and sustainability education research and viewpoints alongside two synthesis papers. Read as a whole and within a widely held ideal that diversity reflects resilience, the environment and education for sustainable development landscape in Africa might be said to be healthy and proliferating. But read against the pressure to produce tangible evidence of change on an African landscape of persistent climate variation and poverty, along with a widening gap between rich and poor, the picture remains challenging. These contrasting readings are notable at a time when we are looking towards the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Triennial in February, 2012, the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June 2012 and our own EEASA +30 conference in September 2012. The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is characterised by a proliferation of education imperatives. These emerged as modern education in response to the issues of the day and now a modernity in deepening crisis.
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- Date Issued: 2011
A study of mathematics instructional practices in foundation phase grade three classrooms in East London
- Authors: Williams, Beverley Diana
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Mathematics--Study and teaching (Primary) , Mathematics--Study and teaching (Elementary)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:43146
- Description: This study describes the instructional practices of grade three teachers in their attempt to facilitate mathematical learning. The teachers’ practices are described in relation to the requirements of the revised National Curriculum Statement. In order to demarcate the field of investigation, the researcher provides an overview of the historical background of the study and draws attention to the knowledge interest of the investigation. The problem, the research questions, the assumptions of the study, the significance of the study, the rationale and the delimitation of the study are all set out in this chapter. A list of the major terms used in the study is also given. In concluding the chapter and outline of the issues discussed in each of the five chapters is given. , Thesis (MEd) -- University of Fort Hare, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011
A study of rural self-help groups in the context of government-assisted community development: the case of Peddie, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
- Authors: Pakade-Yokwana, Nozuko zandiswa Gloria
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Community development , Rural development
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:43152
- Description: This study was conducted against the backdrop of growing scholarly interest in the epistemic divide between formal, institutionalised knowledge, which guide government interventions in rural community development, and local knowledge, upon which rural communities construct their social existence. The study sought to understand why, despite their resilience and cultural embeddedness in South Africa's rural communities, indigenous self-help groups (SHGs) - as a particular form of indigenous rationality - remained on the periphery of contemporary community development interventions. The study was conducted in the communities of Dabhana, Feni and Mgwanlana in Peddie (Ngqushwa Local Municipality), Eastern Cape. Three SHG variants were eselected: a funeral group (Masingcwabane), an HIV and AIDS support groups, and a financial mutual (mgalelo) – all in the context of government-assisted community development. Empirical data was collected using a mini-survey, focus group discussion, in-depth interviews and key informant interviews. The findings revealed that SHGs were a collective model of indigenous knowledge and social interaction, driven by the belief that through 'sharing', 'reciprocity' and 'collectivism', what would ordinarily be a heavy burden for individuals became 'lighter'. Furthermore, while the institutional framework for community development mandated collaboration between government and SHGs, this framework created a stiff, bureaucratic canvass that alienated SHGs and stifled their operations. The study also found that partnership between the government and SHGs was characterised by fear and distrust on the part of government, and reluctance on the part of SHGs. Government's distrust was premised on the "informality" and "traditionality" of SHGs, and the fear that any investment in SHGs would go to waste. On the other hand, SHGs' reluctance to make themselves amenable to partnership with government seemed like a reaction to a "faulty, culturally insensitive" institutional framework which "delegitimised" grassroots development impulses. The study concluded that there existed in the rural community development arena an epistemic, ideational and practical chasm between government-driven development praxis and age-old indigenous initiatives, and that while the weaknesses of each knowledge domain were accentuated through this divide, development would continue to elude the grassroots communities unless the two knowledge domains interacted with, and leveraged, each other. , Thesis (PhD) (Sociology) -- University of Fort Hare, 2018
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- Date Issued: 2011
A white man in exile
- Authors: Krueger, Anton
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:49677 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This article explores intersections between understandings of masculinity and nationalism. Etymologically, ‘patriotism’ refers to a love for a fatherland and a patriarchal order; it includes notions of loyalty, honour and a range of qualities often associated with conceptions of masculinity. But if gender remains fixed to these normative constructions, what happens to one’s sense of masculine identity when the national state changes? My interest lies in exploring how white South African men have been repositioned in terms of a shift in their gendered identification, with a reflection on the possibly tragic consequences of maintaining an overly rigid gender role identification. As long as masculinity is embedded within nationalism, it will be caught up within a defensive reactive mode which can turn self-destructive. In order to explore these ideas the article employs as its central metaphor the character of Dawid Olivier, who is the protagonist of Athol Fugard’s Sorrows and Rejoicings (2002).
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- Date Issued: 2011
Adoption, use and perception of Australian acacias around the world
- Authors: Kull, Christian A , Shackleton, Charlie M , Cunningham, Peter J , Ducatillon, Catherine , Dufour-Dror, Jean-Mark , Esler, Karen J , Friday, James B , Gouveia, António C , Griffin, A R , Marchante, Elizabete , Midgley, Steven J , Pauchard, Aníbal , Rangan, Haripriya , Richardson, David M , Rinaudo, Tony , Tassin, Jacques , Urgenson, Lauren S , van Maltitz, Graham P , Zenni, Rafael D , Zylstra, Matthew J
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43804 , xlink:href=""
- Description: To examine the different uses and perceptions of introduced Australian acacias (wattles; Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae) by rural households and communities. Eighteen landscape-scale case studies around the world, in Vietnam, India, Réunion, Madagascar, South Africa, Congo, Niger, Ethiopia, Israel, France, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic and Hawai‘i. Qualitative comparison of case studies, based on questionnaire sent to network of acacia researchers. Information based on individual knowledge of local experts, published and unpublished sources. We propose a conceptual model to explain current uses and perceptions of introduced acacias. It highlights historically and geographically contingent processes, including economic development, environmental discourses, political context, and local or regional needs. Four main groupings of case studies were united by similar patterns: (1) poor communities benefiting from targeted agroforestry projects; (2) places where residents, generally poor, take advantage of a valuable resource already present in their landscape via plantation and/or invasion; (3) regions of small and mid-scale tree farmers participating in the forestry industry; and (4) a number of high-income communities dealing with the legacies of former or niche use of introduced acacia in a context of increased concern over biodiversity and ecosystem services. Economic conditions play a key role shaping acacia use. Poorer communities rely strongly on acacias (often in, or escaped from, formal plantations) for household needs and, sometimes, for income. Middle-income regions more typically host private farm investments in acacia woodlots for commercialization. Efforts at control of invasive acacias must take care to not adversely impact poor dependent communities.
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- Date Issued: 2011
An investigation into the demand for money in South Africa during the period (1990-2009)
- Authors: Simawu, Moreblessing
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Demand for money -- South Africa , Monetary policy -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62789
- Description: A stable money demand function plays a vital role in the analysis of macroeconomics, especially in the planning and implementation of monetary policy. With the use of Johansen cointegration and error correction model estimates, this study examines the existence of a stable long-run relationship between real money demand (RM2 and RM3) and its explanatory variables, in South Africa, for the period 1990-2009. The explanatory variables used in this study are selected on the basis of different monetary theories and empirical works, including the Keynesian, Classical and Friedman’s modern quantity theory of money. Based on these theories, the explanatory variables used in this thesis are real income, an interest rate, the inflation rate ,the exchange rate and foreign interest rate. The signs of the coefficients of the variables are as expected from economic theory. The coefficients of real income, the exchange rate and foreign interest rate are positive, while the coefficients of the interest rate and inflation rate are negative. This study augments the cointegration and vector autoregression (VAR) analysis with impulse response and variance decomposition analyses to provide robust long run effects and short run dynamic effects on the real money demand. In addition a foreign interest rate to capture the impact of capital mobility on money demand in South Africa was used. Results from the Johansen test suggest that real money demand (RM2 and RM3) and its all explanatory variables are cointegrated. Hence, there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the real quantity of money demanded and five broadly defined macroeconomic components namely, real income, an interest rate, the inflation rate, foreign interest rate and the exchange rate in South Africa. Overall, the study finds that the coefficients of the equilibrium error terms are negative, as expected, and significantly different from zero, implying that 0.16 and 0.1 of the discrepancy between money demand and its explanatory variables is eliminated in the following quarter. Application of CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability test showed that real money demand (M2 and M3) is stable in South Africa. The impulse response analysis provided evidence that the real M3 money, national income, rate of inflation and the foreign interest rate have a significant impact on the real M3 money demand in the short run. However, remaining variables (the real exchange rate and prime overdraft rate), have only a transitory effect on the real M3 money demand. There was further evidence that real exchange rate, the rate of inflation and the foreign interest rate, have a significant impact on the real M2 money demand in the short run. However, remaining variables (the national income and prime overdraft rate), have only a transitory effect on the real M2 money demand. Results from the variance decompositions of the real money demand are basically similar to those from the impulse response analysis and reveal that the fundamentals explain some, but not all, of the variations of the real money demand. The results showed that the national income explains the largest component of the variation in the real M2 money demand followed by the exchange rate and foreign interest rate. Shocks to the other variables continued to explain an insignificant proportion of the variation in the real M2 money demand. The national income also explains the largest component of the variation in the real M3 money demand followed by the foreign interest rate and exchange rate. Shocks to the other variables continued to explain a less significant proportion of the variation in the real M3 money demand.The study finds that both real M2 and M3 are stable which makes monetary targeting a viable policy option for the SARB. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011
An Investigative Study of Parental Involvement in The Governance of Public and Private Schools in The Matatiele District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Mnukwa, Zolile Maxwell
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: Masters theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:43617
- Description: This is a comparative study of parental involvement in the governance of public and private schools in the Matatiele District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Parental involvement can range from occasional attendance of the school functions to partnership through parent teacher organizations and parent management bodies. Education is a national enterprise that requires the co-operation and participation of all the role players who are parents, community, teachers, learners and the Department of Education. The problem to be investigated in this study is: Why is it that parental involvement is more positive in the governance of private schools than that of public schools? Two schools were selected for the study and the researcher administered questionnaires personally by hand and conducted face to face interviews to collect the primary data. The responses of the administered questionnaire were tabulated and recorded in table form so as to give an accurate interpretation of what was revealed in the data. Patterns in the data were considered in order to provide an accurate interpretation of the information. The findings were divided into two, that is: findings from the public school and those from private schools. From the public school it was found that: parents are not involved in the governance of the school; the school does not involve parents on financial matters; parents do not attend meetings when invited; they do not know their roles and responsibilities, for example, according to the South African Schools Act (SASA), parents must be actively involved in the governance of the school in their community and that there is an element of ignorance and negligence on the part of parents towards their children’s education. From the private schools it was found that: parents are more involved in the governance of the school; they attend and participate actively in school meetings; the school involves parents in financial matters and as such the financial support from the parents is very good; parents are much involved in the monitoring of the progress of their learner’s education and are passionate about the school and seem to own the policies and the governance of the whole school system. The conclusion drawn from the study is that private schools allow for parental involvement in the governance of their schools whereas in public schools parental involvement is low. , Thesis (MMED) -- Faculty of Educational Sciences, 2011
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- Date Issued: 2011
Being moved by a way the world is not
- Authors: Jones, Ward E
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:55064 , xlink:href=""
- Description: At the end of Lecture 3 of The Empirical Stance, Bas van Fraassen suggests that we see the change of view involved in scientific revolutions as being, at least in part, emotional. In this paper, I explore one plausible way of cashing out this suggestion. Someone’s emotional approval of a description of the world, I argue, thereby shows that she takes herself to have reason to take that description seriously. This is true even if she is convinced—as a scientific community is when it considers alternative theories—that this description is false, that it is not the way the world is.
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- Date Issued: 2011