Exploring perspectives of South African fathers of a child with Down syndrome
- Authors: Webber, Heidi
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Parents of children with disabilities -- Attitudes , Parenting -- Psychological aspects Down syndrome -- Care Mental retardation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/13535 , vital:27220
- Description: A mere glance at a family photograph of the Victorian era leaves little doubt of the position of the figure exuding impervious, authoritarian detachment. Austere, rigid and solemn, it is not hard to guess who cast the shadow over the picture. Arrestingly imposing in his role as backbone of the family, this is the nineteenth century legacy image of the father. However, the last century has seen fatherhood redefine itself and the more liberal, lenient and openly loving figure replaced the strict patriarchal model. In contemporary times, fathers are regularly seen comfortably behind a stroller, outdoors with children on their shoulders, at home tousling with their children, and considerably more involved in school and social events. Unashamedly, fathers have moved toward both acknowledging and displaying a softer paternal image. By definition fatherhood is a decidedly individual concept and a unique experience, involving much more than being the male parent in a family, the family protector, or the provider of paycheques. Although the past decade has seen a surge of research and interest in fatherhood with an increased recognition that the involvement of fathers contribute to the well-being, cognitive growth and social competence of their children, there remains a deficit in research on the experiences, perceptions and involvement of fathers of children diagnosed with Down syndrome. And whilst most of this knowledge base is extrapolated from studies about the mother’s experience, true understanding requires that fathers are studied directly. Mothers and fathers respond differently to the pressure associated with raising a child with Down syndrome and literature supports the common view that men are less likely and easy to engage in therapy than women, are less likely to attend therapy, or seek help for physical or psychological problems. For fathers of any differently abled child, the distance between the idealized fathering experience and the actual one may be enormous. Based upon the patriarchy model of the family, in many conventional homes, the wife and mother is like a thermometer, sensing and reflecting the home’s temperature, whilst the father and husband is like the home’s thermostat, which determines and regulates the temperature. The equilibrium of the father plays an important role in his ‘thermostat settings’ to set the right temperature in the marriage and his family. Having a differently abled child is almost never expected and often necessitates a change in plans as the family members adjust their views of their own future, their future with their child, as well as how they will henceforth operate as a family.Some fathers may experience uncertainty about their parenting role of a child diagnosed with Down syndrome, often resulting in peculiar behaviours of the father. This may include engrossing themselves into their work, hobbies, sport, and so forth, almost abdicating their duty as father; believing that the mother knows best (sometimes using their own lack of knowledge as a cop-out); or, they simply withdraw because the mother takes such complete control of every aspect of the child that the father feels inadequate, superfluous, and peripheral as parent. Each parent grieves the ‘loss’ of the child they expected in their own individual way. However, such a highly emotive situation may be compounded by the following aspects: the undeniable pressure of caring for the differently abled child; the additional financial burden; a waning social life; and, the incapacity to cope emotionally whilst invariably displaying the contrary purely to create the illusion that they are indeed coping. Fathers need to develop strategies and skills to cope with the very real and practical needs of parenting their child with Down syndrome, to furthermore minimize relationship conflict and misunderstanding, and to support their child’s optimal development. How these specific issues are embraced and managed may dramatically influence the peace and harmony of family life as well as the marital relationship. This study explores the perspectives of fathers of a child with Down syndrome to ultimately support this unique journey as they navigate their way through “Down”town Holland, as illustrated in the analogy to follow.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Exploring the use of participatory visual methods in teaching sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education programme in selected Kenyan secondary schools
- Authors: Yego, Lily Jerotich , Opata, Violet , Sathorar, Heloise
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Sex instruction -- Kenya , Teaching -- Aids and devices AIDS (Disease) -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Kenya Sex instruction for children
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/13414 , vital:27183
- Description: The HIV and AIDS prevalence in Kenya is still high and remains a major health concern despite the Kenyan government’s initiatives to create awareness about the epidemic through inclusion of the HIV and AIDS programme in schools. This is because the provision of sexuality, HIV and AIDS education in schools is not effective. Teachers face various challenges in the effective delivery of the subject due to their discomfort related to these sensitive topics. Therefore, learners are left inadequately supported by the teachers. With an immense variety of conflicting information about sexuality availed to young people through the social media and also through their peers, young people are left at risk of exploring their sexualities with inadequate and wrong information, thus exposing them to HIV infections. Since schools have been identified as ideal sites for the effective delivery of sexuality, HIV and AIDS education, teachers are expected to teach the learners using a variety of pedagogical strategies in order to achieve efficacy in the delivery of this subject, hence the need to explore teaching styles that could provide a safe space for the effective delivery of sexuality, HIV and AIDS education. This study sought to explore teachers’ experiences of using participatory visual methods in teaching sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education programme in selected Kenyan secondary schools, in order to understand how such methods could affect the teaching of Sexuality education. This study employed a phenomenological research design, interpretivist paradigm and a participatory methodology. Memory accounts, reflective journals and focus group discussions were used for data generation with nine secondary school teachers, from three purposively selected schools in Kenya. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory underpinned the study. The findings revealed that teachers are uncomfortable teaching sexuality education because of fear of leading learners astray, fear of victimization and sexualization, and fear of misleading and hurting learners because of lack of knowledge. This resulted in teachers feeling guilty due to ineffective delivery of Sexuality education. The findings also revealed that participatory visual methods were effective for use by the teachers and the learners in the classroom to navigate issues around sexuality, HIV and AIDS. This was because they are learner-centred, thus making learners producers of knowledge while at the same time encouraging optimism in teaching and learning. This study thus recommends pre-service teacher training on participatory methods of teaching. Educational institutions should also arrange for workshops to train in-service teachers on comprehensive sexuality, HIV and AIDS education and how to tackle it in their classrooms. Moreover, curriculum developers should make sexuality, HIV and AIDS education a compulsory subject to give it equal status with other examinable subjects, for it to be taken seriously. It is only through concerted efforts from everyone that Kenya can reach its target of Zero new HIV infections.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Facilitating alumni support for a low-resourced high school using a participatory action research approach
- Authors: Rensburg, Cheryl Dawn
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Action research in education , Active learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14167 , vital:27438
- Description: South African public schools in disadvantaged areas are experiencing serious levels of under resourcing which negatively impact the educational experiences of learners. Attempts to lessen such negative impact include involving alumni who know the school‟s context, history and ethos. Unfortunately, the concept of alumni support in terms of mentoring and motivating learners is not the norm in many under resourced schools. This research focuses on fostering partnerships with alumni using participatory action research (PAR), because it is holistic, relationally driven and inclusive. Embedded in complexity theory that views the school community as a nonlinear system of different interacting parts functioning to improve the school context, the research follows actionreflection cycles of a group of ten past pupils and five educators from various backgrounds, levels of education and expertise collaborating with and mobilizing other alumni. Data were generated using drawings, photo voice and interviews. Thematic data analysis was used to build patterns and form categories. The following themes emerged namely, the importance of establishing a collective vision for sustained alumni engagement for alumni‟s personal and professional aspirations to serve the vision of the school, the importance of creating an alumni culture that reinforces the concept of „paying it forward‟. Lastly, establishing a sustainable alumni association through sustained actions and interactions and by creating an organisation of excellence The newly developed alumni structure as a „resource fountain‟ generating and cascading energy around the school emerged as an anchor for sustainability. The cascaded energy evolved into a structured „Alumni Week‟ providing ongoing motivation for current learners to sustain alumni engagement.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Female teachers teaching sexuality education in the HIV and AIDS curriculum in Zimbabwean urban secondary schools
- Authors: Gudyanga, Ephias
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Sex instruction for youth -- Zimbabwe , Women in education -- Zimbabwe AIDS (Disease) -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Zimbabwe Sex instruction for children -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/15104 , vital:28124
- Description: This study is focussed on female teachers teaching sexuality education in the HIV and AIDS curriculum in Zimbabwean urban secondary schools. In spite of the importance of education and HIV and AIDS education in preventing HIV infections, Zimbabwe secondary school Guidance and Counseling teachers are not engaging optimally with the current Guidance and Counseling, HIV and AIDS & Life Skills education curriculum, and hence, they are not serving the needs of the learners in the context of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. This study, therefore, explored the following research question with its set of secondary research questions: How can Guidance and Counseling teachers be enabled to teach sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education curriculum suitable for the Zimbabwe secondary school context? What are Guidance and Counseling teachers’ understandings and interpretations of the current HIV and AIDS education curriculum in Zimbabwe secondary schools? What are Guidance and Counseling teachers’ values and beliefs that underpin their approach to teaching sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education curriculum in Zimbabwe secondary schools? What do Guidance and Counseling teachers experience as challenges to teaching the necessary critical content in sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education curriculum? How can Guidance and Counseling teachers be enabled to overcome the challenges they experience and teach the necessary critical content in sexuality education in the HIV and AIDS education curriculum? Eight female Guidance and Counseling urban secondary school teachers, conveniently and purposively selected from Gweru district in Zimbabwe, comprised the sample of participants. Situated within a qualitative research design, and informed by a critical paradigm, I used participatory visual methodology, with drawing and focus group discussion as methods for data generation. Participatory and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data which was theoretically framed by Cultural Historical Activity Theory, as a lens through which I explained the meaning of my findings. The findings, in four themes, revealed that the Guidance and Counseling teachers have an understanding of the Guidance and Counseling curriculum and made their voices heard on how it was designed but also how it should be designed, with whose input it should be designed and why, and how teachers should be supported in implementing it and ensuring that it is appropriate to the context in which they teach. The Guidance and Counseling teachers reflected on and reconsidered their own values and beliefs in relation to the values underpinning the sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS curriculum in order to fulfil their professional role in the context of the HIV epidemic. Even though the Guidance and Counseling female teachers were enthusiastic to teach sexuality education - in the age of HIV and AIDS - in the particular school and community context, they found themselves in an educational system that did not seem to support their work in an optimal way, and in a community with diverse cultures, cultural practices and beliefs of which some seemed to contradict what was supposed to be taught in the curriculum. The participatory visual methodology, however, enabled a process in which the Guidance and Counseling female teachers could reflect on themselves, the context in which they taught, their sexuality education work and also learn from each other. In this way their agency seemed to have been enabled to address the challenges and consider how they could teach sexuality education in their secondary schools in Zimbabwe. The findings have several implications for policy in terms of the Guidance and Counseling curriculum, resource mobilization, pedagogy, engaging with cultural issues, and supporting vulnerable children; and for practice in terms of teacher professional development, teacher training, and for stakeholder contribution. I therefore argue, drawing on Cultural Historical Activity Theory, that the Guidance and Counseling teachers could be enabled to teach sexuality education if the three Activity Systems, namely the Guidance and Counseling teachers, the school system, and the community, work together as one Activity System, engaging with each other in a generative way focused on the same outcome. The Guidance and Counseling teachers could therefore transform their realities if they are enabled to see how their teaching of sexuality education in school is linked to the context of the school and the culture of the community in which they teach and live, and engage with each other to achieve the same objective, namely teaching sexuality education in secondary schools in Zimbabwe, and in so doing enable the learners to make informed choices in the context of HIV and AIDS.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Girl-child education in marginalised rural communities : a critical study of threats and opportunities to access quality secondary education in Binga District, Zimbabwe
- Authors: Nyamanhare, Eurita
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Gender identity in education -- Zimbabwe Sex discrimination in education -- Zimbabwe Girls -- Education -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , Education
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/9213 , vital:34306
- Description: Despite the high ratings of the Zimbabwe’s education system in Africa, the state of secondary education in Binga District epitomises ‘a neglected backyard’ serving to perpetuate secondary education attainment inequalities, with the girl-child fixed at the bottom of the ladder at secondary school level. The prevailing deplorable learning conditions that characterise marginalised rural communities, mainly dominated by minority ethnic groups in Zimbabwe, depict similar conditions under which a girl-child strives to attain quality secondary education in some underdeveloped and developing African countries. Girl-Child Education in Marginalised Rural Communities: A Critical Study of Threats and Opportunities to Access Quality Secondary Education in Binga district, Zimbabwe, adopted a qualitative approach underpinned by a transformative paradigm. Pierre Bourdieu’s cultural capital and Kimberle Crenshaw’s intersectionality theoretical concepts complemented each other providing the theoretical lens that assisted in the unpacking of the whole study. Thus, the adopted theoretical framework helped the researcher to critique the seemingly ‘legitimised’ intergenerational multiple inequalities perpetuated through the education system and the intersecting systems of power (ethnicity, gender, social class) that consequently led to the unpacking of issues that surrounded the girl-child’s access to quality secondary education in Binga District. Intensive literature discussion covered the main themes derived from the study’s research questions, providing the ground from which new knowledge was nourished. With a sufficiently complex phenomenological-emergent research design embedded within critical studies, thick descriptions of lived experiences were gathered from 18 in-depth individual interviews and 6 Focus Group Discussions that involved the girls themselves; all considered to be ‘leaders of opinion’ in this study because of the various social positions and roles they played. Observations, visual materials in the form of photographs, as well as documents and records completed the list of data gathering tools that led to robust trustworthy credible findings from which the main themes of the study emerged. For the girl-child in Binga District, access to quality secondary education was found to be marginalised due to questionable gender responsiveness emanating from the social and infrastructure environments, the girl-child’s negative notions of secondary education underpinned by intersecting barriers, opportunities that are overshadowed by unmatched commitment by the girl-child seemingly underpinned by intersecting unresolved threats exacerbated by distant transitional prospects beyond secondary education. As put by one of the participants, thus, an analogy of ‘an incubator that ceases to work before the eggs hatch’ could be used to describe the state of secondary educational environment under which a girl-child strived to access quality secondary education in Binga District. Thus, using Binga District in Zimbabwe to mirror the state of secondary education in the ‘backyards’ of most of the sub-Saharan African countries, this study urges all African governments to take responsibility as they revise and enforce existing policies in line with the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for girl-child secondary education is endowed with unlimited socio-economic benefits to all individual nations, and globally.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Home activities promoting mathematical skills in foundation phase : a case study of grandmother-headed households
- Authors: Hlungulu, Nolukholo Faith
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Home and school -- South Africa -- Case studies Education -- Parent participation -- South Africa -- Case studies Education, Elementary -- South Africa -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/4926 , vital:28796
- Description: Recent factors identified as contributory to poor mathematics performance in South Africa include lack of parental involvement coupled by the divorce of mathematics education to children’s everyday lives. This exploratory study, therefore focused on home activities grandmothers engage their Grade 2 grandchildren that may promote mathematical skills of Foundation Phase learners. This study followed a qualitative, interpretive and case study research design, to explore home activities grandmothers engage their Grade 2 grandchildren that may promote mathematical skills of Foundation Phase learners. A small scale study of six grandmothers and three Grade 2 teachers were sampled through purposive and snowball sampling. In line with the protocol of the case study, semi-structured individual face to face interviews and shadowing were used to collect data. One striking feature of the main findings was the diversity mathematics applications home activities contained. These include physical, financial and fun playful home activities. Data also revealed that these home activities could reinforce numbers and what numbers mean; reinforce shape recognition and spatial relationships; complement matching, classification and sorting and reinforce measuring and time. This implies that curriculum must incorporate children’s social capital. Both teachers and grandmothers acknowledged that children’s mathematics education is complex and an effective partnership between grandmothers and teachers is needed if children are to be competent in mathematics.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Implementation of gender policies to promote gender parity in leadership in academia : a case study of two universities in Bindura Urban Mashonaland Central Province Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mandoga, Edward
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Women in higher education -- Zimbabwe Education, Higher -- Zimbabwe Sex discrimination in higher education -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/5260 , vital:29178
- Description: The study is premised on the assumptions that the under-representation of women in leadership in academia is aggravated by weak implementation of gender policies. In light of this, the aim of the current study was to assess the nature and extent of the implementation of gender policy frameworks as a way of engendering gender parity in leadership in academia. The study was informed by the socialist-feminist theory and John Rawls’ and David Millers’ theory of social justice. The theories were chosen on the basis of their socialist-scientific approach to gender issues and also because of their resonance with the situation in Zimbabwe’s tertiary institutions. The theories were analysed within the context of Agenda 2063. The relevance of the agenda’s vision for this study is its recognition of gender equality, particularly in leadership in academia, as a critical cog for Africa’s development agenda. The researcher opted to use the qualitative approach which is embedded within the interpretivist research paradigm. The interpretivist approach makes use of qualitative methods of data collection, presentation and analysis. Data were generated from a sample of twenty four lecturers, two vice-chancellors, two pro-vice-chancellors and two registrars from two universities, a private church-run institution and a state university, mainly through interviews. Data were also generated through focus group discussions and document analysis. Data from documents were used to buttress data from the interviews and focus group discussions. The findings of this study showed that the male-management norm dominated in almost every strategic section of the structures of the two institutions. This was attributable to weak implementation of gender policies. The failure of the gender policies to bring a visible change to the institutional landscape in terms of gender equality was a result of an interplay of personal, cultural and organisational factors. Some of the factors that thwarted women’s career progression to leadership positions included, lack of inspiration from role models, lack of support from colleagues, lack of training in leadership, and the Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education’s (ZIMCHE) indiscriminate policy on recruitment of staff members. All the factors however, were encapsulated within the patriarchal stereotypical conception of a women as fit for domesticity. Within the same conception, men were considered to be imbued with the clout and traits consistent with leadership demands. Studies carried out elsewhere in Zimbabwe and outside the boarders of Zimbabwe have yielded similar results. This explains the continuing and relentless nature of gender inequality in academic institutions. In order to increase the participation of women in leadership positions, the study recommends the following: establishment of a monitoring and evaluation exercise designed to audit the effectiveness of the gender policies; establishment of a review of the university programmes with the aim of establishing or intensifying training programmes in academic leadership and management; establishment of a scholarship and research fund to encourage women to undertake higher degrees studies, and the intense application of affirmative action policies and gender mainstreaming in the universities.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Implementation of the policy on religious equity in public schools in the East London Education District : towards a framework for religious diversity
- Authors: Makasi, Cordelia Noma-Abysinia
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Religious education -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Religion and state -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Christianity and politics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/5014 , vital:28935
- Description: The study sought to establish the implementation of the policy on religious equity in public schools in the East London Education district in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Underpinned by Van Meter and Van Horn (2015) with implementation and conceptual theory and also a theory on opportunity to learn and school performance by Van Der Grift and Houtveen(2006), the study was located in the pragmatist research paradigm and followed a mixed methods approach and concurrent triangulation design. The research sampling technique was random for high school learners in selected schools and purposeful for principals, heads of departments, teachers and provincial education officials. Three methods were employed to collect data from selected public schools and from the provincial office namely; semi-structured interviews, individual interviews and observation. Quantitative data were analysed statistically and presented in the form of descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were analysed using the thematic content analysis technique. Major findings of the study are that teachers and principals understood the concept religious equity and had a fair understanding of the policy on religious equity. Schools were predominantly Christian-oriented in terms of religious practices and there were no recorded cases of religious conflict. Learners of minority religions were not compelled to attend Christian religious functions in schools and were allowed to attend their own religious functions outside school. This was established from the fact that participants cited freedom of religion as being exercised in schools. However, it was further established that there was no strategic monitoring and support for teachers in the implementation of religious equity. There were also no deliberate measures and strategies for the implementation of religious equity suggesting challenges and inconsistencies in the implementation of the policy. While there were notable challenges in the implementation of the policy, due to resistance of stakeholders to change, schools had great opportunities which could be utilized to enhance the implementation of the policy on religious equity. The study concludes by noting that, while key policy implementers had an understanding of religious equity, the situation on the ground revealed challenges and inconsistencies in the implementation of the policy which resulted in a Christian-dominated school environment at the expense of minority religions The study recommends, among other things, that that religious equity be adhered to as enshrined in the Constitution of South Africa of 1996 and the South African Schools Act of 1996. The teaching and learning environment should include Religion Education as per prescription by National Policy on Religion Education of 2003, that monitoring and support of teachers be done, and that community involvement with policy development be considered crucial as well as moral education teaching in schools. A framework for enhancing implementation of the policy on religious equity is also proposed.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Implementation of visual arts education in one technical and vocational education and training college in the Eastern Cape : the voices of lecturers and students
- Authors: Dayimani, Mbulelo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Curriculum planning Vocational education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/12744 , vital:39318
- Description: It can be observed that students actively participate in the learning process of education in our country, and the curriculum gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth learning in South African schools and institutions. However, Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) Colleges still continue using traditional learning methods, in which the teacher is in the centre, devoid of artistic culture, and practical work. These implementation methods and techniques have been identified as less motivating for students especially for those with no background in Visual Arts (VA) in high school. The aim of this study therefore was to investigate the views of students and lecturers on the implementation of Visual Arts Education (VAE) in the TVET Colleges in the Eastern Cape. This study was premised from a qualitative research approach and therefore interpretivist paradigm was relevant in assisting the researcher making sense of the data gathered. Face-to-face interviews were used to collect the data from five lecturers and fifteen students in N4 level. The interviews were tape-recorded. The research showed that Visual Arts Education can be an engine that drives creativity and innovation in schools, higher Education institution and all tertiary level settings. It is also reasoned that the visual arts, as with other creative arts disciplines, will not become important and necessary engines for change in education without a determination to critically review its implementation starting with how VAE policies are used in the TVET Colleges. It also emerged from the study that the policies that are available for VAE in the College relate to syllabus as well as assessment and enrolment procedures. The syllabus was found by the lecturers to be inappropriate and less motivating for the students. Also the assessment procedure was revealed to be done according to both practical and theoretical components based on task, test, and practical moderation. However, the practical component was based on seventy five percent and the theory on twenty five percent thereby disadvantaging learners who do not have the theoretical background of the VAE. The study therefore recommends that policies that are used in TVET Colleges for VAE need to be revised, re-applied and implemented so as to cater for the needs of lecturers and students pursuing a career in Visual Arts or VAE.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Indigenous knowledge in the school curriculum: teacher educator perceptions of place and position
- Authors: Ronoh, Janet Chepchirchir , Siebenhuner, Bernd
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Education -- Curricula -- Africa , Curriculum planning -- Africa Curriculum change -- Africa Ethnoscience -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/19971 , vital:29015
- Description: Post-colonial school curricula in Africa, which are mostly dominated by western values, knowledge and pedagogies at the expense of indigenous knowledge (IK) and epistemologies, remain a major area of concern in education. After decades of debate on the relevance of IK and its suitability for integration in school curricula, there appears to be a shift in paradigm towards recognising indigenous ways of knowing and transforming curricula towards using inclusive, contextual and practical content and pedagogies that reflect the changing needs of African society. Despite specific provisions in the South African and Kenyan constitutions and education policy documents, the development and implementation of IK integrated curricula remains a major concern. Teacher educators are important stakeholders in terms of the integration of IK and, as such, this qualitative study, which is framed within an interpretivist philosophical view and draws on a case study methodology, explores teacher educators‘ perceptions of value, place and position of IK in the school curriculum. The samples, which were drawn from two African universities, one in South Africa and one in Kenya, comprised ten purposively selected teacher educators from local indigenous communities in each university. Data were generated via a semi-structured questionnaire, a modified focus group discussion (Imbizo/Baraza) process, and individual semi-structured interviews. The data generated were analysed thematically and revealed that the participating teacher educators have shared conceptual understandings of indigenous knowledge and advocate for more inclusive appropriation and integration of indigenous languages, agriculture, herbal medicine, technological and scientific indigenous knowledge items that they feel are still marginalised in the school curriculum of their respective countries. An inclusive education approach was proposed in which both modern knowledge and IK are intertwined in the curriculum in order to serve the current needs of indigenous cultures and society in general.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Kikuyu male teachers’ constructions of manhood in Nyandarua county, Kenya: implications for HIV and AIDS education
- Authors: Karanja, Ann Waithera
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Teachers -- Kenya -- Attitudes , HIV (Viruses) -- Study and teaching -- Kenya AIDS (Disease) -- Study and teaching -- Kenya Kikuyu (African people) -- Study and teaching -- Kenya Men in education -- Kenya
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/17702 , vital:28438
- Description: The HIV and AIDS epidemic continues to ravage communities worldwide and is a major crisis particularly in Kenya, the fourth highly affected country in the world in terms of the number of people living with HIV. There is therefore an urgent need in Kenya to reduce HIV infections and educational systems have been identified as best placed to do so. In spite of having HIV and AIDS educational interventions, youths in Kenya still remain at the highest risk of HIV infection. There is therefore a need for more effective educational programmes that address socio-cultural beliefs and practices to be realized. It is also critical to understand how gender identities particularly, masculinity constructions play out in teachers’ identity formations and classroom dynamics. This study was conducted in Nyandarua County, Kenya and explores the implications of Kikuyu male rural secondary school teachers’ constructions of manhood on their teaching of sexuality education within the HIV and AIDS education curriculum. This qualitative study was framed within the constructivist paradigm and draws on a phenomenological design. Eighteen Kikuyu male teachers from six different schools were purposively selected. The data was generated by use of drawings, memory work and focus group discussion, and was analysed using thematic analysis. Ethical measures were adhered to and trustworthiness was ensured throughout the study. The Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) was used as the methodological and analytical tool for this study. The results of the study revealed that the constructions of masculinity amongst the Kikuyu male rural secondary school teachers involved in the study were deeply embedded into the Kikuyu socio-cultural beliefs and practices. This then influenced how they mediate their masculinities and experience themselves as men, as sexual beings and as teachers. The study also revealed that the teachers bring to the classroom internalised masculinity constructions acquired through interaction with the socio-cultural context. This in turn influences what is taught in HIV and AIDS education classes, and how it is taught. The study concludes that socio-cultural gender formations do shape the assertiveness and the self-efficacy of teachers in teaching about sexuality and HIV and AIDS. This suggests that HIV and AIDS intervention programmes should pay attention to socio-cultural beliefs and practices and be locally, culturally and contextually situated. This also calls for effective and sustainable teacher training, for teachers to be able to reflect upon their own attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and behaviours and teach in ways that contribute to the fight against HIV transmission.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Knowledge and knower structures in relation to reproductive and sexual health in school curricula of Kenya and South Africa
- Authors: Chemwor, Ezekiel Kiplimo
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Curriculum planning -- Kenya , Curriculum planning -- South Africa Education -- Study and teaching Reproductive health -- Study and teaching -- Kenya Reproductive health -- Study and teaching -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14884 , vital:27893
- Description: This study investigates the Reproductive and Sexual Health (RSH) knowledge as recontextualised in the school curricula of Kenya and South Africa. It sets to provide a holistic view of RSH by bringing to the fore the underlying principles structuring the legitimation of RSH knowledge and knowing in both curricula. More importantly, it provides a deeper understanding of what RSH concepts have to be known and what kind of ideal learner is being projected in the two curricula. The study sets out to answer the following two research questions: How is knowledge related to RSH legitimated in the South African and Kenyan school curricula? How are knowers related to RSH legitimated in the South African and Kenyan school curricula? Being located in the Official Recontextualisation Field of Bernstein’s pedagogic device, this study uses Bernstein’s knowledge structure approach and Legitimation Code Theory: Specialisation as theoretical framework. LCT: Specialisation codes provided a means of developing external languages of description or translation devices to build a requisite analytical framework for revealing the knowledge-knower structures legitimated in the two curricula. The study employs a multi-site case study research design with RSH knowledge and knowers in school curriculum being the case, and Kenya and South Africa as the two sites in the case study. The purpose of looking at the curricula from both countries was not specifically to compare the contents of the curricula documents, but rather to enable broader consideration of the ways in which they position RSH knowledge. The study found that RSH, as an interdisciplinary concept, is faced by a tension in its knowledge-knower structure across the curriculum levels. The biological component of the RSH concepts, has a hierarchical knowledge structure with a knowledge code that exhibited a purist insight as well as a horizontal knower structure that embodied a trained gaze, while the psychological component has a horizontal knowledge structure with a hierarchical knower structure that embodied a cultivated gaze.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Multiple voices: exploring fluid identities in the advanced programme English experience
- Authors: Kromhout, Jessamy
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching Student-centered learning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/18674 , vital:28705
- Description: This study is focused on Advanced Programme English (AP English), which is an additional subject registered through the Independent Examinations Board. The subject is aimed at grades ten to twelve and it is dedicated to the study of English literature. This study explores the AP English experience from the learner perspective, thus it highlights the potential opportunities of learner participation in AP English. In a traditional school context, emphasis is placed on assessment. As a response to this achievement driven focus, this study instead seeks to understand the social context of AP English, and the way in which the AP English experience has been integrated into the learners’ lives. The focus of this study is to understand the AP English perspective through the lens of identity, and the way in which identity permeates all experiences of AP English as a whole. The construction of identity is explored through the activities of reading and writing. These are integral to the AP English experience. By incorporating a number of different perspectives from educational and literary spheres to make sense of the AP English experience, this study broadens conceptualisations of the learner perspective. It also complements traditional conceptualisations of education by including commentary from a diverse range of voices. This study characterises AP English as an alternative space that has the potential to provide a sense of belonging for its learners. The AP English social context offers learners the opportunity to construct their identities in relation to the literature they study, and to their classmates. This meaningful learner engagement may provide learners with the space and freedom to construct their identities in an authentic, self-reflexive manner. Various theories on identity support how AP English can provide a platform for learners to inhabit multiple voices or perspectives. By using literature as a reference point, learners have the opportunity to make sense of themselves through a multiplicity of perspectives. This study therefore provides insight into the way AP English might facilitate a flexible approach to conceptualising identity, which is often overlooked in the education context, thus this study advocates the AP English experience as an important aspect of identity construction. On a larger scale, it places the learner perspective at the forefront, and in this way offers an alternative conceptualisation to traditional, assessment focused schooling methods.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Perceptions of male teachers on under-representation of female teachers in high school management positions in the Queenstown Education District
- Authors: Nyikanyika, Khaya
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Women school administrators -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Women teachers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/5036 , vital:29018
- Description: The purpose of this study was to find out the perceptions of male teachers on the under-representation of female teachers in high school management position in the Queenstown Education District and to find the barriers that cause this perception to determine the possible solutions for these problems. To carry out this study descriptive method was employed. Participants of the study were 60 male teachers, selected by using stratified random sampling techniques. The data were collected by using questionnaire and interview. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed in order to turn up at the results. The findings of the study revealed that, despite the male teachers perceptions on the under-representation of female school managers in high school management positon has been changing, but not as expected still they believe that female teachers are reluctant to accept responsibilities of school management positions Some of the challenges which could hinder female teachers representation in high school management positions were for instance; pressure of home responsibilities, men dominance of management position, political appointment, unclear promotion procedures or informal recruitment selection and discrimination.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Perceptions of school stakeholders towards the use of English as a language of learning and teaching (LoLT) in grade 9 Social Sciences
- Authors: Soya, Nongesiba
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching English language -- Usage
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/6447 , vital:29720
- Description: The dawn of democracy in South Africa led to the development of Language in Education Policy (LiEP) as one of the pieces of legislations that promote languages in schools where parents, learners, who have come of age may choose a language for instruction. LiEP, together with the Constitution of South Africa, promote equal value of all eleven official languages spoken in this country. The promotion of language policies clearly shows that language is the bedrock of the academic development of every child. Unfortunately, Spaull, Van der Berg, Wills, Gustafsson and Kotzè (2016) found that South African Foundation Phase learners lack the most basic skill needed for academic achievement, reading for meaning. Spaull et.al (2016) findings show that language problems start during the early years of schooling. This study aimed at finding out the perceptions of school stakeholders about the use of English as LoLT in Grade 9 Social Sciences, and it is located in the Interpretivist Paradigm. In this study, stakeholders are learners because they are central to learning, parents, as they have the responsibility of choosing LoLT for their children and assist them in their schooling career. Lastly, teachers are stakeholders because of their critical role of imparting knowledge and skills during classroom interaction. The researcher uses a Qualitative approach to identify data-collecting tools suitable for this research, and chooses semi-structured interviews and observations. Semi-structured interviews are flexible and allow deeper probing during the interview. The sample consists of nine Grade 9 learners, three teachers of Grade 9 Social Sciences and six parents from the School Governing Body (SGB). The aim of conducting observations was to find out the language used by learners and teachers during classroom interaction. This study found out that most participants prefer learning Social Sciences in English than in isiXhosa. They are aware of the challenges experienced in the classroom when learning in English but they still choose it. From the sample used, participants clearly indicate that learning in English causes some barriers in the learning and teaching process. However, it also became clear that the benefits associated with learning in English make it difficult to put it at the same level as other languages and participants do not link mother tongue to career opportunities. It is also evident that English will enjoy its hegemony until such time that all stakeholders in Education view the mother tongue as a foundation for learning other languages and as a resource as well so that they can use it in the classroom to understand the content. Policy developers must look deeply into the question of LoLT so that learners receive instruction in a language that will assist them in improved academic performance. Teachers must be equipped with adequate skills to assist learners in developing reading and comprehension skills in the classroom. There is a dire need to develop the culture of reading in rural school learners; and teachers must expose learners to a variety of English reading material.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Plagiarism in master of education studies at selected East African Universities
- Authors: Ramadhan, Zainabu
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Plagiarism -- Africa , Imitation in literature Education, Higher -- Moral and ethical aspects College students -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/20581 , vital:29324
- Description: Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct and is a problematic phenomenon which affects academia globally. Even though the origins of the concept of plagiarism can be traced back throughout history, the term has come to carry many varying implications. This may affect the ways in which plagiarism is understood, detected and prosecuted by the parties it involves, such as students, academics and in policies. Despite its origin in Western tradition, this form of academic malpractice is prominent in African universities. In its most basic definition as theft of intellectual property, plagiarism is intertwined intricately with ownership of knowledge, which is culturally specific. This study situates itself within the context of three African universities, namely Moi University (Kenya), Makerere University (Uganda) and the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), and aims to explore anti-plagiarism strategies implemented at these institutions. More specifically, this study focuses on Master of Education students’ perceptions of plagiarism, the supervisors’ role in preventing and detecting such malpractice and the institutional disciplinary practices in place. This study analyses the possible reasons for the continuous occurrence of plagiarism at these institutions and aims to explore the potential of further strategies to prevent the various forms of malpractice. This research is a qualitative study and uses the constructivist paradigm. The research design is a multiple case study because the data collected originates from the contexts of the three selected universities. The data generation was conducted through triangulation of personal interviews with the students, lecturers and policy-makers as well as through focus group discussions with students and document analysis. Three methods of sampling were employed. The student participants were selected through convenient sampling, the supervisors were chosen through purposive sampling and snowballing was used to identify policy-makers. The data analysis was conducted thematically. In discussing the methodology and findings, Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural theory (1978) is employed. The introductory chapter provides an overview of the complexities of plagiarism and problematizes its implications. Chapter two outlines the relevant literature and contextualizes the research topic. The third chapter introduces the methodology. Chapter four presents the data collected. Thereafter, chapter five focuses on the interpretation and the discussion of the data. The last chapter draws conclusions in relation to the research questions and suggests areas for further research.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Pre-service teachers’ concerns on teaching practicum: a mixed methods case study from Zimbabwe
- Authors: Chitumwa, Chemunondirwa Christopher
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Practicums -- Zimbabwe Teachers -- Training of -- Zimbabwe , Teaching -- Zimbabwe -- Methodology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14840 , vital:27879
- Description: The purpose of this study was to identify and examine pre-service teachers’ concerns relating to their teaching practicum in Zimbabwe and to suggest strategies that could be used to support them in a digitalised era. This study was necessitated by the desire to understand the concerns that pre-service teachers experience during teaching practicum in a fast changing world and in a depressing, unstable socio-politico-economic environment. The study employed a meta-conceptual approach comprising constructivist and social cognitive epistemology as its theoretical framework. A concurrent mixed methods research design was utilised to address the research questions. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to design the study, collect, and analyse data. Thirty participants comprising of 24 pre-service teachers and six college supervisors were purposively selected for the qualitative study from United College of Education in Zimbabwe. Qualitative data was collected by means of interviews and analysed through a thematic analysis. For the quantitative phase, 300 pre-service teachers were chosen through stratified random sampling from the same institution and were asked to complete a questionnaire. One hundred and ninety-three questionnaires were returned and usable, giving a return rate of 64%. Data from the survey were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings from the study revealed that pre-service teachers experience diverse concerns during teaching practicum that included classroom management, teacher knowledge, socio-economic factors, workload, interpersonal relationships and assessment anxiety. Findings from the quantitative phase revealed some differences in the levels of concerns among the year groups. A general downward trend in the levels of concerns was detected except for teacher beliefs concerns that remained constant. Findings from the qualitative phase of the study revealed that the concerns that pre-service teachers experienced during teaching practicum had negative impact on their classroom practice. Most of the student teachers had devised some coping strategies to deal with their concerns and they were satisfied with the quality of support from mentors and peers, but not that from their supervisors. In an increasingly globalised world, the researcher felt that teaching practicum related concerns could be minimised by exploiting the benefits of digitalised knowledge and communities of learning.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Pre-service teachers’ experiences of lecturers’ approaches to dealing with diversity in university classrooms
- Authors: Pieterse, Carl
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Teacher-student relationships -- South Africa Teachers college graduates -- South Africa , Teachers -- Training of -- South Africa Multicultural education -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14499 , vital:27665
- Description: This study explores pre-service student teachers’ experiences of lecturers’ approaches to dealing with diversity in university classrooms. It includes student insights into the strategies that lecturers employ as they manage the complexities of diversity in university classrooms. The research is located in the realm of diversity education and diversity pedagogy and is contextualized against the backdrop of the historical and socio-political climate in South Africa. The challenging consequences of the desegregation of educational institutions in a post-apartheid South Africa has resulted in the advent of diverse and heterogeneous student populations which both challenge and de-marginalise educational practices bringing into focus the need for a humanizing and culturally relevant pedagogy. This, to counter the hegemonic dangers of perpetuating the status quo by further entrenching deep-seated racism disguised as integration. Using qualitative data generated by pre-service student teachers, the results suggest that lecturers fail to embrace diversity to its fullest. The findings illuminate the disparity between policy and practice in a forward-thinking faculty and lecturers’ lack of pedagogical knowledge and skills, which inhibit them from embodying the principles of diversity education. The lecturers’ approaches to dealing with diversity in practice indicate that they are stuck in the quagmire of assimilationist, colour-blind, contributionist and business-as-usual strategies which militate against culturally responsive pedagogy thereby marginalizing learners.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Reform-based approaches in the learning and teaching for conceptual understanding of calculus for diploma studies at south african university
- Authors: Coetzee, Johanna
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Calculus Mathematics -- Study and teaching
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/4959 , vital:28878
- Description: This research tested whether Reform-Based Approaches (RBAs) in the learning and teaching of calculus could lead to improved conceptual understanding. The study adopted positivistic paradigm, quantitative approach and pre- and post-test in a quasi-experimental design. The theoretical framework was Constructivism. The interventions were grounded on learner-centred RBAs including Interactive Engagement (IE), Peer Discussion (PD) and Good Questions (GQ). The experimental group comprised 119 volunteering students from a population of 461 registered for Mathematics as a service subject for the National Diploma (ND) in science or engineering at a South African university. Those not in the experimental group were taught through teacher-centred traditional approaches which have been the norm. However, only 71 out of those in the traditionally taught cohort volunteered to write both Pre- and Post-tests. As such, the total number of subjects in the study was 190, i.e., 119 from the Reform-Based cohort and 71 from the Traditional cohort. The instrument, the Calculus Concept Inventory for Technicians (CCIT), consisted of 19 questions on functions, differentiation and integration. Based on a pilot test, the instrument was improved. The Reform-Based cohort did not receive any participation reward and test scores did not contribute to promotion scores. The students wrote Pre-tests in the second week after commencement of lectures and Post-tests during the last week of lectures. The data were analysed using various statistical tools, tests and measures such as Chi-squares, Student t-tests, Pearson’s Product Moment correlation, Cronbach alpha, KR-20, the Difficulty Index, and Item Discrimination Point Biserial Index (PBI). The raw gain and normalised gains were also employed in data analyses. The main finding of this study was that RBA made a significant impact on the conceptual understanding of calculus of the experimental group. The gain achieved by the experimental group was in a low range and corresponded to the low use of IE (25% of contact time). A combination of RBA with Traditional teaching is recommended. Also, RBA will be most successfully introduced if supplemented and complemented through supportive environments.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Sexuality, HIV and AIDS education in Oshikoto region, Namibia: exploring young people’s voices
- Authors: Uugwanga, Iyaloo Tulonga
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) -- Namibia -- Prevention , Sex instruction -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/13403 , vital:27182
- Description: The HIV and AIDS epidemic remains a major health concern among the Namibian population despite interventions to mitigate it. The creation of awareness about the epidemic through school curricula is one of the government’s interventions. However, the provision of Sexuality, HIV and AIDS education in schools today is based on adult ideas of what they feel is right for young people to learn. This leave learners vulnerable and inadequately supported regarding possible questions they may have in this context. With vast amount and variety of conflicting information available to young people regarding their sexuality; and how their sexuality can and should be expressed, some of this information leads them to engage in risky behaviours that exposes them to HIV infection. Hence the need to involve young people in the development of the curriculum, to meet their educational needs in context of sexuality, HIV and AIDS. In this study, evidence for including learners in the construction of educational content regarding sexuality education is sought. This qualitative study used a phenomenological research design, interpretive paradigm and a participatory arts-based research methodology. Drawings, Vignettes (Agony Aunt) and follow-up focus group discussions were used to generate data with junior and senior learners, aged 15-24, from two secondary schools situated in the Oshikoto region of Namibia. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory underpinned and decipher the findings of this study. The findings revealed that the school curriculum has informed learners on Sexuality, HIV and AIDS matters. The data generated about what they want to learn revealed that there is a need for more information on matters of sexuality, HIV and AIDS, which are not provided by the current education system. The data also revealed that the information that young people are exposed to is mostly associated with myths and misconceptions. This study thus recommends that a more comprehensive sexuality education, which takes into account learners’ needs, be provided in order for them to be guided appropriately on issues concerning their sexuality in the context of HIV and AIDS, so that we can move towards as HIV free world.
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- Date Issued: 2017