Investigating the interannual variability of the Benguela coastal upwelling system using a ROMS numerical model from 1993-2014
- Authors: Silima, Rudzani Faith , Roagosha, Moagabo
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Oceanography , Coasts , Marine sciences
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:72826
- Description: The seasonal and interannual variability of the coastal Benguela upwelling system is described using 22 years (September 1993 - December 2014) of a regional Ocean model (ROMS) output. The model-derived SSTs are evaluated against satellite SSTs (GHRSST) and biases between the datasets investigated, allowing for confidence in using the ROMS data to investigate details of spatial and temporal variability over the Benguela System. Variability of coastal SSTs are investigated together with alongshore winds (from the ERA-Interim Reanalysis product). The driver of the seasonality in upwelling in the Benguela region is the seasonal shift of the South Atlantic High pressure system, leading to an enhanced seasonal signal in the southern Benguela (with strongest upwelling favourable winds in austral spring and summer). In the northern Benguela, the seasonal signal reduces with the peak of upwelling favourable winds shifting to late winter and spring. Interannual variability is evident in the model and is investigated with respect to various modes of climate variability. Though the direct relationship of the Benguela upwelling system to large-scale climate modes such as SAM and ENSO is not clear in most places, some evidence was found for their connection. For instance, in the southernmost cell of the southern Benguela a significant positive and negative correlation exists between SST and wind respectively with ENSO during summer months. This relates to increased (decreased) winds and decreased (increased) SST during La Niña (El Niño) events. Although there was no direct correlation with either SST or alongshore wind anywhere in the Benguela system, there was some indication of its importance. A trend toward a positive SAM (i.e a more poleward position of the South Atlantic High-Pressure system) was consistent with a trend toward enhanced winds and reduced SSTs in the southernmost upwelling cell. In addition to this, there was evidence to suggest that when SAM and ENSO are out-of-phase, which occurred primarily during summer months, the wind and SST response is amplified. This seemed to be particularly true in the first 10 years of the timeseries when the anomalies were strongly alternating. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Environmental Sciences, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-12
An Investigation of the variability of oceanic turbulence in the Agulhas Current: focus on the Durban Eddies and Natal Pulses
- Authors: Burgher, Nasreen
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Ocean currents -- Indian Ocean , Oceanography , Genetic algorithms
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:77276
- Description: Coastal-ocean waters inshore of the Agulhas Current (AC) are largely affected by oceanic (sub-)mesoscale turbulence. These events are generally in the form of meanders, such as AC cyclonic meanders (Natal Pulses and Durban Eddies), and have been observed to play a role in shelf upwelling. Using several high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) satellite products, the turbulent inshore region of the AC was investigated by means of an automated algorithm designed to identify thermal gradients along cross-shore transects. These features are associated with strong SST gradients which are better represented in higher-resolution products. Results yielded high amounts of variability in the regions south of 33.7°S and north of 32.2°S. Four types of inshore boundary features were identified from the variability, which are Natal Pulses, Durban Eddies, upwelling and the fourth was identified as a frontal change. In the Level 4 (L4) SST dataset, the algorithm resulted in 0.46 occurrences of Natal Pulses per year Manual detection resulted in 1.4 events per year. The DE occurred more regularly and was observed spawning at 30°S every one to three weeks in the Level 2 (L2) datasets. Both the L2 and L4 datasets revealed similar characteristics of Natal Pulses and Durban Eddies based on three case studies. Lastly, the RESILIENCE cruise case study compared SST thermosalinograph data to the L2 and L4 SST products and found that the L2 product had better agreement with the in situ data compared to the L4 product. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Environmental Sciences, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-04
Disentangling the role of prokaryotes in regulating export flux via suspended and sinking organic matter in the southern ocean
- Authors: Dithugoe, Choaro David
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Microbial ecology , Bioinformatics , Biochemistry , Oceanography , Metagenomics , Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) , Prokaryotes
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65782 , DOI
- Description: The role of phytoplankton in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide in the marine environment has been the subject of extensive research. We lack, however, comparative insights regarding the functional contributions of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses (the microbiota) to organic matter export especially in understudied polar marine environments such as the Southern Ocean. This knowledge deficit is in part due to the high levels of microbial diversity which obscures efforts to study the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functions including their roles in the sequestration of carbon and nitrogen. Elucidating their precise contributions to organic matter export may be central to potential ecosystems feedbacks to global climate change. We examined several factors which may influence organic matter export to depth including net primary production, phytoplankton biomass, temperature, and prokaryotic functional capacity in the Southern Ocean. A Marine Snow Catcher was used to collect suspended and sinking material 10 metres below mixed layer depth at Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) in autumn (March-April) and in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in winter (July-August) and spring (October-November) 2019. The suspended and sinking material was used to determine the particulate organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations which were then used to calculate fluxes and export ratio ((e-ratio) - particulate organic carbon flux divided by net primary production). Additionally, genomic DNA was extracted from the suspended and sinking material and sequenced to obtain Shotgun metagenomic data which was employed to reconstruct metagenome assembled genome (MAGs) and their functional capacity using bioinformatic tools such as DRAM. Data from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, demonstrate that net primary production and temperature were inversely related to the e-ratio which is consistent with previous findings from the northern region of the Southern Ocean. Genomic functional capacity from SOTS suggested that r-strategist (organisms adapted to live in unstable environments) bacteria (e.g., Gammaproteobacteria) were prominent in the suspended pool. By contrast, the sinking particle-pool appeared to be dominated by K- strategists (organisms adapted to stable environment). The opposite was true for the archaea. This finding (i.e., bacteria) differs from a previous study in the northern region of the Southern Ocean, showing that microbes with K-strategists were more abundant in the suspended fraction. K-strategists typically degrade sinking organic matter into suspended organic matter or dissolved organic matter reducing the organic carbon export efficiency. Furthermore, Data from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean revealed that seasonal temperature changes might dictate the rate of regional prokaryotic degradation across the zones. Resulting in rapid degradation at the northerly warmer regions and slow degradation further south. The data further provide evidence of chemolithoautotrophic mechanisms, with prokaryotes harbouring key pathways, required to transform dissolved inorganic carbon into complex organic forms, including recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon. Collectively, the SOTS and Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean data suggest that shifts in prokaryotic community structure and functional capacity may regulate (either degradation or synthesis of organic matter) carbon export to depth. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Zoology and Entomology, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
Towards an improved understanding of episodic benthic turbidity events (Benthic Nepheloid Layer) on the Eastern Agulhas Bank, South Africa
- Authors: Johnstone, Brett Mordaunt
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Nepheloid layer , Turbidity , Loligo reynaudii , Fisheries South Africa , Oceanography , Remote sensing , Altimetry , Climatic changes
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65371
- Description: The harvest of Loligo reynaudii, or "chokka," represents a critical source of revenue and job creation in the historically impoverished Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Due to the importance of visual stimuli in the reproductive processes, it has been hypothesized that a primary driver of successful reproduction is the clarity of the water column. The presence of increased particulate matter concentrations within the water column generates turbid conditions near the seafloor (visibility < 1m), that are proposed to restrict spawning activity. This benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) contains both organic and inorganic components, with the BNL intensity a function of bottom turbulence, substratum type, and detritus level. However, the spatial and temporal resolution of BNL intensity on the Eastern Agulhas Bank (EAB) and the environmental drivers thereof remain unknown. Here we show that benthic turbidity events are a common but highly variable occurrence on the EAB. Results from a 17-month time-series of in-situ and remote sensing data between 2002 – 2004 in Algoa Bay, supplemented by experiments in other bays important for spawning, show that turbid conditions existed for ∼ 30 % of the sample period. Exploration of environmental drivers, including the influence of wind, altimeter-derived significant wave height (Hs), sea surface temperature (SST), and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations indicate that BNL intensity does not conform to a "one-size-fits-all" approach. Rather, complex local hydrological and physiochemical parameters control the BNL characteristics on the EAB. Global warming is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme westerly-wind and storm events, promoting BNL events on the Eastern Agulhas Bank and possibly causing a shift in the reproductive strategy of chokka squid to the cooler mid shelf region. This is likely to have consequences for both the species in terms of reproductive success and the fishery, which is concentrated on inshore spawning aggregations. Future research needs to quantify and characterize the constituents, source particles and spatial-temporal variability of BNL events in order to build a predictive capacity. Through incorporating the qualitative analysis of the dynamics of nepheloid layers on the EAB into Regional Oceanographic Models (ROMS), General Linear Models (GLM) and particle distribution models such as DELFT-3D, it is possible to move toward predicting the timing and intensity of these events. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14