The functioning of the interbank market and its significance in the transmission of monetary policy
- Authors: De Angelis, Catherine H
- Date: 2013-06-11
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Repurchase agreements -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic policy , South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1075 , , South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Repurchase agreements -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic policy , South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Description: Monetary policy in South African is the primary means by which the authorities can influence activity in the overall economy. The South African Reserve Bank accommodates banks through repo transactions for which they charge the repo rate. The most important market in the transmission of the repo rate to the rest of the economy is the interbank market. As such, a detailed discussion of this market is given. In September 200 I the monetary authorities made certain adjustments to the repo system of accommodation, which included changing the repo rate from a floating rate to a fixed rate that would be administratively determined by the MPC. This was done to address certain weaknesses in the floating rate system. This thesis examines and compares the period before and after the adjustments to the repo system, with the aim of determining whether or not the monetary authorities achieved the goals intended from making this change. The repo rate, prime interbank rate, 3-month NCO rate and the prime lending rate are analysed using the Engle-Granger two variable approach and an ECM model to test for causality. It was found that the monetary authorities did not achieve their intended goals as the relationship between the repo rate and the interbank rate was more significant in the first period. Furthermore, the direction of causality the authorities hoped to achieve by implementing the changes were in fact already in place. As such the adjustments to the system changed the transmission mechanism from the one desired by the authorities to one that was not intended. The conclusions reached by this study show that, in terms of the objectives of the monetary authorities, the previous repo system functioned better. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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Dynamic linkages between monetary policy and the stock market: the case of South Africa
- Authors: Mabitle, Mope
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Johannesburg Stock Exchange , South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com
- Identifier: vital:11483 , , Johannesburg Stock Exchange , South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa
- Description: This study analyses the linkage between monetary policy and the stock market in South Africa using monthly data for the period from 2000 to 2010. It provides an overview of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the monetary regimes adopted by the South African Reserve Bank since the 1960s and the interrelation between the monetary variables and the stock market. It also provides a review of literature, both theoretical and empirical on the linkages between the two variables. Based on the review of literature, a Vector Autoregression [VAR] model was chosen as a method of analyzing the relationship between the two variables. The empirical results revealed that there is no long term relationship between the variables, however, in the short-run there is a dynamic relationship between monetary policy and the stock market in South Africa. This implies that innovations in the stock market affect the implementation of monetary policy and vice-versa. The study recommended that monetary authorities should pay attention to the fact that the stock market performance has a great impact on their decision making due to the fact it is greatly affected by repo rates.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Inflation targeting and inflation indicators: the case for inflation targeting in South Africa
- Authors: Jeke, Leward
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Inflation (Finance) -- South Africa , Inflation targeting -- South Africa , Anti-inflationary policies -- South Africa , Economic indicators -- South Africa , Economic stabilization -- South Africa , Cointegration -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com
- Identifier: vital:11467 , , South African Reserve Bank , Inflation (Finance) -- South Africa , Inflation targeting -- South Africa , Anti-inflationary policies -- South Africa , Economic indicators -- South Africa , Economic stabilization -- South Africa , Cointegration -- South Africa
- Description: The control of inflation requires a forecast of the future path of the price level and its indicators. Targeting inflation directly requires that the central bank (SARB) form forecasts of the likely path of prices paying close attention to a variety of indicators that shows the predictive power of inflation in the past periods. Inflation indicators might be cointegrated with the rate of inflation to predict the future inflation rates. Forecasting inflation may be very difficult at a particular period due to the fact that the array candidate indicators of inflation may neither be very stable nor very strong in their relationships with the rate of inflation. Although this might be the case, this research uses testable effects of each of the South African inflation indicators to the rate of inflation using econometrics tools to find that they have a long run trend with the rate of inflation in South Africa. It has been found that each of the indicator variables has a long run relationship with the rate of inflation. The major conclusion is that inflation indicator variables like money supply (M3), oil price, gold price, total employment, interest rates, exchange rates and output growth can be useful inflation indicators in targeting the future trends of inflation in South Africa according to the data used in this research although some studies in some countries find that inflation targeting is an insufficient framework for monetary policy in the presence of financial exuberance. The money supply, the oil prices, interest rates, the exchange rates, prices of gold, the employment and output growth are co-integrated with the rate of inflation representing a long-run relationship.
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- Date Issued: 2012
An analysis of the money market linkages between South Africa and selected major world economies
- Authors: Barnor, Joel A
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Banks and banking, Central -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , International economic relations , Interest rates -- South Africa , Financial institutions -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:956 , , South African Reserve Bank , Banks and banking, Central -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Foreign exchange rates -- South Africa , International economic relations , Interest rates -- South Africa , Financial institutions -- South Africa
- Description: Globalisation and financial liberalisation has increased the linkages across countries in recent times. The existence of money market links has important implications for both domestic monetary policy and for investment decisions. This study examines the linkages between South Africa’s money market and selected major international money markets. The objectives of the study are firstly to examine the links between the repo rate of South Africa and the central bank rates of the EU, Japan, UK and US. Secondly, is to compare the influence of domestic and foreign monetary policy decisions on South Africa’s money market. The third objective is to examine the long run relationship between the South African money market and the money markets of its major trading partners. Three estimation techniques are used to examine the different links. Principal components analysis, four tests of cointegration, and stationarity tests of the spreads/risk premium between South Africa’s interest rates and the interest rates of the other countries. All three techniques show that there is no long-run link between South Africa’s central bank rates and the central bank rates of the other countries. This shows that the repo rate does not depend on movements in other central bank rates. Domestic money market interest rates respond strongly to changes in the repo rate whilst showing no dependence on central bank rates of the other countries. This confirms the autonomy of the South African Reserve Bank in carrying out policy objectives. When the risk premium is accounted for under the third technique, evidence of integration is found. This indicates that the risk premium plays a crucial part in the level of integration between South Africa and the countries included in the study.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Monetary policy transmission in South Africa: the prime rate-demand for credit phase
- Authors: Lehobo, Limakatso
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Bank loans -- South Africa , Financial institutions -- South Africa , Finance -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1128 ,
- Description: A voluminous literature attempts to explain the various channels of the monetary policy transmission mechanism through which central banks ultimately achieve price stability. However, most research focuses on interest rate pass-through and the demand for money phase, while there is limited research on the demand for credit. This study endeavours to contribute to the understanding of this neglected phase of monetary policy transmission by exploring the response of the real demand for bank credit by the private sector to changes in the real prime rate from 1990:1 to 2004:4 in South Africa. Firstly, the behaviour of the real prime rate in relation to the repo rate is explored using graphical analysis. The study observes that an increase in the repo rate causes an increase in the real prime rate, such that there is always a margin of three or four percentage points between the two rates. Secondly, using secondary data, the Johansen methodology is used to determine the relationship between the demand for bank credit and its determinants (GDP, inflation, real prime rate and real yield on government bonds). Two co-integrating relationships are found. The Gaussian errors from one co-integrating vector are used to model the Vector Error Correction Model, which provides the short-run dynamics and the long-run results, through the use of Eviews 5 software. The results of the study show that while all other variables are negatively related to the demand for bank credit in the long-run, GDP has a positive influence. In the short-run, yield on government bonds and inflation coefficients depict a positive association, while the coefficients of real prime rate and GDP are negative. The error correction coefficient is -0.32, which implies that a 32% adjustment to equilibrium happens in the demand for bank credit in a quarter and that the complete adjustment takes about three quarters to complete. Thirdly, the generalised impulse responses results indicate that the impact on the real prime rate affects the demand for bank credit from the first quarter. The study concludes that the real prime rate has a negative impact on the demand for credit both in the short-run and long-run.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Asset prices and inflation-targeting : implications for South Africa
- Authors: Cosser, Leigh Emma
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Inflation (Finance) -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic policy , Banks and banking, Central -- South Africa , Anti-inflationary policies , Monetary policy -- Japan , Monetary policy -- United States
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1127 ,
- Description: An analysis of the current monetary policy framework in South Africa, which followed the exampie of a number of developed countries by implementing an inflation-targeting regime in 2000, is presented. The primary goal of the framework is to establish price stability, with financial stability a secondary objective. However, as has been evident in other countries, price stability does not guarantee financial stability. Movements in asset prices and the development of asset price bubbles have resulted in a number of episodes of financial instability, which negatively impacted on the growth and development of the countries involved. In addition, the majority of these episodes have occurred in periods of low and stable inflation. The dissertation analyses whether monetary policy would be more efficient if asset price movements were incorporated within the inflation-targeting regime. International experience indicates that early intervention of monetary policy can dampen the negative effects that result when an asset price bubble "bursts". However, if the monetary authorities act too early the effects on the economy can be just as disruptive. The literature is scrutinized to establish what the most effective form of monetary policy should be. The results are then transposed within the South African context to establish how the South African Reserve Bank can best ensure both price and financial stability.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Development of the South African monetary banking sector and money market
- Authors: Patel, Aadil Suleman
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Economic development -- South Africa , Monetary policy -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Financial institutions -- South Africa , Money -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:997 , , South African Reserve Bank , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Money market -- South Africa , Economic development -- South Africa , Monetary policy -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic conditions , Financial institutions -- South Africa , Money -- South Africa
- Description: This thesis presents a theoretical analysis of developments in the South African monetary banking sector and money market. In the first section, evolution of the political, social and economic environments over the past few decades are discussed to provide the reader with an idea of some factors responsible for the underdeveloped nature of this market. It has been argued that the domestic political and economic landscape is relatively stable. Nevertheless, factors such as Zimbabwe’s political and ensuing economic turmoil, coupled with numerous financial crises in other developing nations have had negative consequences on domestic financial market development and economic growth. The current state of monetary policy is also analysed, within the economic environment, and various policy considerations have been put forth concerning the inflation targeting policy. The thesis then goes on to scrutinise the statutory and institutional environments within which the monetary banking institutions operate. Recent changes in the regulations governing the operations of these institutions are identified, together with the consequences of such laws on banking institutions and possible amendments have been suggested. In particular, a system of Asset Based Reserve Requirements (ABRR) has been recommended, in place of the current cash reserve requirement, to ensure regulators create a level playing field in the financial sector. The system can also provide authorities with the necessary control required to direct funds to the most desirable sectors of the economy. Development of the interbank market and the effect of reduced banking competition on the efficacy of the South African Reserve Bank’s refinancing operations and inflation targeting policy are also considered. Finally, the thesis analyses some effects of financial development on the South African economy, and whether it is in the best interests of the country to pursue financial reforms with such vigour. While financial development may bring South Africa closer to international standards of best practice, the timing and extent of the reforms will be critical to guarantee success.
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- Date Issued: 2005
Interest rate behaviour in a more transparent South African monetary policy environment
- Authors: Ballim, Goolam Hoosen
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Interest rates -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic policy , South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1034 , , South African Reserve Bank , Monetary policy -- South Africa , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Interest rates -- South Africa , South Africa -- Economic policy , South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Description: South Africa introduced inflation targeting as a monetary policy framework in 2000. This marked a sizable shift in monetary policy management from the previous "eclectic" approach and the explicit focus on M3 money supply before that. The study appraises the effectiveness of monetary policy under this new dispensation. However, the analysis does not centre on inflation outcomes, which can be a measure of effectiveness because they are the overriding objective of the South African Reserve Bank in effect, it is possible to have a target-friendly inflation rate for a length of time despite monetary policy that is ambiguous and encourages unpredictability in market interest rates. However, persistent policy opaqueness can, over time, damage a favourable inflation scenario. For instance, if the public is unsure about the Reserve Bank's desired inflation target, price setting in the wage and goods markets may eventually produce an inflation outcome that is higher than the Bank may have intended. Rather, this study adjudicates the effectiveness of monetary policy within the context of policy transparency, which is an intrinsic part of the inflation targeting framework. The study looks at the extent to which monetary policy transparency has enhanced both the anticipatory nature of the market's response to policy actions and the force that policy has on all interest rates in the financial system, particularly long-term rates. These concepts are important because through the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, the more deft market participants are at anticipating future Reserve Bank policy the greater the Bank's ability to steady the economy before the actual policy event. With the aid of regression models to estimate the response of market rates to policy changes, the results show that there is significant movement in market rates in anticipation of policy action, rather than on the day of the event or the day after. Indeed, the estimates for market rates movement on the day of and even the day after the policy action are generally minute. For instance, the R157 long-term government bond yield changes by a significant 41 basis points in response to a one percentage point change in the Reserve Bank's benchmark repo rate in the period between the last policy action and the day preceding the current action. In contrast, the R157 bond yield changes by an insignificant 2 basis points on the day of the current repo rate change and about 1 basis point the day after the current change. The results point to a robust relationship between policy transparency and the market's ability to foresee rate action. If this were not the case, it is likely that there would be persistent market surprise and, hence, noticeable movement in interest rates on the day of the rate action and perhaps even the day after. Another important observation is that monetary policy impacts significantly on both short- and long-term market rates. Again, certifying the robustness of monetary policy under the inflation targeting regime
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- Date Issued: 2005