Smith, Jade, Adendorff, Ralph. Re-thinking engagement: Dialogic strategies of alignment in letters to two South African newspapers. 2014.
Hits: 570
Visitors: 730
Downloads: 171
Mpofu, Lindiwe, Adendorff, Ralph. An APPRAISAL analysis of the discourse of student assistants' reports at an Eastern Cape girls' boarding school. 2012.
Hits: 1094
Visitors: 1234
Downloads: 156
Smith, Jade, Adendorff, Ralph. Newspapers as ‘community members’: Editorial responses to the death of Eugene Terre'Blanche. 2013.
Hits: 681
Visitors: 839
Downloads: 169
Adendorff, Ralph, de Klerk, Vivian A, de Vos, Mark, Hunt, Sally, Simango, Ronald, Todd, Louise, Niesler, Thomas. Educated mother-tongue South African English: A corpus approach. 2008.
Hits: 4061
Visitors: 4179
Downloads: 208
Van der Merwe, Kristin, Adendorff, Ralph. Comprehension and production of figurative language by Afrikaans-speaking children with and without specific language impairment. 2012.