Efficient Biometric Access Control for Larger Scale Populations
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465667 , vital:76630 , xlink:href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dane-Brown-2/publication/335378829_Efficient_Biometric_Access_Control_for_Larger_Scale_Populations/links/5d61159ea6fdccc32ccd2c8a/Efficient-Biometric-Access-Control-for-Larger-Scale-Populations.pdf"
- Description: Biometric applications and databases are growing at an alarming rate. Processing large or complex biometric data induces longer wait times that can limit usability during application. This paper focuses on increasing the processing speed of biometric data, and calls for a parallel approach to data processing that is beyond the capability of a central processing unit (CPU). The graphical processing unit (GPU) is effectively utilized with compute unified device architecture (CUDA), and results in at least triple the processing speed when compared with a previously presented accurate and secure multimodal biometric system. When saturating the CPU-only implementation with more individuals than the available thread count, the GPU-assisted implementation outperforms it exponentially. The GPU-assisted implementation is also validated to have the same accuracy of the original system, and thus shows promising advancements in both accuracy and processing speed in the challenging big data world.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465667 , vital:76630 , xlink:href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dane-Brown-2/publication/335378829_Efficient_Biometric_Access_Control_for_Larger_Scale_Populations/links/5d61159ea6fdccc32ccd2c8a/Efficient-Biometric-Access-Control-for-Larger-Scale-Populations.pdf"
- Description: Biometric applications and databases are growing at an alarming rate. Processing large or complex biometric data induces longer wait times that can limit usability during application. This paper focuses on increasing the processing speed of biometric data, and calls for a parallel approach to data processing that is beyond the capability of a central processing unit (CPU). The graphical processing unit (GPU) is effectively utilized with compute unified device architecture (CUDA), and results in at least triple the processing speed when compared with a previously presented accurate and secure multimodal biometric system. When saturating the CPU-only implementation with more individuals than the available thread count, the GPU-assisted implementation outperforms it exponentially. The GPU-assisted implementation is also validated to have the same accuracy of the original system, and thus shows promising advancements in both accuracy and processing speed in the challenging big data world.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Exploration and design of a synchronous message passing framework for a CPU-NPU heterogeneous architecture
- Pennefather, Sean, Bradshaw, Karen L, Irwin, Barry V W
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429537 , vital:72620 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8425384
- Description: In this paper we present the development of a framework for communication between an NPU (network processing unit) and CPU through synchronous message passing that is compliant with the synchronous communication events of the CSP formalisms. This framework is designed to be used for passing generic information between application components operating on both architectures and is intended to operate in conjunction with existing datapaths present on the NPU which in turn are responsible for network traffic transmission. An investigation of different message passing topologies is covered before the proposed message passing fabric is presented. As a proof of concept, an initial implementation of the fabric is developed and tested to determine its viability and correctness. Through testing it is shown that the implemented framework operates as intended. However, it is noted the throughput of the exploratory implementation is not considered suitable for high-performance applications and further evaluation is required.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429537 , vital:72620 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8425384
- Description: In this paper we present the development of a framework for communication between an NPU (network processing unit) and CPU through synchronous message passing that is compliant with the synchronous communication events of the CSP formalisms. This framework is designed to be used for passing generic information between application components operating on both architectures and is intended to operate in conjunction with existing datapaths present on the NPU which in turn are responsible for network traffic transmission. An investigation of different message passing topologies is covered before the proposed message passing fabric is presented. As a proof of concept, an initial implementation of the fabric is developed and tested to determine its viability and correctness. Through testing it is shown that the implemented framework operates as intended. However, it is noted the throughput of the exploratory implementation is not considered suitable for high-performance applications and further evaluation is required.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Extending the NFComms framework for bulk data transfers
- Pennefather, Sean, Bradshaw, Karen L, Irwin, Barry V W
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/430152 , vital:72669 , https://doi.org/10.1145/3278681.3278686
- Description: In this paper we present the design and implementation of an indirect messaging extension for the existing NFComms framework that pro-vides communication between a network flow processor and host CPU. This extension addresses the bulk throughput limitations of the frame-work and is intended to work in conjunction with existing communication mediums. Testing of the framework extensions shows an increase in throughput performance of up to 300× that of the current direct mes-sage passing framework at the cost of increased single message laten-cy of up to 2×. This trade-off is considered acceptable as the proposed extensions are intended for bulk data transfer only while the existing message passing functionality of the framework is preserved and can be used in situations where low latency is required for small messages.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/430152 , vital:72669 , https://doi.org/10.1145/3278681.3278686
- Description: In this paper we present the design and implementation of an indirect messaging extension for the existing NFComms framework that pro-vides communication between a network flow processor and host CPU. This extension addresses the bulk throughput limitations of the frame-work and is intended to work in conjunction with existing communication mediums. Testing of the framework extensions shows an increase in throughput performance of up to 300× that of the current direct mes-sage passing framework at the cost of increased single message laten-cy of up to 2×. This trade-off is considered acceptable as the proposed extensions are intended for bulk data transfer only while the existing message passing functionality of the framework is preserved and can be used in situations where low latency is required for small messages.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Health education on diabetes at a South African national science festival
- Bradshaw, Karen L, Mhlongo, M, Srinivas, Sunitha C, Marara P
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Mhlongo, M , Srinivas, Sunitha C , Marara P
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460074 , vital:75890
- Description: Diabetes is one of the non-communicable diseases with a major negative impact on the health and development of South Africans. Empowering the population’s understanding of the condition, with health-literacy appropriate approaches, is one of the interventions that allows discussions around the prevention of diabetes. Objective. To determine the effects of a health education programme on increasing knowledge about diabetes and encouraging preventive measures. Method. A public health education exhibition was held by a pharmacy student at a national science festival. It incorporated presentations, posters, health models, word-search games, information leaflets and a computer-based quiz consisting of pre- and post-intervention questions. Results. Junior and senior school learners participated in the computer-based quiz. Results from the junior school pre-intervention phase showed that learners had a fair prior knowledge of diabetes, with an overall score of 52.8%. Improvement in their overall mean score at the 5% significance level was noted (p=0.020). There was a significant difference in the mean score after the intervention at the 1% level (government schools: 65.5 (standard error (SE) 3.1)%, independent schools: 45.9 (6.2)%; p=0.006). Of the senior learners 53.7% (n=137) indicated that they use computers at school, while 118 (46.3%) did not have access to computers. The improvement in overall knowledge of the senior participants after the intervention was significant at the 0.1% level (p is less than 0.001). Conclusion. The health education offered by the pharmacy student's project was interactive and used an interdisciplinary approach to improve health literacy and raise awareness of diabetes. This is a tested intervention that may be adopted for improving health literacy among schoolchildren.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Mhlongo, M , Srinivas, Sunitha C , Marara P
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460074 , vital:75890
- Description: Diabetes is one of the non-communicable diseases with a major negative impact on the health and development of South Africans. Empowering the population’s understanding of the condition, with health-literacy appropriate approaches, is one of the interventions that allows discussions around the prevention of diabetes. Objective. To determine the effects of a health education programme on increasing knowledge about diabetes and encouraging preventive measures. Method. A public health education exhibition was held by a pharmacy student at a national science festival. It incorporated presentations, posters, health models, word-search games, information leaflets and a computer-based quiz consisting of pre- and post-intervention questions. Results. Junior and senior school learners participated in the computer-based quiz. Results from the junior school pre-intervention phase showed that learners had a fair prior knowledge of diabetes, with an overall score of 52.8%. Improvement in their overall mean score at the 5% significance level was noted (p=0.020). There was a significant difference in the mean score after the intervention at the 1% level (government schools: 65.5 (standard error (SE) 3.1)%, independent schools: 45.9 (6.2)%; p=0.006). Of the senior learners 53.7% (n=137) indicated that they use computers at school, while 118 (46.3%) did not have access to computers. The improvement in overall knowledge of the senior participants after the intervention was significant at the 0.1% level (p is less than 0.001). Conclusion. The health education offered by the pharmacy student's project was interactive and used an interdisciplinary approach to improve health literacy and raise awareness of diabetes. This is a tested intervention that may be adopted for improving health literacy among schoolchildren.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Real-time geotagging and filtering of network data using a heterogeneous NPU-CPU architecture
- Pennefather, Sean, Bradshaw, Karen L, Irwin, Barry V W
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460603 , vital:75968 , ISBN 9780620810227
- Description: In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a NPU-CPU heterogeneous network monitoring application. This application allows for both filtering and monitoring operations to be performed on network traffic based on country of origin or destination of IP traffic in real-time at wire speeds up to 1 Gbit/s. This is achievable by distributing the application components to the relevant candidate architectures, leveraging the strengths of each. Communication between architectures is handled at runtime by a low latency synchronous message passing library. Testing of the implemented application indicates that the system can perform geolocation lookups on network traffic in real-time without impacting network throughput.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460603 , vital:75968 , ISBN 9780620810227
- Description: In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a NPU-CPU heterogeneous network monitoring application. This application allows for both filtering and monitoring operations to be performed on network traffic based on country of origin or destination of IP traffic in real-time at wire speeds up to 1 Gbit/s. This is achievable by distributing the application components to the relevant candidate architectures, leveraging the strengths of each. Communication between architectures is handled at runtime by a low latency synchronous message passing library. Testing of the implemented application indicates that the system can perform geolocation lookups on network traffic in real-time without impacting network throughput.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Synergizing technology and health promotion for the prevention of tuberculosis
- Srinivas, Sunitha C, Mtolo, L T, Duxbury, Theodore O, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Srinivas, Sunitha C , Mtolo, L T , Duxbury, Theodore O , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460629 , vital:75971
- Description: With the rapid global increase in the prevalence of tuberculosis, health promotion is crucial to raise communal health awareness. This service-learning health promotion activity aimed to increase awareness of TB amongst school learners in attendance at the 2016 National Science Festival. A computer-based pre- and post-intervention quiz, an educational poster, an interactive word search game, and a take-home information leaflet were utilized in a health promotion exhibit. Junior and senior school learners who participated in the exhibit showed significant improvements in their post-educational intervention scores. The exhibit was effective as a preliminary measure in reinforcing health information and raising awareness.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Srinivas, Sunitha C , Mtolo, L T , Duxbury, Theodore O , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460629 , vital:75971
- Description: With the rapid global increase in the prevalence of tuberculosis, health promotion is crucial to raise communal health awareness. This service-learning health promotion activity aimed to increase awareness of TB amongst school learners in attendance at the 2016 National Science Festival. A computer-based pre- and post-intervention quiz, an educational poster, an interactive word search game, and a take-home information leaflet were utilized in a health promotion exhibit. Junior and senior school learners who participated in the exhibit showed significant improvements in their post-educational intervention scores. The exhibit was effective as a preliminary measure in reinforcing health information and raising awareness.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Design of a Message Passing Model for Use in a Heterogeneous CPU-NFP Framework for Network Analytics. Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2017, 3-10 September 2017
- Pennefather, Sean, Bradshaw, Karen L, Irwin, Barry V W
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460011 , vital:75884 , ISBN 9780620767569 , http://dx.doi.org/10.18489/sacj.v31i2.692
- Description: Currently, network analytics requires direct access to network packets, normally through a third-party application, which means that obtaining realtime results is difficult. We propose the NFP-CPU heterogeneous framework to allow parts of applications written in the Go programming language to be executed on a Network Flow Processor (NFP) for enhanced performance. This paper explores the need and feasibility of implementing a message passing model for data transmission between the NFP and CPU, which is the crux of such a heterogeneous framework. Architectural differences between the two domains are highlighted within this context and we present a solution to bridging these differences.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460011 , vital:75884 , ISBN 9780620767569 , http://dx.doi.org/10.18489/sacj.v31i2.692
- Description: Currently, network analytics requires direct access to network packets, normally through a third-party application, which means that obtaining realtime results is difficult. We propose the NFP-CPU heterogeneous framework to allow parts of applications written in the Go programming language to be executed on a Network Flow Processor (NFP) for enhanced performance. This paper explores the need and feasibility of implementing a message passing model for data transmission between the NFP and CPU, which is the crux of such a heterogeneous framework. Architectural differences between the two domains are highlighted within this context and we present a solution to bridging these differences.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Enhanced biometric access control for mobile devices
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465678 , vital:76631
- Description: In the new Digital Economy, mobile devices are increasingly 978-0-620-76756-9being used for tasks that involve sensitive and/or financial data. Hitherto, security on smartphones has not been a priority and furthermore, users tend to ignore the security features in favour of more rapid access to the device. We propose an authentication system that can provide enhanced security by utilizing multi-modal biometrics from a single image, captured at arm’s length, containing unique face and iris data. The system is compared to state-of-the-art face and iris recognition systems, in related studies using the CASIA-Iris-Distance dataset and the IITD iris dataset. The proposed system outperforms the related studies in all experiments and shows promising advancements to at-a-distance iris recognition on mobile devices.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465678 , vital:76631
- Description: In the new Digital Economy, mobile devices are increasingly 978-0-620-76756-9being used for tasks that involve sensitive and/or financial data. Hitherto, security on smartphones has not been a priority and furthermore, users tend to ignore the security features in favour of more rapid access to the device. We propose an authentication system that can provide enhanced security by utilizing multi-modal biometrics from a single image, captured at arm’s length, containing unique face and iris data. The system is compared to state-of-the-art face and iris recognition systems, in related studies using the CASIA-Iris-Distance dataset and the IITD iris dataset. The proposed system outperforms the related studies in all experiments and shows promising advancements to at-a-distance iris recognition on mobile devices.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Feature-fusion guidelines for image-based multi-modal biometric fusion
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460063 , vital:75889 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.18489/sacj.v29i1.436"
- Description: The feature level, unlike the match score level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a newapproach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprintand palmprint at the feature level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed inour recent work, are extended by adding a new face segmentation method and the support vector machine classifier.The new face segmentation method improves the face identification equal error rate (EER) by 10%. The support vectormachine classifier combined with the new feature selection approach, proposed in our recent work, outperforms otherclassifiers when using a single training sample. Feature-fusion guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknessesas observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used toimplement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature level, using a novel feature-fusion methodology, reducingthe EER of two groups of three datasets namely: SDUMLA face, SDUMLA fingerprint and IITD palmprint; MUCT Face,MCYT Fingerprint and CASIA Palmprint.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460063 , vital:75889 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.18489/sacj.v29i1.436"
- Description: The feature level, unlike the match score level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a newapproach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprintand palmprint at the feature level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed inour recent work, are extended by adding a new face segmentation method and the support vector machine classifier.The new face segmentation method improves the face identification equal error rate (EER) by 10%. The support vectormachine classifier combined with the new feature selection approach, proposed in our recent work, outperforms otherclassifiers when using a single training sample. Feature-fusion guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknessesas observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used toimplement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature level, using a novel feature-fusion methodology, reducingthe EER of two groups of three datasets namely: SDUMLA face, SDUMLA fingerprint and IITD palmprint; MUCT Face,MCYT Fingerprint and CASIA Palmprint.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Feature-fusion guidelines for image-based multi-modal biometric fusion
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465689 , vital:76632 , xlink:href="https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-90afb1388"
- Description: The feature level, unlike the match score level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a new approach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprint and palmprint at the feature level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed in our recent work, are extended by adding a new face segmentation method and the support vector machine classifier. The new face segmentation method improves the face identification equal error rate (EER) by 10%. The support vector machine classifier combined with the new feature selection approach, proposed in our recent work, outperforms other classifiers when using a single training sample. Feature-fusion guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknesses as observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used to implement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature level, using a novel feature-fusion methodology, reducing the EER of two groups of three datasets namely: SDUMLA face, SDUMLA fingerprint and IITD palmprint; MUCT Face, MCYT Fingerprint and CASIA Palmprint.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/465689 , vital:76632 , xlink:href="https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC-90afb1388"
- Description: The feature level, unlike the match score level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a new approach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprint and palmprint at the feature level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed in our recent work, are extended by adding a new face segmentation method and the support vector machine classifier. The new face segmentation method improves the face identification equal error rate (EER) by 10%. The support vector machine classifier combined with the new feature selection approach, proposed in our recent work, outperforms other classifiers when using a single training sample. Feature-fusion guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknesses as observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used to implement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature level, using a novel feature-fusion methodology, reducing the EER of two groups of three datasets namely: SDUMLA face, SDUMLA fingerprint and IITD palmprint; MUCT Face, MCYT Fingerprint and CASIA Palmprint.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
Improved Automatic Face Segmentation and Recognition for Applications with Limited Training Data
- Bradshaw, Karen L, Brown, Dane L
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Brown, Dane L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460085 , vital:75891 , ISBN 9783319582740 , https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58274-0_33
- Description: This paper introduces varied pose angle, a new approach to improve face identification given large pose angles and limited training data. Face landmarks are extracted and used to normalize and segment the face. Our approach does not require face frontalization and achieves consistent results. Results are compared using frontal and non-frontal training images for Eigen and Fisher classification of various face pose angles. Fisher scales better with more training samples only with a high quality dataset. Our approach achieves promising results for three well-known face datasets.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Brown, Dane L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460085 , vital:75891 , ISBN 9783319582740 , https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58274-0_33
- Description: This paper introduces varied pose angle, a new approach to improve face identification given large pose angles and limited training data. Face landmarks are extracted and used to normalize and segment the face. Our approach does not require face frontalization and achieves consistent results. Results are compared using frontal and non-frontal training images for Eigen and Fisher classification of various face pose angles. Fisher scales better with more training samples only with a high quality dataset. Our approach achieves promising results for three well-known face datasets.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
“Enhanced biometric access control for mobile devices,” in Proceedings of the 20th Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference
- Bradshaw, Karen L, Brown, Dane L
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Brown, Dane L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460025 , vital:75885 , ISBN 9780620767569
- Description: In the new Digital Economy, mobile devices are increasingly being used for tasks that involve sensitive and/or f inancial data. Hitherto, security on smartphones has not been a priority and furthermore, users tend to ignore the security features in favour of more rapid access to the device. We propose an authentication system that can provide enhanced security by utilizing multi-modal biometrics from a single image, captured at arm’s length, containing unique face and iris data. The system is compared to state-of-the-art face and iris recognition systems, in related studies using the CASIA-Iris-Distance dataset and the IITD iris dataset. The proposed system outperforms the related studies in all experiments and shows promising advancements to at-a-distance iris recognition on mobile devices.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Bradshaw, Karen L , Brown, Dane L
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/460025 , vital:75885 , ISBN 9780620767569
- Description: In the new Digital Economy, mobile devices are increasingly being used for tasks that involve sensitive and/or f inancial data. Hitherto, security on smartphones has not been a priority and furthermore, users tend to ignore the security features in favour of more rapid access to the device. We propose an authentication system that can provide enhanced security by utilizing multi-modal biometrics from a single image, captured at arm’s length, containing unique face and iris data. The system is compared to state-of-the-art face and iris recognition systems, in related studies using the CASIA-Iris-Distance dataset and the IITD iris dataset. The proposed system outperforms the related studies in all experiments and shows promising advancements to at-a-distance iris recognition on mobile devices.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
A dynamically weighted multi-modal biometric security system
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473684 , vital:77672 , xlink:href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315839228_A_Dynamically_Weighted_Multi-Modal_Biometric_Security_System"
- Description: The face, fingerprint and palmprint feature vectors are automatically extracted and dynamically selected for fusion at the feature-level, toward an improved human identification accuracy. The feature-level has a higher potential accuracy than the match score-level. However, leveraging this potential requires a new approach. This work demonstrates a novel dynamic weighting algorithm for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. A comparison is performed on uni-modal, bi-modal, tri-modal and proposed dynamic approaches. The proposed dynamic approach yields a high genuine acceptance rate of 99.25% genuine acceptance rate at a false acceptance rate of 1% on challenging datasets and big impostor datasets.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473684 , vital:77672 , xlink:href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315839228_A_Dynamically_Weighted_Multi-Modal_Biometric_Security_System"
- Description: The face, fingerprint and palmprint feature vectors are automatically extracted and dynamically selected for fusion at the feature-level, toward an improved human identification accuracy. The feature-level has a higher potential accuracy than the match score-level. However, leveraging this potential requires a new approach. This work demonstrates a novel dynamic weighting algorithm for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. A comparison is performed on uni-modal, bi-modal, tri-modal and proposed dynamic approaches. The proposed dynamic approach yields a high genuine acceptance rate of 99.25% genuine acceptance rate at a false acceptance rate of 1% on challenging datasets and big impostor datasets.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation of face and fingerprint feature-fusion guidelines
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473751 , vital:77678 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-34099-9_45"
- Description: There are a lack of multi-modal biometric fusion guidelines at the feature-level. This paper investigates face and fingerprint features in the form of their strengths and weaknesses. This serves as a set of guidelines to authors that are planning face and fingerprint feature-fusion applications or aim to extend this into a general framework. The proposed guidelines were applied to the face and fingerprint to achieve a 91.11 % recognition accuracy when using only a single training sample. Furthermore, an accuracy of 99.69 % was achieved when using five training samples.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473751 , vital:77678 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-34099-9_45"
- Description: There are a lack of multi-modal biometric fusion guidelines at the feature-level. This paper investigates face and fingerprint features in the form of their strengths and weaknesses. This serves as a set of guidelines to authors that are planning face and fingerprint feature-fusion applications or aim to extend this into a general framework. The proposed guidelines were applied to the face and fingerprint to achieve a 91.11 % recognition accuracy when using only a single training sample. Furthermore, an accuracy of 99.69 % was achieved when using five training samples.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Extended feature-fusion guidelines to improve image-based multi-modal biometrics
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473796 , vital:77682 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1145/2987491.2987512"
- Description: The feature-level, unlike the match score-level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a practical approach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprint and palmprint at the feature-level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed in recent work, are extended by adding the palmprint modality and the support vector machine classifier. Guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknesses as observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used to implement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature-level to reduce the equal error rate on the SDUMLA and IITD datasets, using a novel feature-fusion methodology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473796 , vital:77682 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1145/2987491.2987512"
- Description: The feature-level, unlike the match score-level, lacks multi-modal fusion guidelines. This work demonstrates a practical approach for improved image-based biometric feature-fusion. The approach extracts and combines the face, fingerprint and palmprint at the feature-level for improved human identification accuracy. Feature-fusion guidelines, proposed in recent work, are extended by adding the palmprint modality and the support vector machine classifier. Guidelines take the form of strengths and weaknesses as observed in the applied feature processing modules during preliminary experiments. The guidelines are used to implement an effective biometric fusion system at the feature-level to reduce the equal error rate on the SDUMLA and IITD datasets, using a novel feature-fusion methodology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Improved fingercode alignment for accurate and compact fingerprint recognition
- Brown, Dane L, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473807 , vital:77683 , xlink:href="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7568931"
- Description: The traditional texture-based fingerprint recognition system known as FingerCode is improved in this work. Texture-based fingerprint recognition methods are generally more accurate than other methods, but at the disadvantage of increased storage requirements. The low storage requirements for a low resolution texture-based fingerprint recognition method known as FingerCode enables the combined use of fingerprints with the additional security of other devices such as smartcards. The low recognition accuracy of FingerCode is addressed using a novel texture alignment technique. As a result, an improved recognition accuracy is achieved without increasing storage requirements.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Brown, Dane L , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/473807 , vital:77683 , xlink:href="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7568931"
- Description: The traditional texture-based fingerprint recognition system known as FingerCode is improved in this work. Texture-based fingerprint recognition methods are generally more accurate than other methods, but at the disadvantage of increased storage requirements. The low storage requirements for a low resolution texture-based fingerprint recognition method known as FingerCode enables the combined use of fingerprints with the additional security of other devices such as smartcards. The low recognition accuracy of FingerCode is addressed using a novel texture alignment technique. As a result, an improved recognition accuracy is achieved without increasing storage requirements.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
An RTSP proxy for implementing the IPTV media function using a streaming server
- Shibeshi, Zelalem S, Terzoli, Alfredo, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429136 , vital:72562 , https://www.informatica.si/index.php/informatica/article/view/383
- Description: Multimedia content delivery in IMS, including IPTV, is handled by a separate unit, the Media Function (MF), made up of media control and media delivery units, which in the case of IPTV are the Media Control Function (MCF) and Media Delivery Function (MDF), respectively. According to the different specifications of an IMS based IPTV architecture, the User Equipment (UE) is expected to use the RTSP protocol as a media control protocol to interact with the MCF, and obtains delivery of media from the MDF using the RTP protocol. This also means that the streaming session needs to be initiated from the media controller on behalf of the user but the delivery of media is sent to the UE from the media deliverer (media server). Due both to the lack of free and open source Media Servers and the availability of free and open source Streaming Servers, the ideal choice for the delivery of multimedia services, including IPTV, by the research community is Streaming Servers. Nevertheless, because of denial of service attacks and other issues, most streaming servers do not allow a different location for the session setup request and the delivery of media in the streaming session. In other words, most streaming servers are not designed to be controlled by some other entity other than the RTSP client that consumes the media. This makes it difficult to have a separate media control unit for IPTV service in IMS if one wanted to use a streaming server as an MDF unit. So, while waiting for streaming servers to work in this manner, it is better to find a work around in order to use streaming servers to develop and test IPTV services in IMS environments. For this purpose we propose another component (an RTSP proxy and relay unit) as part of the IPTV MF and to mediate between the MCF and MDF. This unit correctly relays media control commands from the MCF to the MDF and RTP packets from the MDF to the UE. It also helps in the implementation of other streaming functionalities that are required for IPTV service delivery, but which are not implemented in the current open source streaming servers. Additional services can also be easily implemented with the help of this unit. This will facilitate the development of an IPTV service using readily available open source streaming servers and help researchers to evaluate their proposals on new services they would like to develop. In this paper we show how this RTSP proxy unit can be integrated into the Media Function of the IPTV architecture to ease the media delivery process of an IMS based IPTV service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429136 , vital:72562 , https://www.informatica.si/index.php/informatica/article/view/383
- Description: Multimedia content delivery in IMS, including IPTV, is handled by a separate unit, the Media Function (MF), made up of media control and media delivery units, which in the case of IPTV are the Media Control Function (MCF) and Media Delivery Function (MDF), respectively. According to the different specifications of an IMS based IPTV architecture, the User Equipment (UE) is expected to use the RTSP protocol as a media control protocol to interact with the MCF, and obtains delivery of media from the MDF using the RTP protocol. This also means that the streaming session needs to be initiated from the media controller on behalf of the user but the delivery of media is sent to the UE from the media deliverer (media server). Due both to the lack of free and open source Media Servers and the availability of free and open source Streaming Servers, the ideal choice for the delivery of multimedia services, including IPTV, by the research community is Streaming Servers. Nevertheless, because of denial of service attacks and other issues, most streaming servers do not allow a different location for the session setup request and the delivery of media in the streaming session. In other words, most streaming servers are not designed to be controlled by some other entity other than the RTSP client that consumes the media. This makes it difficult to have a separate media control unit for IPTV service in IMS if one wanted to use a streaming server as an MDF unit. So, while waiting for streaming servers to work in this manner, it is better to find a work around in order to use streaming servers to develop and test IPTV services in IMS environments. For this purpose we propose another component (an RTSP proxy and relay unit) as part of the IPTV MF and to mediate between the MCF and MDF. This unit correctly relays media control commands from the MCF to the MDF and RTP packets from the MDF to the UE. It also helps in the implementation of other streaming functionalities that are required for IPTV service delivery, but which are not implemented in the current open source streaming servers. Additional services can also be easily implemented with the help of this unit. This will facilitate the development of an IPTV service using readily available open source streaming servers and help researchers to evaluate their proposals on new services they would like to develop. In this paper we show how this RTSP proxy unit can be integrated into the Media Function of the IPTV architecture to ease the media delivery process of an IMS based IPTV service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
Delivering a personalised video service using IPTV
- Shibeshi, Zelalem S, Ndakunda, Shanga, Terzoli, Alfredo, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Ndakunda, Shanga , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429163 , vital:72564 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5746086
- Description: Video oriented services are taking the lead in terms of revenue in the current Internet environment. In order to tap this revenue, Telcos are resorting to serious measures such as moving to Next Generation Network (NGN) where they can provide QoS for services that demand this feature, such as, IPTV. IPTV is more than just what its name implies and includes various types of additional services to make the TV a better entertainment and communication environment. Various innovative IPTV services have been proposed and developed by researchers and practitioners, including personalized advertisement, personalized EPG (Electronic Program Guide), and personalized VoD (Video on Demand). In this paper we introduce a new IPTV service called, the personalized dynamic video delivery service, which sends new video alerts (like breaking news alert) to subscribed users and notifies them when the video is available. If desired, users can watch the video automatically by switching from what they are currently watching without requiring explicitly a new video setup. Users can configure their profile and also set a policy on the way they wish to be notified and the types of video they wish to be alerted to. The paper describes the issues surrounding the delivery of this service and presents the architecture and the various open source technologies that are used to develop the service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Ndakunda, Shanga , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429163 , vital:72564 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5746086
- Description: Video oriented services are taking the lead in terms of revenue in the current Internet environment. In order to tap this revenue, Telcos are resorting to serious measures such as moving to Next Generation Network (NGN) where they can provide QoS for services that demand this feature, such as, IPTV. IPTV is more than just what its name implies and includes various types of additional services to make the TV a better entertainment and communication environment. Various innovative IPTV services have been proposed and developed by researchers and practitioners, including personalized advertisement, personalized EPG (Electronic Program Guide), and personalized VoD (Video on Demand). In this paper we introduce a new IPTV service called, the personalized dynamic video delivery service, which sends new video alerts (like breaking news alert) to subscribed users and notifies them when the video is available. If desired, users can watch the video automatically by switching from what they are currently watching without requiring explicitly a new video setup. Users can configure their profile and also set a policy on the way they wish to be notified and the types of video they wish to be alerted to. The paper describes the issues surrounding the delivery of this service and presents the architecture and the various open source technologies that are used to develop the service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Using an RTSP Proxy to implement the IPTV Media Function via a streaming server
- Shibeshi, Zelalem S, Terzoli, Alfredo, Bradshaw, Karen L
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429120 , vital:72561 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5676629
- Description: Multimedia in IMS, including IPTV, is handled by a separate unit, the Media Function (MF), which is made up of Media Control and Media Delivery Functions (MCF and MDF). According to the different specifications of an IMS based IPTV architecture, the User Equipment (UE) is expected to use the RTSP protocol as a media control protocol to interact with the MCF, and gets delivery of media from the MDF using the RTP protocol. This generally means that the streaming session is initiated from the media controller on behalf of the user but the delivery of media is sent to the UE from the media deliverer (media server). Due to lack of free and open source Media Servers and on the contrary, the availability of free and open source Streaming Servers, the ideal choice for the delivery of media in multimedia services, including IPTV, by the research community are Streaming Servers. Nevertheless, because of denial of service attack and other issues, most streaming servers do not allow different locations for the session setup request and the delivery of media of the streaming session. This makes it difficult to have a separate media control unit for IPTV service in IMS, if one wants to use a streaming server as an MDF unit. For this purpose we propose another component (an RTSP proxy and relay unit) to be part of the IPTV Media Function (MF). The unit will be used to mediate between the MFC and MDF and will properly relay media control (RTSP) commands from the UE and MFC to the MDF and RTP packets from the MDF to the UE. This, we believe, will facilitate the development of an IPTV service using readily available open source streaming servers. In this paper we show how this RTSP proxy and relay unit can be integrated into the Media Function of the IPTV architecture to ease the media delivery process of IMS based IPTV service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Shibeshi, Zelalem S , Terzoli, Alfredo , Bradshaw, Karen L
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/429120 , vital:72561 , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5676629
- Description: Multimedia in IMS, including IPTV, is handled by a separate unit, the Media Function (MF), which is made up of Media Control and Media Delivery Functions (MCF and MDF). According to the different specifications of an IMS based IPTV architecture, the User Equipment (UE) is expected to use the RTSP protocol as a media control protocol to interact with the MCF, and gets delivery of media from the MDF using the RTP protocol. This generally means that the streaming session is initiated from the media controller on behalf of the user but the delivery of media is sent to the UE from the media deliverer (media server). Due to lack of free and open source Media Servers and on the contrary, the availability of free and open source Streaming Servers, the ideal choice for the delivery of media in multimedia services, including IPTV, by the research community are Streaming Servers. Nevertheless, because of denial of service attack and other issues, most streaming servers do not allow different locations for the session setup request and the delivery of media of the streaming session. This makes it difficult to have a separate media control unit for IPTV service in IMS, if one wants to use a streaming server as an MDF unit. For this purpose we propose another component (an RTSP proxy and relay unit) to be part of the IPTV Media Function (MF). The unit will be used to mediate between the MFC and MDF and will properly relay media control (RTSP) commands from the UE and MFC to the MDF and RTP packets from the MDF to the UE. This, we believe, will facilitate the development of an IPTV service using readily available open source streaming servers. In this paper we show how this RTSP proxy and relay unit can be integrated into the Media Function of the IPTV architecture to ease the media delivery process of IMS based IPTV service.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010