The endocoprid dung beetles of southern Africa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
- Davis, Adrian L V (Adrian Louis Victor)
- Authors: Davis, Adrian L V (Adrian Louis Victor)
- Date: 1978
- Subjects: Dung beetles -- Ecology , Dung beetles -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5845 , , Dung beetles -- Ecology , Dung beetles -- Africa, Southern
- Description: The biology and ecology of the endocoprid dung beetles of the Aethiopian zoogeographic region has been studied in the field and laboratory. Work has centred mainly on Oniticellus planatus and O. formoaus although infomation has also been supplied on O. egregius, O. pictus and Tragiscus dimidiatus. The taxonomy of Onticellus (s.str.) and Tragiscus has been discussed with the recommendation that O. planattus and O. pseudaplanatus be synonymised. It has been suggested that endocoprid distribution is chiefly controlled by temperature, rainfall and the density of suitable large dung masses. On the basis of distribution it has been suggested that the taxonomic status of the subspecies of O. pictus should be reviewed. Endocoprids (genus Oniticellus (s.str.) are found throughout the warmer regions of Africa and Asia. Tragiscus is found only in Africa. Methods are described for monitoring endocoprids in the field, for distinguishing freshly emerged from older specimens, and for breeding endocoprids under laboratory conditions. It has been shown that endocoprids breed within or just beneath large dung masses unlike most other members of the Scarabaeinae which actively bury dung and construct the their broods at depth in the soil. It has been shown that there is a restriction of breeding sites available to endocoprids due to the removal of dung by the Scarabaeinae beetles and the limited space available within dung pads. This has resulted in low endocoprid population numbers, a disadvantage, which has been countered by highly specialised but opportunistic breeding habits. The requirements of dung plasticity have limited the time available for breeding activity by most endocoprids (excluding O. egresius) so that both the reproductive system and the reproductive behaviour (cf. O. planatus) are geared to rapid egg and brood production. Large numbers of follicles are able to be produced over a short period. In the probable absence of feeding, this has possibly been allowed by the involvement of a well developed fat body. The broods are tended by the parent female during larval development and the follicles are gradually resorbed, probably to prevent starvation. Ovarian recovery is rapid once feeding recommences. Behavioural mechanisms have developed which boost the number of broods constructed and the rapidity with which they are produced. The duration of endocoprid colonisation and the timing of arrival at dung is shown to be related to the rate of pad desiccation which is chiefly controlled by temperature and degree of dung removal by other dung beetles. Precipitation may also play a part. Predation by vertebrates and other insects has been noted and a number of mechanisms are described which are probably protective. Two insect parasitoids of O. formosus larvae have been recorded. The potential use of endocoprids in the Australian dung and fly control project has been discussed and it is recommended that their introduction be considered of low priority. It is suggested that the endocoprids evolved from Euoniticellus type ancestors and that their behaviour complex nidification developed in response to harsh environmental factors, chiefly the danger of desiccation and competition for dung with other dung beetles. From a consideration of brood and brood chamber construction it is suggested that O. egresius is a relatively unspecialised endocoprid which may retain dry season aestivation and has not evolved much further than its probable Euoniticellus type ancestor. The broods are coated in clay and abandoned soon after construction. Greater specialisation is shown by O. planatus and O. formosus which exhibit brooding behaviour, increasing longevity, more specialised brood protection, increased potential fecundity and continuous activity throughout the year. O. formosus shows greater specialisation in brood production than O. planatus. Greatest specialisation is found in T. dimidiatus which exhibits a precise brooding period and low egg production. Brood construction is of a similar degree of specialisation to that of O. formosus. Activity is also continuous throughout the year. The comparative biology of the five southern African endocoprids is summarised in Table 35. Summary, p. 129-131.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1978
- Authors: Davis, Adrian L V (Adrian Louis Victor)
- Date: 1978
- Subjects: Dung beetles -- Ecology , Dung beetles -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5845 , , Dung beetles -- Ecology , Dung beetles -- Africa, Southern
- Description: The biology and ecology of the endocoprid dung beetles of the Aethiopian zoogeographic region has been studied in the field and laboratory. Work has centred mainly on Oniticellus planatus and O. formoaus although infomation has also been supplied on O. egregius, O. pictus and Tragiscus dimidiatus. The taxonomy of Onticellus (s.str.) and Tragiscus has been discussed with the recommendation that O. planattus and O. pseudaplanatus be synonymised. It has been suggested that endocoprid distribution is chiefly controlled by temperature, rainfall and the density of suitable large dung masses. On the basis of distribution it has been suggested that the taxonomic status of the subspecies of O. pictus should be reviewed. Endocoprids (genus Oniticellus (s.str.) are found throughout the warmer regions of Africa and Asia. Tragiscus is found only in Africa. Methods are described for monitoring endocoprids in the field, for distinguishing freshly emerged from older specimens, and for breeding endocoprids under laboratory conditions. It has been shown that endocoprids breed within or just beneath large dung masses unlike most other members of the Scarabaeinae which actively bury dung and construct the their broods at depth in the soil. It has been shown that there is a restriction of breeding sites available to endocoprids due to the removal of dung by the Scarabaeinae beetles and the limited space available within dung pads. This has resulted in low endocoprid population numbers, a disadvantage, which has been countered by highly specialised but opportunistic breeding habits. The requirements of dung plasticity have limited the time available for breeding activity by most endocoprids (excluding O. egresius) so that both the reproductive system and the reproductive behaviour (cf. O. planatus) are geared to rapid egg and brood production. Large numbers of follicles are able to be produced over a short period. In the probable absence of feeding, this has possibly been allowed by the involvement of a well developed fat body. The broods are tended by the parent female during larval development and the follicles are gradually resorbed, probably to prevent starvation. Ovarian recovery is rapid once feeding recommences. Behavioural mechanisms have developed which boost the number of broods constructed and the rapidity with which they are produced. The duration of endocoprid colonisation and the timing of arrival at dung is shown to be related to the rate of pad desiccation which is chiefly controlled by temperature and degree of dung removal by other dung beetles. Precipitation may also play a part. Predation by vertebrates and other insects has been noted and a number of mechanisms are described which are probably protective. Two insect parasitoids of O. formosus larvae have been recorded. The potential use of endocoprids in the Australian dung and fly control project has been discussed and it is recommended that their introduction be considered of low priority. It is suggested that the endocoprids evolved from Euoniticellus type ancestors and that their behaviour complex nidification developed in response to harsh environmental factors, chiefly the danger of desiccation and competition for dung with other dung beetles. From a consideration of brood and brood chamber construction it is suggested that O. egresius is a relatively unspecialised endocoprid which may retain dry season aestivation and has not evolved much further than its probable Euoniticellus type ancestor. The broods are coated in clay and abandoned soon after construction. Greater specialisation is shown by O. planatus and O. formosus which exhibit brooding behaviour, increasing longevity, more specialised brood protection, increased potential fecundity and continuous activity throughout the year. O. formosus shows greater specialisation in brood production than O. planatus. Greatest specialisation is found in T. dimidiatus which exhibits a precise brooding period and low egg production. Brood construction is of a similar degree of specialisation to that of O. formosus. Activity is also continuous throughout the year. The comparative biology of the five southern African endocoprids is summarised in Table 35. Summary, p. 129-131.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1978
A new species of Tropheus (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika
- Axelrod, G S (Glen S.), Rhodes University. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Authors: Axelrod, G S (Glen S.) , Rhodes University. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Date: 1977-11
- Subjects: Cichlids , Tropheus , Freshwater fishes -- Tanganyika, Lake
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:29581 , Margaret Smith Library (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)) Periodicals Margaret Smith Library (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB))
- Description: Online version of original print edition of the Special Publication of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 17 , Tropheus polli, a sp. nov. (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika, is described and compared with T. moorii Boulenger 1898, T. annectens Boulenger 1900, T. duboisi Marlier 1959, T. brichardi Nelissen & Thys 1975, and T. moorii kasabae Nelissen 1977. Included are detailed morphometric data with a figure and colour plate, a lower pharyngeal bone description with electron micrograph scans, and a type locality map.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977-11
- Authors: Axelrod, G S (Glen S.) , Rhodes University. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology
- Date: 1977-11
- Subjects: Cichlids , Tropheus , Freshwater fishes -- Tanganyika, Lake
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:29581 , Margaret Smith Library (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)) Periodicals Margaret Smith Library (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB))
- Description: Online version of original print edition of the Special Publication of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 17 , Tropheus polli, a sp. nov. (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika, is described and compared with T. moorii Boulenger 1898, T. annectens Boulenger 1900, T. duboisi Marlier 1959, T. brichardi Nelissen & Thys 1975, and T. moorii kasabae Nelissen 1977. Included are detailed morphometric data with a figure and colour plate, a lower pharyngeal bone description with electron micrograph scans, and a type locality map.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977-11
A comparison between the views of Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley regarding the sovereignty of God
- Authors: Robertson, Alan Charles
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758 , Wesley, John, 1703-1791 , Free will and determinism , Predestination -- History of doctrines , God -- Omniscience -- History of doctrines , Atonement
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Bachelor , BDiv
- Identifier: vital:1268 ,
- Description: The views of Edwards and Wesley regarding the sovereignty of God present a puzzle. On the face of things, both were successful evangelists while both held contrary doctrines of sovereignty. Does this mean that the doctrine of sovereignty is irrelevant? This thesis argues that the doctrine of sovereignty is crucial in evangelism and revival, and that the views of Edwards and Wesley regarding the sovereignity of God were in fact very similar. A useful framework for showing this is the Five Points of Calvinism, as well as the doctrines of justification by faith and the omnipotence of God.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Robertson, Alan Charles
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758 , Wesley, John, 1703-1791 , Free will and determinism , Predestination -- History of doctrines , God -- Omniscience -- History of doctrines , Atonement
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Bachelor , BDiv
- Identifier: vital:1268 ,
- Description: The views of Edwards and Wesley regarding the sovereignty of God present a puzzle. On the face of things, both were successful evangelists while both held contrary doctrines of sovereignty. Does this mean that the doctrine of sovereignty is irrelevant? This thesis argues that the doctrine of sovereignty is crucial in evangelism and revival, and that the views of Edwards and Wesley regarding the sovereignity of God were in fact very similar. A useful framework for showing this is the Five Points of Calvinism, as well as the doctrines of justification by faith and the omnipotence of God.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A cross-cultural study of interpersonal distance and orientation schemata
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Personal space -- Testing Orientation (Psychology) Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3206 ,
- Description: Expectations about interpersonal distance during social encounters (distance schemata) and body orientation (orientation schemata) were investigated among White English-speakers and Xhosa groups which included illiterate traditionalists (Reds), poorly educated urban dwellers, and highly literate students and nurses. In a series of six experiments a doll placement task was used in which subjects represented dyadic encounters by placing pairs of standing dolls. For each situation represented the responses of each group of subjects were summarised in the form of a profile which showed the mean of the distance and three angle measures (IPOS profile). Independent variables included culture of subject, type of situation represented (friendly encounter, quarrel, accusation and denial, request) and the sex, age or relationship of the persons represented. In the culminating experiment (Experiment 6), females from three Xhosa groups (Reds or XR, poorly educated urban or XU, and urban nurses or XN) made twenty-three placements. In some respects the schemata of the four groups were very similar, while in others both distance and orientation schemata were a function of cultural group. The experiments allowed an assessment of the validity of the doll placement method to be made, and results were discussed in terms of the effects on interpersonal distance and body orientation of cultural norms concerning the showing of respect and the nature and strength of the emotions present in the various types of situation. It was concluded that with cultural movement away from the traditionalist pattern the schemata of the urban Xhosa showed a transition towards those found among the Whites in some respects. However, while the schemata of the XN group showed features of both those of the XR and White groups, those of the XU group showed features found in neither which seemed to reflect the insecurity of the cultural milieu of the urban poor.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Edwards, David J A
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Personal space -- Testing Orientation (Psychology) Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3206 ,
- Description: Expectations about interpersonal distance during social encounters (distance schemata) and body orientation (orientation schemata) were investigated among White English-speakers and Xhosa groups which included illiterate traditionalists (Reds), poorly educated urban dwellers, and highly literate students and nurses. In a series of six experiments a doll placement task was used in which subjects represented dyadic encounters by placing pairs of standing dolls. For each situation represented the responses of each group of subjects were summarised in the form of a profile which showed the mean of the distance and three angle measures (IPOS profile). Independent variables included culture of subject, type of situation represented (friendly encounter, quarrel, accusation and denial, request) and the sex, age or relationship of the persons represented. In the culminating experiment (Experiment 6), females from three Xhosa groups (Reds or XR, poorly educated urban or XU, and urban nurses or XN) made twenty-three placements. In some respects the schemata of the four groups were very similar, while in others both distance and orientation schemata were a function of cultural group. The experiments allowed an assessment of the validity of the doll placement method to be made, and results were discussed in terms of the effects on interpersonal distance and body orientation of cultural norms concerning the showing of respect and the nature and strength of the emotions present in the various types of situation. It was concluded that with cultural movement away from the traditionalist pattern the schemata of the urban Xhosa showed a transition towards those found among the Whites in some respects. However, while the schemata of the XN group showed features of both those of the XR and White groups, those of the XU group showed features found in neither which seemed to reflect the insecurity of the cultural milieu of the urban poor.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A history of the Xhosa, c1700-1835
- Authors: Peires, J B (Jeffrey B)
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) -- History
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2611 ,
- Description: The boundaries of the territory occupied by the Xhosa fluctuated considerably, but in the period 1700-1835 they did not often extend west of the Sundays River, or east of the Mbashe River, along the coastal strip which separates the escarpment of South Africa's inland plateau from the Indian Ocean. It is an area of temperate grassland, permitting the cultivation of cereals and light crops, such as maize, millet, tobacco and pumpkins but better suited to stock-farming than intensive agriculture.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Peires, J B (Jeffrey B)
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) -- History
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2611 ,
- Description: The boundaries of the territory occupied by the Xhosa fluctuated considerably, but in the period 1700-1835 they did not often extend west of the Sundays River, or east of the Mbashe River, along the coastal strip which separates the escarpment of South Africa's inland plateau from the Indian Ocean. It is an area of temperate grassland, permitting the cultivation of cereals and light crops, such as maize, millet, tobacco and pumpkins but better suited to stock-farming than intensive agriculture.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A linguistic account of quantifiers in English and their place in the development of some modern approaches to syntax and semantics
- Authors: Aldridge, Maurice Vincent
- Date: 1977
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:20966 ,
- Description: From Introduction: I should make it clear from the outset that I have no intention of trying to construct a calculus for the quantificational system of English as a natural language. My interests are purely linguistic with special emphasis on that part of the discipline traditionally known as semantics. Thus, although I offer a miniature survey of the development of quantificational studies in Philosophy in Chapter One, and have frequent recourse, in other charters, to observations made by philosophers, especially Quine, I make no attempt whatever to emulate the logicians by constructing such things as rules of inference. I have also tried to avoid symbolic representations except in those cases in which they show up aspects of semantic structure very clearly, and where I have symbolised, I have alternated between the systems of Quine and Peano-Russell, selection in each instance being determined by judgements regarding clarity.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Aldridge, Maurice Vincent
- Date: 1977
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:20966 ,
- Description: From Introduction: I should make it clear from the outset that I have no intention of trying to construct a calculus for the quantificational system of English as a natural language. My interests are purely linguistic with special emphasis on that part of the discipline traditionally known as semantics. Thus, although I offer a miniature survey of the development of quantificational studies in Philosophy in Chapter One, and have frequent recourse, in other charters, to observations made by philosophers, especially Quine, I make no attempt whatever to emulate the logicians by constructing such things as rules of inference. I have also tried to avoid symbolic representations except in those cases in which they show up aspects of semantic structure very clearly, and where I have symbolised, I have alternated between the systems of Quine and Peano-Russell, selection in each instance being determined by judgements regarding clarity.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A prayer for Joy
- Authors: Mann, Chris
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75840 ,
- Description: New Coin is one of South Africa's most established and influential poetry journals. It publishes poetry, and poetry-related reviews, commentary and interviews. New Coin places a particular emphasis on evolving forms and experimental use of the English language in poetry in the South African context. In this sense it has traced the most exciting trends and currents in contemporary poetry in South Africa for a decade of more. The journal is published twice a year in June and December by the Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA), Rhodes University.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Mann, Chris
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75840 ,
- Description: New Coin is one of South Africa's most established and influential poetry journals. It publishes poetry, and poetry-related reviews, commentary and interviews. New Coin places a particular emphasis on evolving forms and experimental use of the English language in poetry in the South African context. In this sense it has traced the most exciting trends and currents in contemporary poetry in South Africa for a decade of more. The journal is published twice a year in June and December by the Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA), Rhodes University.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A re leboheng Modimo
- Church music workshop participants, Mosese, J., Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Mosese, J. , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61641 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-25
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Mosese, J. , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61641 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-25
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
A re rataneng bjalo ka
- Church music workshop participants, Kataka, S., Father, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Soweto sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61545 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC320a-08
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Soweto sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61545 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC320a-08
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
A re rateneng bjalo ka
- Church music workshop participants, Kataka, S., Father, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61609 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-12
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum and rattle
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61609 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-12
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum and rattle
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
A study of the distribution of nutrients during the growth of cayenne pineapples under field conditions
- Authors: Fowler, William Mackenzie
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Plants -- Nutrition , Pineapple -- Crop yields , Growth (Plants) , Field Crops -- Nutrition
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4260 , , Plants -- Nutrition , Pineapple -- Crop yields , Growth (Plants) , Field Crops -- Nutrition
- Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the uptake and distribution of nutrients during the growth of the Cayenne cultivar of Ananas comosus (L) Merr under field conditions in the Eastern Cape. The study was also done to help explain the apparent drop in the nutrient levels in the basal section of the "D"- leaf of the pineapple plant during the winter months and to determine the best part or parts of the plant to sample in order to measure the nutrient status of the pineapple plant at any stage of its growth. The investigation was conducted by selecting a plot within a production land on two farms in the pineapple growing region of the Eastern Cape. Plants were sampled from each plot at regular intervals from planting of the pineapple tops until the harvesting of the fruit of the first plant crop. Plant growth was measured and the nutrient concentrations in each section of the plant were determined. The total amounts of nutrients for each plant part were calculated and the nutrient uptake was compared and plotted on distribution diagrams.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Fowler, William Mackenzie
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Plants -- Nutrition , Pineapple -- Crop yields , Growth (Plants) , Field Crops -- Nutrition
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4260 , , Plants -- Nutrition , Pineapple -- Crop yields , Growth (Plants) , Field Crops -- Nutrition
- Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the uptake and distribution of nutrients during the growth of the Cayenne cultivar of Ananas comosus (L) Merr under field conditions in the Eastern Cape. The study was also done to help explain the apparent drop in the nutrient levels in the basal section of the "D"- leaf of the pineapple plant during the winter months and to determine the best part or parts of the plant to sample in order to measure the nutrient status of the pineapple plant at any stage of its growth. The investigation was conducted by selecting a plot within a production land on two farms in the pineapple growing region of the Eastern Cape. Plants were sampled from each plot at regular intervals from planting of the pineapple tops until the harvesting of the fruit of the first plant crop. Plant growth was measured and the nutrient concentrations in each section of the plant were determined. The total amounts of nutrients for each plant part were calculated and the nutrient uptake was compared and plotted on distribution diagrams.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A study of the rabbit eye test system to determine the activity of acidic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
- Authors: Wiseman, Ian Charles
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents , Anti-inflammatory agents
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3855 ,
- Description: From introduction : "Inflammation per se, has been defined sufficiently to permit a rational approach to the search for drugs that modify this process, but satisfactory animal models for most rheumatoid diseases are not available". (Swingle 1974) In the search for new meaningful procedures for the detection and evaluation of anti-inflammatory drugs, the rabbit eye as a test system was studied.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Wiseman, Ian Charles
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents , Anti-inflammatory agents
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3855 ,
- Description: From introduction : "Inflammation per se, has been defined sufficiently to permit a rational approach to the search for drugs that modify this process, but satisfactory animal models for most rheumatoid diseases are not available". (Swingle 1974) In the search for new meaningful procedures for the detection and evaluation of anti-inflammatory drugs, the rabbit eye as a test system was studied.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
A taxonomic study of the Genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi: part 1
- Eccles, David H, Lewis, Digby S C
- Authors: Eccles, David H , Lewis, Digby S C
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Lethrinops -- Malawi, Lake -- Classification , Haplochromis -- Malawi, Lake -- Classification
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:14988 , , ISBN 949980854 , Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 36
- Description: Haplochromis micrentodon Regan is transferred to the genus Lethrinops and redescribed. Two new species of Lethrinops which, like the above, are characterised by the possession of lower pharyngeal bones bearing close pavements of slender blunt-tipped teeth are described. , Rhodes University Libraries (Digitisation)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Eccles, David H , Lewis, Digby S C
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Lethrinops -- Malawi, Lake -- Classification , Haplochromis -- Malawi, Lake -- Classification
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:14988 , , ISBN 949980854 , Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 36
- Description: Haplochromis micrentodon Regan is transferred to the genus Lethrinops and redescribed. Two new species of Lethrinops which, like the above, are characterised by the possession of lower pharyngeal bones bearing close pavements of slender blunt-tipped teeth are described. , Rhodes University Libraries (Digitisation)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
Abantubenu = Your people
- Workshop participants, Molefe, Stephen, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Workshop participants , Molefe, Stephen , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Church music South Africa , Hymns, Xhosa South Africa , Folk music South Africa , Sound recording South Africa , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:77727 , DDC242b-10
- Description: Xhosa composition workshop
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Workshop participants , Molefe, Stephen , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Church music South Africa , Hymns, Xhosa South Africa , Folk music South Africa , Sound recording South Africa , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:77727 , DDC242b-10
- Description: Xhosa composition workshop
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
Adaptation of a protestant hymn
- Church music workshop participants, Kataka, S., Father, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61615 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-18
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum and rattle
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Church music workshop participants , Kataka, S., Father , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Bloemfontein sa
- Language: Sesotho
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:61615 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC321a-18
- Description: New church music accompanied by drum and rattle
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
Aerogramme from Cheshire, England to Pretoria
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Butler family -- Photographs
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23823 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , PIC/M 6352
- Description: A letter from Rev Dr and Mrs S H Russell about their stay in Cheshire, England, written to Miss Jean Irons from Val de Grace, Pretoria, South Africa, dated 6th July 1977.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Butler family -- Photographs
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23823 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , PIC/M 6352
- Description: A letter from Rev Dr and Mrs S H Russell about their stay in Cheshire, England, written to Miss Jean Irons from Val de Grace, Pretoria, South Africa, dated 6th July 1977.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
African art and myth
- Authors: Till, C M
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Art, African , Art and mythology , Mythology, African
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MFA
- Identifier: vital:2494 ,
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Till, C M
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Art, African , Art and mythology , Mythology, African
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MFA
- Identifier: vital:2494 ,
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
Akukho gama limbi phantsi kwezulu
- Workshop participants, Mgaba, David, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Workshop participants , Mgaba, David , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:75191 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC198b-02
- Description: An unaccompanied, traditional religious song
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Workshop participants , Mgaba, David , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Folk music , Sacred music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:75191 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DDC198b-02
- Description: An unaccompanied, traditional religious song
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
Akukho gama Limbi phantsi kwezulu
- Zwelitsha church music workshop participants, Mgaba, David, Dargie, Dave
- Authors: Zwelitsha church music workshop participants , Mgaba, David , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Church music South Africa , Hymns, Xhosa South Africa , Folk music South Africa , Sound recording South Africa , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:77770 , DDC243b-02
- Description: Church song sung at Xhosa composition workshop with clapping accompaniment.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Zwelitsha church music workshop participants , Mgaba, David , Dargie, Dave
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Church music South Africa , Hymns, Xhosa South Africa , Folk music South Africa , Sound recording South Africa , Africa South Africa Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape sa
- Language: isiXhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:77770 , DDC243b-02
- Description: Church song sung at Xhosa composition workshop with clapping accompaniment.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
Albany Rugby Football Club , 1977
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Rugby football -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Photographs , Albany Rugby Football Club -- Photographs
- Type: still image
- Identifier: , vital:25543 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , PIC/M 6731
- Description: Albany Rugby Football Club 1977. Team photograph with rugby/football players in rugby uniform, Group photograph, Black and white photograph, Outdoor photograph, Players standing at back have arms crossed, Players sitting have hands in lap while players sitting on the grass have arms around legs, Club captain, president and coach wearing suits, Captain holding rugby ball with “1977” on it., Back Row (left to right): C. Pascoe, C. Strydom, D. Wicks, S. Long, C.Morrell, A. Wakeford, M. Taylor, L. Coetzee, H. Edge, Middle Row (left to right): G. Samuel, R. Smuts, J. Scott, F. Maritz (Club Captain), S. Hill (Captain), L. Tilney (President), C. Jones (Coach), K. Miskin, Front Row (left to right): R. Snow, K. Coetzee, F. Coetzee, D. Coetzee, Absent: R. Austin, E. Classen, B. Carlson.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Rugby football -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Photographs , Albany Rugby Football Club -- Photographs
- Type: still image
- Identifier: , vital:25543 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , PIC/M 6731
- Description: Albany Rugby Football Club 1977. Team photograph with rugby/football players in rugby uniform, Group photograph, Black and white photograph, Outdoor photograph, Players standing at back have arms crossed, Players sitting have hands in lap while players sitting on the grass have arms around legs, Club captain, president and coach wearing suits, Captain holding rugby ball with “1977” on it., Back Row (left to right): C. Pascoe, C. Strydom, D. Wicks, S. Long, C.Morrell, A. Wakeford, M. Taylor, L. Coetzee, H. Edge, Middle Row (left to right): G. Samuel, R. Smuts, J. Scott, F. Maritz (Club Captain), S. Hill (Captain), L. Tilney (President), C. Jones (Coach), K. Miskin, Front Row (left to right): R. Snow, K. Coetzee, F. Coetzee, D. Coetzee, Absent: R. Austin, E. Classen, B. Carlson.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977