Agro-morphological characterisation, nitrogen use efficiency and combining ability of quality protein maize (zea mays l.) genotypes for low nitrogen tolerance
- Authors: AdeOluwa, Olusola Oluyinka 0000-0003-2145-7141
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Corn -- Quality
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:48855 ,
- Description: Low nitrogen stress tolerant Quality Protein Maize (QPM) genotypes will be of great benefit to farmers for increasing productivity in nitrogen depleted soils in the Eastern Cape (EC) Province, South Africa (SA). The current study evaluated: (i) QPM inbred lines for tolerance to low soil nitrogen, (ii) the Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) of different QPM inbred lines, (iii) the combining ability of QPM genotypes for tolerance to low nitrogen, grain yield, and other agro-morphological traits, and (iv) the agro-morphological characteristics and adaptation of QPM hybrids to environments of different production potential in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Thirty-two white-seeded QPM inbred lines obtained from CIMMYT-Zimbabwe and Quality Seeds (PTY) LTD were evaluated for tolerance to low soil nitrogen stress using two nitrogen (N) treatment levels: 0 kg N ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 under both glasshouse and field conditions at the Crop Research farm, University of Fort Hare, in two planting seasons. The study aimed at assessing the response of QPM inbred lines to low N, with a view to identifying low N tolerant types under both glasshouse and field conditions. Shoot length stress tolerance index (SHL STI) indicated lines L23, L29, L27, L13, L16, L17, L31, L14, L18 and L22 to be low soil N tolerant from the glasshouse study. From the field study, low N Stress Tolerance Index (STI) identified inbred lines L23, L31, L26, L28, L25, L29, L32, L4, L6, L3 and L2 as low soil N tolerant. These inbred lines also had high grain yields (GY) in the field under 0 kg N ha-1 (all ranked within the top ten except L2). They also had the potential for stable yields across environments considering their high Yield Stability Index (YSI), Mean Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP) and Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) values. Both the glasshouse and field studies revealed inbred lines L22, L23, L26, L28, L25, L29 and L31 were common to both the glasshouse and field studies as being low soil N tolerant. These thirty-two parental QPM inbred lines were evaluated in the field for their nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) under five different nitrogen levels: 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha-1. The inbred lines studied under 0 kg N ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 indicated that N level expressed highly significant differences (P ≤ 0.001) for total nitrogen in biomass (Bio Total N), total nitrogen in grain (G Total N), grain yield (GY), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and almost all the indices estimated. The top six nutrient use efficient genotypes were L9, L14, L23, L25, L29 and L32 across N levels. However, the best and highest NUE was obtained from the lowest fertilizer dose, 30 kg N ha-1. Highly significant and positive correlation coefficients were found between Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) and yield (+0.9), NUE and NUtE (+0.9), NUE and HI (Harvest Index) (+0.5), NUtE and yield (+0.99), HI and yield (+0.5) and NUtE and HI (+0.5). Thus, NUE, HI and NUtE could be good predictors of yield potential under low N soil conditions. Sixty-four testcross hybrids were generated from crossing these 32 QPM inbred lines with two QPM open pollinated varieties (OPVs) as testers in a line x tester design and were evaluated under 0 kg N ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 in the field. The objectives of the experiment were to: (i) identify high yielding hybrids with tolerance to low soil N in the EC; (ii) determine the combining abilities and mode of gene action for various traits under low and high nitrogen conditions; and (iii) group the inbred lines into heterotic groups for future use in the breeding program. Results revealed that under 30 kg N ha-1 (30N) condition, both additive and non-additive gene effects were observed with less importance of non-additive gene action for grain yield. Based on specific combining ability (SCA) effects, hybrids LNC22, LNC31, LOB22, LNC30, LNC29, LOB11, LNC18, LOB30, LOB19 and LNC24 showed outstanding performance under 0 kg N ha-1 (0N) condition with relatively acceptable SCA under 30N for yield. Inbred lines L6 (1.63), L22 (1.74), L29 (1.83) and L30 (1.24) showed positive and significant GCAs for grain yield under 0N. They were identified as the best combiners for grain yield as they were among the top ten performers for GCA under 0N. They can be very useful sources of low N tolerance genes. Two heterotic groups were formed under 0 kg N ha-1 and 30 kg N ha-1 conditions, and they will be useful for future hybrid development in the breeding program. Furthermore, these thirty-two QPM inbred lines were utilised as parental lines to generate seventy-six single cross hybrids. These single cross hybrids were evaluated across three environments of varying production potential in the Eastern Cape (EC), during the 2016/17 and 2017/18 summer seasons. Non-QPM hybrids namely PAN5Q649R and Phb31MO7BR, as well as QPM OPVs OBATANPA and Nelson's Choice were included in these preliminary variety trials (PVTs) as checks. Twenty-five hybrids expressing high values for the Smith – Hazel selection index were identified across sites over years. Among those hybrids were two checks, namely Q16 (PAN5Q649R) and Q33 (Phb31MO7BR). The top five high – yielding hybrids selected based on the selection index were considered to be the most productive, stable and adaptable based on the GGE biplot and AMMI stability values. None of these single cross hybrids over yielded the best hybrid check (Q16) in the current study. A high potential environment, Centane, was the ideal environments for evaluating genotypes in the present study. The studies showed inbred lines L22, L23, L26, L28, L25, L29 and L31 to be low N stress tolerant at 0 kg N ha-1 based on the low N stress tolerance indices under glasshouse and the field conditions; they were also among the top ten grain-yielders under field conditions at 0 kg N ha-1. Also, in the NUE study, they were found to be among the top ten most N-efficient inbred lines under low N soils, under 30 kg N ha-1, and were among the top twenty-four inbred lines with high NUE values across the N levels in the study. Inbred lines L29 and L22 also produced testcross hybrids that were among the top twenty based on GY under 0 kg N ha-1. The testcross hybrids produced from these inbred lines were also among the top twenty-five with outstanding SCA effects for GY. These inbred lines were also parental lines of some of the top twenty- five best hybrids selected based on the Smith – Hazel selection index in the PVT study. Inbred lines L22, L23, L26, L28, L25, L29 and L31 can therefore further be evaluated and used as sources of N-tolerance genes in QPM breeding programs. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Comparative performance of 3-kWp ranges Solar Photovoltaic Systems under varying meteorological conditions in Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Apeh, Oliver Okechukwu
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Photovoltaic power systems , Solar energy
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:48888
- Description: PVsystem has recently emerged in South Africa as a way to curb the country’s persistent shortage of electricity. A wide effort for the past few decades have targeted at study, testing and demonstration of PV power systems which was established all over the country as an appropriate measure to tackle transportation, agriculture, industry, commercial as well as domestic activities. In view of these drives, both off-grid and grid-connected PV systems are being applied. However, operating a building with an off-grid system is one of the means to providing the possibility of energy access to places far away from the national grid. As an off-grid choice, 50 W SHS is being distributed to customers in distant rustic parts of the country where grid option is difficult to access. But the SHS of the stated capacity can barely generate 0.3 to 0.4 kWh of electric energy per day, even at the optimal solar radiations. In view of this, more efforts are directed at expanding the off-grid systems to accommodate large rural households in South Africa. This thesis is dedicated to a study on the various configurations and components of PV power plant as a way to enhance electricity generations in South Africa. To this effect, different power plants were considered at SolarWatt park, University of Fort Hare with the aim to conduct a comparative analysis of the charge controllers with respect to the charge and discharge rates of their respective batteries. The grid-connected PV power generation was classified into hybrid PV and grid-assisted PV, while off-grid is a BIPV. These power plants generations were installed for the purpose of research level with a total capacity of 11.4 kW. The off-grid system is made up of HIT modules, FlexMax80 charge controller, Victron energy inverter and M-Molar battery bank. The hybrid and grid-assisted systems each consist of 15 polycrystalline modules and Microcare charge controllers. In addition, hybrid comprises SMA Sunny Island inverter and Trojan battery bank whereas grid-assisted consist of Microcare inverter and Hoppercke battery bank. The first part of the experimental work was monitored, and the meteorological parameters which are ambient temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed, were measured and evaluated while electrical parameters includes PV current and voltage, MPPT current and voltage, battery current and voltage and inverter current and voltage were also measured and evaluated in the second part of the experiment. This lasted for a period of four years, starting from 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2020. Similarly, the second aspect was to monitor the electrical performance of the three systems and was performed for a period of six months, starting from January to June 2019. During the second experiment, hybrid and grid-assisted systems were reconfigured to function as off-grid systems. Moreover, a detailed data acquisition system designed to measure and record both meteorological and electrical parameters affecting the performance of the systems. The electrical parameters include PV current and voltage, MPPT current, battery current and voltage and inverter current and voltage. Other parameters in the measurements are; inverter efficiency, active and apparent power, while meteorological parameters include; solar irradiance, ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction. The meteorological results show that the maximum and minimum mean amount of global solar radiation was 7.34 kWh/m2/day in December and 3.03 kWh/m2/day in June, respectively, while the average radiation and temperature for the typical year were 4.98 kWh/m2/day and 16.88 oC respectively. The solar radiations obtained are within the range in major places in South Africa. Similarly, an average wind speed of 2.5 m/s is experienced in Alice in a year and average solar radiation of 606.06 W/m2 in summer and 346.17 W/m2 in winter. The three lead-acid battery systems monitored under the electrical aspect are M-Molar, Trojan and Hoppecke battery systems. It was established that the charging current decreases gradually from 27.7 to 18.5 A for the M-Molar while Hoppecke and Trojan deceased respectively from 15 to 10 A and 23 to 13 A at the end of each phase by charging it at the maximum power point of the PV array. It was equally found that the M-Molar battery current has the highest rate of charging and quickest rate of discharging in comparison to the other two batteries. Finally, from the results gotten from this research, we may propose that the solar PV system contributes significantly to the satisfaction of the needed electricity in South Africa. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Evaluation of the impacts of water allocation reform on livelihoods in the Lower Sundays River catchment area
- Authors: Ngilana, Simphiwe
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Water-supply -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Management , Water resources development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:46373
- Description: The study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Water Allocation Reform (WAR) programme on the socio-economic livelihoods of resource-poor farmers (RPFs). WAR was implemented between 2014 and 2019 in the Lower Sundays River Valley Municipality of the Eastern Cape. The study sought to qualitatively evaluate the outcome of the WAR programme using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework. The study findings show that water allocation reform has contributed positively to the livelihoods of resource poor farmers in the area under study. It was found that joint ventures (JVs) are the strongest mechanisms used by farmers to ensure water is used for irrigation purposes and this is encouraged by government. The issue of equity is still not realised as one of the objectives of the National Water Act, 1998. It was found that resource poor farmers are willing to pay for water resource management although it is very expensive. However, government does not conduct the monitoring and evaluation of the programmes, and implementation is left solely to farmers to arrange. It was discovered that there is a lack of coordination by government departments on programme implementation. The case study further revealed that government is not providing the necessary support for resource poor farmers. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Experiences of patients on short term drug resistant tuberculosis regimen at Nelson Mandela District TB Specialist Hospital
- Authors: Sempe, Thabo Benedict
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:53224
- Description: The purpose of this research study was to explore and describe the experiences of patients on short-term drug resistant TB treatment in a TB specialist hospital situated in Nelson Mandela District. Patients on XDR-TB treatment face many challenges which include side effects which they find hard to tolerate and they end up stopping the treatment. Socio-economic difficulties of concern include delayed social assistance from the government to support their families, particularly when they are breadwinners. A qualitative, descriptive, explorative contextual design was used in this research study. A non-probability convenience sampling method was employed. The target population for this study consisted of those DR-TB patients who were on short-term regimen and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted. There were twelve participants who voluntary participated in the research study although the first interview was a pilot study. Ethical principles were adhered to throughout the study. A total of seven themes and twenty-seven sub-themes arose during the data analysis and were fully discussed. Confidentiality and anonymity was ensured throughout this research. The research findings showed that the participants shared positive experiences in as far as being able to easily access the health care service. Most participants were moved through a range of emotions which included shock. They felt heartbroken about the devastation and the disruptive nature of this illness to themselves and their family lives and, more seriously, were fearful of the morbidity and mortality thoughts which pervaded their thoughts but their health improved when drug resistant TB treatment was initiated. Many of the participants found it easy to disclose to their friends as they knew they could count on their support at the best and worst of times in their treatment journey. In conclusion the participants provided suggestions regarding their support needs on the journey to recovery from DR-TB. The researcher provided certain recommendations as far as the challenges expressed by the participants and these will contribute to strengthening the DR-TB adherence strategies. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Knowledge and attitudes of women regarding cervical cancer and papanicolau smear screening in Caleb Motshabi, Bloemfontein
- Authors: Gwavu, Zintle
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Cervix uteri -- Cancer -- South Africa , Pap test
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:51795
- Description: The aim of the study was to explore the knowledge and attitudes of women in Caleb Motshabi location regarding cervical cancer and Papanicolaou (Pap) smear screening in order for district management to develop a health education programme on cervical cancer and the benefits of screening. Cervical cancer amongst women worldwide has been identified as the fourth most common cancer. A qualitative descriptive explorative contextual design was employed in this research study. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used. Women between the ages of 18-60 years’ old who reside in Caleb Motshabi location were the target population. Four focus group interviews were conducted. The groups consisted of four to six participants grouped together to discuss the matter. Ethical principles were maintained as well as the concept of trustworthiness throughout this study. Data analysis was done using Tesch’s approach to open coding in qualitative research. A total of seven themes and eight sub-themes arose during the analysis of the data and were completely discussed. The findings suggest that the majority of the participants were aware of cervical cancer and Pap smear, but they lacked knowledge of what cervical cancer is or its causes. Although some of the participants had done a Pap smear in their lifetime, knowledge about how and the reasons the procedure is done still lacked. The majority of participants had received information about Pap smear procedure from peers rather than from health care workers. A significant finding was the fact that the participants who had done the procedure were open to attending regular screenings since they had experience on how it is performed. In conclusion It was recommended that educational programmes relating to cervical cancer and Pap smear screening be intensified in the area. This can be done through increasing awareness programmes in the communities and during clinic visits. To try and increase the uptake of the Pap smear screening it was also recommended that mobile clinics should be introduced to encourage women in the communities. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Psychosocial experiences of caregivers of mentally challenged children in Alice, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Mmangaliso, Azola
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Caregivers , Children with disabilities--Psychology , Children with mental disabilities
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:46904
- Description: There is dearth of information in South Africa about the psychosocial challenges experienced by caregivers of mentally challenged children. This study addresses psychosocial experiences of caregivers, such as, scorning, isolation and anxiety, which affect their well-being in adverse ways, and that continues to be overlooked by professionals dealing with mental health. This study sought to explore psychosocial experiences of caregivers of mentally challenged children in Alice in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The study intended to uncover the psychosocial wellbeing of caregivers of mentally challenged children. Secondly, it set out to highlight the coping mechanisms employed by caregivers of mentally challenged children to deal with their psychosocial experiences. Lastly, the study sought to examine policies, legislation and support services in place for psychosocial care of caregivers of mentally challenged children. The researcher adopted qualitative research methods. Snowball sampling was employed to recruit 15 caregivers of mentally challenged children in Alice. The age of the caregivers ranged between the ages of 20 and 65. In addition, purposive sampling was adopted to recruit six professionals working with mental health in Alice. All the participants were black Africans. The gender comprised of thirteen females and two males. Data was collected through the use of face-to-face, semi-structured individual interviews, one interview per research participant, with the caregivers of mentally challenged children, and through the use of one focus group discussion with professionals dealing with mental health. The researcher analysed data through thematic content analysis. The study findings indicate that caregivers of mentally challenged children experience the caregiving process negatively, with a lot of burden. It also appears that they do not cope positively with such experiences despite professionally-trained personnel that are obliged by the Social Assistance Act and other government policies to ensure that caregivers receive sufficient psychosocial services. Findings also indicate that there is very little that is done by the relevant professionals in ensuring that they render sufficient professional support services to caregivers, such as needs assessment and therapeutic services. In light of the findings, the study concludes that there is a need for continuous rendering of comprehensive psychosocial support services to the caregivers of mentally challenged children. It is also recommended that social workers empower caregivers for mentally challenged children so that they can function effectively in their communities. Further, the government needs to reinforce existing policies that afford these psychosocial services, such as Integrated National Strategy on Support Services to Children with Disabilities. Meaning, the government should take an oversite role of these policies and monitor whether they get implemented or not, especially at grassroots level. , Thesis (MSoc Sci) (Social Work) -- University of Fort Hare, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08
Psychosocial impact of mental illness on family caregivers of mental healthcare users in Mangaung District
- Authors: Leburu, Maria
- Date: 2021-08
- Subjects: Home care services -- South Africa -- Mangaung -- Psychological aspects , Caregivers -- South Africa -- Mangaung
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:51750
- Description: The purpose of this research study was to describe the psychosocial impact of mental illness on family caregivers of mental health care users in Mangaung district in order to explore strategies to empower mental health care users and their families to understand and to cope with mental illness problem. A qualitative, descriptive explorative and contextu al design was employed. A nonprobability, purposive sampling method was used to select participants. The target population was family caregivers from Mangaung district, whose ages were 18 years and above who were caring for mentally ill patients in their homes or admitted to a psychiatric institution. . Five focus group interviews were conducted but the first one was a pilot study. Ethical principles were maintained throughout the study as well as the concepts of trustworthiness were applied. Tesch’s approach to open coding in qualitative research was applied during data analysis. A total of six themes and twentynine sub-themes arose during data analysis and were fully discussed. Confidentiality and anonymity was ensured throughout the study. The findings suggested that most of the participants suffered psychosocial problems like stress, depression, stigma and financial constraints, although one participant indicated that she has accepted her situation of caregiving. In conclusion participants suggested that support groups should be established and awareness programmes should be put in place for community members to avoid stigmatising and laughing at caregivers, care users and family members. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-08