Congress of South African Trade Unions Education Conference
- Authors: COSATU
- Date: Oct 1987
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:37250
- Description: The education struggle has always had an important place in our liberation struggle. For as long as can be remembered, the oppressed and exploited have been fighting against bantu education and for control over our own education. As our struggles intensified, so our education demands became clearer. In the late 1980s the demand is for people's education which serves the needs of the oppressed. In the early 1980s the demand was for equal education. The growth of working class organisation in the factories and townships, coupled with the Frelimo and MPLA victories, encouraged deeper discussion of the role of education in the struggle for socialism. After the historic National Education Crisis Committee (NECC) conference, there came a clear and united call for people's education and for democratising all educational institutions so that students, teachers and parents could build joint control over education. In 1985 COSATU was launched with the words: "A giant has risen." COSATU has since grown very quickly, challenging the bosses and taking organised workers to the frontline of the struggle. The first National Congress in July 1987 showed that COSATU mergers and campaigns had made the federation much stronger. However, the conference noted that education structures in COSATU and within many affiliates remained weak. It was decided that an Education Conference be called to give direction and a new push to worker education in the federation. The conference looked at the main areas covered in our resolutions : COSATU Courses, Peoples Education, Media, Women and Culture. This booklet gives a record of the discussions and strong resolutions taken at the conference, where every union and every region of COSATU was represented. When we read this booklet, we must ask ourselves: Have we implemented the resolutions taken? How much progress has been made? We have a short time left until the next Education Conference (in October 1989) where we will assess what progress has been made. This booklet is for discussion and debate. It must be a tool that we use to build education in the unions. It must be a weapon for turning our resolutions into reality; our theory into practice; our commitment into struggle.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: Oct 1987
The new union subscriptions
- Authors: NUMSA
- Date: Oct 1987
- Subjects: NUMSA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33650
- Description: THE Inaugural Congress of NUMSA decided that all members must pay a subscription of R1,00 per week. The Central Committee was given the power to decide when members should start paying the new subscription. The Central Committee has decided that all members of NUMSA must pay R1,00 per week union subscription from 1st October 1987. In some establishments, you may have to sign new stop- orders. NUMSA will demand from management that they automatically change the amount of the subscription. Some companies may refuse to do this and may ask you to sign a new stop-order. Discuss this with your organiser before you sign anything. In addition to the R1 per week for the union subscription, there will be 30c per week for benefit funds. An explanation of how all this money will be used is given in this pamphlet. Please make sure that you fully discuss this with all the members in your factory or workshop so that all NUMSA members are clear about the new subscriptions before the 1st of October 1987.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: Oct 1987