Perceptions and determinants of genetically modified (GM) maize production among rural households: The case of Ngqushwa Local Municipality, South Africa
- Zamisa, Owethu
- Authors: Zamisa, Owethu
- Date: 2022-03
- Subjects: Genetically modified foods , Agricultural biotechnology , Sustainable agriculture -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:52343
- Description: Rural South Africa is faced with immense challenges including poverty, unemployment, low agriculture productivity, food and nutritional insecurity and inequalities. Against this background, enhancing rural agricultural productivity using proven technologies such as genetically modified (GM) maize production is suggested as a pathway to economic development and poverty reduction. Literature suggests that GM technology can increase crop yields, drought tolerance, reduced weeding labour costs and chemical spray costs. However, GM maize varieties available on the market currently were created to fit large-scale, capital-intensive, industrialised, and economically oriented agricultural systems. As a result, their uptake has been significantly slow especially in rural areas where several stakeholders are now questioning the potential of GM technology. With that background, this study aimed to understand determinants of gm maize production among rural farming households and their perceptions using the case of Ngqushwa Local Municipality. Specifically, the study sought to analyse types of maize varieties grown by rural households, associated yields, area allocation, rural households’ perceptions of GM maize, and to estimate factors that influence GM maize awareness, participation and intensity of production among this subsector. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, a sample size of 400 households was randomly selected and interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The types of maize varieties grown by rural households, associated yields, area allocation and rural households’ perceptions of GM maize were analysed using descriptive statistics. Factors that influence GM maize awareness, participation, and intensity of production were estimated using a triple hurdle model where the 1st and 2nd hurdle were estimated using Probit regression, and 3rd hurdle a Tobit regression. The study revealed that landrace maize varieties are currently the most popular maize varieties grown by the majority of rural farming households from the study area producing higher yields (0.6t/ha) as compared to other hybrids (GM – 0.5t/ha, conventional hybrids -0.3t/ha and improved OPVs – 0.1t/ha). Descriptive statistics results also indicated that farming households from the study area allocated more land to landrace maize varieties (42percent) compared to other maize varieties (GM maize (30percent), hybrids (21percent) and improved OPVs (7percent) further supporting the notion that landrace maize varieties dominate the rural farming subsector. Perception results revealed that the majority (57percent) of the households perceived GM maize as an expensive variety which, however, has a potential to produce relatively higher yields than other hybrids on the market and eliminates several production problems (manual weeding, pest spraying) making farm management easier. Findings further indicate that the majority (52percent) of the farming households from the study area did not have sufficient knowledge of GM maize. Econometrics results revealed that GM maize awareness is negatively influenced by age and gender and positively influenced by marital status, employment status and number of years in school. Conditional on awareness of GM maize varieties, both participation and intensity of participation in GM maize production are positively influenced by land size, gender, group membership, size of arable land and negatively influenced by employment status and income. Against this background, the study concludes that farming households from the study area produced more compared to the other varieties. Furthermore, the study concludes that households get higher yields from landrace maize varieties and allocate more of their land to landrace maize production. In addition, the study also concludes that most rural farmers perceive participation in GM maize as beneficial especially towards elimination of farm management problems, produces higher yields, and makes farm management easier. Lastly, the study concludes that GM maize awareness is negatively influenced by age and gender and positively influenced by marital status, employment status and number of years in school. Both participation and intensity of participation in GM maize production are positively influenced by land size, gender, group membership, arable land and negatively influenced by employment status and income. The study recommends that priority should be given to these socio-economic and institutional factors and this may be addressed by targeting GM maize awareness campaigns and platforms more suited to female-headed, older, lowly educated and unemployed rural farming households. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-03
- Authors: Zamisa, Owethu
- Date: 2022-03
- Subjects: Genetically modified foods , Agricultural biotechnology , Sustainable agriculture -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:52343
- Description: Rural South Africa is faced with immense challenges including poverty, unemployment, low agriculture productivity, food and nutritional insecurity and inequalities. Against this background, enhancing rural agricultural productivity using proven technologies such as genetically modified (GM) maize production is suggested as a pathway to economic development and poverty reduction. Literature suggests that GM technology can increase crop yields, drought tolerance, reduced weeding labour costs and chemical spray costs. However, GM maize varieties available on the market currently were created to fit large-scale, capital-intensive, industrialised, and economically oriented agricultural systems. As a result, their uptake has been significantly slow especially in rural areas where several stakeholders are now questioning the potential of GM technology. With that background, this study aimed to understand determinants of gm maize production among rural farming households and their perceptions using the case of Ngqushwa Local Municipality. Specifically, the study sought to analyse types of maize varieties grown by rural households, associated yields, area allocation, rural households’ perceptions of GM maize, and to estimate factors that influence GM maize awareness, participation and intensity of production among this subsector. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, a sample size of 400 households was randomly selected and interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The types of maize varieties grown by rural households, associated yields, area allocation and rural households’ perceptions of GM maize were analysed using descriptive statistics. Factors that influence GM maize awareness, participation, and intensity of production were estimated using a triple hurdle model where the 1st and 2nd hurdle were estimated using Probit regression, and 3rd hurdle a Tobit regression. The study revealed that landrace maize varieties are currently the most popular maize varieties grown by the majority of rural farming households from the study area producing higher yields (0.6t/ha) as compared to other hybrids (GM – 0.5t/ha, conventional hybrids -0.3t/ha and improved OPVs – 0.1t/ha). Descriptive statistics results also indicated that farming households from the study area allocated more land to landrace maize varieties (42percent) compared to other maize varieties (GM maize (30percent), hybrids (21percent) and improved OPVs (7percent) further supporting the notion that landrace maize varieties dominate the rural farming subsector. Perception results revealed that the majority (57percent) of the households perceived GM maize as an expensive variety which, however, has a potential to produce relatively higher yields than other hybrids on the market and eliminates several production problems (manual weeding, pest spraying) making farm management easier. Findings further indicate that the majority (52percent) of the farming households from the study area did not have sufficient knowledge of GM maize. Econometrics results revealed that GM maize awareness is negatively influenced by age and gender and positively influenced by marital status, employment status and number of years in school. Conditional on awareness of GM maize varieties, both participation and intensity of participation in GM maize production are positively influenced by land size, gender, group membership, size of arable land and negatively influenced by employment status and income. Against this background, the study concludes that farming households from the study area produced more compared to the other varieties. Furthermore, the study concludes that households get higher yields from landrace maize varieties and allocate more of their land to landrace maize production. In addition, the study also concludes that most rural farmers perceive participation in GM maize as beneficial especially towards elimination of farm management problems, produces higher yields, and makes farm management easier. Lastly, the study concludes that GM maize awareness is negatively influenced by age and gender and positively influenced by marital status, employment status and number of years in school. Both participation and intensity of participation in GM maize production are positively influenced by land size, gender, group membership, arable land and negatively influenced by employment status and income. The study recommends that priority should be given to these socio-economic and institutional factors and this may be addressed by targeting GM maize awareness campaigns and platforms more suited to female-headed, older, lowly educated and unemployed rural farming households. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2022
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2022-03
Experiences of caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM), South Africa
- Stofile, Nolukholo Catherine, Vellem, N M
- Authors: Stofile, Nolukholo Catherine , Vellem, N M
- Date: 2021-06
- Subjects: Cerebral palsied children -- Home care , Children with disabilities -- Home care
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45345
- Description: Caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) may experience some challenges and need support in caring for these children who present with a group of neurological disorders. Cerebral Palsy has been defined as a non-progressive condition of the brain, which results from interference during its development and affects body movement, muscle coordination, including motor and cognitive impairment. The objectives of the study were; to explore, describe, and interpret the experiences of caregivers of children with CP, to interpret the meaning attached to the experiences and interpret different support for caregivers of children with CP in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, South. The University of Fort Hare Ethics Committee granted ethical approval. Informed consent was obtained from the participants before data collection. Ethical principles to be followed when conducting a research study has also been discussed with participants and ensured. An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was chosen for the study. Four participants were chosen purposively in this study because IPA studies use a detailed account of individual experience. The data collection method used for this study is semi-structured interviews, which were done in the participant’s comfortable environment, and lasted between 40 to 60 minutes, using an interview guide. Data analysis has been done using the 7 steps noted in IPA. The main findings of the study are lived experiences of caregivers caring for children with CP. Participants experienced financial, physical, and psychological challenges in caring for children with CP. Caregivers also received communal support from different stakeholders. Support from family, their employers, other caregivers and the government through the multi-disciplinary team and the provision of social grants. Trustworthiness was ensured by observing the principles of transferability, credibility, confirmability and dependability. , Thesis (MNurs) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-06
- Authors: Stofile, Nolukholo Catherine , Vellem, N M
- Date: 2021-06
- Subjects: Cerebral palsied children -- Home care , Children with disabilities -- Home care
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45345
- Description: Caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) may experience some challenges and need support in caring for these children who present with a group of neurological disorders. Cerebral Palsy has been defined as a non-progressive condition of the brain, which results from interference during its development and affects body movement, muscle coordination, including motor and cognitive impairment. The objectives of the study were; to explore, describe, and interpret the experiences of caregivers of children with CP, to interpret the meaning attached to the experiences and interpret different support for caregivers of children with CP in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, South. The University of Fort Hare Ethics Committee granted ethical approval. Informed consent was obtained from the participants before data collection. Ethical principles to be followed when conducting a research study has also been discussed with participants and ensured. An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was chosen for the study. Four participants were chosen purposively in this study because IPA studies use a detailed account of individual experience. The data collection method used for this study is semi-structured interviews, which were done in the participant’s comfortable environment, and lasted between 40 to 60 minutes, using an interview guide. Data analysis has been done using the 7 steps noted in IPA. The main findings of the study are lived experiences of caregivers caring for children with CP. Participants experienced financial, physical, and psychological challenges in caring for children with CP. Caregivers also received communal support from different stakeholders. Support from family, their employers, other caregivers and the government through the multi-disciplinary team and the provision of social grants. Trustworthiness was ensured by observing the principles of transferability, credibility, confirmability and dependability. , Thesis (MNurs) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-06
Exploring knowledge, attitudes and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding covid-19 in Bufalo City municipality
- Authors: Notununu, Zintle
- Date: 2020-03
- Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease) , Medical personnel
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:66231
- Description: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. Covid-19 is a disease that attacks the respiratory system and functions. It is a highly infectious disease with a lengthy 5-6 sometimes even 14-day incubation period. It is very serious condition and has killed a lot of people including the Health Care Workers A qualitative descriptive explorative contextual design was employed in this research study. The design was relevant for this study to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude, and psychosocial experiences of health workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. The non-probability sampling method was used and a convenient sampling technique was used to select the participants. Professional nurses who met the criteria and who were on duty on the day of data collection were included in the study. The researcher interviewed 15 professional nurses and stopped as the data was saturated. A semi-structured Interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data containing open-ended questions. The researcher maintained ethical principles throughout the study. Concepts of trustworthiness of the study were applied throughout the research. Tech’s eight steps approach was used to guide the data analysis process. The findings of this study indicate that health care workers have a high level of knowledge about Covid-19. They know what Covid-19 is, how it started, its signs and symptoms, how to protect themselves from it and its complications. Negative attitudes, fears were noticed from the HCWs and thus the need for psychological support was identified. Feelings of neglect and lack of motivation were also identified. Psychological support for health care workers must be provided to prevent staff burnout. Personal Protective Equipment used in the hospital premises must be left and washed in the hospital laundry to prevent the spread of infection to the families of the HCWs. It was indicated that there are health care workers who experienced chronic illnesses after being diagnosed with Covid-19. These chronic illnesses include diabetes and high blood pressure. It was brought to light that myths circulating on the social media about Covid-19 vaccines are delaying the end of Covid-19 epidemic by putting the health care workers at risk of being infected with it as they will be expected to treat patients diagnosed with Covid-19; therefore, government should develop a policy that will limit people from spreading things that they are not true and cannot prove. In conclusion, community awareness and forced vaccination are recommended to end the Covid-19 virus. Monitory incentives should be provided to motivate health care workers. Their overtime that they have worked during Covid-19 must be paid. The Department of Health and hospital managers must make sure that working conditions are improved. This includes the availability of machines to test for Covid-19. More research needs to be done to find out why some people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 end up having chronic illnesses that they never had previously. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Science, 2020
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020-03
- Authors: Notununu, Zintle
- Date: 2020-03
- Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease) , Medical personnel
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:66231
- Description: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. Covid-19 is a disease that attacks the respiratory system and functions. It is a highly infectious disease with a lengthy 5-6 sometimes even 14-day incubation period. It is very serious condition and has killed a lot of people including the Health Care Workers A qualitative descriptive explorative contextual design was employed in this research study. The design was relevant for this study to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude, and psychosocial experiences of health workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. The non-probability sampling method was used and a convenient sampling technique was used to select the participants. Professional nurses who met the criteria and who were on duty on the day of data collection were included in the study. The researcher interviewed 15 professional nurses and stopped as the data was saturated. A semi-structured Interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data containing open-ended questions. The researcher maintained ethical principles throughout the study. Concepts of trustworthiness of the study were applied throughout the research. Tech’s eight steps approach was used to guide the data analysis process. The findings of this study indicate that health care workers have a high level of knowledge about Covid-19. They know what Covid-19 is, how it started, its signs and symptoms, how to protect themselves from it and its complications. Negative attitudes, fears were noticed from the HCWs and thus the need for psychological support was identified. Feelings of neglect and lack of motivation were also identified. Psychological support for health care workers must be provided to prevent staff burnout. Personal Protective Equipment used in the hospital premises must be left and washed in the hospital laundry to prevent the spread of infection to the families of the HCWs. It was indicated that there are health care workers who experienced chronic illnesses after being diagnosed with Covid-19. These chronic illnesses include diabetes and high blood pressure. It was brought to light that myths circulating on the social media about Covid-19 vaccines are delaying the end of Covid-19 epidemic by putting the health care workers at risk of being infected with it as they will be expected to treat patients diagnosed with Covid-19; therefore, government should develop a policy that will limit people from spreading things that they are not true and cannot prove. In conclusion, community awareness and forced vaccination are recommended to end the Covid-19 virus. Monitory incentives should be provided to motivate health care workers. Their overtime that they have worked during Covid-19 must be paid. The Department of Health and hospital managers must make sure that working conditions are improved. This includes the availability of machines to test for Covid-19. More research needs to be done to find out why some people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 end up having chronic illnesses that they never had previously. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Science, 2020
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020-03
Exploring knowledge, attitudes and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding covid-19 in Bufalo City Municipality
- Authors: Notununu, Zintle
- Date: 2020-03
- Subjects: Medical personnel and patient , Health services administration , COVID-19 (Disease)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:58122
- Description: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. Covid-19 is a disease that attacks the respiratory system and functions. It is a highly infectious disease with a lengthy 5-6 sometimes even 14-day incubation period. It is very serious condition and has killed a lot of people including the Health Care Workers A qualitative descriptive explorative contextual design was employed in this research study. The design was relevant for this study to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude, and psychosocial experiences of health workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. The non-probability sampling method was used and a convenient sampling technique was used to select the participants. Professional nurses who met the criteria and who were on duty on the day of data collection were included in the study. The researcher interviewed 15 professional nurses and stopped as the data was saturated. A semi-structured Interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data containing open-ended questions. The researcher maintained ethical principles throughout the study. Concepts of trustworthiness of the study were applied throughout the research. Tech’s eight steps approach was used to guide the data analysis process. The findings of this study indicate that health care workers have a high level of knowledge about Covid-19. They know what Covid-19 is, how it started, its signs and symptoms, how to protect themselves from it and its complications. Negative attitudes, fears were noticed from the HCWs and thus the need for psychological support was identified. Feelings of neglect and lack of motivation were also identified. Psychological support for health care workers must be provided to prevent staff burnout. Personal Protective Equipment used in the hospital premises must be left and washed in the hospital laundry to prevent the spread of infection to the families of the HCWs. It was indicated that there are health care workers who experienced chronic illnesses after being diagnosed with Covid-19. These chronic illnesses include diabetes and high blood pressure. It was brought to light that myths circulating on the social media about Covid-19 vaccines are delaying the end of Covid-19 epidemic by putting the health care workers at risk of being infected with it as they will be expected to treat patients diagnosed with Covid-19; therefore, government should develop a policy that will limit people from spreading things that they are not true and cannot prove. In conclusion, community awareness and forced vaccination are recommended to end the Covid-19 virus. Monitory incentives should be provided to motivate health care workers. Their overtime that they have worked during Covid-19 must be paid. The Department of Health and hospital managers must make sure that working conditions are improved. This includes the availability of machines to test for Covid-19. More research needs to be done to find out why some people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 end up having chronic illnesses that they never had previously. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2020
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020-03
- Authors: Notununu, Zintle
- Date: 2020-03
- Subjects: Medical personnel and patient , Health services administration , COVID-19 (Disease)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:58122
- Description: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude and psychosocial experiences of health care workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. Covid-19 is a disease that attacks the respiratory system and functions. It is a highly infectious disease with a lengthy 5-6 sometimes even 14-day incubation period. It is very serious condition and has killed a lot of people including the Health Care Workers A qualitative descriptive explorative contextual design was employed in this research study. The design was relevant for this study to explore and describe the knowledge, attitude, and psychosocial experiences of health workers regarding Covid-19 in Buffalo City Municipality. The non-probability sampling method was used and a convenient sampling technique was used to select the participants. Professional nurses who met the criteria and who were on duty on the day of data collection were included in the study. The researcher interviewed 15 professional nurses and stopped as the data was saturated. A semi-structured Interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data containing open-ended questions. The researcher maintained ethical principles throughout the study. Concepts of trustworthiness of the study were applied throughout the research. Tech’s eight steps approach was used to guide the data analysis process. The findings of this study indicate that health care workers have a high level of knowledge about Covid-19. They know what Covid-19 is, how it started, its signs and symptoms, how to protect themselves from it and its complications. Negative attitudes, fears were noticed from the HCWs and thus the need for psychological support was identified. Feelings of neglect and lack of motivation were also identified. Psychological support for health care workers must be provided to prevent staff burnout. Personal Protective Equipment used in the hospital premises must be left and washed in the hospital laundry to prevent the spread of infection to the families of the HCWs. It was indicated that there are health care workers who experienced chronic illnesses after being diagnosed with Covid-19. These chronic illnesses include diabetes and high blood pressure. It was brought to light that myths circulating on the social media about Covid-19 vaccines are delaying the end of Covid-19 epidemic by putting the health care workers at risk of being infected with it as they will be expected to treat patients diagnosed with Covid-19; therefore, government should develop a policy that will limit people from spreading things that they are not true and cannot prove. In conclusion, community awareness and forced vaccination are recommended to end the Covid-19 virus. Monitory incentives should be provided to motivate health care workers. Their overtime that they have worked during Covid-19 must be paid. The Department of Health and hospital managers must make sure that working conditions are improved. This includes the availability of machines to test for Covid-19. More research needs to be done to find out why some people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 end up having chronic illnesses that they never had previously. , Thesis (MPH) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, 2020
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- Date Issued: 2020-03
Copper dithiocarbamate complexes and copper sulfide nanoparticles : Synthesis, characterization and antifungal studies
- Botha, Nandipha Loveness
- Authors: Botha, Nandipha Loveness
- Date: 2015-01
- Subjects: Copper sulfide , Complex compounds , Nanoparticles
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62598
- Description: Six dithiocarbamate ligands were synthesized from anisidine, aniline, ethyl aniline, butyl amine, morpholine and piperidine and used to synthesize homoleptic copper(II) dithiocarbamate complexes. The ligands and their corresponding complexes were characterized by conductivity measurement, FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The ligands were further characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The electronic spectra of the complexes showed that the coordination geometries around the Cu2+ ion is four coordinate square planar. FTIR spectroscopic studies indicated that the dithiocarbamate ligands are bidentately coordinated to the copper ion through the sulfur atoms with the C-S stretching frequencies changing from two peaks in the ligands to single sharp peaks in the corresponding metal complexes. The complexes were used as single source precursors to synthesize copper sulfide nanoparticles. All the six complexes were thermolysed at 180 oC to prepare copper sulfide nanoparticles and three of them were further thermolysed at 120 oC to study the effects of temperature on size and shape of the nanoparticles. All the nanoparticles were characterized with UV-Vis, PL, XRD, TEM, SEM and EDX. The optical properties of the as-prepared CuS nanoparticles showed that they are quantum confined with absorption band edges that are blue shifted compared to bulk CuS and all the as-prepared CuS nanoparticles showed narrow emission curves. The XRD diffraction patterns were indexed to the hexagonal covellite CuS crystalline phase with estimated particle sizes of 15.8-23.24 nm. These sizes are significantly different from the values, 3.02-98.94 nm obtained from TEM studies. The TEM images also showed nanoparticles with varied shapes with some agglomerations. SEM micrographs showed that the morphologies of the nanoparticles are mostly smooth surfaces and EDX spectra analyses confirmed the formation of the nanoparticles. Thermolysis of three of the complexes at 120 oC confirmed that temperature do affect the optical and structural properties of the CuS nanoparticles. Only three complexes soluble in DMSO were screened for their antimicrobial activity. Three complexes C1, C4 and C5 were screened against four fungi organisms, namely: Candida rugosa, Candida neoformans, Candida albicans and Trychophyton mucoides. All the compounds were promising as shown by the minimum inhibitory concentrations determined. C5 was the most active compound against all the organisms. They were also screened against four bacteria organisms and they were all active but not as they were against fungi organisms. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2015
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015-01
- Authors: Botha, Nandipha Loveness
- Date: 2015-01
- Subjects: Copper sulfide , Complex compounds , Nanoparticles
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:62598
- Description: Six dithiocarbamate ligands were synthesized from anisidine, aniline, ethyl aniline, butyl amine, morpholine and piperidine and used to synthesize homoleptic copper(II) dithiocarbamate complexes. The ligands and their corresponding complexes were characterized by conductivity measurement, FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The ligands were further characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The electronic spectra of the complexes showed that the coordination geometries around the Cu2+ ion is four coordinate square planar. FTIR spectroscopic studies indicated that the dithiocarbamate ligands are bidentately coordinated to the copper ion through the sulfur atoms with the C-S stretching frequencies changing from two peaks in the ligands to single sharp peaks in the corresponding metal complexes. The complexes were used as single source precursors to synthesize copper sulfide nanoparticles. All the six complexes were thermolysed at 180 oC to prepare copper sulfide nanoparticles and three of them were further thermolysed at 120 oC to study the effects of temperature on size and shape of the nanoparticles. All the nanoparticles were characterized with UV-Vis, PL, XRD, TEM, SEM and EDX. The optical properties of the as-prepared CuS nanoparticles showed that they are quantum confined with absorption band edges that are blue shifted compared to bulk CuS and all the as-prepared CuS nanoparticles showed narrow emission curves. The XRD diffraction patterns were indexed to the hexagonal covellite CuS crystalline phase with estimated particle sizes of 15.8-23.24 nm. These sizes are significantly different from the values, 3.02-98.94 nm obtained from TEM studies. The TEM images also showed nanoparticles with varied shapes with some agglomerations. SEM micrographs showed that the morphologies of the nanoparticles are mostly smooth surfaces and EDX spectra analyses confirmed the formation of the nanoparticles. Thermolysis of three of the complexes at 120 oC confirmed that temperature do affect the optical and structural properties of the CuS nanoparticles. Only three complexes soluble in DMSO were screened for their antimicrobial activity. Three complexes C1, C4 and C5 were screened against four fungi organisms, namely: Candida rugosa, Candida neoformans, Candida albicans and Trychophyton mucoides. All the compounds were promising as shown by the minimum inhibitory concentrations determined. C5 was the most active compound against all the organisms. They were also screened against four bacteria organisms and they were all active but not as they were against fungi organisms. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2015
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015-01
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