An invastigation into factors that contribute to elder abuse: a case study of mount frère town in the umzimvubu local municipality
- Authors: Rasmeni, Nosabelo Lusanda
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Older people -- Abuse of , Abused elderly -- Services for
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:43153
- Description: The aim of this study was to explore factors which contribute to elder abuse in Mount Frere Town, in the Umzimvubu Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. A qualitative approach was used to allow for the achievement of the research aim which was to explore contributory factors towards elderly abuse in Mount Frere Town. A purposive sampling approach was used to select participants in accordance with their experiences and required characteristics. A total sample of fourteen participants was selected. The data was obtained through focus group interviews, using an interview schedule (Appendix B, C, D and E) as an interview guide and the interview sessions were all recorded with an audio recorder. Separate interview schedules were used for the focus groups with the elderly participants (Appendix B – English version and D- IsiXhosa version) and the group consisting of caregivers (Appendix C – English version and E – IsiXhosa version). Thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret results. Eight main themes were identified, namely: Living Conditions, Daily Activities, Age and Gender, Alcohol Consumption, Family Victimization, Offender Related Factors, Elderly Protection, and Intervention. These themes were identified under chapter four and discussed in the subsequent chapter. Respective sub-themes were identified under each theme and were discussed comprehensively. Key to all these themes was that most perpetrators of elderly abuse were family members, relatives and neighbours of the victim. Also worth noting is the revelation that elderly people, especially those who live in the rural areas are mostly living alone or with little children and are, therefore, without protection. , Thesis (M Soc Sc) (Criminology) -- University of Fort Hare, 2018
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- Date Issued: 2018
The role of records management in the sustainability of small micro medium enterprises (SMMEs) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: a study of Alice and Fort Beaufort
- Authors: Ajibade, Patrick
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Knowledge management , Small business
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64122
- Description: The study sought to investigate the role of records management in the sustainability of the Small Micro, Medium enterprises (SMMEs) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa with focus on Alice and Fort Beaufort towns. The objectives of the study were to identify the types of records that are kept by SMMEs; evaluate the infrastructure for the SMMEs records management; determine the compliance of SMMEs with the existing RM legal and regulatory requirements; and identify the challenges related to SMMEs records practices. Twenty three (23) respondents from SMMEs were interviewed. Findings revealed all the respondents could not confirm adoption of any systemic way of records management to support business functions and operations. Majority of the SMMEs due to their inability to maintain records could not identify potential benefit of business RM with an exception of three SMMEs. The respondents were not aware of any compliance and regulatory framework most especially on business records management. The challenges facing SMMEs include; inability to capture/create maintain, preserve business records systematically in its lifecycle. The SMMEs lack needed training especially in records management to allow them the benefit of maintaining business records. It is recommended that SMMEs should acquire skill that would enable them manage their business records that may help improved decision making. There should be legislative and regulatory framework that ensures compliance. And assistance should be rendered to train SMMEs on basic RM skills that could improve their business operations. , Thesis (MLIS) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014