An historical analysis of the development of a company as a single enterprise and the impact on group company taxation
- Authors: Els, Tania
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Taxation -- South Africa , Taxation -- History , Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Corporation law -- South Africa , South Africa. Income Tax Act, 1962 , South Africa. Companies Act, 2008 , Separate legal personality , Group taxation
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:39628
- Description: The company is considered a separate legal entity in both legislation and jurisprudence. The “veil” separating the company and its shareholders is a doctrine entrenched in company law that originated centuries ago. The doctrine is based on conditions that existed during a period that commenced with trading forms less complicated than the corporate groups found today. Trading forms known as guilds could be traced back to 1087, which gradually developed into regulated companies and, in the last century, into the joint-stock company form. The modern era has seen the development of groups of companies carrying on business as economic units. Company law, in regulating business forms, has failed to acknowledge the corporate group as a new business entity. The main purpose of this research was to analyse the origins of the separate legal personality of a company and its relevance for the present corporate group structures. The research aimed to understand company law and jurisprudence in South Africa in relation to the legal personality of a company and a corporate group. The final objective of this reform-orientated doctrinal research thesis was to provide clarity on the need to consider granting separate legal identity to corporate groups in recognition of their economic unity. A historically contextualised analysis was carried out on the development of trading through unregulated forms of businesses to the creation of the company as a regulated entity. The development of the legal persona of a company in legislation as well as jurisprudence was critically analysed in on the context of companies within a corporate group. A case study of a South African corporate group was used to highlight the different characteristics of the companies doing business in the form of a corporate group. The thesis concluded by recommending that legal personality should be extended to include a corporate group in order to facilitate the introduction of a group taxation regime.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Els, Tania
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Taxation -- South Africa , Taxation -- History , Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- South Africa , Business enterprises -- Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Corporation law -- South Africa , South Africa. Income Tax Act, 1962 , South Africa. Companies Act, 2008 , Separate legal personality , Group taxation
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:39628
- Description: The company is considered a separate legal entity in both legislation and jurisprudence. The “veil” separating the company and its shareholders is a doctrine entrenched in company law that originated centuries ago. The doctrine is based on conditions that existed during a period that commenced with trading forms less complicated than the corporate groups found today. Trading forms known as guilds could be traced back to 1087, which gradually developed into regulated companies and, in the last century, into the joint-stock company form. The modern era has seen the development of groups of companies carrying on business as economic units. Company law, in regulating business forms, has failed to acknowledge the corporate group as a new business entity. The main purpose of this research was to analyse the origins of the separate legal personality of a company and its relevance for the present corporate group structures. The research aimed to understand company law and jurisprudence in South Africa in relation to the legal personality of a company and a corporate group. The final objective of this reform-orientated doctrinal research thesis was to provide clarity on the need to consider granting separate legal identity to corporate groups in recognition of their economic unity. A historically contextualised analysis was carried out on the development of trading through unregulated forms of businesses to the creation of the company as a regulated entity. The development of the legal persona of a company in legislation as well as jurisprudence was critically analysed in on the context of companies within a corporate group. A case study of a South African corporate group was used to highlight the different characteristics of the companies doing business in the form of a corporate group. The thesis concluded by recommending that legal personality should be extended to include a corporate group in order to facilitate the introduction of a group taxation regime.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Life after training: professional experiences of recently qualified clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa
- Authors: Haine, Phillipa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Clinical psychologists – South Africa , Counseling psychologists – South Africa , Psychologists -- Job stress -- South Africa , Psychologists -- Employment -- South Africa , Career development -- South Africa , Psychologists -- Training of -- South Africa , Life change events , Qualitative research
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38078
- Description: Professional psychology in South Africa has experienced numerous transformations since its tainted historical affiliation with the apartheid regime. However, despite the profession’s attempts to respond to the burgeoning mental health needs of the country, psychologists in South Africa continue to be confronted by a number of challenges within the professional field. International research suggests that early career psychologists, in particular, experience further challenges in adjusting to new professional careers. Considering the dearth of research on this topic within local literature, the aim of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived professional experiences of recently qualified clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa, following training. An interpretive phenomenological method was employed to investigate the fundamental early career professional experiences of participants, as well as the meanings participants attributed to these experiences. Four participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Data was collected through the use of semi-structured, one-on-one, Skype interviews, and the interview data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The study revealed four super-ordinate themes, including: (i) Training as a ‘rite of passage’; (ii) Expectations for a professional future; (iii) Professional psychology: Entering the work space; and (iv) Future directions. The findings suggest that clinical and counselling psychologists’ experiences as recently qualified professionals in South Africa are both positive and negative, with the overall experience being positive. Emerging themes suggest that early career psychologists are faced by a number of personal and professional challenges on entering the work place. Furthermore, findings suggest that the early career experiences of recently qualified clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa might not necessarily be due to personal choice, but rather due to greater systemic factors, such as limited available posts, maladministration, the devalued status of mental healthcare in comparison to other healthcare concerns in the country, an unresponsive marketplace and limited efforts by government to accommodate psychologists in different contexts
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Haine, Phillipa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Clinical psychologists – South Africa , Counseling psychologists – South Africa , Psychologists -- Job stress -- South Africa , Psychologists -- Employment -- South Africa , Career development -- South Africa , Psychologists -- Training of -- South Africa , Life change events , Qualitative research
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38078
- Description: Professional psychology in South Africa has experienced numerous transformations since its tainted historical affiliation with the apartheid regime. However, despite the profession’s attempts to respond to the burgeoning mental health needs of the country, psychologists in South Africa continue to be confronted by a number of challenges within the professional field. International research suggests that early career psychologists, in particular, experience further challenges in adjusting to new professional careers. Considering the dearth of research on this topic within local literature, the aim of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived professional experiences of recently qualified clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa, following training. An interpretive phenomenological method was employed to investigate the fundamental early career professional experiences of participants, as well as the meanings participants attributed to these experiences. Four participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Data was collected through the use of semi-structured, one-on-one, Skype interviews, and the interview data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The study revealed four super-ordinate themes, including: (i) Training as a ‘rite of passage’; (ii) Expectations for a professional future; (iii) Professional psychology: Entering the work space; and (iv) Future directions. The findings suggest that clinical and counselling psychologists’ experiences as recently qualified professionals in South Africa are both positive and negative, with the overall experience being positive. Emerging themes suggest that early career psychologists are faced by a number of personal and professional challenges on entering the work place. Furthermore, findings suggest that the early career experiences of recently qualified clinical and counselling psychologists in South Africa might not necessarily be due to personal choice, but rather due to greater systemic factors, such as limited available posts, maladministration, the devalued status of mental healthcare in comparison to other healthcare concerns in the country, an unresponsive marketplace and limited efforts by government to accommodate psychologists in different contexts
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Whiteness under threat: Farmlands and the construction of whiteness in its YouTube comment space
- Authors: Kelly, Megan
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Farmlands (Documentary) , YouTube (Firm) , Mass media and propaganda -- South Africa , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Attitudes , Propaganda, South African , Farmers -- Violence against -- South Africa , Racism in mass media , Whites -- Race identity -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41275
- Description: This study examines how whiteness, particularly South African whiteness, is constructed in a propagandistic YouTube documentary entitled Farmlands and how these constructions are taken up and negotiated by its viewers in its associated comment section. I suggest that these constructions are not only racialised, but resuscitate and popularise old colonial discourses that perpetuate the fear of a ‘white genocide’ and the perceived extermination of a ‘pure white civilisation’. A thematic analysis informed by theories of representation, the establishment of difference through meaning, discourse and critical whiteness studies show that there are several narratives constructed through binary oppositions informed by colonial understandings of race, juxtaposing whiteness and blackness. In analysing these constructions, I aim to demonstrate that whiteness often becomes violent and defensive when its power is perceived to be under threat, reproducing itself through binary constructions that aim to protect it. In doing so, I demonstrate how whiteness is globalising from previous narrow nationalist framings to embracing a globalised notion of ‘white civilisation under threat’. This study supports research that is sceptical of the democratizing ability of the internet and social media, focusing specifically on YouTube’s comment forum and how it is utilized to mobilize attitudes based on hatred, racism and profound social exclusion.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Kelly, Megan
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Farmlands (Documentary) , YouTube (Firm) , Mass media and propaganda -- South Africa , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Attitudes , Propaganda, South African , Farmers -- Violence against -- South Africa , Racism in mass media , Whites -- Race identity -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41275
- Description: This study examines how whiteness, particularly South African whiteness, is constructed in a propagandistic YouTube documentary entitled Farmlands and how these constructions are taken up and negotiated by its viewers in its associated comment section. I suggest that these constructions are not only racialised, but resuscitate and popularise old colonial discourses that perpetuate the fear of a ‘white genocide’ and the perceived extermination of a ‘pure white civilisation’. A thematic analysis informed by theories of representation, the establishment of difference through meaning, discourse and critical whiteness studies show that there are several narratives constructed through binary oppositions informed by colonial understandings of race, juxtaposing whiteness and blackness. In analysing these constructions, I aim to demonstrate that whiteness often becomes violent and defensive when its power is perceived to be under threat, reproducing itself through binary constructions that aim to protect it. In doing so, I demonstrate how whiteness is globalising from previous narrow nationalist framings to embracing a globalised notion of ‘white civilisation under threat’. This study supports research that is sceptical of the democratizing ability of the internet and social media, focusing specifically on YouTube’s comment forum and how it is utilized to mobilize attitudes based on hatred, racism and profound social exclusion.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Biological properties and interactions of Kalaharituber pfeilii
- Authors: Krele, Viwe
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Kalaharituber pfeilii , Pezizales -- South Africa , Desert plants -- South Africa , Truffle culture -- South Africa , Plant biochemical genetics , Enzymes -- Analysis
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:30022
- Description: Dessert truffles are seasonal macro fungi and have been identified in several parts of the world including South Africa. The first part of the present study dealt with the assessment of the biologically active compounds of the Kalahari truffles found in the Northern Cape of South Africa. Truffles extracts (methanol, ethanol, aqueous) were investigated for their antimicrobial properties towards Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The results demonstrated that the truffle extracts tested had no inhibitory effects against the bacterial isolates. The truffle mycelial growth was also noted to be ineffective against the selected bacteria. The bacteria tested in the present study showed some antagonistic effects against the fungus. Cultures of K. pfeilii were also screened for enzyme production including amylase, protease, cellulose, and laccase. Evaluation of the potential of K. pfeilii mycelia to produce these industrially and economically important enzymes demonstrated both amylase and protease activity. However, for laccase and cellulose, no activity was detected. The second part of the present study aimed at optimizing biomass production by K. pfeilii in liquid culture media. FF Microplate containing 95 discreet carbon sources were employed to test for substrate utilization. Blanked readings above 0.1 were regarded as positive for utilization, and 4 substrates were selected as potential substrates and were included in liquid media. Media was evaluated for mycelial biomass production. Of the carbon sources tested sucrose proved to be the most suitable for supporting mycelial growth. The third part of the current study included investigating the diversity of microbial communities colonizing the rhizosheath of Stipagrostis ciliata var. capensis (the host plant of K. pfeilii) and these were identified by means of next-generation sequencing using Illumina Miseq. Bioinformatics tools were utilized in analyzing the data. Actinobacteria were found to be the most dominant bacterial phylum, followed by unclassified bacteria, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteria. The top 25 sequences were selected and clustered into bacterial OTUs (at 97% threshold) which were assigned into 1 phylum (Actinobacteria), 1 family (Geodermatophilaceae) and 23 genera. This phylum is well known for its secondary metabolites. Streptomyces sp. was the most frequently encountered genus. The results from this study necessitate further investigations with regards to the function and evolution of fungal-bacterial associations. Wheather these bacteria have a contribution towards the truffle development, it is still not confirmed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Krele, Viwe
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Kalaharituber pfeilii , Pezizales -- South Africa , Desert plants -- South Africa , Truffle culture -- South Africa , Plant biochemical genetics , Enzymes -- Analysis
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:30022
- Description: Dessert truffles are seasonal macro fungi and have been identified in several parts of the world including South Africa. The first part of the present study dealt with the assessment of the biologically active compounds of the Kalahari truffles found in the Northern Cape of South Africa. Truffles extracts (methanol, ethanol, aqueous) were investigated for their antimicrobial properties towards Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The results demonstrated that the truffle extracts tested had no inhibitory effects against the bacterial isolates. The truffle mycelial growth was also noted to be ineffective against the selected bacteria. The bacteria tested in the present study showed some antagonistic effects against the fungus. Cultures of K. pfeilii were also screened for enzyme production including amylase, protease, cellulose, and laccase. Evaluation of the potential of K. pfeilii mycelia to produce these industrially and economically important enzymes demonstrated both amylase and protease activity. However, for laccase and cellulose, no activity was detected. The second part of the present study aimed at optimizing biomass production by K. pfeilii in liquid culture media. FF Microplate containing 95 discreet carbon sources were employed to test for substrate utilization. Blanked readings above 0.1 were regarded as positive for utilization, and 4 substrates were selected as potential substrates and were included in liquid media. Media was evaluated for mycelial biomass production. Of the carbon sources tested sucrose proved to be the most suitable for supporting mycelial growth. The third part of the current study included investigating the diversity of microbial communities colonizing the rhizosheath of Stipagrostis ciliata var. capensis (the host plant of K. pfeilii) and these were identified by means of next-generation sequencing using Illumina Miseq. Bioinformatics tools were utilized in analyzing the data. Actinobacteria were found to be the most dominant bacterial phylum, followed by unclassified bacteria, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteria. The top 25 sequences were selected and clustered into bacterial OTUs (at 97% threshold) which were assigned into 1 phylum (Actinobacteria), 1 family (Geodermatophilaceae) and 23 genera. This phylum is well known for its secondary metabolites. Streptomyces sp. was the most frequently encountered genus. The results from this study necessitate further investigations with regards to the function and evolution of fungal-bacterial associations. Wheather these bacteria have a contribution towards the truffle development, it is still not confirmed.
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- Date Issued: 2019
“New ways of telling”: African textual forms and dissemination in the age of digital media
- Authors: Friedemann, Oriole Megan
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Digital media -- Africa , Self-publishing -- Africa , African literature , Literature publishing -- Technological innovations , Blog authorship -- Africa , African Storybook Reader , FunDza Literacy Project , Long Story SHORT
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:34078
- Description: In the age of digital media, creators are using the versatile nature of information and communication technologies and the ubiquity of the web to publish and distribute texts, circumventing traditional gatekeepers such as publishing institutions. In Africa, where web access and digitisation are relatively new, storytellers are eagerly exploring new mediums and the possibilities that they provide for African narratives and African representation. This thesis looks at the digital platforms of the African Storybook Reader, the FunDza Literacy Project, and Long Story SHORT, as well as Dudu Busani-Dube’s novel Hlomu the Wife, which first gained popularity on a blog platform. It examines three different web series, An African City, The Foxy Five, and Tuko Macho, as well as a transmedia documentary, Love Radio. The texts are grouped into literatures disseminated from digital platforms, localised narratives that explore the urban African woman, and narratives that make use of participatory culture. These are texts that make use of digital tools and platforms to create and disseminate African stories, making diverse and indigenous narratives more easily accessible to both local and global audiences. This thesis argues that digitisation and the global nature of the internet have created opportunities for Africans to become producers and exporters of indigenous information and representation, rather than passive consumers of imported knowledge, or subjects of external characterisation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Friedemann, Oriole Megan
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Digital media -- Africa , Self-publishing -- Africa , African literature , Literature publishing -- Technological innovations , Blog authorship -- Africa , African Storybook Reader , FunDza Literacy Project , Long Story SHORT
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:34078
- Description: In the age of digital media, creators are using the versatile nature of information and communication technologies and the ubiquity of the web to publish and distribute texts, circumventing traditional gatekeepers such as publishing institutions. In Africa, where web access and digitisation are relatively new, storytellers are eagerly exploring new mediums and the possibilities that they provide for African narratives and African representation. This thesis looks at the digital platforms of the African Storybook Reader, the FunDza Literacy Project, and Long Story SHORT, as well as Dudu Busani-Dube’s novel Hlomu the Wife, which first gained popularity on a blog platform. It examines three different web series, An African City, The Foxy Five, and Tuko Macho, as well as a transmedia documentary, Love Radio. The texts are grouped into literatures disseminated from digital platforms, localised narratives that explore the urban African woman, and narratives that make use of participatory culture. These are texts that make use of digital tools and platforms to create and disseminate African stories, making diverse and indigenous narratives more easily accessible to both local and global audiences. This thesis argues that digitisation and the global nature of the internet have created opportunities for Africans to become producers and exporters of indigenous information and representation, rather than passive consumers of imported knowledge, or subjects of external characterisation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
A formative intervention for developing Learner Representative Council (LRC) voice and leadership in a newly established school in Namibia
- Authors: Amadhila, Linda
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: School management and organization -- Namibia , Educational leadership -- Namibia , Education, Secondary -- Namibia , Student government -- Namibia , Student participation in administration -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:28054
- Description: In Namibian schools, learner voice and leadership are being promoted through the policy document entitled the Education Act 16 of2001 which provides an opportunity to establish Learner Representative Councils (LRCs) in secondary schools. However, recent studies have found that this body of learner leaders do not function all that effectively and sometimes exist for the sake of adhering to the policy. This prompted me to conduct an activity theoretical interventionist case- study within the critical paradigm, to develop LRC voice and leadership in a newly established Namibian school. Framed by Cultural Historical Activity Theory, the study was divided into two phases to answer the over-arching question: How can LRC voice and leadership be developed in a school? Phase one was largely interpretive, the contextual profiling phase, where document analysis, individual interviews, questionnaires and observations were used to generate data to answer the following research sub-questions: How is learner leadership understood in the school? What leadership development opportunities for the LRC currently exist in the school? What underlying factors constrain the development of LRC voice and leadership in the newly established school? Phase two of the study was the expansive learning phase, which consisted of three intervention workshops. The Change Laboratory method and a focus group interview were used to generate data in response to the last research sub-question: In what ways can LRC participation in a Change Laboratory process contribute to their leadership development? Data generated were inductively and deductively analysed, using the activity theoretical principles of contradictions and double stimulation. Data revealed that learner leadership was largely understood as managerial roles carried out by the LRC in the school. Unlike many schools in Namibia, this case-study school offered numerous leadership development opportunities for the LRC. The community networking events such as: School Exchange Programmes, Town Council breakfast and Junior Regional Council, were opportunities offered to the LRC to solicit information, exchange ideas and discuss matters of common interest with the LRCs of the fully established schools. However, there were a number of challenges that constrained LRC voice and leadership development, the major one being the fact that this was a newly established school. Of significance was that LRC participation in the Change Laboratory process contributed positively to the development of voice and leadership in learners. During this Change Laboratory process, the LRC developed a new artefact - the vision and mission statement of the school - this signified that the learners expansively transformed the object of their activity. Recommendations emerging out of the study included that the School Management Team see the ‘newly established’ status of the school as an opportunity for development, rather than a limitation, and therefore invite the LRC to participate in the different leadership practices as the school becomes established. A significant recommendation for school leadership research is to use the third generation of CHAT to expand the unit of analysis, in order to understand the leadership relations and power dynamics between multiple activity systems in schools as complex organisations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Amadhila, Linda
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: School management and organization -- Namibia , Educational leadership -- Namibia , Education, Secondary -- Namibia , Student government -- Namibia , Student participation in administration -- Namibia
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:28054
- Description: In Namibian schools, learner voice and leadership are being promoted through the policy document entitled the Education Act 16 of2001 which provides an opportunity to establish Learner Representative Councils (LRCs) in secondary schools. However, recent studies have found that this body of learner leaders do not function all that effectively and sometimes exist for the sake of adhering to the policy. This prompted me to conduct an activity theoretical interventionist case- study within the critical paradigm, to develop LRC voice and leadership in a newly established Namibian school. Framed by Cultural Historical Activity Theory, the study was divided into two phases to answer the over-arching question: How can LRC voice and leadership be developed in a school? Phase one was largely interpretive, the contextual profiling phase, where document analysis, individual interviews, questionnaires and observations were used to generate data to answer the following research sub-questions: How is learner leadership understood in the school? What leadership development opportunities for the LRC currently exist in the school? What underlying factors constrain the development of LRC voice and leadership in the newly established school? Phase two of the study was the expansive learning phase, which consisted of three intervention workshops. The Change Laboratory method and a focus group interview were used to generate data in response to the last research sub-question: In what ways can LRC participation in a Change Laboratory process contribute to their leadership development? Data generated were inductively and deductively analysed, using the activity theoretical principles of contradictions and double stimulation. Data revealed that learner leadership was largely understood as managerial roles carried out by the LRC in the school. Unlike many schools in Namibia, this case-study school offered numerous leadership development opportunities for the LRC. The community networking events such as: School Exchange Programmes, Town Council breakfast and Junior Regional Council, were opportunities offered to the LRC to solicit information, exchange ideas and discuss matters of common interest with the LRCs of the fully established schools. However, there were a number of challenges that constrained LRC voice and leadership development, the major one being the fact that this was a newly established school. Of significance was that LRC participation in the Change Laboratory process contributed positively to the development of voice and leadership in learners. During this Change Laboratory process, the LRC developed a new artefact - the vision and mission statement of the school - this signified that the learners expansively transformed the object of their activity. Recommendations emerging out of the study included that the School Management Team see the ‘newly established’ status of the school as an opportunity for development, rather than a limitation, and therefore invite the LRC to participate in the different leadership practices as the school becomes established. A significant recommendation for school leadership research is to use the third generation of CHAT to expand the unit of analysis, in order to understand the leadership relations and power dynamics between multiple activity systems in schools as complex organisations.
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- Date Issued: 2018
The design of a honey processing plant and mead brewery for Menno apiary
- Authors: Jatoo, Anupam
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Farm buildings -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Farm buildings -- Design and construction Ecology in art
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:28609
- Description: This treatise was born out of an ecological concern for the decline in the bee population witnessed by beekeepers since the late 1990’s. This sudden decline in the bee population has a direct impact on one third of the food we consume which leads to a decrease in food production and an unbalanced ecosystem. The distinct biomes in the Eastern Cape of farming and nature reserves, provides a foundation for an investigation into an architectural intervention of a remedial nature to help the bees breed and restore the natural pollination services. A qualitative research approach has been conducted to focus on the relationship between man and nature and how man-made structures can successfully integrate into the natural process of bee breeding and honey production. This provided a platform to develop an architectural intervention that responded to the ecological issues of the dying bee population. This Paper unpacks the issues which contribute to the bee population in decline and the different types of systems and stages that are required in beekeeping and its by-products. The findings lead to the process of developing an appropriate brief and arriving at a design response which will allow sustainable ways of achieving radical increases in resource efficiency. As a result, the breeding process will provide natural product as well as educate the public and farmers of the region, about the bees. A site specific and factory archetype of architecture will be investigated to facilitate the transformation of site into a bee friendly environment, which will contribute to the rehabilitation of the pollination process in the Eastern Cape.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Jatoo, Anupam
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Farm buildings -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Farm buildings -- Design and construction Ecology in art
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:28609
- Description: This treatise was born out of an ecological concern for the decline in the bee population witnessed by beekeepers since the late 1990’s. This sudden decline in the bee population has a direct impact on one third of the food we consume which leads to a decrease in food production and an unbalanced ecosystem. The distinct biomes in the Eastern Cape of farming and nature reserves, provides a foundation for an investigation into an architectural intervention of a remedial nature to help the bees breed and restore the natural pollination services. A qualitative research approach has been conducted to focus on the relationship between man and nature and how man-made structures can successfully integrate into the natural process of bee breeding and honey production. This provided a platform to develop an architectural intervention that responded to the ecological issues of the dying bee population. This Paper unpacks the issues which contribute to the bee population in decline and the different types of systems and stages that are required in beekeeping and its by-products. The findings lead to the process of developing an appropriate brief and arriving at a design response which will allow sustainable ways of achieving radical increases in resource efficiency. As a result, the breeding process will provide natural product as well as educate the public and farmers of the region, about the bees. A site specific and factory archetype of architecture will be investigated to facilitate the transformation of site into a bee friendly environment, which will contribute to the rehabilitation of the pollination process in the Eastern Cape.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
Improving the cold tolerance of false codling moth, thaumatotibia leucotreta, for better performance in a sterile insect release programme
- Authors: Daniel, Claire Ashleigh
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- South Africa , Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- Reproduction -- Effect of temperature on , Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- Biological control -- South Africa , Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Biological control -- South Africa , Insect pests -- Biological control -- South Africa , Insecticides , Citrus fruit industry -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20803
- Description: The false codling moth (FCM), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a major pest of citrus and other important crops in Sub-Saharan Africa. The introduction of a sterile insect technique (SIT) programme for FCM in South Africa has proven to be very effective in the control of FCM. The objective was to flood citrus orchards with large numbers of sterile males resulting in a ratio of at least 10 sterile to 1 wild moth, increasing the probability of a female moth mating with a sterile male. This target is often achieved and the programme is generally successful, however there are some challenges regarding this programme. The mass rearing environment, artificial diet, handling methods and irradiation have an impact on sterile insect quality as environmental differences between the rearing facility and field, influences the insect phenotype and competitiveness. This is evident as wild male moths can theoretically actively fly at a temperature of 12°C and laboratory-reared sterilized moths, due to the radiation treatment, appear unable to fly below 20°C. As a consequence, sterile males are out-competed by wild males during the cooler months of the year. This is detrimental to the SIT programme as FCM do not undergo diapause, meaning they are active during winter and will still reproduce. Therefore, to maximize the effect of the SIT programme, it is vital to increase the flight ability of mass reared sterile males at lower temperatures. Various studies have shown that by adding cryoprotectants to the basic laboratory diets increases the cold tolerance of certain insects and thus may allow them to be mobile at lower temperatures, however it imperative that any chemical used to augment the commercial diet of the insect has no negative effects on the insect physiology and development. To investigate this detail for FCM, five generations of FCM were reared on diets augmented with various known insect cryoprotectants. These augmented FCM were subsequently used in experiments designed to determine firstly, if the cryoprotectants had a positive result on the cold tolerance of the FCM, and secondly, if they had any adverse effects on other physiological aspects such as duration of development. Laboratory trials indicated that the flight ability of male FCM was improved when larvae were reared on diets augmented with trehalose and cholesterol (with an average of 40 % of cholesterol and trehalose augmented males that flew at 15 °C where 0 % of the control flew). Results obtained during the field trials support the laboratory results as there was a significant increase in the number of trehalose augmented moths caught in the field during March and July (winter). Results also showed potential for cholesterol to be used as an additive. Other important findings show that both cholesterol and trehalose have no negative impacts on developmental rate, pupal size, and egg production and viability. Trehalose was found to increase the pupal mass of male and female FCM, as well as the number of eggs laid per female. Cholesterol was found to increase developmental rate and the number of eggs laid. The main findings of this study were that diet additives could improve the massrearing of FCM for SIT and the competitiveness of the males, especially at lower temperatures. However, the additives were expensive and cost could well be a constraint to the wide scale implementation of the new technology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Daniel, Claire Ashleigh
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- South Africa , Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- Reproduction -- Effect of temperature on , Cryptophlebia leucotreta -- Biological control -- South Africa , Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Biological control -- South Africa , Insect pests -- Biological control -- South Africa , Insecticides , Citrus fruit industry -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20803
- Description: The false codling moth (FCM), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a major pest of citrus and other important crops in Sub-Saharan Africa. The introduction of a sterile insect technique (SIT) programme for FCM in South Africa has proven to be very effective in the control of FCM. The objective was to flood citrus orchards with large numbers of sterile males resulting in a ratio of at least 10 sterile to 1 wild moth, increasing the probability of a female moth mating with a sterile male. This target is often achieved and the programme is generally successful, however there are some challenges regarding this programme. The mass rearing environment, artificial diet, handling methods and irradiation have an impact on sterile insect quality as environmental differences between the rearing facility and field, influences the insect phenotype and competitiveness. This is evident as wild male moths can theoretically actively fly at a temperature of 12°C and laboratory-reared sterilized moths, due to the radiation treatment, appear unable to fly below 20°C. As a consequence, sterile males are out-competed by wild males during the cooler months of the year. This is detrimental to the SIT programme as FCM do not undergo diapause, meaning they are active during winter and will still reproduce. Therefore, to maximize the effect of the SIT programme, it is vital to increase the flight ability of mass reared sterile males at lower temperatures. Various studies have shown that by adding cryoprotectants to the basic laboratory diets increases the cold tolerance of certain insects and thus may allow them to be mobile at lower temperatures, however it imperative that any chemical used to augment the commercial diet of the insect has no negative effects on the insect physiology and development. To investigate this detail for FCM, five generations of FCM were reared on diets augmented with various known insect cryoprotectants. These augmented FCM were subsequently used in experiments designed to determine firstly, if the cryoprotectants had a positive result on the cold tolerance of the FCM, and secondly, if they had any adverse effects on other physiological aspects such as duration of development. Laboratory trials indicated that the flight ability of male FCM was improved when larvae were reared on diets augmented with trehalose and cholesterol (with an average of 40 % of cholesterol and trehalose augmented males that flew at 15 °C where 0 % of the control flew). Results obtained during the field trials support the laboratory results as there was a significant increase in the number of trehalose augmented moths caught in the field during March and July (winter). Results also showed potential for cholesterol to be used as an additive. Other important findings show that both cholesterol and trehalose have no negative impacts on developmental rate, pupal size, and egg production and viability. Trehalose was found to increase the pupal mass of male and female FCM, as well as the number of eggs laid per female. Cholesterol was found to increase developmental rate and the number of eggs laid. The main findings of this study were that diet additives could improve the massrearing of FCM for SIT and the competitiveness of the males, especially at lower temperatures. However, the additives were expensive and cost could well be a constraint to the wide scale implementation of the new technology.
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- Date Issued: 2017
'The Most Amazing Show': performative interactions with postelection South African society and culture
- Authors: Scholtz, Brink
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Performing arts , Drama -- Study and teaching , Recreational activities
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:26963
- Description: This research investigates contemporary South African performance within the context of prominent social and cultural change following the political transition from an apartheid state to democracy. Specifically, it looks at the relationship between a popular comic variety show The Most Amazing Show (TMAS), and aspects of contemporary South African society and culture, particularly relating to prominent efforts to affect post-election transformation of South African society and culture through the construction of a South African 'rainbow nation'. By analysing TMAS in terms of broader historical, performative and discursive contexts, it engages a relational reading of the performance. The study argues that TMAS both challenges and participates in the manner in which rainbow nation discourse constructs South African society and culture. Firstly, it considers the performance's construction of hybrid South African identities, including white Afrikaans, white English and white masculine identities. It argues that these reconstructions undermine the tendency within rainbow nation discourse to construct cultural hybridity in terms of stereotypically distinct identities. Secondly, it considers TMAS' construction of collective experience and social integration, which subverts the often glamorised and superficial representations of social healing and integration that are constructed within rainbow nation discourse. The analysis makes prominent reference to the notion of 'liminality' in order to describe the manner in which TMAS constructs significance within the tension that it establishes between oppositional, and often contradictory, positions. Furthermore, it attempts to establish a link between this notion of liminality and notions of theatrical syncretism that are prominent in contemporary South African theatre scholarship, and emphasise processes of signification that are constantly shifting and unstable.
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- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Scholtz, Brink
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Performing arts , Drama -- Study and teaching , Recreational activities
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:26963
- Description: This research investigates contemporary South African performance within the context of prominent social and cultural change following the political transition from an apartheid state to democracy. Specifically, it looks at the relationship between a popular comic variety show The Most Amazing Show (TMAS), and aspects of contemporary South African society and culture, particularly relating to prominent efforts to affect post-election transformation of South African society and culture through the construction of a South African 'rainbow nation'. By analysing TMAS in terms of broader historical, performative and discursive contexts, it engages a relational reading of the performance. The study argues that TMAS both challenges and participates in the manner in which rainbow nation discourse constructs South African society and culture. Firstly, it considers the performance's construction of hybrid South African identities, including white Afrikaans, white English and white masculine identities. It argues that these reconstructions undermine the tendency within rainbow nation discourse to construct cultural hybridity in terms of stereotypically distinct identities. Secondly, it considers TMAS' construction of collective experience and social integration, which subverts the often glamorised and superficial representations of social healing and integration that are constructed within rainbow nation discourse. The analysis makes prominent reference to the notion of 'liminality' in order to describe the manner in which TMAS constructs significance within the tension that it establishes between oppositional, and often contradictory, positions. Furthermore, it attempts to establish a link between this notion of liminality and notions of theatrical syncretism that are prominent in contemporary South African theatre scholarship, and emphasise processes of signification that are constantly shifting and unstable.
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- Date Issued: 2008
The impact of the end of the Cold War on transition in South Africa
- Authors: Du Preez, Roni
- Date: 1994
- Subjects: Cold War , International relations , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1978-1989 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1978-1989
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2773 , , Cold War , International relations , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1978-1989 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1978-1989
- Description: This thesis argues that F.W. de Klerk's historic February 1990 speech was the end product of a set of circumstances in recent South African and global history which made possible the new phase of transitional politics which South Africa is currently experiencing. It seeks to establish that of all the factors that contributed to change, it was the late 1980s thaw in the Cold War, and its resultant repercussions internationally and regionally which was the catalytic factor which made the new era possible. In all the literature on transition there has been no comprehensive analysis of the plausible link between the two superpowers agreeing in the mid-1980s to abandon confrontational practices and to change their approaches to regional conflicts and the South African government agreeing to negotiate for a new political dispensation. This thesis will seek to establish and analyse such a link. By 1986 there was in certain governmental circles a non-public view that the policy of apartheid had failed both as a solution to the problem of black political aspirations and as a legitimating ideology. Constraining any serious move towards political change was a widely held fear at the top level of government that an accelerated reform process would make South Africa vulnerable to external aggression and internal revolutionary forces. This thesis suggests that the collapse of communist rule in Eastern Europe and the 'new political thinking' in Soviet foreign policy resulted in the notion of a communist-inspired total onslaught against South Africa losing currency - as did the position of those within the ruling elite who remained dogmatically attached to it. The end of the Cold War is the common thread which links South Africa's international , regional and domestic environments. Two important events occurred in the international and regional arenas, which against the backdrop of the end of the Cold War, strengthened the credibility of the alternative view in government: (i) the October 1986 Reykjavik Summit and (ii) the South African Defence Force setback at Cuito Cuanavale. P.W. Botha's resignation as leader of the National Party and soon after as State President created the political space through which the view of the reformers could emerge as dominant. Recognising that neither the international nor regional environments sustained the beliefs and fears held by the military hawks, F.W. de Klerk was able to capitalise on the ambience of negotiations and apply it to the South African situation. De Klerk's February 1990 speech was therefore the culmination of a process which had its origins in the mid-1980's.
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- Date Issued: 1994
- Authors: Du Preez, Roni
- Date: 1994
- Subjects: Cold War , International relations , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1978-1989 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1978-1989
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2773 , , Cold War , International relations , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1989-1994 , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1978-1989 , South Africa -- Foreign relations -- 1978-1989
- Description: This thesis argues that F.W. de Klerk's historic February 1990 speech was the end product of a set of circumstances in recent South African and global history which made possible the new phase of transitional politics which South Africa is currently experiencing. It seeks to establish that of all the factors that contributed to change, it was the late 1980s thaw in the Cold War, and its resultant repercussions internationally and regionally which was the catalytic factor which made the new era possible. In all the literature on transition there has been no comprehensive analysis of the plausible link between the two superpowers agreeing in the mid-1980s to abandon confrontational practices and to change their approaches to regional conflicts and the South African government agreeing to negotiate for a new political dispensation. This thesis will seek to establish and analyse such a link. By 1986 there was in certain governmental circles a non-public view that the policy of apartheid had failed both as a solution to the problem of black political aspirations and as a legitimating ideology. Constraining any serious move towards political change was a widely held fear at the top level of government that an accelerated reform process would make South Africa vulnerable to external aggression and internal revolutionary forces. This thesis suggests that the collapse of communist rule in Eastern Europe and the 'new political thinking' in Soviet foreign policy resulted in the notion of a communist-inspired total onslaught against South Africa losing currency - as did the position of those within the ruling elite who remained dogmatically attached to it. The end of the Cold War is the common thread which links South Africa's international , regional and domestic environments. Two important events occurred in the international and regional arenas, which against the backdrop of the end of the Cold War, strengthened the credibility of the alternative view in government: (i) the October 1986 Reykjavik Summit and (ii) the South African Defence Force setback at Cuito Cuanavale. P.W. Botha's resignation as leader of the National Party and soon after as State President created the political space through which the view of the reformers could emerge as dominant. Recognising that neither the international nor regional environments sustained the beliefs and fears held by the military hawks, F.W. de Klerk was able to capitalise on the ambience of negotiations and apply it to the South African situation. De Klerk's February 1990 speech was therefore the culmination of a process which had its origins in the mid-1980's.
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- Date Issued: 1994
Understanding and treating combat-related post traumatic stress disorder: a soldier's story
- Authors: Koen, Gary
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Case studies , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Treatment , Soldiers -- Mental health -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3134 , , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Case studies , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Treatment , Soldiers -- Mental health -- South Africa
- Description: This work documents the treatment of a 20-year-old male suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of his experience during two years of national service as an Operations "Ops" Medic in the South African Defence Force. The literature review is drawn largely from the body of work emerging from the Vietnam War, and in particular the work of Robert Lifton and Erwin Parson is considered. The case study consists of a detailed synopsis of the treatment based upon material from the therapy sessions. This section hopes to accurately convey the experience of working with someone suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and provide insight into the dynamics of such a therapeutic relationship. Finally the discussion examines the links between the theory and the treatment and attempts to understand the various factors which shaped and influenced the final outcome of the therapy. Special consideration is given to showing how essentially cognitive restructuring techniques are successfully utilised within a more existential, psychodynamic framework. Furthermore, there is a paucity of literature on the subject of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in South Africa and it is hoped that this work will both point to a need for further research in this field whilst simultaneously provide guidance for those who wish to become involved in working with individuals suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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- Date Issued: 1992
- Authors: Koen, Gary
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Case studies , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Treatment , Soldiers -- Mental health -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3134 , , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Case studies , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Treatment , Soldiers -- Mental health -- South Africa
- Description: This work documents the treatment of a 20-year-old male suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of his experience during two years of national service as an Operations "Ops" Medic in the South African Defence Force. The literature review is drawn largely from the body of work emerging from the Vietnam War, and in particular the work of Robert Lifton and Erwin Parson is considered. The case study consists of a detailed synopsis of the treatment based upon material from the therapy sessions. This section hopes to accurately convey the experience of working with someone suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and provide insight into the dynamics of such a therapeutic relationship. Finally the discussion examines the links between the theory and the treatment and attempts to understand the various factors which shaped and influenced the final outcome of the therapy. Special consideration is given to showing how essentially cognitive restructuring techniques are successfully utilised within a more existential, psychodynamic framework. Furthermore, there is a paucity of literature on the subject of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in South Africa and it is hoped that this work will both point to a need for further research in this field whilst simultaneously provide guidance for those who wish to become involved in working with individuals suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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- Date Issued: 1992
Rural communities in transition: a study of the socio-economic and agricultural implications of agricultural betterment and development
- De Wet, Christopher J, McAllister, Patrick A
- Authors: De Wet, Christopher J , McAllister, Patrick A
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Ciskei -- Case studies Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Transkei -- Case studies Agricultural development projects -- South Africa -- Homelands -- Case studies Homelands (South Africa) -- Rural conditions -- Case studies Villages -- South Africa -- Homelands -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Book , Text
- Identifier: , vital:20231 , ISBN 086810101x
- Description: This comparative study, undertaken in the anthropological tradition of long-term field research, highlights the impact of agricultural "betterment" schemes in two rural communities - Chatha in Keiskammahoek district, Ciskei and Shixini in Willowvale district, Transkei. The authors provide a wealth of historical, sociological and ecological detail to describe and assess the implications of the continuation of the present official "betterment" strategy. This is done by comparing conditions in Chatha, where the strategy was implemented in the 1960s, with those in Shixini, where it was being implemented during fieldwork. , Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
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- Date Issued: 1983
- Authors: De Wet, Christopher J , McAllister, Patrick A
- Date: 1983
- Subjects: Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Ciskei -- Case studies Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Transkei -- Case studies Agricultural development projects -- South Africa -- Homelands -- Case studies Homelands (South Africa) -- Rural conditions -- Case studies Villages -- South Africa -- Homelands -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Book , Text
- Identifier: , vital:20231 , ISBN 086810101x
- Description: This comparative study, undertaken in the anthropological tradition of long-term field research, highlights the impact of agricultural "betterment" schemes in two rural communities - Chatha in Keiskammahoek district, Ciskei and Shixini in Willowvale district, Transkei. The authors provide a wealth of historical, sociological and ecological detail to describe and assess the implications of the continuation of the present official "betterment" strategy. This is done by comparing conditions in Chatha, where the strategy was implemented in the 1960s, with those in Shixini, where it was being implemented during fieldwork. , Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
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- Date Issued: 1983
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