An Analysis of Internet Background Radiation within an African IPv4 netblock
- Authors: Hendricks, Wadeegh
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Computer networks -- Monitoring –- South Africa , Dark Web , Computer networks -- Security measures –- South Africa , Universities and Colleges -- Computer networks -- Security measures , Malware (Computer software) , TCP/IP (Computer network protocol)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:32298
- Description: The use of passive network sensors has in the past proven to be quite effective in monitoring and analysing the current state of traffic on a network. Internet traffic destined to a routable, yet unused address block is often referred to as Internet Background Radiation (IBR) and characterised as unsolicited. This unsolicited traffic is however quite valuable to researchers in that it allows them to study the traffic patterns in a covert manner. IBR is largely composed of network and port scanning traffic, backscatter packets from virus and malware activity and to a lesser extent, misconfiguration of network devices. This research answers the following two questions: (1) What is the current state of IBR within the context of a South African IP address space and (2) Can any anomalies be detected in the traffic, with specific reference to current global malware attacks such as Mirai and similar. Rhodes University operates five IPv4 passive network sensors, commonly known as network telescopes, each monitoring its own /24 IP address block. The oldest of these network telescopes has been collecting traffic for over a decade, with the newest being established in 2011. This research focuses on the in-depth analysis of the traffic captured by one telescope in the 155/8 range over a 12 month period, from January to December 2017. The traffic was analysed and classified according the protocol, TCP flag, source IP address, destination port, packet count and payload size. Apart from the normal network traffic graphs and tables, a geographic heatmap of source traffic was also created, based on the source IP address. Spikes and noticeable variances in traffic patterns were further investigated and evidence of Mirai like malware activity was observed. Network and port scanning were found to comprise the largest amount of traffic, accounting for over 90% of the total IBR. Various scanning techniques were identified, including low level passive scanning and much higher level active scanning.
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- Date Issued: 2020
An exploration of the overlap between open source threat intelligence and active internet background radiation
- Authors: Pearson, Deon Turner
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Computer networks -- Security measures , Computer networks -- Monitoring , Malware (Computer software) , TCP/IP (Computer network protocol) , Open source intelligence
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:32299
- Description: Organisations and individuals are facing increasing persistent threats on the Internet from worms, port scanners, and malicious software (malware). These threats are constantly evolving as attack techniques are discovered. To aid in the detection and prevention of such threats, and to stay ahead of the adversaries conducting the attacks, security specialists are utilising Threat Intelligence (TI) data in their defense strategies. TI data can be obtained from a variety of different sources such as private routers, firewall logs, public archives, and public or private network telescopes. However, at the rate and ease at which TI is produced and published, specifically Open Source Threat Intelligence (OSINT), the quality is dropping, resulting in fragmented, context-less and variable data. This research utilised two sets of TI data, a collection of OSINT and active Internet Background Radiation (IBR). The data was collected over a period of 12 months, from 37 publicly available OSINT datasets and five IBR datasets. Through the identification and analysis of common data between the OSINT and IBR datasets, this research was able to gain insight into how effective OSINT is at detecting and potentially reducing ongoing malicious Internet traffic. As part of this research, a minimal framework for the collection, processing/analysis, and distribution of OSINT was developed and tested. The research focused on exploring areas in common between the two datasets, with the intention of creating an enriched, contextualised, and reduced set of malicious source IP addresses that could be published for consumers to use in their own environment. The findings of this research pointed towards a persistent group of IP addresses observed on both datasets, over the period under research. Using these persistent IP addresses, the research was able to identify specific services being targeted. Amongst these persistent IP addresses were significant packets from Mirai like IoT Malware on port 23/tcp and 2323/tcp as well as general scanning activity on port 445/TCP.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Understanding a West African recreational fishery as a complex social-ecological system – a case study of the fishery for giant African threadfin Polydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829) in the Kwanza Estuary, Angola
- Authors: Butler, Edward C
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Cuanza River (Angola) , Fishing -- Angola , Polynemidae , Fishes -- Angola -- Ecology
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:38548
- Description: Despite increasing global recognition of the importance of recreational fisheries, their management largely remains poor. This is because they exhibit unique human-nature relationships and are nested within complex social-ecological systems (SESs). Recreational fisheries in the developing world have large potential for socio-economic development, but are generally underappreciated, in terms of their value and their impact, and are poorly governed. This is particularly concerning as they are highly complex and often compete for resources with dependent artisanal and subsistence fisheries. Developing world recreational fishery SESs are not well understood and present an important research gap for improved governance. The general aim of this thesis was to explore the recreational fishery targeting Polydactylus quadrifilis on the Kwanza Estuary, Angola, and provide context for how managers should approach recreational fisheries in the developing world and in Africa. To do this, the recreational fishery SES was explored using a combination of methodologies including those characteristic of traditional fisheries science, and new methods involving biology, sociology, and economics. The thesis contains an introductory chapter, a chapter describing the background, study area and study species, five data chapters and a discussion chapter. Chapter 3 aimed to investigate the reproductive style of P. quadrifilis. Results identified the species as a protandrous hermaphrodite. Evidence to suggest this included degenerating testicular tissue and the presence of early developing ovarian tissues in transitional individuals. Early-stage oocytes were commonly found in the outer area of male regions and residual late-stage spermatids and spermatozoa were found in the luminal space of ovarian regions, suggesting a process of sex change from the outside inwards. Owing to the species’ reliance on large highly fecund females for reproduction, it is likely that P. quadrifilis will be sensitive to fisheries that target larger individuals, such as trophy recreational fisheries and line fisheries within other sectors. Chapter 4 aimed to investigate alternative methods for adequately describing the growth of P. quadrifilis individuals belonging to either one of two distinct hypothetical life-history pathways: pathway I (‘changers’) – initial maturation as a primary male followed by a sex change to female; pathway II (‘non-changers’) – initial maturation as a male fish with no subsequent sex change, using von Bertalanffy Growth Functions (VBGFs). Other specific objectives included determining the size- and age-at-maturity and size- and age-at-sex-change for P. quadrifilis. Otolith aging revealed rapid growth and early maturation (L50 = 399.2 mm FL, A50 = 1.50 years) and sex change occurred over a wide size (790–1125 mm FL) and age (3–8 years) range. There was strong evidence for partial protandry in P. quadrifilis with several extremely old male fish (up to 22 years) observed in the population. When compared to the conventional model produced for the entire population, there were significant differences in the models for the ‘non-changers’ (LRT, p < 0.01) and their parameters L∞ (full model = 130.8, ‘non-changers’ = 113.3, p < 0.01), k (0.32, 0.44, p < 0.01) and t0 (0.23, 0.43, p = 0.03) in the first approach and the models (LRT, p < 0.01) and their L∞ (‘changers’ = 113.7, p < 0.01) values in the second approach. This suggests that utilising conventional modelling techniques may be inappropriate for the stock assessment and management of P. quadrifilis and, potentially, other sequentially hermaphroditic fishery species. Chapter 5 aimed to assess the sensitivity of P. quadrifilis to recreational C&R within the foreign recreational fishery using a rapid assessment approach. To do this, a number of C&R variables including fight time, air exposure, hook placement, hooking injury, total time of the stress event, river depth and angling method were measured and related to two indicators of fish health and survival – the physiological stress indicators blood glucose and blood lactate concentration and reflex action mortality predictors (RAMPs). Air exposure was identified as a major contributor to motor impairment (Cumulative Link Model: p < 0.01) and fight time was an important contributor to motor impairment via its interaction with air exposure (Cumulative Link Model: p = 0.02). Handling practices appear to be particularly important for larger individuals as fish size was positively correlated with air exposure (Pearson’s r coefficient = 0.41, p < 0.01) and fight times (0.88, p < 0.01). The findings suggest that recreational C&R may result in mortalities directly, via C&R, and indirectly, via predation, and several recommendations were made for best practice. Chapter 6 aimed to assess the direct economic contribution of the recreational fishery for Polydactylus quadrifilis on the Kwanza Estuary. Results indicated that the recreational fishery for contributed significantly to the economy of an area that would otherwise likely receive little external input ($282 054 per four-month fishing season). However, high rates of economic leakage from the study area were identified (58.7%–92.9% of locally spent revenue) and were attributed to the sourcing of lodge supplies, services and staff outside of the local area and the repatriation of profit by foreign business owners. Capacity building within the local community is likely required to develop ‘linkages’ between the local community and the recreational fishery. Greater community involvement in the fishery is suggested to incentivise the protection of recreationally important fishery species and their associated ecosystems. Chapter 7 aimed to investigate the resource user groups involved within the SES. Results illustrated that artisanal and domestic recreational anglers are well-established and are characterised by long histories of participation. The artisanal fishery was highly valued as a source of livelihoods for the local community. Artisanal fishers were eager for involvement in the recreational sector, through the chartering of their vessels, due to the attractiveness of extra earnings. Both recreational and artisanal fishers reported recent decreases in P. quadrifilis catch and anticipated further declines. Domestic recreational anglers appeared to be highly consumptive in their use of the fishery and C&R angling was uncommon. User conflict may be problematic for future management as recreational anglers perceived the artisanal gill-net fishery to be a threat towards P. quadrifilis stocks. In conclusion, the open-access nature of the fishery was identified as the most pertinent threat to its sustainability and likely needs to be addressed. Potential solutions involve offering users the opportunity to purchase access rights (e.g. day permits), thus initiating the concept that users must pay for their use of public resources. Management should aim to protect large female fish due to their increased reproductive value and worth as trophy fish. Thus, C&R angling is likely to be an important interaction between users and the resource. However, angler behaviour will need to be manipulated to promote C&R and minimise C&R-related mortalities. Solutions include angler educational drives and interventions and the implementation of competitive C&R-only angling. Foreign recreational fisheries, although touted as potential ecotourism ventures, will only succeed in improving the lives of local people if they fully integrate the community into the operation of the fishery.
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- Date Issued: 2020
A micro-ethnography: exploring relations between Somali and South African traders in Clarehill, Cape Town
- Authors: Solomon, Kelly Michelle
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Immigrants South Africa , Immigrants Social conditions , Xenophobia South Africa , Social capital (Sociology) South Africa , Somalis Migrations , Identity (Philosophical concept) , South Africa Race relations
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:27999 ,
- Description: Xenophobia has become a dominant narrative in contemporary South Africa. In this thesis, I hone in on a micro, informal economic market that functions cohesively and convivially with both South African and Somali transmigrant traders in it. Religion is one of the key ways through which migrants are able to access social networks and social capital. Islam, the dominant practised religion in the market, thus forms a foundation for strong, emotionally supportive, caring relationships between Somali transmigrants and South Africans The relationships between South African traders and Somali transmigrants are mutually constitutive, as they lean on one another for stability during a time that is unstable for both groups. The closeness of their relationships is evident through the way in which they tease and joke with one another, and the many ways in which they offer intangible support to each other. This thesis illustrates that despite the dominant xenophobic narrative, a close social kinship is formed in the Roelof Street market between South Africans and Somali transmigrants.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Developing leadership and learner voice: a formative intervention in a Learner Representative Council in a Namibian secondary school
- Authors: Haipa, Vistorina
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: School management and organization -- Namibia , Educational leadership -- Namibia , Education, Secondary -- Namibia , Student government -- Namibia , Student participation in administration -- Namibia , Student participation in administration -- Law and legislation -- Namibia , Cultural Historical Activity Theory
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:28136
- Description: Learner participation in leadership in Namibian schools was legislated in 2001 through the Namibian Education Act, No. 16 of 2001. This has then become a requirement for all secondary schools to establish a Learner Representative Council (LRC). However, this legislation only gives mandates to schools with grade 8-12. Despite the impetus of having a LRC in secondary schools, learner leadership and voice remains limited, given that we are 26 years into our democracy. This awakened my interest to conduct a study aimed at developing leadership and voice within the LRC in a Namibian secondary school. Additionally, this study was conducted to contribute to filling the gap in literature of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) studies in the field of Education Leadership and Management. In this critical case orientation, the LRC were the subjects and the object of the activity was voice and leadership development within the LRC. I investigated participants’ perspectives on LRC leadership opportunities that existed in the case study school as well as factors that enabled and constrained leadership and voice development within the LRC of Omukumo (pseudonym) Secondary School in the northern part of Namibia. My study adopted a formative intervention design, using qualitative methodologies such as document analysis, observation, interviews, questionnaires and Change Laboratory Workshops. This study was framed by the second generation of CHAT. CHAT in this study was used as a methodological and analytical tool to surface the contradictions. Additionally, data were analysed by means of constructing categories and themes. Five sets of findings emerged: (1) a lack of conceptual awareness of the construct ‘learner leadership’: learner leadership was understood in terms of the LRC, (2) LRC members were not really acknowledged as equal participants in the school decision-making due to unequal power relations between the teachers and the LRC members, (3) misinterpretation of LRC policy that speak about the establishment of learners club and inadequate LRC training hindered the development of voice and leadership within the LRC, (4) the overall leadership role assigned to the LRC was to oversee the adherence of the school rules, and last (5) learner leadership and voice was still developing in the case study school. My key recommendation based on the research findings is the need for on-going LRC training at regional level; a need for large scale comparative studies between two African countries (Namibia, & South Africa) on the topic of learner leadership development and last, a need for workshops to train teachers on the implementation of national policies in schools, in particular those that speak to issues of learner voice and leadership.
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- Date Issued: 2018
The effects of the type of rest breaks on return-to-task performance in semi-automated tasks with varying complexities
- Authors: Hoyi, Zandile
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Rest periods , Rest periods -- Physiological effect , Human-robot interaction , Aeronautics -- Human factors , Human engineering , Drowsiness
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:25412
- Description: Automation in the aviation industry is acknowledged as a useful tool in reducing pilot workload (Hoh, Smith & Hinton, 1987; Beringer & Harris Jr., 1999). Typically, the role of the pilot (operator) shifts from active participation in a process to a task of monitoring the system with the resumption of control should the automation ‘fail’ (Byrne & Parasuraman, 1996). Unfortunately, the skills necessary to do so would likely degrade from non-use, during this process (Landry, 2012). This project investigates the “attentional demands” for the human operator during interaction with semi-automated operations of the flight. According to Dr Abbott (1996), FAA human factors specialist, one of the problems causing disharmony between crews and their automated systems is the incorrect upset recovery, owing to the human being out-of-the-loop (OOTL) from the system. Recovery, or rather return to task, is the ability of the pilot to loop back into control, once situational awareness has been decreased due to lack of alertness and a decrease in arousal. Different types of rest tasks are commonly prescribed fatigue countermeasures in the industrial setting and have been showed to elicit beneficial effects on prolonged human performance. Understanding the effects of different rest break activity and time out-of-the-loop during semi-automated flying on return to task performance has been adequately studied, thus highlighting its importance in the context of flight safety. The present study requested participants to perform a tracking task in a laboratory where they changed from activity (30 minutes) to a break (2 vs. 30 minutes) and back to the activity (20 minutes). The task varied in the complexity of the activity (pure tracking vs. tracking plus memory plus rule-based decision making), the type of break (passive rest vs. actively supervising) and the duration of the break (2 minutes vs. 30 minutes). Performance was measured as effective response time in the tracking task and number of correct responses to secondary cognitive tasks. Physiological measures included heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV- time and frequency-domain), eye blink frequency and duration. The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale was used as a subjective measure. With regards to the most appropriate rest break tasks, the study concluded that active, administrative tasks, which allowed the operator to maintain some form of situational awareness by monitoring the automated system, achieved favourable effects of being more alert than the passive rest break of being disengaged from the system. In terms of the most appropriate rest break durations, the shorter duration of being out-of-the-loop from controlling the system proved to be more advantageous than the longer out-of-the-loop duration. In looking at the workload levels of arousal, the results suggest that the higher workload level is better at maintaining the alertness of operators. This study functions as a foundational framework for future investigations around the topic of human-automation interaction, looking specifically at return-to-task performance.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Understanding the contributions of the Treatment Action Campaign and Section27 to a Rights-Based Approach to HIV and AIDS in South Africa
- Authors: Dlamini, Nomalanga
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Treatment Action Campaign , SECTION27 (Braamfontein, South Africa) , AIDS (Disease) -- Prevention -- South Africa , AIDS (Disease) -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Public health laws -- South Africa , AIDS (Disease) -- Patients -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa , AIDS (Disease) -- Patients -- Civil rights -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: , vital:20713
- Description: This thesis examines the link between social movements with the legal system to enforce human rights within the public health sector in regards to access to HIV and AIDS-related disease treatment. Research shows large scale incapacity for the provision of such essential medications within the public health sector; this is not merely an issue for those in the developing world. This thesis demonstrates that it is an issue that is faced by those using the public health sector services to access essential HIV and AIDS medications and it shows that certain people are unaware of their human rights to have fair and equal access to such essential medications. Although there is abundant research studies on HIV and AIDS in South Africa, there is a lack of studies that look into the impact that social movements have had in strong-arming, to a certain extent, the government in holding it accountable for infringing its constitutional promises to all citizens. This thesis is set against a backdrop where, the crisis of lack of access to essential medications in the public health sector which is closely intertwined with the collapsing health care system and it is combined with the issues of international patent policy for essential medication and developing countries like South Africa, who are trying to tackle this hurdle straight on. This thesis argues that the social injustices of rights violations integrated with the issues of international patent laws aggravate the access to essential medications in the public health sector in the country. This thesis adopts the use of a Rights-Based Approach, which is built on the foundational understanding that at the centre the focus is on human rights. In using the rights-based approach the intention is to outline ways in which to improve and further develop the ability of individuals and communities to recognize their rights. The findings show that the important factor of using a Rights- Based Approach is that it puts the pressure on the state to legitimately fulfil its obligation to its people. Thus the thesis evaluates the use of combining the legal system to enforce human rights and the role of social movements to realize the right to health for South Africans that use the public health sector to access essential HIV and AIDS antiretroviral drugs. This research paper shows that the Treatment Action Campaign and Section27 have contributed to the recent transformation of the public health sector in South Africa. They have achieved this through the implementation of rights-based education campaigns as well as HIV and AIDS education particularly geared for those that use the public health sector facilities, to attain access to essential medications; not only for HIV and AIDS but also for tuberculosis and other AIDS-related disease treatment. The thesis further highlights that the Treatment Action Campaign and Section27 have assisted in greatly improving the access to HIV and AIDS essential medications for prevention of Mother to Child Treatment Programs. The findings of the research paper outline that the main issue lies in the fact that even though essential medications for HIV and AIDS are now more available, the medical infrastructure is one of the main problems accounting for the lack of service delivery of these essential medications in the country’s public health sector.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Studies towards the development of novel antimalarial agents
- Authors: Adeyemi, Christiana Modupe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Antimalarials , Malaria , Drug resistance , Drug development , Enzyme inhibitors , Plasmodium
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:26596
- Description: Considerable efforts have been made in the modification of existing antimalarial drugs, and the support of incentive programmes have led to a drastic decrease in malaria cases reported by WHO during the past 6 years. However, the development of drug resistance threatens the eradication of this deadly disease and has prompted research on the synthesis of novel antimalarial drugs. Our research has involved the design and synthesis of novel benzylated phosphonate esters as potential 1-deoxy-D-xylose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) inhibitors. A series of amidoalkylphosphonate esters were obtained by reacting various 3-subsituted anilines and heterocyclic amines with chloroalkanoyl chlorides and reacting the resulting chloroalkanamides with triethyl phosphite using Michaelis-Arbuzov methodology. Benzylation of the phosphonate esters afforded a series of novel N-benzylated derivatives in good yields and these compounds were fully characterised by NMR and HRMS methods. Several approaches to the introduction of a benzyl group at the C-2 position of the phosphonate ester derivatives have been explored, leading unexpectedly to the isolation of unprecedented tetrahydrofuranyl derivatives. Studies towards the preparation of potential bi-functional PfDXR / HIV-1 RT inhibitors have also been initiated. Preliminary in silico docking studies of selected non-benzylated and benzylated phosphonated derivatives into the Pf-DXR active-site has provided useful insight into the binding potential of these ligands. Bioassays have revealed a very low toxicity for all the synthesised phosphonated compounds and a number of these ligands also exhibit a promising inhibitory activity against the Plasmodium parasite.
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- Date Issued: 2015
A baseline study of youth identity, the media and the public sphere in South Africa:
- Authors: Malila, Vanessa , Duncan, Jane , Costera Meijer, Irene , Drok, Nico , Garman, Anthea , Strelitz, Larry N , Steenveld, Lynette N , Bosch, Tanja , Ndlovu, Musa
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40343 ,
- Description: The project on youth identity, the media and the public sphere in South Africa was led by Prof Jane Duncan, Highway Africa Chair of Media and Information Society, at Rhodes University in South Africa. The research project was funded by the South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD), and partnered in the Netherlands with Prof Irene Costera Meijer (of VU University of Amsterdam) and Prof Nico Drok (of Windesheim University).
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- Date Issued: 2013
Deployment, Maintenance And Further Development Of Spatsim-HDSF: Volume 2
- Authors: Hughes, Denis A , Forsyth, David A , Stassen, J J M , van Niekerk, E
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73446 , ISBN 978-1-4312-0296-6 ,
- Description: The purpose of the National Database is to create a central repository of Reserve or EWR determination results that can be accessed by DWA as well as their service providers to ensure that information is not lost and that the maximum benefit is gained from previous experience for future determinations. This document summa-rises the information content of the database, as well as providing guidelines for entering new data and using existing data. Reference to both Reserve and EWR de-terminations is used as some of the data that are included pre-date the official con-cept of the ecological ‘Reserve’ and were referred to as IFRs at that time. It is ac-cepted, however, that the term ‘IFR’ has been largely superseded by the use of the term EWR or ecological water requirements.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Global resonance, local amplification: Antjie Krog on a world stage
- Authors: Garman, Anthea
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:40338 ,
- Description: As a result of the publication of Country of my Skull, an extraordinary literary enactment of witness and confession, Antjie Krog has become internationally known as a writer profoundly engaged with the events and human drama uncovered by the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Her voice is read as that of an expert witness of trauma, forgiveness and the means by which the horrors of the past may be addressed. In seeking to understand how Krog came to be taken up internationally as a representative voice of the South African transition, I focus on a particular global–local nexus for an explanation. I theorise that dealing with the past via truth commissions, a global publishing context and the work of a local writer with a record of excellent literary output and political action enabled a fit which resulted in Krog coming to prominence on a world stage.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Theories of international cooperation and the GATT/WTO regime: beyond the dichotomy of rational and cognitive approaches
- Authors: Nischalke, Tobias Ingo
- Date: 1997
- Subjects: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) , World Trade Organization , International trade
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2817 , , General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) , World Trade Organization , International trade
- Description: This thesis aspires to assess the explanatory value of different theories of international cooperation for the case of the world trade regime of GATT/WTO and subsequently strives to reach a satisfactory interpretation of the instance of cooperation. The world trade regime embarked on a process of transformation with the signing of the Marrakech Agreements of 15th April 1994. The event marked the conclusion of the Uruguay Round and, with the establishment of the WTO, the beginning of a new era for the world trade regime. The thesis endeavours to establish the substance of the regime change from GATT to the WTO. It outlines the most significant provisions of the agreement of the Uruguay Round and, subsequently, analyses the change on the level of regime norms underlying the world trade regime. The analysis of regime norms yields insights about the essence of the regime transformation and as to what factors proved to be conducive to cooperation in the sphere of the world trade. The GATT/WTO regime with its extended scope and more sophisticated institutional structures can be regarded as a prime example of successful cooperation. However, the prospects for cooperation between states in an anarchic environment without central authority for enforcement are the subject of a remarkably intense scholarly debate. Therefore it is worthwhile to examine which theoretical framework proves to be most adept at elucidating the circumstances of this instance of cooperation. This thesis applies different theories of international cooperation to the case of the GATT/WTO regime. While a large array of rational theories attempts to explain cooperation from a perspective which focuses on interests and capabilities, a different strand of theories, that of cognitive approaches, emphasizes the paramountcy of ideas and beliefs as variables which explain cooperation. They endogenize the process of interest formation. This thesis seeks to synthesise the strong points of rational and cognitive approaches and thus to reconcile the divergent schools of thought. Its further purpose is to set out factors which are conducive to cooperation.
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- Date Issued: 1997
The idea of gaiety in Yeats's lyric poetry
- Authors: Brady, Bronwyn
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939 -- Criticism and interpretation , Lyric poetry -- History and criticism
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2324 ,
- Description: In June 1917 W.B. Yeats wrote to his father : Much of your thought resembles mine . . but mine is part of a religious system more or less logically worked out, a system which will I hope interest you as a form of poetry. I find the setting it all in order has helped my verse, has given me a new framework and new patterns. (Wade 1954, 627) The new framework and new patterns that he claimed to have found in his system generated a new, and for Yeats, radically different sort of poetry. Before 1919 (The Wild Swans at Coole), the poetry had as its subject various traditional themes: the pity of love; the romance and heroism of Irish mythology; the threat of age, change and death. The poetry up to this point is, formally speaking, highly skillful, but locked into its own admissions of failure to touch or incorporate reality in any but a romantically defeatist way. However, the order which Yeats refers to in his letter, and the system he generated as a propaedeutic to this new order, once assimilated into the habit and texture of the poetry, generated new topics of its own which made those of the earlier work seem subjective, self- indulgent and intellectually uninformed. Yeats's poetry now changed drastically in focus and form, from subjective to objective poetry. Whereas the earlier poetry had opposed reality with romantic heroism or selfdestructive despondency, the poetry subsequent to his change of practice, incorporates a new vision of reality as the intrinsic architechtonics of poetry itself. Now the measure of human and aesthetic completion is no longer an inexplicable and inscrutable sadness, but an intelligent and informed detachment, an energy of mind that Yeats called "gaiety". My thesis explores this energy of mind and what it meant for Yeats and his poetry. My contention is that the idea of gaiety provides a way for Yeats to grant meaning to his life, a way for him to create himself. As the poetry is completed thanks to the new system, so is the poet. In order to see this, it is necessary to read the poems as a series of collections, or stories, that resonate back and forth with meaning and qualification and understanding. Yeats's system is his myth, and he writes his poetry in terms of and informed by that myth, shaping and re-shaping the experience of the created and fictional self until it has meaning in a way that the real self does not. The thesis explores this process of creation firstly in theoretical terms, using Lotman's ideas of Story and Myth, and looking at Yeats's intellectual and poetic inheritance. It goes on to examine some of the great poems in an attempt to define gaiety, and how Yeats achieves it in the poetry, and then to look at the early, pre-system poems to see how they differ. Finally, it takes the last of Yeats's lyric collections, Last Poems, and shows how gaiety works in the most mature poetry when the poems are read as narrative events within a story.
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- Date Issued: 1990
The usefulness of the story of the alchemical vessel in the understanding and psychotherapy of borderline conditions: a case study
- Authors: Milton, Christopher
- Date: 1989
- Subjects: Psychotherapy , Borderline personality disorder
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3160 , , Psychotherapy , Borderline personality disorder
- Description: The principal intention of this study was to explore the heuristic value of the story of the alchemical vessel in understanding borderline conditions and pursuing their psychotherapy. It establishes the pertinence of the case study as a method of exploring the content and process of psychotherapy. The essential nature of story-telling is examined and the hypothesis is made that psychotherapy, borderline conditions, the myth of the alchemical vessel and the case study all reflect instances of story-telling. Towards the end of examining their mutual reflection, and thus heuristic value, elements of Jungian theory, the phenomenology of borderline conditions and case material are examined. Through the examination of certain shared themes which emerge from the story of the alchemical vessel and the material of psychotherapy it is established that there is indeed a metaphoric resonance between the different stories. Furthermore this resonance is useful in that it provides a secure vantage point as well as guidance towards effecting transformation for the client. The validity of the metaphoric resonance is examined and areas of weakness highlighted. Some suggestions are made concerning further research.
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- Date Issued: 1989