Termination of the contract of employment not constituting dismissal
- Authors: Sipuka, Sibongile
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor discipline -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10258 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021152
- Description: Section 23 of the Constitution provides that everyone has a right to fair labour practice. The constitutional right to fair labour practices includes the right not to be unfairly dismissed and is given effect to by section 185 of the LRA. The constitutional right not to be unfairly dismissed is given effect to by Chapter VIII of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (the LRA), which provides a remedy for an unfair dismissal. Schedule 8 of the LRA contains a “Code of Good Practice: Dismissal”, which the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (the CCMA) and the Labour Courts must take into account when determining the fairness of a dismissal. The LRA expressly recognises three grounds for termination of the employment contract namely; misconduct on the part of the employee, incapacity due to an employee’s poor work performance, ill health or injury and termination due an employer’s operational requirements. In terms of the LRA, a dismissal must be procedurally and substantively fair. The requirements for procedural and substantive fairness are contained in Schedule 8 of the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal. The provisions of section 185 of the LRA apply to all employers and employees in both the public and the private sectors, with the exception of members of the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency, the South African Secret Service and the South African National Academy of Intelligence. Section 213 of the LRA defines an “employee” as any person, excluding an independent contractor, who works for another person or for the State and who receives, or is entitled to receive, any remuneration and any person who in any manner assists in carrying out or conducting the business of an employer. Section 200A of the LRA sets out the presumption as to who is an employee. This is a guideline to assist in determining who is an employee The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (the BCEA) sets minimum terms and conditions of employment including the notice of termination of employment. Under the common law an employment contract of employment can be terminated on either the expiration of the agreed period of employment or on completion of the specified task in cases of fixed-term contracts. Also, in terms of general contract principles an employment contract may be terminated by notice duly given by either party or by summary termination in the event of a material breach on the part of either party. The death of either party may terminate the employment contract. However, the death of an employer will not necessarily lead to the contract’s termination. An employment contract may also terminate by operation of law or effluxion of time namely retirement and coming into being of fixed-term contracts, by mutual agreement, employee resigning, due to insolvency of the employer and due to supervening impossibility of performance. In the circumstances indicated above, the termination of the contract of employment does not constitute dismissal. This means that the CCMA and the Labour Court do not have jurisdiction to determine should the employee allege that his or her dismissal was unfair. It has been argued that the instances where a termination of a contract of employment is terminated, but there is no dismissal should be scrutinised to avoid a situation where employees are deprived of protection afforded by the fundamental right not to be unfairly dismissed. There have been some instances where employment contracts contain clauses that provide for automatic termination of employment contracts. It has been held by the courts in various decisions that such clauses are against public policy and thus invalid. The Labour Court stated that a contractual device that renders the termination of a contract something other than a dismissal is exactly the exploitation the LRA prohibits There are various court decisions providing guidelines of circumstances in which termination of employment may be regarded as not constituting dismissal. The main focus of the treatise is to discuss these instances and critically analyse the approach taken by forums like the CCMA, bargaining councils and the Labour Court in dealing with such instances
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Sipuka, Sibongile
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor discipline -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10258 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021152
- Description: Section 23 of the Constitution provides that everyone has a right to fair labour practice. The constitutional right to fair labour practices includes the right not to be unfairly dismissed and is given effect to by section 185 of the LRA. The constitutional right not to be unfairly dismissed is given effect to by Chapter VIII of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (the LRA), which provides a remedy for an unfair dismissal. Schedule 8 of the LRA contains a “Code of Good Practice: Dismissal”, which the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (the CCMA) and the Labour Courts must take into account when determining the fairness of a dismissal. The LRA expressly recognises three grounds for termination of the employment contract namely; misconduct on the part of the employee, incapacity due to an employee’s poor work performance, ill health or injury and termination due an employer’s operational requirements. In terms of the LRA, a dismissal must be procedurally and substantively fair. The requirements for procedural and substantive fairness are contained in Schedule 8 of the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal. The provisions of section 185 of the LRA apply to all employers and employees in both the public and the private sectors, with the exception of members of the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency, the South African Secret Service and the South African National Academy of Intelligence. Section 213 of the LRA defines an “employee” as any person, excluding an independent contractor, who works for another person or for the State and who receives, or is entitled to receive, any remuneration and any person who in any manner assists in carrying out or conducting the business of an employer. Section 200A of the LRA sets out the presumption as to who is an employee. This is a guideline to assist in determining who is an employee The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (the BCEA) sets minimum terms and conditions of employment including the notice of termination of employment. Under the common law an employment contract of employment can be terminated on either the expiration of the agreed period of employment or on completion of the specified task in cases of fixed-term contracts. Also, in terms of general contract principles an employment contract may be terminated by notice duly given by either party or by summary termination in the event of a material breach on the part of either party. The death of either party may terminate the employment contract. However, the death of an employer will not necessarily lead to the contract’s termination. An employment contract may also terminate by operation of law or effluxion of time namely retirement and coming into being of fixed-term contracts, by mutual agreement, employee resigning, due to insolvency of the employer and due to supervening impossibility of performance. In the circumstances indicated above, the termination of the contract of employment does not constitute dismissal. This means that the CCMA and the Labour Court do not have jurisdiction to determine should the employee allege that his or her dismissal was unfair. It has been argued that the instances where a termination of a contract of employment is terminated, but there is no dismissal should be scrutinised to avoid a situation where employees are deprived of protection afforded by the fundamental right not to be unfairly dismissed. There have been some instances where employment contracts contain clauses that provide for automatic termination of employment contracts. It has been held by the courts in various decisions that such clauses are against public policy and thus invalid. The Labour Court stated that a contractual device that renders the termination of a contract something other than a dismissal is exactly the exploitation the LRA prohibits There are various court decisions providing guidelines of circumstances in which termination of employment may be regarded as not constituting dismissal. The main focus of the treatise is to discuss these instances and critically analyse the approach taken by forums like the CCMA, bargaining councils and the Labour Court in dealing with such instances
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- Date Issued: 2015
Unfair discrimination in recruitment practices
- Authors: Brand, Hugo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Employment interviewing , Discrimination in employment
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10260 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021197
- Description: The focus of this paper is to emphasize the importance for every employer to avoid unfair discrimination during the recruitment process and to value diversity in the workplace. This is not only a legal requirement, but also gives an employer the best chance of getting the right person for the job. It is crucial to understand that job applicants are mostly people that employer’s do not actually employ, but might be able to make an unfair discrimination claim against the employer if the claimant believes he/she was not selected for a job because the employer discriminated against them unlawfully in the recruitment process. When writing the job description and a person specification, the employer should state clearly what tasks the person will have to execute and what skills will be needed for the job. Job descriptions should accurately describe the genuine essential duties and inherent requirements of the job. Personnel specifications should accurately describe the relevant, non-discriminatory and objectively justifiable requirements to be met by the post-holder. Specifications should not have any requirements that are not directly related to the job and it is important for employers to provide evidence that each recruitment and screening practice is job-related and consistent with business necessity. Employers are advised to devise and implement recruitment procedures and guidelines for all staff and applicants involved in the process of recruitment and to ensure that these incorporate the principles of the organisation’s equal opportunity principles. Employers should administer recruitment and other selection procedures without regard to race, colour, national origin, sex, religion, age and disability. Even though South Africa is now governed by a new democratic order, historical workplace inequalities still need to be addressed. Not only compelled to redress inequalities by the Constitution, the South African government was motivated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to enact laws that would prohibit discrimination and promote the economic advancement of the majority. Recruitment tests or selection procedures must be job-related and its results appropriate for the employer’s purpose. If a recruitment procedure screens out a protected group, the employer should determine whether there is an equally effective alternative selection procedure that has less adverse impact and, if so, adopt the alternative procedure. The justification of discrimination in recruitment practices and affirmative action is only meaningful if it is targeted towards particular aims. One of the more important defences against unfair discrimination in the workplace is the general fairness defence. The general fairness defence is considered to be an applicable defence based on fairness in situations where the two statutory exceptions do not apply. This means than when one looks at the concept of unfair discrimination it implies that discrimination may be justified in certain circumstances Legislation prohibits discrimination on various grounds especially throughout the process of recruitment and selection. There are limited exceptions to the general principle that it is unlawful to use gender, race, religion or sexual orientation as a criterion in the recruitment process. These exceptions are known as genuine occupational qualifications and the specifications for jobs should be carefully examined to ensure that there are no factors contained that are indirectly discriminatory. Focus must be placed on avoiding indirect discrimination in job factors. In the early stages of the recruitment process, an employee specification should be written that describes the type of person the employer seeks to be appointed in terms of qualifications, experience, skills and personal attributes. The imposition of inappropriate or unsuccessfully high standards or criteria may indirectly discriminate against people from a particular minority or racial group or religion. Employees must have the necessary skills to demand employment equity status especially where a designated employer does not have sufficient affirmative action employees and is obliged to rectify the situation. However, this does not mean that affirmative action applicants must be chosen above non-affirmative action employees. The principle of reversed discrimination stands firm if the motivation for appointing a particular person is based on a genuine desire to promote diversity, to apply affirmative action and to increase the numbers of people from a disadvantaged group in employment, or to create a more balanced workforce.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Brand, Hugo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Employment interviewing , Discrimination in employment
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10260 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021197
- Description: The focus of this paper is to emphasize the importance for every employer to avoid unfair discrimination during the recruitment process and to value diversity in the workplace. This is not only a legal requirement, but also gives an employer the best chance of getting the right person for the job. It is crucial to understand that job applicants are mostly people that employer’s do not actually employ, but might be able to make an unfair discrimination claim against the employer if the claimant believes he/she was not selected for a job because the employer discriminated against them unlawfully in the recruitment process. When writing the job description and a person specification, the employer should state clearly what tasks the person will have to execute and what skills will be needed for the job. Job descriptions should accurately describe the genuine essential duties and inherent requirements of the job. Personnel specifications should accurately describe the relevant, non-discriminatory and objectively justifiable requirements to be met by the post-holder. Specifications should not have any requirements that are not directly related to the job and it is important for employers to provide evidence that each recruitment and screening practice is job-related and consistent with business necessity. Employers are advised to devise and implement recruitment procedures and guidelines for all staff and applicants involved in the process of recruitment and to ensure that these incorporate the principles of the organisation’s equal opportunity principles. Employers should administer recruitment and other selection procedures without regard to race, colour, national origin, sex, religion, age and disability. Even though South Africa is now governed by a new democratic order, historical workplace inequalities still need to be addressed. Not only compelled to redress inequalities by the Constitution, the South African government was motivated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to enact laws that would prohibit discrimination and promote the economic advancement of the majority. Recruitment tests or selection procedures must be job-related and its results appropriate for the employer’s purpose. If a recruitment procedure screens out a protected group, the employer should determine whether there is an equally effective alternative selection procedure that has less adverse impact and, if so, adopt the alternative procedure. The justification of discrimination in recruitment practices and affirmative action is only meaningful if it is targeted towards particular aims. One of the more important defences against unfair discrimination in the workplace is the general fairness defence. The general fairness defence is considered to be an applicable defence based on fairness in situations where the two statutory exceptions do not apply. This means than when one looks at the concept of unfair discrimination it implies that discrimination may be justified in certain circumstances Legislation prohibits discrimination on various grounds especially throughout the process of recruitment and selection. There are limited exceptions to the general principle that it is unlawful to use gender, race, religion or sexual orientation as a criterion in the recruitment process. These exceptions are known as genuine occupational qualifications and the specifications for jobs should be carefully examined to ensure that there are no factors contained that are indirectly discriminatory. Focus must be placed on avoiding indirect discrimination in job factors. In the early stages of the recruitment process, an employee specification should be written that describes the type of person the employer seeks to be appointed in terms of qualifications, experience, skills and personal attributes. The imposition of inappropriate or unsuccessfully high standards or criteria may indirectly discriminate against people from a particular minority or racial group or religion. Employees must have the necessary skills to demand employment equity status especially where a designated employer does not have sufficient affirmative action employees and is obliged to rectify the situation. However, this does not mean that affirmative action applicants must be chosen above non-affirmative action employees. The principle of reversed discrimination stands firm if the motivation for appointing a particular person is based on a genuine desire to promote diversity, to apply affirmative action and to increase the numbers of people from a disadvantaged group in employment, or to create a more balanced workforce.
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- Date Issued: 2015
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