Design of a low-cost autonomous guided cart for material handling
- Authors: Cawood, Gareth James
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Automobiles -- Design and construction , Automobiles -- Automatic control , Vehicles -- Automatic control
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEngineering
- Identifier: vital:9655
- Description: This dissertation covers the design and manufacture of an autonomous guided cart (AGC) for use in the material handling industry. General Motors South Africa (GMSA) requires a low-cost AGC for use in their Struandale plant. A budget of R35 000 per unit was proposed. The researcher, in collaboration with staff at GM, compiled a list of engineering requirements for the AGC. After research into the unique problems of the project, an examination of a previous design attempt by staff of GM Thailand, the researcher developed a new design, the subject of this report. Different solutions for each design problem were investigated before the design was finalised. A three-wheeled vehicle was designed making use of two motors in a differential-drive setup to control motion. Navigation is via a line-following mechanism, using an induction sensor-array in conjunction with a pre-laid metallic strip. To aid the design, the system was modelled to understand the different control elements at play. The researcher developed software for several aspects of the design: for the PLC controlling the system and motors; for a microcontroller that communicates with the PLC and a wireless module; for a computer server that communicates with a second wireless device, receiving information from the PLC; and a web interface to view this information. These form the SCADA integration of the project. The final product meets the GMSA specifications. It is a robot capable of towing a trolley of mass not exceeding 350 kg. While the robot is able to navigate a pre-laid route, it cannot reliably stop at marked locations. It is possible to monitor the system via a web-interface. The robot is capable of operating for an entire 8-hour shift before the batteries need to be recharged. The total cost of the prototype was R26 340.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration and community structure in two temporarily open/closed estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Gama, Phumelele Thuthuka
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Chlorophyll -- South Africa , Estuaries -- South Africa , Phytoplankton populations -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10621 , , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Chlorophyll -- South Africa , Estuaries -- South Africa , Phytoplankton populations -- South Africa
- Description: River flow is important in controlling phytoplankton distribution in estuaries. Data on the effect of river inflow on phytoplankton distribution patterns in temporarily open/closed estuaries is lacking. This study investigated the influence of river inflow on size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass (Chl a), community composition and environmental parameters measured monthly over three years in two temporarily open/closed estuaries in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. A once-off primary production study over an annual cycle was completed in the Van Stadens and Maitland estuaries. The study monitored physical, chemical and biological characteristics in both estuaries to examine the effects of changes in environmental factors and river inflow. Daily sampling of physico-chemical and biological variables from river to sea was carried out in the Van Stadens to investigate short-time scale effects of changes in environmental factors and river inflow on the phytoplankton biomass. Five and three stations in the main channel of the Van Stadens and Maitland estuaries respectively were sampled at 0.5 m below the water surface and 0.5 m above the sediment surface for biological and chemical variables and at the surface, 0.25 m and every 0.5 m thereafter for physical parameters. Five stations adjacent to the main channel along the estuary were monitored for groundwater macronutrient concentrations and five additional sites located within the upper catchment of the Van Stadens River were sampled on a quarterly basis over two years. Both estuaries were characterised by distinct hydrological conditions, an overwash, an open, a closed and a semi-closed mouth phase. Flooding in the Maitland and Van Stadens estuaries in 2001 and 2002 caused sediment scour, altered channel morphology and brought about breaching of the mouth. Flood driven mouth-breaching events occurred three and four times in each of the estuaries during the study. The mouth stayed open 20 – 25 percent and was closed 60 – 65 percent of the time. In the Van Stadens the closed overwash mouth condition occurred approximately 10 – 20 percent of the time while in the Maitland it occurred less with the semi-closed mouth condition occurring 10 – 20 percent of the time. Incidents related to mouth opening not associated with strong river floods occurred approximately 10 – 15 percent of the time, although in the Maitland a semi-closed mouth state persisted more frequently than in the Van Stadens Estuary. During flooding events salinity dropped to low levels (< 5 psu) but soon recovered to brackish conditions when river flow was reduced and marine water penetrated deep upstream. Reduction in river flow combined with marine sediment deposition resulted in the closure of the mouth. During closed mouth conditions strong onshore storm surges and spring high tides introduced marine water through overwash that kept salinity high. In both estuaries salinity showed a negative correlation with rainfall (R2 = 0.12), indicative of the strong influence of marine overwash that kept salinity high thus masking the influence of freshwater. High rainfall in the Van Stadens Estuary caused high levels of turbidity that reduced light penetration at depth. Light attenuation was positively correlated with the high rainfall (R 2 = 0.26) suggesting that increased turbidity was linked to rainfall induced discharge. In contrast, in the Maitland Estuary light attenuation did not show any correlation with increased rainfall possibly because of the reduced water depth and increased euphotic zone following the floods in 2002. High river inflow introduced macronutrients in both estuaries such that dissolved inorganic phosphates (DIP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations in the Van Stadens Estuary were strongly correlated with rainfall (R2 = 0.78 and 0.57 respectively). In the Maitland Estuary DIP and DIN concentrations remained significantly higher (p < 0.05) compared to that in the Van Stadens suggesting that the Maitland catchment contributed greater nutrient input into the estuary and may be associated with farming activities. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chl a) ranged from 0.8 – 13.9 μg L-1 in the Van Stadens and in the Maitland Estuary from 5.3 – 138 μg L-1 during the 3-year study. During the open mouth condition Chl a biomass and primary production ranged from 5.4 – 52.9 μg Chl a L-1 and 1.2 – 11.7 mg C m-2 d-1 in the Maitland and in the Van Stadens from 1.6 – 9.8 μg Chl a L-1 and 1.2 - 14 mg C m-2 d-1 respectively. Maximum annual primary production in the Maitland and Van Stadens estuaries was 8.8 and 5.1 g C m-2 y-1 respectively. When the mouth was open in the Van Stadens Estuary the microphytoplankton (> 20 μm) accounted for > 65 percent of the Chl a, whereas during closed mouth conditions they accounted for about 55 percent of the Chl a biomass. Chlorophytes became the dominant taxon in the dry summer months but were replaced by cryptophytes and dinoflagellates during the wet season. When nutrient concentrations were low during low flow conditions in the Van Stadens Estuary mixotrophic microphytoplankton became an important fraction of the water column together with phototrophic dinoflagellates and cryptophytes. In the Maitland large sized chlorophytes were the dominant taxa in late spring and summer seasons and made up more than 80 percent of the cell numbers. In the Maitland before the floods in 2002 cyanophytes were the dominant group in late spring contributing more than 75 percent in cell abundance. Data from the short-term study in the Van Stadens Estuary showed similarities and differences in the Chl a response to increased river inflow. High river inflow initially reduced Chl a biomass followed by a recovery period of a couple of days compared to a 8 – 10 week recovery period in studies monitored over seasonal and annual temporal scales. The responses may be dissimilar but help to illustrate that there are similar response patterns to environmental forcing necessary to support phytoplankton biomass at different temporal scales. This study has demonstrated that flooding events caused by strong river flow cause breaching of the mouth, a reduction in salinity and marked nutrient input. Although the causes of flooding can be similar in both estuaries the resultant effects are varied and can alter the ability of the estuary to retain water. This study was able to demonstrate that the supply of macronutrients from the catchment was strongly correlated with rainfall (R2 = 0.67) and that phytoplankton growth mainly depended on an allochthonous source of macronutrients although internal supplies could be critical at times in controlling microalgal biomass.
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- Date Issued: 2008