Conference eQoboqobo
- Lubabalo, Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox, Student Researcher
- Authors: Lubabalo, Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox , Student Researcher
- Date: 27-02-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75741 , KHA-008
- Description: uLubabalo Ntshoko nongumphandi uthetha ngokubaluleka komhlaba kunye nemdlela ekutyetywe ngayo eQoboqobo. UDr Michell Cox waseRhodes obhale incwadi ethi Voices for the Forest incwadi le ibhalwe ngemithi yonke esiyibilisayo nokubaluleka kwendalo empilweni yethu , Lubabalo Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox speaks about the importance of nature and natural resources in Qoboqobo at a conference and she references her book titled Voices Of the Forest
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 27-02-2014
- Authors: Lubabalo, Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox , Student Researcher
- Date: 27-02-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75741 , KHA-008
- Description: uLubabalo Ntshoko nongumphandi uthetha ngokubaluleka komhlaba kunye nemdlela ekutyetywe ngayo eQoboqobo. UDr Michell Cox waseRhodes obhale incwadi ethi Voices for the Forest incwadi le ibhalwe ngemithi yonke esiyibilisayo nokubaluleka kwendalo empilweni yethu , Lubabalo Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox speaks about the importance of nature and natural resources in Qoboqobo at a conference and she references her book titled Voices Of the Forest
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 27-02-2014
Ubomi ngamahla ndinyuka
- Authors: Snam-Dyani, Linda
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Books Reviews , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76670
- Description: Le thesisi yingqokelela yamabalana esiXhosa abalisa ngemeko yentlalo kwidolophana yaseMakhanda, eGqeberha nezinye iilali needolophana eziyingqongileyo. Ulwimi olusetyenziswayo lolwangoku noluthi luchaze iimeko zokuphila zangoku, luxuba namagama esiNgesi, lusongeza noburharha. Obu buncwane bolwimi buvela cacileyo kwindlela endibhale ngayo la mabalana - kwindlela abalinganiswa abalusebenzisa ngayo ulwimi kwiintetho neencoko zabo, kwimiba yobomi abajongene nayo, nakwindlela endithe ndazoba iingcinga ezidiza imivandedwa yabo, ngohlobo abakhetha ukuphila ubomi babo. Kuba incwadi yeBhayibhile inamabali athetha cacileyo ngexesha langoku, ekhuthaza inkululeko yomntu nangona yabhalwa kwiminyaka yakudala, le ngqokelela ikwajolisa kwinguqu ekhululayo eza kuncedisana nokujika kweelensi ezijongwa ngayo iBhayibhile. La mabali abonakalisa kwanendima edlalwa yiBhayibhile ekuphileni komntu ukunika ithemba kwimeko ezininzi zokuphila. Uncwadi olube nefuthe kum kuyilo lwale ngqokelela nasekusebenziseni kwam isandla sokubhala lolu: izicatshulwa eziphuma kwincwadi ebhalwe nguMxolisi Nyezwa ethi, ‘Bhlawa’s Inconsolable Spirits.’ Incwadi kaLukhanye E. Makhenyane ethi, ‘Kukhulu ukuthembeka kwakhe’, ‘Intsimbi’, ebhalwe nguP. T. Mtuze, ‘Umnxeba Wobomi’ ngokubhalwe ngu S.S.M. Mema kwanencwadi yeBhayibhile. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Literatures, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
- Authors: Snam-Dyani, Linda
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Books Reviews , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76670
- Description: Le thesisi yingqokelela yamabalana esiXhosa abalisa ngemeko yentlalo kwidolophana yaseMakhanda, eGqeberha nezinye iilali needolophana eziyingqongileyo. Ulwimi olusetyenziswayo lolwangoku noluthi luchaze iimeko zokuphila zangoku, luxuba namagama esiNgesi, lusongeza noburharha. Obu buncwane bolwimi buvela cacileyo kwindlela endibhale ngayo la mabalana - kwindlela abalinganiswa abalusebenzisa ngayo ulwimi kwiintetho neencoko zabo, kwimiba yobomi abajongene nayo, nakwindlela endithe ndazoba iingcinga ezidiza imivandedwa yabo, ngohlobo abakhetha ukuphila ubomi babo. Kuba incwadi yeBhayibhile inamabali athetha cacileyo ngexesha langoku, ekhuthaza inkululeko yomntu nangona yabhalwa kwiminyaka yakudala, le ngqokelela ikwajolisa kwinguqu ekhululayo eza kuncedisana nokujika kweelensi ezijongwa ngayo iBhayibhile. La mabali abonakalisa kwanendima edlalwa yiBhayibhile ekuphileni komntu ukunika ithemba kwimeko ezininzi zokuphila. Uncwadi olube nefuthe kum kuyilo lwale ngqokelela nasekusebenziseni kwam isandla sokubhala lolu: izicatshulwa eziphuma kwincwadi ebhalwe nguMxolisi Nyezwa ethi, ‘Bhlawa’s Inconsolable Spirits.’ Incwadi kaLukhanye E. Makhenyane ethi, ‘Kukhulu ukuthembeka kwakhe’, ‘Intsimbi’, ebhalwe nguP. T. Mtuze, ‘Umnxeba Wobomi’ ngokubhalwe ngu S.S.M. Mema kwanencwadi yeBhayibhile. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Literatures, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Ingqiqo yamanina kuxanduva lokusiphula neengcambu ugonyamelo nokuxhatshazwa: Uhlalutyo lweetekisi ZesiXhosa ezicatshulwe kuncwadi olubhalwe ngamanina (1976-2015)
- Authors: Bilatyi, Katy Nomthandazo
- Date: 2024-04-04
- Subjects: Women authors, Black South Africa , Women, Black Abuse of South Africa , Intellectual responsibility , Xhosa literature History and criticism , Women, Black, in literature
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73170 , DOI 10.21504/10962/435582
- Description: Uphando luza kuqwalasela ingqiqo yamanina kuxanduva lokusiphula neengcambu ugonyamelo nokuxhatshazwa kwawo ngamadoda. Ingxoxo iza kugxila kubabhali abangamanina beencwadi zesiXhosa ezicatshulweyo kolu phando, nalapho kuqwalaselwa indlela ababazoba ngayo abalinganiswa babo abangamanina. Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaselwa indlela ababhali abangamanina abafana noBelebesi (1976), Dazela (1988), Magadla (1992) Madolo (1998), Mayosi (2003), Magqashela (2006) kunye noBuzani (2015) abathe babazoba ngayo abalinganiswa abangamanina kwiincwadi zesiXhosa ezicatshuliweyo. Oku kukutyhila ubukrelekrele bababhali ekusebenziseni uncwadi ukuzisa izisombululo kwimingeni ajamelene nayo amanina efana nogonyamelo kunye noxhatshwazo. Obu bukrelekrele baba babhali bujongwa ngokweembali ezimbini, imbali yaphambi kozuzo lwenkululeko emva kongenelelo lobuKoloniyali kunye neyasemva kozuzo lwenkululeko yaseMzantsi Afrika. Iincwadi ezikhethiweyo zibhalwe phakathi kweminyaka ye-1976 ukuya kwiminyaka yama-2015. Uphando luya kujonga ukuba lungaba lukhona utshintsho kusini na kwindlela la manina ababazoba ngayo abalinganiswa ngokwezi mbali zahlukileyo kananjalo naxa bezotywa ngababhali abangamadoda. Uphando luya kutyhila kananjalo imixholo nemixholwana abayikhethayo nedlulisa iimvakalelo zabo bengamanina kumbandela wogonyamelo olukhatshwa yipatriyakhi kunye noxhatshazo abalufumana kumadoda. Xa kuphendlwa le mixholo yaba babhali bahlukileyo baneemvelaphi ezahlukileyo ngokwemontlalo bebhala ngokwamaxesha okanye iimbhali ezahlukileyo, kuya kucaca ukuba amava abo ayafana nokuba linina okanye ibhinqa. Loo mava abo anele ukuba bajikeleze kwimixholo ebizwa ngokuba yifeminist themes nakubeni izimbo zabo zokubhala zahlukile nje. Injongo kukubonisa ukuba nangona amanina aphila phantsi kweemeko neemontlalo ezahlukileyo nje, iinzima neentlungu zawo azisombulula ngendlela efanayo ngokusebenzisa usiba. Le ngxoxo ikhatshwa ziithiyori ezifana nefemayinizimu, ngakumbi ifemayinizimu yaseAfrika kunye kunye nangokoMzantsi Afrika iquka iMotherism kunye nenkcubeko ephehlelelwe phantsi kwePatriyakhi. Ezi thiyori ziludondolo lokuphendla nokuhlalutya ezi ncwadi zikhethiweyo zesiXhosa ukuze sicacelwe yeyona ndima idlalwa ngamanina kuluntu nanjengoko sisazi ukuba apha eMzantsi Afrika adlale eyona ndima yokuncedisa ekuziseni utshintsho kwimibandela yengcinezelo nasekuzuzweni kwenkululeko. Yiyo loo nto kufuneka nawo abonakale exhamla ngokulinganayo namadoda kwinkululeko ayisebenzeleyo ngokususa ugonyamelo, uxhatshazo nokubulawa kwawo ngamadoda. , Thesis (PhD) -- Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04-04
- Authors: Bilatyi, Katy Nomthandazo
- Date: 2024-04-04
- Subjects: Women authors, Black South Africa , Women, Black Abuse of South Africa , Intellectual responsibility , Xhosa literature History and criticism , Women, Black, in literature
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73170 , DOI 10.21504/10962/435582
- Description: Uphando luza kuqwalasela ingqiqo yamanina kuxanduva lokusiphula neengcambu ugonyamelo nokuxhatshazwa kwawo ngamadoda. Ingxoxo iza kugxila kubabhali abangamanina beencwadi zesiXhosa ezicatshulweyo kolu phando, nalapho kuqwalaselwa indlela ababazoba ngayo abalinganiswa babo abangamanina. Kule ngxoxo kuqwalaselwa indlela ababhali abangamanina abafana noBelebesi (1976), Dazela (1988), Magadla (1992) Madolo (1998), Mayosi (2003), Magqashela (2006) kunye noBuzani (2015) abathe babazoba ngayo abalinganiswa abangamanina kwiincwadi zesiXhosa ezicatshuliweyo. Oku kukutyhila ubukrelekrele bababhali ekusebenziseni uncwadi ukuzisa izisombululo kwimingeni ajamelene nayo amanina efana nogonyamelo kunye noxhatshwazo. Obu bukrelekrele baba babhali bujongwa ngokweembali ezimbini, imbali yaphambi kozuzo lwenkululeko emva kongenelelo lobuKoloniyali kunye neyasemva kozuzo lwenkululeko yaseMzantsi Afrika. Iincwadi ezikhethiweyo zibhalwe phakathi kweminyaka ye-1976 ukuya kwiminyaka yama-2015. Uphando luya kujonga ukuba lungaba lukhona utshintsho kusini na kwindlela la manina ababazoba ngayo abalinganiswa ngokwezi mbali zahlukileyo kananjalo naxa bezotywa ngababhali abangamadoda. Uphando luya kutyhila kananjalo imixholo nemixholwana abayikhethayo nedlulisa iimvakalelo zabo bengamanina kumbandela wogonyamelo olukhatshwa yipatriyakhi kunye noxhatshazo abalufumana kumadoda. Xa kuphendlwa le mixholo yaba babhali bahlukileyo baneemvelaphi ezahlukileyo ngokwemontlalo bebhala ngokwamaxesha okanye iimbhali ezahlukileyo, kuya kucaca ukuba amava abo ayafana nokuba linina okanye ibhinqa. Loo mava abo anele ukuba bajikeleze kwimixholo ebizwa ngokuba yifeminist themes nakubeni izimbo zabo zokubhala zahlukile nje. Injongo kukubonisa ukuba nangona amanina aphila phantsi kweemeko neemontlalo ezahlukileyo nje, iinzima neentlungu zawo azisombulula ngendlela efanayo ngokusebenzisa usiba. Le ngxoxo ikhatshwa ziithiyori ezifana nefemayinizimu, ngakumbi ifemayinizimu yaseAfrika kunye kunye nangokoMzantsi Afrika iquka iMotherism kunye nenkcubeko ephehlelelwe phantsi kwePatriyakhi. Ezi thiyori ziludondolo lokuphendla nokuhlalutya ezi ncwadi zikhethiweyo zesiXhosa ukuze sicacelwe yeyona ndima idlalwa ngamanina kuluntu nanjengoko sisazi ukuba apha eMzantsi Afrika adlale eyona ndima yokuncedisa ekuziseni utshintsho kwimibandela yengcinezelo nasekuzuzweni kwenkululeko. Yiyo loo nto kufuneka nawo abonakale exhamla ngokulinganayo namadoda kwinkululeko ayisebenzeleyo ngokususa ugonyamelo, uxhatshazo nokubulawa kwawo ngamadoda. , Thesis (PhD) -- Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04-04
Ukuphononongwa kokushiywa nokubuyelwa ziinkumbulo kwababhali abachongiweyo kwiincwadi zeothobhayografi KaMtuze nomagona
- Authors: Stemela, Nozuko Precious
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Mtuze, Peter Tshobiso , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Authors, Xhosa -- Biography
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73385
- Description: Olu phando lugxile ekuphononongeni ukukhumbula nokulibala kwii-othobhayografi ezibhaliweyo ekaMagona (1995) noMtuze (1976). Ii-othobhayografi eziza kusetyenziswa luphando zithi: Indlel’ Ebhek’ Enkundleni ngokukaPeter Mtuze (1976) nethi, Kubantwana Babantwana Bam ngokukaSindiwe Magona (1995). Xa kusenziwa uphando kuza kuhlalutywa amanqanaba okukhumbula nokulibala ukusukela ebuntwaneni ukuya kutsho ebudaleni kubabhali bee-othobhayografi. Uhlalutyo luza kube lugxininise ekujongeni iinkumbulo zababhali, luhamba nabo ngokwamanqanaba okukhula kwabo, amanqanaba okukhumbula nokulibala njengoko bekhula. Uphando luza kungqiyama ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala eyasungulwa nguEbbinghaus (1885) kuphando lwakhe awayelwenza. Iinjongo zikaEbbinghaus ongumsunguli wengcingane zokuzisa ulwazi ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala kukubonisa indlela ukulibala okwenzeka ngayo. UEbbinghaus uye wasebenzisa ikhevu yokulibala ukuvelisa banzi ingcingane. Lo msunguli wale ngcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala uthi, le khevu yokulibala ibonisa ukwehla kwezinga lokukhumbula okanye iqondo lokukhumbula xa luthe ulwazi lwalahleka ngenxa yokungenziwa kwamatiletile okulugcina nokukhunjulwa ngumninilo. Oku uEbbinghaus (1885) ukucacisa kwincwadi yakhe ethi Memory (1850-1909). Uphando njengokuba lubandakanya okwenzeka kwingqondo luza kube lukhatshwa yingcingane yokuqonda. Ingcingane yokuqonda yingcingane enkulu nengcingane ethe yajongwa kakhulu ziingcali ezininzi, ikwaphuhliswa ziingcaphephe ezininzi nezifundiswa. Uphando lukhethe ukuvelisa uEbbinghaus ukubonisa ingcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala, kodwa yona iphefumlelwe ziingcaphephe ezininzi mandulo. NgokukaGuyer (1998:1) enye yeengcaphephe abhale ngayo ethetha ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokuqonda nguKant (1724-1804) owaziwa ngomsebenzi wakhe othi: The Critique of Pure Reason. Lo msebenzi ucatshulwe apha kulapho uKant (1724-1804) athetha ngendlela yokuqonda ulwazi nokuzisa izizathu. Emva koko iingcali ezininzi ziye zaqhuba nengcingane yokuqonda ukuza kuthi ga kule mihla. Oku kuquka ingcali uChart (2017) obhale ngengcinane yokuqonda ngokwale mihla. Uphando luza kuvelisa ingcingane yesini njengengcingane ekhaphayo. Ingcingane yesini iza kusetyenziselwa ukuthelekiswa kwababhali bee-othobhayografi kujongwa indlela yokukhumbula nokulibala kugudlwe isini. Ngonyaka we-1955 uMoney (1955) waye wapapasha iphepha kunye nabo asebenza nabo kwiSebe lezeNgqondo uJoan G. Hampson nomyeni wakhe uJohn L. Hampson apho babeqala ukwazisa ngenkquleqhu yendima yesini besithi: Zonke izinto azithethayo okanye azenzayo umntu ukuze azichaze njengenkwenkwe okanye indoda, intombazana okanye ibhinqa, ngokulandelelanayo, zibizwa ngokuba ziindima zesini. Kulapho uMoney (1955) wathi wasungula khona le ngcingane yesini eza kuthi ithathe inxaxheba kolu phando ngokubonisa ukukhumbula nokulibala kwisini. Olu phando luza kuthi lwenziwe ngohlobo olubizwa ngokuba yintyilazwi. Intyilazwi ilunge kakhulu kolu hlobo lophando kuba luphando olufundisayo njengokuba luvelisa unobangela wokukhumbula nezizathu zokulibala. Intyilazwi iyagqitha ize ijonge amava ababhali, indlela abazicacise ngayo iinkumbulo zabo nendlela abazibhale ngayo iiothobhayografi zabo bechaza iziganeko zokukhula kwabo. Olu hlobo luza kube lungajongi zigrafu okanye manani kodwa lujonga kakhulu indlela yokuhlalutya oko kubhaliweyo. Iincwadi ezisetyenziswa kuphando ziza kushwankathelwa zibuye zihlalutywe ngokwendlela yokuhlola iziganeko zokukhumbula nokulibala kwababhali. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Langauge, Media and Communication, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Stemela, Nozuko Precious
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Mtuze, Peter Tshobiso , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Authors, Xhosa -- Biography
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:73385
- Description: Olu phando lugxile ekuphononongeni ukukhumbula nokulibala kwii-othobhayografi ezibhaliweyo ekaMagona (1995) noMtuze (1976). Ii-othobhayografi eziza kusetyenziswa luphando zithi: Indlel’ Ebhek’ Enkundleni ngokukaPeter Mtuze (1976) nethi, Kubantwana Babantwana Bam ngokukaSindiwe Magona (1995). Xa kusenziwa uphando kuza kuhlalutywa amanqanaba okukhumbula nokulibala ukusukela ebuntwaneni ukuya kutsho ebudaleni kubabhali bee-othobhayografi. Uhlalutyo luza kube lugxininise ekujongeni iinkumbulo zababhali, luhamba nabo ngokwamanqanaba okukhula kwabo, amanqanaba okukhumbula nokulibala njengoko bekhula. Uphando luza kungqiyama ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala eyasungulwa nguEbbinghaus (1885) kuphando lwakhe awayelwenza. Iinjongo zikaEbbinghaus ongumsunguli wengcingane zokuzisa ulwazi ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala kukubonisa indlela ukulibala okwenzeka ngayo. UEbbinghaus uye wasebenzisa ikhevu yokulibala ukuvelisa banzi ingcingane. Lo msunguli wale ngcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala uthi, le khevu yokulibala ibonisa ukwehla kwezinga lokukhumbula okanye iqondo lokukhumbula xa luthe ulwazi lwalahleka ngenxa yokungenziwa kwamatiletile okulugcina nokukhunjulwa ngumninilo. Oku uEbbinghaus (1885) ukucacisa kwincwadi yakhe ethi Memory (1850-1909). Uphando njengokuba lubandakanya okwenzeka kwingqondo luza kube lukhatshwa yingcingane yokuqonda. Ingcingane yokuqonda yingcingane enkulu nengcingane ethe yajongwa kakhulu ziingcali ezininzi, ikwaphuhliswa ziingcaphephe ezininzi nezifundiswa. Uphando lukhethe ukuvelisa uEbbinghaus ukubonisa ingcingane yokukhumbula nokulibala, kodwa yona iphefumlelwe ziingcaphephe ezininzi mandulo. NgokukaGuyer (1998:1) enye yeengcaphephe abhale ngayo ethetha ngengcingane yokukhumbula nokuqonda nguKant (1724-1804) owaziwa ngomsebenzi wakhe othi: The Critique of Pure Reason. Lo msebenzi ucatshulwe apha kulapho uKant (1724-1804) athetha ngendlela yokuqonda ulwazi nokuzisa izizathu. Emva koko iingcali ezininzi ziye zaqhuba nengcingane yokuqonda ukuza kuthi ga kule mihla. Oku kuquka ingcali uChart (2017) obhale ngengcinane yokuqonda ngokwale mihla. Uphando luza kuvelisa ingcingane yesini njengengcingane ekhaphayo. Ingcingane yesini iza kusetyenziselwa ukuthelekiswa kwababhali bee-othobhayografi kujongwa indlela yokukhumbula nokulibala kugudlwe isini. Ngonyaka we-1955 uMoney (1955) waye wapapasha iphepha kunye nabo asebenza nabo kwiSebe lezeNgqondo uJoan G. Hampson nomyeni wakhe uJohn L. Hampson apho babeqala ukwazisa ngenkquleqhu yendima yesini besithi: Zonke izinto azithethayo okanye azenzayo umntu ukuze azichaze njengenkwenkwe okanye indoda, intombazana okanye ibhinqa, ngokulandelelanayo, zibizwa ngokuba ziindima zesini. Kulapho uMoney (1955) wathi wasungula khona le ngcingane yesini eza kuthi ithathe inxaxheba kolu phando ngokubonisa ukukhumbula nokulibala kwisini. Olu phando luza kuthi lwenziwe ngohlobo olubizwa ngokuba yintyilazwi. Intyilazwi ilunge kakhulu kolu hlobo lophando kuba luphando olufundisayo njengokuba luvelisa unobangela wokukhumbula nezizathu zokulibala. Intyilazwi iyagqitha ize ijonge amava ababhali, indlela abazicacise ngayo iinkumbulo zabo nendlela abazibhale ngayo iiothobhayografi zabo bechaza iziganeko zokukhula kwabo. Olu hlobo luza kube lungajongi zigrafu okanye manani kodwa lujonga kakhulu indlela yokuhlalutya oko kubhaliweyo. Iincwadi ezisetyenziswa kuphando ziza kushwankathelwa zibuye zihlalutywe ngokwendlela yokuhlola iziganeko zokukhumbula nokulibala kwababhali. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Langauge, Media and Communication, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
Esibelekweni: Ingqokelela Yemibongo ngesiXhosa nangesiNgesi
- Authors: Busakwe, Yenzokuhle
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries Authorship , Books Reviews , South African essays (English) 21st century , Xhosa poetry 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:72193
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems that is written in isiXhosa and English. It explores African spirituality, my relationship with God, heartache from romantic and platonic relationships. I make use of dual languages because some themes that I write about such as African spirituality I find words that capture their truest emotion in my Xhosa vocabulary, and I cannot find them in English. My poems use the narrative form because it allows me to tell stories through poetry without having to commit my writing to musicality or rhyming that a lyric poetry normally has. My work is shaped by writers such as Kate Beinhemer, Mangaliso Buzani, Amy Saul Zerby, Nontsizi Mgqwethio, Simphiwe Nolutshungu and Oiu Miaojin. Buzani makes use of images and few lines in his writing but still manages to capture a story with brevity. Saul-Zerby makes use of text lingo in some of her poems, and I make use of it to close a gap that I have identified with the books that I was reading that are all written in a formal and serious format. Mgqwetho’s poems explore Christianity and African Spirituality which is one of the subjects that my work is exploring too but in a manner that differs. I talk about how they have been my guidance instead of praising their powers like Nontsizi normally does in her poems. Simphiwe Nolutshungu’s poems has influenced the structure of my poems. Fairy tales written by writers like Kate helps my writing to bring to life issues that sound too dreamy to be true but have manifested as visions and memories that I cannot wipe out from my conscience. Oiu Miaojin’s novel “Last words from Montmantre” I am fascinated by how the writer detail emotions such as vulnerability and heartbreak in his storytelling. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
- Authors: Busakwe, Yenzokuhle
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries Authorship , Books Reviews , South African essays (English) 21st century , Xhosa poetry 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:72193
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems that is written in isiXhosa and English. It explores African spirituality, my relationship with God, heartache from romantic and platonic relationships. I make use of dual languages because some themes that I write about such as African spirituality I find words that capture their truest emotion in my Xhosa vocabulary, and I cannot find them in English. My poems use the narrative form because it allows me to tell stories through poetry without having to commit my writing to musicality or rhyming that a lyric poetry normally has. My work is shaped by writers such as Kate Beinhemer, Mangaliso Buzani, Amy Saul Zerby, Nontsizi Mgqwethio, Simphiwe Nolutshungu and Oiu Miaojin. Buzani makes use of images and few lines in his writing but still manages to capture a story with brevity. Saul-Zerby makes use of text lingo in some of her poems, and I make use of it to close a gap that I have identified with the books that I was reading that are all written in a formal and serious format. Mgqwetho’s poems explore Christianity and African Spirituality which is one of the subjects that my work is exploring too but in a manner that differs. I talk about how they have been my guidance instead of praising their powers like Nontsizi normally does in her poems. Simphiwe Nolutshungu’s poems has influenced the structure of my poems. Fairy tales written by writers like Kate helps my writing to bring to life issues that sound too dreamy to be true but have manifested as visions and memories that I cannot wipe out from my conscience. Oiu Miaojin’s novel “Last words from Montmantre” I am fascinated by how the writer detail emotions such as vulnerability and heartbreak in his storytelling. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
[iLahleko - Loss]
- Authors: Qhali, Itumeleng
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Loss (Psychology) in literature , Poetry History and criticism , Bilingual authors , Bilingualism and literature , Bilingualism in literature
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45169
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. Ukulahlekelwa lithemba, ukudukelwa yingqondo, ukholo, ubuwena, umzimba nothando. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to access in isiXhosa. Kolu phononongo ndikwasebenzisa namagama emboleko ukuze ndikhulise isigama. Ndisebenzisa amagama azibeka zinjalo iimvakalelo, angqalileyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Ndisebenzisa zombini ilyric form kunye neprozi ngenxa yesingqi esiphuhliswa yilyric, nangenxa yenkululeko umbali ayifumanayo kwiprozi. As a bilingual writer ndifuthelwe sisingqi nobunzulu bentlungu obufumaneka in the translated and bilingual works of Isabella Motadinyane, noMarina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, imibongo yeDaikwan eguqulwe nguStephen Watson ethi Song of the Broken String; iimbongi zespanish ezinjengo Antonia Machado; ngendlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwabo ukunabisa nokugqithisa umyalezo ngeentlungu abadibana nazo, bakwanaso nesingqi somculo othuthuzelayo kwimibongo yabo. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in imisebenzi ka S.S Mema, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, noPascale Petit, novangile gantsho. Imisebenzi yabo ikuzobela umfanekiso ngqondweni ophilayo. Bonke abababhali bahambe indlela endinika umdla nendifuna ukuyihamba nam njengombhali omtsha obhala ngeelwimi ezimbini. , My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available to me in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to find in isiXhosa. My poems use the music and introspection of the lyric form, as well as the emotional outpouring that prose poetry allows. As a bilingual writer, I am influenced by the transference of musicality and gravity of loss conveyed in the translated and bilingual work of Isabella Motadinyane, the Russian Marina Tsvetaeva, Stephen Watson’s Song of the Broken String, as well as the Spanish poets Antonio Machado. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in the work of South African poets vangile gantsho, S.S. Mema, and Nontsizi Mgqwetho, as well as the English poet, Pascale Petit. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanitites, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Qhali, Itumeleng
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , South African poetry (English) 21st century , Short stories, South African (English) 21st century , Loss (Psychology) in literature , Poetry History and criticism , Bilingual authors , Bilingualism and literature , Bilingualism in literature
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45169
- Description: My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. Ukulahlekelwa lithemba, ukudukelwa yingqondo, ukholo, ubuwena, umzimba nothando. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to access in isiXhosa. Kolu phononongo ndikwasebenzisa namagama emboleko ukuze ndikhulise isigama. Ndisebenzisa amagama azibeka zinjalo iimvakalelo, angqalileyo kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Ndisebenzisa zombini ilyric form kunye neprozi ngenxa yesingqi esiphuhliswa yilyric, nangenxa yenkululeko umbali ayifumanayo kwiprozi. As a bilingual writer ndifuthelwe sisingqi nobunzulu bentlungu obufumaneka in the translated and bilingual works of Isabella Motadinyane, noMarina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, imibongo yeDaikwan eguqulwe nguStephen Watson ethi Song of the Broken String; iimbongi zespanish ezinjengo Antonia Machado; ngendlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwabo ukunabisa nokugqithisa umyalezo ngeentlungu abadibana nazo, bakwanaso nesingqi somculo othuthuzelayo kwimibongo yabo. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in imisebenzi ka S.S Mema, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, noPascale Petit, novangile gantsho. Imisebenzi yabo ikuzobela umfanekiso ngqondweni ophilayo. Bonke abababhali bahambe indlela endinika umdla nendifuna ukuyihamba nam njengombhali omtsha obhala ngeelwimi ezimbini. , My thesis is a collection of poems and prose that explores the disjunction of losses for women and children across the two languages I inhabit, isiXhosa and English. For me, isiXhosa captures the innate musicality and deep emotions within a word or a sound that are not available to me in English. On the other hand, English readily produces visceral images that are more difficult for me to find in isiXhosa. My poems use the music and introspection of the lyric form, as well as the emotional outpouring that prose poetry allows. As a bilingual writer, I am influenced by the transference of musicality and gravity of loss conveyed in the translated and bilingual work of Isabella Motadinyane, the Russian Marina Tsvetaeva, Stephen Watson’s Song of the Broken String, as well as the Spanish poets Antonio Machado. The structure of my thesis is inspired by the innovative mixed genre layout of Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese’s Loud and Yellow Laughter, and the new formats of isiXhosa writing presented in Mthunzikazi Mbugwana’s poetry. My work has also been shaped by the visceral imagery and briefly captured moments of loss in the work of South African poets vangile gantsho, S.S. Mema, and Nontsizi Mgqwetho, as well as the English poet, Pascale Petit. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanitites, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Ubomi Sisilonda: Ingqokelela Yemibongo
- Authors: Yanta, Luvuyo Mkhululi
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry (English) History and criticism , Xhosa poetry History and criticism , Poetry Therapeutic use
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45219
- Description: Esi siqingatha sethisisi yingqokelela yemibongo-ngoma eyilwe ngeenjongo zokuzama ukuveza nokupholisa isilonda esidalwe ziimeko zobom esiphila kubo singabantu, izinto endizibonileyo nendidlule kuzo. Ndibhala ndibonakalisa ubumnyama endiphile kubo, apha ndizama ukusondela ekukhanyeni. Ndiqala ngokupholisa ezam izilonda kuqala. Ulwimi endilusebenzisayo lulanda imbali yam njengomfana omnyama okhulele elokishini, ilokishi nganye inolwimi lwayo. Ndisebenzisa olu lwimi ndibalisa indlela endikhule ngayo, ndikwakhankanya nokukhula ndiqheliswa ukungathethi ngezinto nokungawavezi amanxeba entliziyo yam phambi kwabantu “ilayithi ayikhali.” Ndinomdla kubabhali ababhala ngeemeko zexesha lanamhlanje, kwiimeko eziphilwa luninzi lwabantu nesimo sentlalo jikelele. Ndisebenzise umsebenzi wababhali abafana noAyanda Billie ukujonga isingqi sobom kwimibongo yakhe njengomntu ongekho kude ngokuhlala nokufuphi ngeminyaka, ndiqwalasele imisebenzi kaS. Zotwana ukuzama ukusondeza isigama kwindlela endikhule ngayo kunye noJ.J.R Jolobe ukuqwalasela ukuba babesebenzisa obuphi ubuchule bokubhala nokupholisa izilonda zabo. Ndikwacaphule kwisimbo sokubhala esikhawulezileyo semibhalo eyenzelwe iqonga njengoko ndichithe ixesha elininzi ndidlala kwaye ndikwaqeqesha abadlali beqonga. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Yanta, Luvuyo Mkhululi
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa poetry 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry (English) History and criticism , Xhosa poetry History and criticism , Poetry Therapeutic use
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45219
- Description: Esi siqingatha sethisisi yingqokelela yemibongo-ngoma eyilwe ngeenjongo zokuzama ukuveza nokupholisa isilonda esidalwe ziimeko zobom esiphila kubo singabantu, izinto endizibonileyo nendidlule kuzo. Ndibhala ndibonakalisa ubumnyama endiphile kubo, apha ndizama ukusondela ekukhanyeni. Ndiqala ngokupholisa ezam izilonda kuqala. Ulwimi endilusebenzisayo lulanda imbali yam njengomfana omnyama okhulele elokishini, ilokishi nganye inolwimi lwayo. Ndisebenzisa olu lwimi ndibalisa indlela endikhule ngayo, ndikwakhankanya nokukhula ndiqheliswa ukungathethi ngezinto nokungawavezi amanxeba entliziyo yam phambi kwabantu “ilayithi ayikhali.” Ndinomdla kubabhali ababhala ngeemeko zexesha lanamhlanje, kwiimeko eziphilwa luninzi lwabantu nesimo sentlalo jikelele. Ndisebenzise umsebenzi wababhali abafana noAyanda Billie ukujonga isingqi sobom kwimibongo yakhe njengomntu ongekho kude ngokuhlala nokufuphi ngeminyaka, ndiqwalasele imisebenzi kaS. Zotwana ukuzama ukusondeza isigama kwindlela endikhule ngayo kunye noJ.J.R Jolobe ukuqwalasela ukuba babesebenzisa obuphi ubuchule bokubhala nokupholisa izilonda zabo. Ndikwacaphule kwisimbo sokubhala esikhawulezileyo semibhalo eyenzelwe iqonga njengoko ndichithe ixesha elininzi ndidlala kwaye ndikwaqeqesha abadlali beqonga. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Ubomi Sisilonda: Ingqokelela Yemibongo
- Authors: Manxiwa, Mzuvukile
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry 21st century , Xhosa poetry History and criticism , Buzani, Nompumezo Criticism and interpretation , Gwala, Mafika Pascal, 1946-2014 Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa language Rhythm , Xhosa language Rhyme , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45210
- Description: Le thisisi igxila kwiintlobo ngeentlobo zokubhala imibongo. Iqamele kakhulu kwilinge lokubhodla isingqala isebenzisa isandi sengoma yesiNtu komameleyo, oko kukuthi isondele kwi-lyric poetry ngolwasemzini. Oku kufezwe ngokusebenzisa isingqisho, imfano-zandi, imvano-siqalo nemvano-siphelo, njalo njalo. Iinjongo zale thisisi kukongeza kuncwadi lwesiXhosa nakwinkcubeko yesiNtu, nokuhlab’ ikhwelo elikhuthaza uluntu ukuba lubuyele kwinkcubeko yesiNtu, ukuhlonipha imo-ntlalo yabo nokuxabisa abantu ababhinqileyo. Umbali ophum’ izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa, uNompumezo Buzani, umsebenzi wakhe ngakumbi kwenye yeencwadi zakhe ethi Imida, ube nefuthe elikhulu kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi indlela athe walusebenzisa ngayo ulwimi; ngesimbo seli xesha ukudlulisa umyalezo ngolwimi oluqhelekileyo, lungafihlakali kodwa lube namandla okudlwengula umxhelo kulowo ufundayo. Ndeyame nakwincwadi kaNgcwabe, uKhala Zome; undikhumbuzile ngemibongo yakhe eyayame kakhulu kwimo yentlalo yamandulo, kunye nemibongo kaMafika Gwala kuJolinkomo, efana nale: The Children of Nonti kunye noThe Shebeen Queen. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Manxiwa, Mzuvukile
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry 21st century , Xhosa poetry History and criticism , Buzani, Nompumezo Criticism and interpretation , Gwala, Mafika Pascal, 1946-2014 Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa language Rhythm , Xhosa language Rhyme , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45210
- Description: Le thisisi igxila kwiintlobo ngeentlobo zokubhala imibongo. Iqamele kakhulu kwilinge lokubhodla isingqala isebenzisa isandi sengoma yesiNtu komameleyo, oko kukuthi isondele kwi-lyric poetry ngolwasemzini. Oku kufezwe ngokusebenzisa isingqisho, imfano-zandi, imvano-siqalo nemvano-siphelo, njalo njalo. Iinjongo zale thisisi kukongeza kuncwadi lwesiXhosa nakwinkcubeko yesiNtu, nokuhlab’ ikhwelo elikhuthaza uluntu ukuba lubuyele kwinkcubeko yesiNtu, ukuhlonipha imo-ntlalo yabo nokuxabisa abantu ababhinqileyo. Umbali ophum’ izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa, uNompumezo Buzani, umsebenzi wakhe ngakumbi kwenye yeencwadi zakhe ethi Imida, ube nefuthe elikhulu kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi indlela athe walusebenzisa ngayo ulwimi; ngesimbo seli xesha ukudlulisa umyalezo ngolwimi oluqhelekileyo, lungafihlakali kodwa lube namandla okudlwengula umxhelo kulowo ufundayo. Ndeyame nakwincwadi kaNgcwabe, uKhala Zome; undikhumbuzile ngemibongo yakhe eyayame kakhulu kwimo yentlalo yamandulo, kunye nemibongo kaMafika Gwala kuJolinkomo, efana nale: The Children of Nonti kunye noThe Shebeen Queen. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Ukubamba Umphefumlo Kukuphila: Ingqokelela Yamabali Amafutshane
- Authors: Zono, Cebisa
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Homosexuality in literature , Diaries -- Authorship , Xhosa fiction History and criticism , American fiction History and criticism , Brazilian poetry History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45220
- Description: Le thisisi inamabali amafutshane angabantu abathandana besisini esinye. Uncwadi lwesiXhosa luvame ukulufihla uthando oluphakathi kwabo bathandana besisini sinye. Isikrweqe endisisebenzisileyo kule thisisi kukunonga isimbo sokubhala ndibalisa ngomntu wokuqala ngokungathi ndibhala imbali yobomi okanye amavo. UJordan (1940) kwiNgqumbo Yeminyanya undifundise ukubumba abalinganiswa abakhaliphileyo, nabakrelekrele ngokufanayo ukuze izinto eziza kwenzeka zingalindeleki. UYuknavitch (2017) kwincwadi yembali yakhe ethi The Chronology of Water undifundise esi simbo sokushicilela izimbo zomntu ophilayo phantsi komthamo omnye. Ibali elifutshane likaProulx (1997) elithi Brokeback Mountain nalo libe nefuthe kakhulu kule thisisi kuba lidandalazisa elubala intlalo yabantu abathandana besisini esinye kwiindawo zasemaphandleni. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Zono, Cebisa
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Xhosa fiction 21st century , Short stories, Xhosa 21st century , Homosexuality in literature , Diaries -- Authorship , Xhosa fiction History and criticism , American fiction History and criticism , Brazilian poetry History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45220
- Description: Le thisisi inamabali amafutshane angabantu abathandana besisini esinye. Uncwadi lwesiXhosa luvame ukulufihla uthando oluphakathi kwabo bathandana besisini sinye. Isikrweqe endisisebenzisileyo kule thisisi kukunonga isimbo sokubhala ndibalisa ngomntu wokuqala ngokungathi ndibhala imbali yobomi okanye amavo. UJordan (1940) kwiNgqumbo Yeminyanya undifundise ukubumba abalinganiswa abakhaliphileyo, nabakrelekrele ngokufanayo ukuze izinto eziza kwenzeka zingalindeleki. UYuknavitch (2017) kwincwadi yembali yakhe ethi The Chronology of Water undifundise esi simbo sokushicilela izimbo zomntu ophilayo phantsi komthamo omnye. Ibali elifutshane likaProulx (1997) elithi Brokeback Mountain nalo libe nefuthe kakhulu kule thisisi kuba lidandalazisa elubala intlalo yabantu abathandana besisini esinye kwiindawo zasemaphandleni. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Kwelo lizwe leentsomi : iintsomi zesiXhosa
- Authors: Sigcau, Bulelwa Monica
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , African fiction -- History and criticism , English fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:42926
- Description: Ukuphosa kuvimba wolwazi ngeentsomi zesiXhosa, le thisisi iqulathe iintsomi-mabali eziqanjwe zabaliswa kusetyenziswa ulwimi, umxholo nemixholo engenelelayo engeziganeko zemihla ngemihla, abalinganiswa, isakhiwo sentsomi nesimo sentlalo zala maxesha siphila kuwo. Ezi ntsomi zixhaswa kakhulu yimifanekiso ephilayo, ukusetyenziswa kwemigca emifutshane ezoba isimo sentlalo nevakala ingathi yimibongo ngenxa yokuqupha kwayo. Umsebenzi kaR.F. Mcimeli, kwincwadi ethi, Ingqaka kaMaqhudeni iqulethe iintsomi ezisondeleyo kwezi ziqanjwe kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi iintsomi ezizezi, uNomvula noNomvulazana, uDumisani nesigebenga esingabonwayo, uNomaciko noCikokazi, nezinye. Umsebenzi kaNongenile Masithathu Zenani (2006) oqokelelwe nguHarold Scheub kwincwadi ethi South African voices: A long time passed ube negaleloo elikhulu ukubonisa indima esele idlaliwe kwiintsomi zesiXhosa. UKholeka Sigenu (2002) kwincwandi ethi Ezakowethu naye ube nefuthe kwindlela ezi ntsomi eziqanjwe ngayo nokuqinisekisa ukuba ngenene zongeza ulwazi olutsha. Ezi ntsomi-mabali zibhentsise okulungileyo nokuhenxayo ngaphandle kokushumayela nokuveza abalinganiswa njengeengilosi. Ndiluthande kakhulu nohlobo lukaAmos Tutuola lokubhala, ndizame ukusondeza uhlobo lwam lokubhala kolu hlobo lukaAmos Tutuola. Ndilandele ifuthe lohlobo lokubhala olubizwa ngeflash fiction. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Sigcau, Bulelwa Monica
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Xhosa -- 21st century , African fiction -- History and criticism , English fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:42926
- Description: Ukuphosa kuvimba wolwazi ngeentsomi zesiXhosa, le thisisi iqulathe iintsomi-mabali eziqanjwe zabaliswa kusetyenziswa ulwimi, umxholo nemixholo engenelelayo engeziganeko zemihla ngemihla, abalinganiswa, isakhiwo sentsomi nesimo sentlalo zala maxesha siphila kuwo. Ezi ntsomi zixhaswa kakhulu yimifanekiso ephilayo, ukusetyenziswa kwemigca emifutshane ezoba isimo sentlalo nevakala ingathi yimibongo ngenxa yokuqupha kwayo. Umsebenzi kaR.F. Mcimeli, kwincwadi ethi, Ingqaka kaMaqhudeni iqulethe iintsomi ezisondeleyo kwezi ziqanjwe kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi iintsomi ezizezi, uNomvula noNomvulazana, uDumisani nesigebenga esingabonwayo, uNomaciko noCikokazi, nezinye. Umsebenzi kaNongenile Masithathu Zenani (2006) oqokelelwe nguHarold Scheub kwincwadi ethi South African voices: A long time passed ube negaleloo elikhulu ukubonisa indima esele idlaliwe kwiintsomi zesiXhosa. UKholeka Sigenu (2002) kwincwandi ethi Ezakowethu naye ube nefuthe kwindlela ezi ntsomi eziqanjwe ngayo nokuqinisekisa ukuba ngenene zongeza ulwazi olutsha. Ezi ntsomi-mabali zibhentsise okulungileyo nokuhenxayo ngaphandle kokushumayela nokuveza abalinganiswa njengeengilosi. Ndiluthande kakhulu nohlobo lukaAmos Tutuola lokubhala, ndizame ukusondeza uhlobo lwam lokubhala kolu hlobo lukaAmos Tutuola. Ndilandele ifuthe lohlobo lokubhala olubizwa ngeflash fiction. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Ndiyazi ukuba ndiza kufa njani : ingqokelela yemibongo
- Authors: Mdliva, Mqhubi Given
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Diaries -- Authorship , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:42928
- Description: Le mibongo inyathela kwizinto ezitsarhayo; ukufa, ukukhula kweziganeko ezingobundlobongela obuphathelele kwezesondo nesini, kubulawa abantwana namanina ngamadoda norhwaphilizo olugqugqisayo. Lo msebenzi uphonononga ukwavavanya ukusetyenziswa kweempawu zokubhala kungalandelwa miqathango yokubhala koko kusetyenziswa ezi mpawu njengezixhobo zokuphuhlisa iimvakalelo zembongi. Ezi mpawu ziquka iidesh, iikholoni, iisemikholoni ukuqelelaniswa kwamagama kukwashiywa nezikhewu phakathi kwamagama kukhokelwa ngumoya wemibongo. Oku kubangele ukuba le mibongo ibe nezakhiwo ezahlukileyo nezingaqhelekanga kubhalo lwesiXhosa. Oko kukuthi, lo msebenzi utyebisa uncwadi lwesiXhosa ngokukwandisa kule ndlela ingaqhelekanga yokubhala. Umsebenzi kaSt E.P. Yako ube nefuthe kakhulu kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi indlela alusebenzise ngayo ulwimi oluteketeke zizafobe nemifanekiso ukubhala imibongo njengoko enzile kumbongo othi, Izibongo zikaMhlekazi uArchie Sandile. Kumbhali uMarina Tsvetaete kubolekwe indlela ayisebenzise ngayo imifanekiso kumbongo osihloko sithi, Poems for Block kuba udubula ngegama uthi thaa umfanekiso kwingqondo yomfundi. Isimbo sokuyila isakhiwo sombongo sikaSimphiwe Nolutshungu naso sibe nefuthe kule mibongo, kwaye le thisisi yandisa apho lo kaNolutshungu aphele khona ngakumbi kwindlela asebenzise ngayo iimpawu zokubhala. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Mdliva, Mqhubi Given
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Xhosa poetry -- 21st century , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Diaries -- Authorship , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:42928
- Description: Le mibongo inyathela kwizinto ezitsarhayo; ukufa, ukukhula kweziganeko ezingobundlobongela obuphathelele kwezesondo nesini, kubulawa abantwana namanina ngamadoda norhwaphilizo olugqugqisayo. Lo msebenzi uphonononga ukwavavanya ukusetyenziswa kweempawu zokubhala kungalandelwa miqathango yokubhala koko kusetyenziswa ezi mpawu njengezixhobo zokuphuhlisa iimvakalelo zembongi. Ezi mpawu ziquka iidesh, iikholoni, iisemikholoni ukuqelelaniswa kwamagama kukwashiywa nezikhewu phakathi kwamagama kukhokelwa ngumoya wemibongo. Oku kubangele ukuba le mibongo ibe nezakhiwo ezahlukileyo nezingaqhelekanga kubhalo lwesiXhosa. Oko kukuthi, lo msebenzi utyebisa uncwadi lwesiXhosa ngokukwandisa kule ndlela ingaqhelekanga yokubhala. Umsebenzi kaSt E.P. Yako ube nefuthe kakhulu kulo msebenzi, ngakumbi indlela alusebenzise ngayo ulwimi oluteketeke zizafobe nemifanekiso ukubhala imibongo njengoko enzile kumbongo othi, Izibongo zikaMhlekazi uArchie Sandile. Kumbhali uMarina Tsvetaete kubolekwe indlela ayisebenzise ngayo imifanekiso kumbongo osihloko sithi, Poems for Block kuba udubula ngegama uthi thaa umfanekiso kwingqondo yomfundi. Isimbo sokuyila isakhiwo sombongo sikaSimphiwe Nolutshungu naso sibe nefuthe kule mibongo, kwaye le thisisi yandisa apho lo kaNolutshungu aphele khona ngakumbi kwindlela asebenzise ngayo iimpawu zokubhala. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
Kwakhe kwanje phi na?
- Authors: Qwesha, Mziwonke
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African drama (Xhosa) -- 21st century , Xhosa drama -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38349
- Description: Creative work portfolio - drama in isiXhosa.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Qwesha, Mziwonke
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African drama (Xhosa) -- 21st century , Xhosa drama -- 21st century
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38349
- Description: Creative work portfolio - drama in isiXhosa.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Satire in J.J. R. Jolobe's literary works : a critique in relation to contemporary South Africa
- Authors: Benayo, Xolela
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Jolobe, James J. R. , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Humor in literature , Xhosa literature -- Humor , Xhosa language
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:40667
- Description: J.J.R. Jolobe is regarded as one of the individuals who made a valuable contribution to the development of isiXhosa literature through his works, notably in his poetry (Ilitha, Umyezo; Jolobe 1936). His poetry ranges from abstract subjects to more philosophical matters. This study is aimed at decoding the manner in which he employs satire to conscientise African people of the then horrible situation that they were facing. With that said, poetry will not be the only work that this thesis analyses in the process of evaluating Jolobe’s satire; his essays will also be examined (Amavo; Jolobe 1940). Based on the writings of various authors specialising in the subject, satire has been deemed to be a style of literary writing, one which involves invective satire. For the researcher, that statement will be rebutted, as it will be argued that the mode of satire need not be wholly invective. Jolobe’s light-hearted satire not only showcases the amusing side of his writings, but also indicates the seriousness with which they were intended. Themes covered in Jolobe’s satire have inspired the researcher to evaluate these literary texts in relation to modern contexts, especially when it comes to the relationship between the lines of the author’s experience and the public. With that said, the social role of satire is something that one cannot deny. One could therefore say that there is an urgent need for African satirists to face the existing social and economic reality as authentically as possible. The voice of a satirist should also echo the voice of their society as a whole. Satirical study in post-colonial Africa, in South Africa in particular, is useful due to the idea that the works of the likes of Jolobe may diminish in significance due to neo-colonialism. In fact, this is the point which is considered in this study of Jolobe’s satire. This study also examines stages afforded to the development of satire in Africa, especially in the post-colonial era. The purpose is to identify the effects of satire that are related to socio-political as well as religious factors. These factors are often seen as those that play a vital role is one’s personal morals, and those that are meant to shape the whole community. Jolobe addresses imperialism and the class struggle, which speaks to the society’s loyalties regarding the mobilization toward realizing the dream of being independent. This speaks to the works analysed, revealing protests against oppression and exploitation by imperialists; such works show how inhumane people could be against those who they deem to be beneath their standards. Researchers like Mahlasela (1973), Sirayi (1985), Kwetana (2000) and Khumalo (2015) are amongst those who have made it a point to study Jolobe to ensure that these works are kept alive, along with their significance. Other prospective researchers can follow suite in researching the great Jolobe. In ensuring that the aims of this study come to light, the researcher will be using socialist realism as a way of seeing that the works of Jolobe are realistic in nature. With that said, there will be an exploration of allegoric satire. Satiric allegory will be evaluated with regard to the view that it represents a unique slant on satire, whereby it deems satire to be more than just a supportive method of literary criticism. This allows the researcher to hold the view that satire should not be a restrictive framework when dealing with African literature. Satire as a modern form of criticism can be viewed as having an element of humanism, which would result in the satirist doing all he can to make sure that what is satirized is not isolated from the struggle of the community. It is for the above-mentioned reasons that we see a big challenge in the future development of satiric discourse in African literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Benayo, Xolela
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Jolobe, James J. R. , Xhosa literature -- History and criticism , Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism , Humor in literature , Xhosa literature -- Humor , Xhosa language
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:40667
- Description: J.J.R. Jolobe is regarded as one of the individuals who made a valuable contribution to the development of isiXhosa literature through his works, notably in his poetry (Ilitha, Umyezo; Jolobe 1936). His poetry ranges from abstract subjects to more philosophical matters. This study is aimed at decoding the manner in which he employs satire to conscientise African people of the then horrible situation that they were facing. With that said, poetry will not be the only work that this thesis analyses in the process of evaluating Jolobe’s satire; his essays will also be examined (Amavo; Jolobe 1940). Based on the writings of various authors specialising in the subject, satire has been deemed to be a style of literary writing, one which involves invective satire. For the researcher, that statement will be rebutted, as it will be argued that the mode of satire need not be wholly invective. Jolobe’s light-hearted satire not only showcases the amusing side of his writings, but also indicates the seriousness with which they were intended. Themes covered in Jolobe’s satire have inspired the researcher to evaluate these literary texts in relation to modern contexts, especially when it comes to the relationship between the lines of the author’s experience and the public. With that said, the social role of satire is something that one cannot deny. One could therefore say that there is an urgent need for African satirists to face the existing social and economic reality as authentically as possible. The voice of a satirist should also echo the voice of their society as a whole. Satirical study in post-colonial Africa, in South Africa in particular, is useful due to the idea that the works of the likes of Jolobe may diminish in significance due to neo-colonialism. In fact, this is the point which is considered in this study of Jolobe’s satire. This study also examines stages afforded to the development of satire in Africa, especially in the post-colonial era. The purpose is to identify the effects of satire that are related to socio-political as well as religious factors. These factors are often seen as those that play a vital role is one’s personal morals, and those that are meant to shape the whole community. Jolobe addresses imperialism and the class struggle, which speaks to the society’s loyalties regarding the mobilization toward realizing the dream of being independent. This speaks to the works analysed, revealing protests against oppression and exploitation by imperialists; such works show how inhumane people could be against those who they deem to be beneath their standards. Researchers like Mahlasela (1973), Sirayi (1985), Kwetana (2000) and Khumalo (2015) are amongst those who have made it a point to study Jolobe to ensure that these works are kept alive, along with their significance. Other prospective researchers can follow suite in researching the great Jolobe. In ensuring that the aims of this study come to light, the researcher will be using socialist realism as a way of seeing that the works of Jolobe are realistic in nature. With that said, there will be an exploration of allegoric satire. Satiric allegory will be evaluated with regard to the view that it represents a unique slant on satire, whereby it deems satire to be more than just a supportive method of literary criticism. This allows the researcher to hold the view that satire should not be a restrictive framework when dealing with African literature. Satire as a modern form of criticism can be viewed as having an element of humanism, which would result in the satirist doing all he can to make sure that what is satirized is not isolated from the struggle of the community. It is for the above-mentioned reasons that we see a big challenge in the future development of satiric discourse in African literature.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Shoutfighting and other fiction
- Authors: Rasmenike, Nonqubela Evelyn
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38351
- Description: This document consists of three parts: Part A: English Half Thesis (Creative Work) ; Part B: IsiXhosa Half Thesis (Creative Work) ; Part C: Portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Rasmenike, Nonqubela Evelyn
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , Xhosa fiction -- 21st century
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38351
- Description: This document consists of three parts: Part A: English Half Thesis (Creative Work) ; Part B: IsiXhosa Half Thesis (Creative Work) ; Part C: Portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Ukuchichimala kwechweba
- Authors: Mbungwana, Mthunzikzi
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41590
- Description: iThisisi nepotifoliyo. It is a collection of poems relating to women and society and gender related issues including gender based violence. It also focuses on how Christianity and Xhosa culture has violated women's rights and how they both believe that men and women should have different roles in society.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Mbungwana, Mthunzikzi
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa poetry
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41590
- Description: iThisisi nepotifoliyo. It is a collection of poems relating to women and society and gender related issues including gender based violence. It also focuses on how Christianity and Xhosa culture has violated women's rights and how they both believe that men and women should have different roles in society.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Uphicotho lweencwadi zabantwana ezikhethiweyo eziguqulelwe esiXhoseni
- Authors: Madolo, Yolisa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Children's literature, South African , Xhosa fiction -- Juvenile literature , Xhosa language -- Juvenile literature , Translating and interpreting in literature , Xhosa literature , Xhosa language -- Translating
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:38981
- Description: Appraisal of African languages’ children’s literature and its translation seems to be developing at a slow pace. This literary genre seems to be the last on the literary critics’ list. As a result, children’s literature translators seem to do as they please, with no fear that there is someone to critique the work. Translation for children is more than just literary translation, because it is meant for a special audience, whose language skills are still developing. The translator, therefore, needs to be someone dedicated in target language development. This translation needs a translator with a deep knowledge of both the source and target languages and their cultures. This will result in a translation that is readable and acceptable in the target language. The aim of this study was to critically analyse 20 selected isiXhosa translated stories, looking at how they have been translated in order to sound original in the target language. A sample of five stories were taken and analysed looking at their macrostructure. The findings of the analysis were that the isiXhosa stories resembled the English ones. Even the equivalence of the translated versions showed that the translation transferred the message in the source texts. However there were challenges as indicated. The study was done using Skopos theory, which advocates for the translator to always keep their audience in mind. It suggests that the translator should always strive for a translation that is acceptable to the target language. Various strategies can be used by the translator to fulfil this. Some of the strategies found to have been used in the translations are adaptation through omission, addition, addition of target culture specific terms, and changing sentence mode. Generally, the source language message seems to have been successfully transferred to the target language. However, errors in some stories were a cause for concern, as they could deter the target reader’s interest in the stories. Such errors are spelling mistakes, word division errors, incorrect concord use, etc. These errors are a matter of concern in literature, more especially children’s literature where children are still developing their reading skills.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Madolo, Yolisa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Children's literature, South African , Xhosa fiction -- Juvenile literature , Xhosa language -- Juvenile literature , Translating and interpreting in literature , Xhosa literature , Xhosa language -- Translating
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:38981
- Description: Appraisal of African languages’ children’s literature and its translation seems to be developing at a slow pace. This literary genre seems to be the last on the literary critics’ list. As a result, children’s literature translators seem to do as they please, with no fear that there is someone to critique the work. Translation for children is more than just literary translation, because it is meant for a special audience, whose language skills are still developing. The translator, therefore, needs to be someone dedicated in target language development. This translation needs a translator with a deep knowledge of both the source and target languages and their cultures. This will result in a translation that is readable and acceptable in the target language. The aim of this study was to critically analyse 20 selected isiXhosa translated stories, looking at how they have been translated in order to sound original in the target language. A sample of five stories were taken and analysed looking at their macrostructure. The findings of the analysis were that the isiXhosa stories resembled the English ones. Even the equivalence of the translated versions showed that the translation transferred the message in the source texts. However there were challenges as indicated. The study was done using Skopos theory, which advocates for the translator to always keep their audience in mind. It suggests that the translator should always strive for a translation that is acceptable to the target language. Various strategies can be used by the translator to fulfil this. Some of the strategies found to have been used in the translations are adaptation through omission, addition, addition of target culture specific terms, and changing sentence mode. Generally, the source language message seems to have been successfully transferred to the target language. However, errors in some stories were a cause for concern, as they could deter the target reader’s interest in the stories. Such errors are spelling mistakes, word division errors, incorrect concord use, etc. These errors are a matter of concern in literature, more especially children’s literature where children are still developing their reading skills.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Uphononongo nzulu lwamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa: "Ityala lamawele no "Ukuba ndandazile"
- Authors: Diko, Mlamli
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) , Mqhayi, S E K -- Ityala lamawele , Tamsanqa, Witness K -- Ukuba ndandazile , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Authors, South African -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Mqhayi, S E K -- Critisicism and interpretation , Tamsanqa, Witness, K -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38420
- Description: Olu phando lujolise ekubhentsiseni nasekuphononongeni nzulu indima yamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa ezizezi, “Ityala Lamawele” (1914) ibhalwe nguSamuel Edward Krune Mqhayi kunye no “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967) ibhalwe nguWitness Kholekile Tamsanqa. Amasiko nezithethe aya kuthi aphononongwe ngala: ukulobola, ingqithi nesithembu. Kwakhona, la masiko nezi zithethe ziya kuthi ziphicothwe kugudlwa kwizinto zesiNtu ezinobuzaza eziqhushekwe zaze zancathama phantsi kwawo. Umzekelo, phantsi kwesiko lokulobola kukho izithethe ezithiwe qhushe phantsi kwalo ezifana nokuhota, ukuyalwa komtshakazi nezinye. Zonke ezi zinto ziya kuthi zivelelwe. La masiko nezi zithethe zichongwe kuba kukholeleka into ethi zitshatshele ngokwendima eziyidlalayo kwezi ncwadi zimbini. Ukubalasela kwawo la masiko nezithethe akwaneli ekubeni indima yawo ityhilwe kwezi ncwadi kuphela, koko indima yawo ithi ityhile banzi ngentlalo kaXhosa. Lilonke, aba babhali babini ababhali ngezinto ezingaziwayo okanye ezibuntsomirha, koko babhala ngemiba echaphazela amaXhosa ngqo. Umphandi uya kuthi aqhaqhe iindlela la masiko nezithethe aqhutywa ngazo, iinjongo zokwenziwa kwawo kwakunye neziphumo xa ethe la masiko enziwa okanye angenziwa ngokusesikweni. Konke oku kuya kuthi kwenziwe egameni lobuXhosa bemveli. Umphandi uya kukwenza oku ngeenjongo zokuphicotha nzulu intsingiselo ngokwamasiko nezithethe zamaXhosa ezama ukutyhila obona bunyani bufihlakeleyo bamasiko nezithethe kunye nokuzalana kwawo nentlalo yamaXhosa. Ngaphezulu, kukutyhila into ethi kwaXhosa amasiko nezithethe ziintsika zokuphila, ngako oko ananto ithile ayithethayo kuthi thina maXhosa ungaphiki nje kuba ezakwaLizwi zidungadungile ngendlela yazo kumzi kaPhalo ze zasahlukanisa nezinto zoobawo bethu. Kunamhlanje nje azinqabanga iintetho ezithi ukunqula iminyanya nezinyanya bubuhedeni, ukuxhela ibhokhwe kuyongxengxezwa bubudimoni. Kule ngxoxo, kuya kujongwa isakhono nobuchule bababhali abathe babusebenzisa njengesixhobo sokukhusela inkcubeko yamaXhosa eyathi yabhunyulwa ngamaNgesi yasala nje ibhityile, yiyo ke ngoku le esele igululwa okwamathumbu ngurhulumente wenkululeko. Lilonke, kwa kolu phando kunconywa ababhali abaziingcungela ekubeni basebenzise ulwazi lwabo lolwimi ekukhuseleni inkcubeko yamaXhosa athi xa ahlomla ngayo uMkonto (2005: v) athi: The study of the survival of cultural traditional customs in isiXhosa literature is an overdue task facing literary critics. Le ngcali ingentla apha ihlaba ikhwelo kubaphandi besiXhosa ukuba banyathelele phezulu bephanda bebhentsisa ubunyani bamasiko nezithethe kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando, ngaphezu kwazo zonke izizathu, lusabela elo khwelo. Kwelinye icala, uthi uSaule (1996) xa ethetha ngoMqhayi, nangona uMqhayi lo wayenobuhlobo nabefundisi bezakwaLizwi nokhanyo kodwa akazange ayivumele ingqondo nentliziyo yakhe ithwetyulwe ziinkolo neenkcubeko zasemzini. Ukutsho ngokwakhe oku uSaule (1996: 20) xa ahambisa enjenje: Although Mqhayi was obviously a brain child of the missionaries, he did not, unlike many writers at that time, allow their influence to engulf his thoughts. He uses a Bible as a technique rather than as an instrument that guides him towards predestined objectives. Le ngcinga kaSaule ingentla igxininisiwe kwilixa elingaphambili nguDikeni (1992: 12) xa wayesithi: It is clear that Mqhayi as one of the early writers could not address the political situation of the South Africa directly in his novel. He had to use an extended metaphor to avoid the strict laws of censorship. This he did by using a Biblical story and adapting it to his culture. Ngokwezi ngcali zimbini, kuyaqapheleka ukuba nangona uMqhayi lo ifuthe laseNtshona lazama kangangoko linako ukumthwebula kodwa ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwamenza wagwencela okwesikhwenene kwiingcambu zakhe, kwisizwe sakhe, kumasiko nezithethe zakwaXhosa. Kungani ke ukuba singangamphakamiseli phezulu lo mbhali ngokuthi simane sindwendwela iimbalo zakhe sihlaba sikhangela ukuba zithetha ukuthini na kuthi sizwe sikaXhosa xa sikule ndawo sikuyo nje? Kwelinye icala, uMkonto (2005) umqhwabela izandla uTamsanqa xa athi nangona wayefundile akazange ayivumele imfundo imntywilisele eludakeni lwaseNtshona hleze buthi obu buncwane bezi ncwadi zakhe zifana no “Buzani Kubawo” (1958), “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967), “Imitha Yelanga” (1967) kunye nezinye zaziya kufela engqondweni yakhe engakhange afundise umzi kaXhosa ngobuXhosa bawo. UMkonto (2005: 17) uhambisa athi xa ethetha ngoTamsanqa: Most of his experiences which he shared with people at the time were of hardships ... probably these were some of the experiences that triggered the themes expressed in ‘Buzani kubawo’ and ‘Ukuba ndandazile’ Ngokwala mazwi angentla, okona kuncomekayo ngoTamsanqa kukuba uthe nokuba sele ehlangabezana neenzingo zobomi kodwa wabona kukuhle ukuba afundise umzi kaXhosa ngaloo mahla ndinyuka kuba kakade lisiko kwaXhosa into yokuba xa uye wagileka endaweni ethile uze ufundise abanye ukwenzela ukuba bangangeni kulaa mgibe ubuwele kuwo. Bubuntu ke obo. Ubukhulu becala bezinto athe wadlula kuzo uTamsanqa zicazululwe kwisahluko sesibini esidandalazisa ubunzululwazi mlando mbali wobom ngababhali. Okunye, uTamsanqa sesinye sezizukulwana esathi saneTamsanqa lokukhula ngeliya xesha amasiko nezithethe kwaXhosa bezisaqhutywa ngendlela encomekayo kunangoku, kodwa umfundi makaqaphele ukuba umphandi akazami kuthelekisa amaxesha amasiko nezithethe ezaziqhutywa kodwa ubona kubalulekile ukuba icace inkolelo ethi amasiko nezithethe namaxesha awayeqhutywa ngawo awasafani. Kolu phando nzulu okunye okuphambili kukuthi nangona aba babhali babini bathi basebenzisa ulwimi oluntsokothileyo nezagwelo zokubhala ezifihlakeleyo ngendlela enomkhitha kodwa loo nto ibe lulutho kumzi kaPhalo kuba ushiyeke ufumbethe ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Ngaphezu koko amaXhosa ashiyeke efumbethe ulwazi ngamasiko nezithethe ekusafuneka efundisiwe. Ingcambu yolu phando ke ingamasiko nezithethe kusetyenziswa isiThako samaSiko neziThethe esiza kuchazwa banzi kwimihlathi engezantsi. Ngaphandle kokuphonononga nzulu intsingiselo yamasiko nezithethe, olu phando lukwayinkuthazo kwabanye ababhali ukuba bazeke mzekweni benjenjeya ukuzalisa umphanda kaXhosa ngamasiko nezithethe kunye nolwimi olusulungekileyo khona ukuze izizukulwana ngezizukulwana zibe nento yokufunda. Ukongeza, kukukhuthaza abo babhali baneembalo ezintlakekileyo nezibutenxarha ngokwamasiko nezithethe, nolwimi ke, ukuba baziqhelanise nokufunda iincwadi zesiXhosa, bafunde isiXhosa, baphande ngokuzinikela ngemiba yesiXhosa. Njengamntu mtsha, olu phando lukhuthaza olunye ulutsha ngokubaluleka kokulondolozwa kwenkcubeko ukuze isizukulwana esizayo sibe nokufunda kuyo. Uphando olu lujolise ekukhuliseni iimbalo zesiXhosa ingakumbi ke xa sele lubhalwe ngesiXhosa. Likho iqaqobana elibhalileyo ngesiXhosa kodwa ezinye zezo mbalo ziyakhwinisa ngenxa yegrama etenxileyo, umgangatho ophantsi wokusetyenziswa kolwimi ukunonga iintetho, nezinye iziphene. Masibe sisithi ziinzame ekukhucululeni nasekuphuculeni oko kwenziwa ngabeLungu; masingaligxeki kakhulu elo gcuntswana. Enye yezinto ezikhwinisayo kuluncwadi lwesiXhosa kukunqongophala kweencwadi ezibonisa isiNtu sethu ngendlela egqibeleleyo nemsulwa. Iyathuthumba into yokunqongophala kweencwadi ezingembali yethu ebhalwe sithi. Oku kunqongophala kufika kube negalelo elibi kubafundi neetitshala zesiXhosa ezona kufuneka zingcamle ubuncwane benkcubeko yazo kunye nabafundi jikelele. Iincwadi eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe zezo zababhali abaziinjojeli kubhalo lwesiXhosa, uS.E.K. Mqhayi noW.K. Tamsanqa. Isizathu soko asikokuba umphandi uzama ukuthelekisa ababhali koko uya kubachonga, okokuqala, ngenxa yokuba bengababhali abaphume izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Okwesibini, kunconywa ubuchule babo ekusebenziseni ulwimi nesakhono njengesixhobo sokuphakamisa umgangatho woncwadi lwesiNtu ngokuyeleleneyo namasikonezithethe. Okwesithathu, iimbalo zabo zezinye zeembalo ezithe zaphakanyiswa kakhulungabaphandi de zafumana amawonga ngamawonga. Okwesine, kudederhu lweencwadizesiXhosa ezingaka andinokwazi ukuthi ndilume umthamo omkhulu endizojika ndixakane nawo ndingakwazi ukuwuhlafuna ndiwucokisise hleze ndomiwe emqaleni ndingabisalugqiba kwa olo phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Diko, Mlamli
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Xhosa (African people) , Mqhayi, S E K -- Ityala lamawele , Tamsanqa, Witness K -- Ukuba ndandazile , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Authors, South African -- 19th century -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Mqhayi, S E K -- Critisicism and interpretation , Tamsanqa, Witness, K -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa literature -- Criticism and interpretation , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38420
- Description: Olu phando lujolise ekubhentsiseni nasekuphononongeni nzulu indima yamasiko nezithethe kwiincwadi ezichongiweyo zesiXhosa ezizezi, “Ityala Lamawele” (1914) ibhalwe nguSamuel Edward Krune Mqhayi kunye no “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967) ibhalwe nguWitness Kholekile Tamsanqa. Amasiko nezithethe aya kuthi aphononongwe ngala: ukulobola, ingqithi nesithembu. Kwakhona, la masiko nezi zithethe ziya kuthi ziphicothwe kugudlwa kwizinto zesiNtu ezinobuzaza eziqhushekwe zaze zancathama phantsi kwawo. Umzekelo, phantsi kwesiko lokulobola kukho izithethe ezithiwe qhushe phantsi kwalo ezifana nokuhota, ukuyalwa komtshakazi nezinye. Zonke ezi zinto ziya kuthi zivelelwe. La masiko nezi zithethe zichongwe kuba kukholeleka into ethi zitshatshele ngokwendima eziyidlalayo kwezi ncwadi zimbini. Ukubalasela kwawo la masiko nezithethe akwaneli ekubeni indima yawo ityhilwe kwezi ncwadi kuphela, koko indima yawo ithi ityhile banzi ngentlalo kaXhosa. Lilonke, aba babhali babini ababhali ngezinto ezingaziwayo okanye ezibuntsomirha, koko babhala ngemiba echaphazela amaXhosa ngqo. Umphandi uya kuthi aqhaqhe iindlela la masiko nezithethe aqhutywa ngazo, iinjongo zokwenziwa kwawo kwakunye neziphumo xa ethe la masiko enziwa okanye angenziwa ngokusesikweni. Konke oku kuya kuthi kwenziwe egameni lobuXhosa bemveli. Umphandi uya kukwenza oku ngeenjongo zokuphicotha nzulu intsingiselo ngokwamasiko nezithethe zamaXhosa ezama ukutyhila obona bunyani bufihlakeleyo bamasiko nezithethe kunye nokuzalana kwawo nentlalo yamaXhosa. Ngaphezulu, kukutyhila into ethi kwaXhosa amasiko nezithethe ziintsika zokuphila, ngako oko ananto ithile ayithethayo kuthi thina maXhosa ungaphiki nje kuba ezakwaLizwi zidungadungile ngendlela yazo kumzi kaPhalo ze zasahlukanisa nezinto zoobawo bethu. Kunamhlanje nje azinqabanga iintetho ezithi ukunqula iminyanya nezinyanya bubuhedeni, ukuxhela ibhokhwe kuyongxengxezwa bubudimoni. Kule ngxoxo, kuya kujongwa isakhono nobuchule bababhali abathe babusebenzisa njengesixhobo sokukhusela inkcubeko yamaXhosa eyathi yabhunyulwa ngamaNgesi yasala nje ibhityile, yiyo ke ngoku le esele igululwa okwamathumbu ngurhulumente wenkululeko. Lilonke, kwa kolu phando kunconywa ababhali abaziingcungela ekubeni basebenzise ulwazi lwabo lolwimi ekukhuseleni inkcubeko yamaXhosa athi xa ahlomla ngayo uMkonto (2005: v) athi: The study of the survival of cultural traditional customs in isiXhosa literature is an overdue task facing literary critics. Le ngcali ingentla apha ihlaba ikhwelo kubaphandi besiXhosa ukuba banyathelele phezulu bephanda bebhentsisa ubunyani bamasiko nezithethe kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Olu phando, ngaphezu kwazo zonke izizathu, lusabela elo khwelo. Kwelinye icala, uthi uSaule (1996) xa ethetha ngoMqhayi, nangona uMqhayi lo wayenobuhlobo nabefundisi bezakwaLizwi nokhanyo kodwa akazange ayivumele ingqondo nentliziyo yakhe ithwetyulwe ziinkolo neenkcubeko zasemzini. Ukutsho ngokwakhe oku uSaule (1996: 20) xa ahambisa enjenje: Although Mqhayi was obviously a brain child of the missionaries, he did not, unlike many writers at that time, allow their influence to engulf his thoughts. He uses a Bible as a technique rather than as an instrument that guides him towards predestined objectives. Le ngcinga kaSaule ingentla igxininisiwe kwilixa elingaphambili nguDikeni (1992: 12) xa wayesithi: It is clear that Mqhayi as one of the early writers could not address the political situation of the South Africa directly in his novel. He had to use an extended metaphor to avoid the strict laws of censorship. This he did by using a Biblical story and adapting it to his culture. Ngokwezi ngcali zimbini, kuyaqapheleka ukuba nangona uMqhayi lo ifuthe laseNtshona lazama kangangoko linako ukumthwebula kodwa ukuhlakanipha kwakhe kwamenza wagwencela okwesikhwenene kwiingcambu zakhe, kwisizwe sakhe, kumasiko nezithethe zakwaXhosa. Kungani ke ukuba singangamphakamiseli phezulu lo mbhali ngokuthi simane sindwendwela iimbalo zakhe sihlaba sikhangela ukuba zithetha ukuthini na kuthi sizwe sikaXhosa xa sikule ndawo sikuyo nje? Kwelinye icala, uMkonto (2005) umqhwabela izandla uTamsanqa xa athi nangona wayefundile akazange ayivumele imfundo imntywilisele eludakeni lwaseNtshona hleze buthi obu buncwane bezi ncwadi zakhe zifana no “Buzani Kubawo” (1958), “Ukuba Ndandazile” (1967), “Imitha Yelanga” (1967) kunye nezinye zaziya kufela engqondweni yakhe engakhange afundise umzi kaXhosa ngobuXhosa bawo. UMkonto (2005: 17) uhambisa athi xa ethetha ngoTamsanqa: Most of his experiences which he shared with people at the time were of hardships ... probably these were some of the experiences that triggered the themes expressed in ‘Buzani kubawo’ and ‘Ukuba ndandazile’ Ngokwala mazwi angentla, okona kuncomekayo ngoTamsanqa kukuba uthe nokuba sele ehlangabezana neenzingo zobomi kodwa wabona kukuhle ukuba afundise umzi kaXhosa ngaloo mahla ndinyuka kuba kakade lisiko kwaXhosa into yokuba xa uye wagileka endaweni ethile uze ufundise abanye ukwenzela ukuba bangangeni kulaa mgibe ubuwele kuwo. Bubuntu ke obo. Ubukhulu becala bezinto athe wadlula kuzo uTamsanqa zicazululwe kwisahluko sesibini esidandalazisa ubunzululwazi mlando mbali wobom ngababhali. Okunye, uTamsanqa sesinye sezizukulwana esathi saneTamsanqa lokukhula ngeliya xesha amasiko nezithethe kwaXhosa bezisaqhutywa ngendlela encomekayo kunangoku, kodwa umfundi makaqaphele ukuba umphandi akazami kuthelekisa amaxesha amasiko nezithethe ezaziqhutywa kodwa ubona kubalulekile ukuba icace inkolelo ethi amasiko nezithethe namaxesha awayeqhutywa ngawo awasafani. Kolu phando nzulu okunye okuphambili kukuthi nangona aba babhali babini bathi basebenzisa ulwimi oluntsokothileyo nezagwelo zokubhala ezifihlakeleyo ngendlela enomkhitha kodwa loo nto ibe lulutho kumzi kaPhalo kuba ushiyeke ufumbethe ulwimi lwesiXhosa. Ngaphezu koko amaXhosa ashiyeke efumbethe ulwazi ngamasiko nezithethe ekusafuneka efundisiwe. Ingcambu yolu phando ke ingamasiko nezithethe kusetyenziswa isiThako samaSiko neziThethe esiza kuchazwa banzi kwimihlathi engezantsi. Ngaphandle kokuphonononga nzulu intsingiselo yamasiko nezithethe, olu phando lukwayinkuthazo kwabanye ababhali ukuba bazeke mzekweni benjenjeya ukuzalisa umphanda kaXhosa ngamasiko nezithethe kunye nolwimi olusulungekileyo khona ukuze izizukulwana ngezizukulwana zibe nento yokufunda. Ukongeza, kukukhuthaza abo babhali baneembalo ezintlakekileyo nezibutenxarha ngokwamasiko nezithethe, nolwimi ke, ukuba baziqhelanise nokufunda iincwadi zesiXhosa, bafunde isiXhosa, baphande ngokuzinikela ngemiba yesiXhosa. Njengamntu mtsha, olu phando lukhuthaza olunye ulutsha ngokubaluleka kokulondolozwa kwenkcubeko ukuze isizukulwana esizayo sibe nokufunda kuyo. Uphando olu lujolise ekukhuliseni iimbalo zesiXhosa ingakumbi ke xa sele lubhalwe ngesiXhosa. Likho iqaqobana elibhalileyo ngesiXhosa kodwa ezinye zezo mbalo ziyakhwinisa ngenxa yegrama etenxileyo, umgangatho ophantsi wokusetyenziswa kolwimi ukunonga iintetho, nezinye iziphene. Masibe sisithi ziinzame ekukhucululeni nasekuphuculeni oko kwenziwa ngabeLungu; masingaligxeki kakhulu elo gcuntswana. Enye yezinto ezikhwinisayo kuluncwadi lwesiXhosa kukunqongophala kweencwadi ezibonisa isiNtu sethu ngendlela egqibeleleyo nemsulwa. Iyathuthumba into yokunqongophala kweencwadi ezingembali yethu ebhalwe sithi. Oku kunqongophala kufika kube negalelo elibi kubafundi neetitshala zesiXhosa ezona kufuneka zingcamle ubuncwane benkcubeko yazo kunye nabafundi jikelele. Iincwadi eziya kuthi zisetyenziswe zezo zababhali abaziinjojeli kubhalo lwesiXhosa, uS.E.K. Mqhayi noW.K. Tamsanqa. Isizathu soko asikokuba umphandi uzama ukuthelekisa ababhali koko uya kubachonga, okokuqala, ngenxa yokuba bengababhali abaphume izandla kuncwadi lwesiXhosa. Okwesibini, kunconywa ubuchule babo ekusebenziseni ulwimi nesakhono njengesixhobo sokuphakamisa umgangatho woncwadi lwesiNtu ngokuyeleleneyo namasikonezithethe. Okwesithathu, iimbalo zabo zezinye zeembalo ezithe zaphakanyiswa kakhulungabaphandi de zafumana amawonga ngamawonga. Okwesine, kudederhu lweencwadizesiXhosa ezingaka andinokwazi ukuthi ndilume umthamo omkhulu endizojika ndixakane nawo ndingakwazi ukuwuhlafuna ndiwucokisise hleze ndomiwe emqaleni ndingabisalugqiba kwa olo phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
“Ntombazana, ugayela bani?”: ubunzululwazi beentsimbi
- Authors: Silo, Tolakele Talitha
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Beadwork, Xhosa , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Beadwork, Tembu , Tembu (African people) -- Social life and customs
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41485
- Description: “ NTOMBAZANA, UGAYELA BANI?”: UBUNZULULWAZI BEENTSIMBI is a study on the culture of abaThembu, one of the amaXhosa subgroups. Focusing on beadwork as one of this group’s cultural aspects, this research is an initiative to ensure documentation of such indigenous knowledge as an influence on the lifestyle of abaThembu. It also strives to uplift the use of oral literature to present it a fair chance at being a driving force for change as it has previously been ousted with the acceptability of written literature. Of great surprise is to see that despite western civilization, which affected the people’s culture, beadwork remains a pillar of the abaThembu-amaXhosa culture. This craft has evolved and thus, shows no signs of regression. This thesis is an indigenous knowledge focused research.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Silo, Tolakele Talitha
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Beadwork, Xhosa , Xhosa (African people) -- Social life and customs , Beadwork, Tembu , Tembu (African people) -- Social life and customs
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:41485
- Description: “ NTOMBAZANA, UGAYELA BANI?”: UBUNZULULWAZI BEENTSIMBI is a study on the culture of abaThembu, one of the amaXhosa subgroups. Focusing on beadwork as one of this group’s cultural aspects, this research is an initiative to ensure documentation of such indigenous knowledge as an influence on the lifestyle of abaThembu. It also strives to uplift the use of oral literature to present it a fair chance at being a driving force for change as it has previously been ousted with the acceptability of written literature. Of great surprise is to see that despite western civilization, which affected the people’s culture, beadwork remains a pillar of the abaThembu-amaXhosa culture. This craft has evolved and thus, shows no signs of regression. This thesis is an indigenous knowledge focused research.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Ngcelwane, Ayabulela
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Xhosa fiction , Xhosa poetry
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:30742
- Description: Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo egxile kwimingeni ejamelene noluntu kwimimandla efana neelokishi. Unobangela wale mingeni yintswelo-ngqesho, ukungafumani zindlu, ubundlobongela, isimo sezepolitiki, njalo-njalo. Imisebenzi kaRonnie Kasrils ngakumbi kwincwadi yakhe ethi A simple man, uRustum Siyongwana – Ubulumko bezinja uS. S. Mema – Umnxeba Wobomi, nezinye, zibe nefuthe kakhulu kule thisisi. Indlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwemihla ngemihla, maxawambi bade basebenzise nesakhono esisetyenziswa ezintsomini ezifana nokusebenzisa abalinganiswa abazizilwanyana bekwekwa umba onobuzaza. Injongo yalo msebenzi kukugqamisa ukubaluleka kwentlalontle yoluntu, nokuvuselela isazela koongxowa ayibotshwa. Yiyo loo nto kuzanywe kangangoko ukusetyenziswa ulwimi olunokufikeleleka nakubani na. , English and Xhoxa versions provided for dual language submission
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Ngcelwane, Ayabulela
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Xhosa fiction , Xhosa poetry
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:30742
- Description: Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo egxile kwimingeni ejamelene noluntu kwimimandla efana neelokishi. Unobangela wale mingeni yintswelo-ngqesho, ukungafumani zindlu, ubundlobongela, isimo sezepolitiki, njalo-njalo. Imisebenzi kaRonnie Kasrils ngakumbi kwincwadi yakhe ethi A simple man, uRustum Siyongwana – Ubulumko bezinja uS. S. Mema – Umnxeba Wobomi, nezinye, zibe nefuthe kakhulu kule thisisi. Indlela abasebenzisa ngayo ulwimi lwemihla ngemihla, maxawambi bade basebenzise nesakhono esisetyenziswa ezintsomini ezifana nokusebenzisa abalinganiswa abazizilwanyana bekwekwa umba onobuzaza. Injongo yalo msebenzi kukugqamisa ukubaluleka kwentlalontle yoluntu, nokuvuselela isazela koongxowa ayibotshwa. Yiyo loo nto kuzanywe kangangoko ukusetyenziswa ulwimi olunokufikeleleka nakubani na. , English and Xhoxa versions provided for dual language submission
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
Ndoxoza mphini wumbi!
- Authors: Saki, Sandile Dudu
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: South African fiction (English)
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:30741
- Description: My English half-thesis comprises semi-autobiographical short stories based on my own lived and observed experiences of patriarchal township life, but told through the eyes of others, often those who find themselves victims of societal ills and cruel injustices. The stories deal with issues ranging from rape culture, intimate femicide, social patriarchy and the vulnerability of women, children and people living with disabilities in such settings. Refusing didacticism, I seek to voice the complexity, bravery and beauty of my characters. I draw influence from Joel Matlou’s simple narration of the small details of daily life, Can Themba’s ability to find humour in the everyday, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s contemporary sass and Irenosen Okojie’s unconventional, subtle and deeply enigmatic approach to storytelling. , Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo enesingqi nefuthe endilincance kubabhali endihlangene nabo kwezi zifundo endingabala kubo uMxolisi Nyezwa, Rustum Kozain nabanye. Injongo yale thisisi kukonwabisa; ukucebisa mhlawumbi ukuthungulula iintongo emva kobentlombe. Maxa wambi ikukukhahlela nakwabo baye banegalelo kwizinto-yinto zokuhlala ngakumbi iimvumi zikaMasikhandi ezifana noMlindelwa ‘Inkunz’ emdaka’ Mralatya owaziwa njengovulindlela kaMasikhandi kwisizwe sakwaXhosa siphela. Bakho ke ababhali abasingqi sabo sindithimbileyo, naba bugcisa ndibuthandileyo endingabalula kubo uMzwandile Matiwana, M. S. Mlandu, Fundile Majola, John Solilo, J. J. R Jolobe kunye noS. E. K. Mqhayi. Liyavakala ifuthe labo kule mibongo, ngakumbi isingqi nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. , English and Xhosa versions provided for dual language submission
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Saki, Sandile Dudu
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: South African fiction (English)
- Language: English , Xhosa
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:30741
- Description: My English half-thesis comprises semi-autobiographical short stories based on my own lived and observed experiences of patriarchal township life, but told through the eyes of others, often those who find themselves victims of societal ills and cruel injustices. The stories deal with issues ranging from rape culture, intimate femicide, social patriarchy and the vulnerability of women, children and people living with disabilities in such settings. Refusing didacticism, I seek to voice the complexity, bravery and beauty of my characters. I draw influence from Joel Matlou’s simple narration of the small details of daily life, Can Themba’s ability to find humour in the everyday, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s contemporary sass and Irenosen Okojie’s unconventional, subtle and deeply enigmatic approach to storytelling. , Le thisisi yingqokelela yemibongo enesingqi nefuthe endilincance kubabhali endihlangene nabo kwezi zifundo endingabala kubo uMxolisi Nyezwa, Rustum Kozain nabanye. Injongo yale thisisi kukonwabisa; ukucebisa mhlawumbi ukuthungulula iintongo emva kobentlombe. Maxa wambi ikukukhahlela nakwabo baye banegalelo kwizinto-yinto zokuhlala ngakumbi iimvumi zikaMasikhandi ezifana noMlindelwa ‘Inkunz’ emdaka’ Mralatya owaziwa njengovulindlela kaMasikhandi kwisizwe sakwaXhosa siphela. Bakho ke ababhali abasingqi sabo sindithimbileyo, naba bugcisa ndibuthandileyo endingabalula kubo uMzwandile Matiwana, M. S. Mlandu, Fundile Majola, John Solilo, J. J. R Jolobe kunye noS. E. K. Mqhayi. Liyavakala ifuthe labo kule mibongo, ngakumbi isingqi nokusetyenziswa kolwimi. , English and Xhosa versions provided for dual language submission
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2019