A model to facilitate nursing research supervisors in assisting postgraduate nursing students in Gauteng Province with timeous completion of studies
- Authors: Mbombi, Masenyani Oupa
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: College dropouts -- Gauteng -- South Africa , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- Gauteng -- South Africa , Nursing -- Research
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69727 , vital:78014
- Description: Many academically orientated persons aspire towards having postgraduate qualifications for various reasons. The reasons range from career development to expanding their knowledge in fields related to their current areas of professional specialisation. Some people however do not fulfil that personal need due to academic exclusion from their studies in the university related to taking too long to finish their studies while others just drop out. The current study aimed to develop a model that would assist in facilitating the supervision of postgraduate nursing students to complete their studies in the required and allocated time at nursing education institutions in Gauteng. The objectives of the study were to: explore and describe the perceptions of postgraduate research nursingstudents regarding their preparedness for a joint research journey; explore and describe the perceptions of research supervisors regarding theirpreparedness for a joint research journey; develop a conceptual framework that would underpin the development of amodel to facilitate the preparedness of postgraduate research nursing students(PGRNSs) and supervisors for the research journey at NEIs in Gauteng; and develop and describe a model to facilitate the preparedness of postgraduateresearch nursing students (PGRNSs) and inexperienced research supervisorsfor a joint research journey at NEIs at Gauteng. A theory-generative research design based on a qualitative, explorative, descriptive, and contextual research approach was adopted in this study. Purposive sampling was used to select 16 postgraduate nursing students (8 master’s and 8 doctoral) and 12 research supervisors from universities in Gauteng, South Africa. Data collection was conducted through voice-recorded unstructured interviews, which were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Tesch’s open coding method of data analysis. To ensure the trustworthiness of the study, the researcher used various strategies based on the criteria recommended in Guba’s model of trustworthiness. The criteria were credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability. Ethical principles, such as respect for a person’s beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice were ensured during the data collection stage. Four broad themes (see Chapter 3) emerged from the data analysis. The themes were: Theme: perceptions regarding postgraduate supervision provided or received Theme: perceptions regarding preparedness for the research journey Theme: support systems influencing preparedness for the research journey Theme: Hope for change in the research progress and concerns to be considered Concept identification and analysis assisted the researcher in putting concepts in a relationship for the development of the model as guided by the six survey elements of Dickoff and James. Although the model was not tested, the researcher and the selected nursing experts were confident that the model is significant to nursing and other disciplines. The model was described and successfully evaluated by a panel of six nursing experts who acknowledged the clarity, generality, accessibility, simplicity, and significant contribution to the nursing environment. The guidelines and recommendations to implement the model in the nursing environment were developed to enhance the application of the model. The model aims to provide a theoretical and structural frame of reference to the head of the department and research supervisors in nursing for the facilitation of the preparedness of the postgraduate students and inexperienced supervisors for a joint research journey to ensure the timeous completion of postgraduate studies. The outcomes of the model include easing the struggle of students during their research studies for acceptable progress within the nursing environment of nursing education institutions. inexperienced research supervisors who experienced challenges to achieving optimum supervision in the nursing environment will also benefit if they apply the developed model. To enhance the applicability of the model, the researcher recommends that the model be tested in postgraduate studies for future benefits before implementation. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Mbombi, Masenyani Oupa
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: College dropouts -- Gauteng -- South Africa , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- Gauteng -- South Africa , Nursing -- Research
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69727 , vital:78014
- Description: Many academically orientated persons aspire towards having postgraduate qualifications for various reasons. The reasons range from career development to expanding their knowledge in fields related to their current areas of professional specialisation. Some people however do not fulfil that personal need due to academic exclusion from their studies in the university related to taking too long to finish their studies while others just drop out. The current study aimed to develop a model that would assist in facilitating the supervision of postgraduate nursing students to complete their studies in the required and allocated time at nursing education institutions in Gauteng. The objectives of the study were to: explore and describe the perceptions of postgraduate research nursingstudents regarding their preparedness for a joint research journey; explore and describe the perceptions of research supervisors regarding theirpreparedness for a joint research journey; develop a conceptual framework that would underpin the development of amodel to facilitate the preparedness of postgraduate research nursing students(PGRNSs) and supervisors for the research journey at NEIs in Gauteng; and develop and describe a model to facilitate the preparedness of postgraduateresearch nursing students (PGRNSs) and inexperienced research supervisorsfor a joint research journey at NEIs at Gauteng. A theory-generative research design based on a qualitative, explorative, descriptive, and contextual research approach was adopted in this study. Purposive sampling was used to select 16 postgraduate nursing students (8 master’s and 8 doctoral) and 12 research supervisors from universities in Gauteng, South Africa. Data collection was conducted through voice-recorded unstructured interviews, which were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Tesch’s open coding method of data analysis. To ensure the trustworthiness of the study, the researcher used various strategies based on the criteria recommended in Guba’s model of trustworthiness. The criteria were credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability. Ethical principles, such as respect for a person’s beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice were ensured during the data collection stage. Four broad themes (see Chapter 3) emerged from the data analysis. The themes were: Theme: perceptions regarding postgraduate supervision provided or received Theme: perceptions regarding preparedness for the research journey Theme: support systems influencing preparedness for the research journey Theme: Hope for change in the research progress and concerns to be considered Concept identification and analysis assisted the researcher in putting concepts in a relationship for the development of the model as guided by the six survey elements of Dickoff and James. Although the model was not tested, the researcher and the selected nursing experts were confident that the model is significant to nursing and other disciplines. The model was described and successfully evaluated by a panel of six nursing experts who acknowledged the clarity, generality, accessibility, simplicity, and significant contribution to the nursing environment. The guidelines and recommendations to implement the model in the nursing environment were developed to enhance the application of the model. The model aims to provide a theoretical and structural frame of reference to the head of the department and research supervisors in nursing for the facilitation of the preparedness of the postgraduate students and inexperienced supervisors for a joint research journey to ensure the timeous completion of postgraduate studies. The outcomes of the model include easing the struggle of students during their research studies for acceptable progress within the nursing environment of nursing education institutions. inexperienced research supervisors who experienced challenges to achieving optimum supervision in the nursing environment will also benefit if they apply the developed model. To enhance the applicability of the model, the researcher recommends that the model be tested in postgraduate studies for future benefits before implementation. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
A relevant intervention on nutrition transition among Isixhosa speaking people in Nelson Mandela Bay
- Authors: Fordjour Afriyie, Vera
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nutrition -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Nutrition -- Social aspects , Xhosa (African people) -- Nutrition
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69760 , vital:78026
- Description: The nutrition transition, characterised by a shift from traditional, nutrient-dense diets to Westernised, energy-dense, and nutrient-poor diets, has significant health implications globally. In South Africa (SA), particularly among the isiXhosa-speaking population in Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB), this transition has led to the dual burden of undernutrition and overnutrition, increasing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity and diabetes. Despite the prevalence of this nutrition phenomenon, limited research has explored the perceptions of nutrition transition among South African communities, although there is literature about the transition itself. Most studies on the research subject were undertaken in Asian and European countries and America. Generally, studies regarding the nutrition transition emphasise the importance of early public health interventions to prevent the transition from reaching critical levels. This research study aimed to answer the question: How do isiXhosa-speaking people in NMB perceive nutritional transition, and what are their knowledge and practices concerning traditional foods? This study’s primary aim was to identify and evaluate the NMB isiXhosa-speaking population’s perceptions regarding nutrition transition and their knowledge and practices concerning traditional foods. Subsequently, the study aimed to develop and test an educational intervention to promote traditional African diets and mitigate the adverse effects of nutrition transition. The researcher employed a multi-method approach, encompassing quantitative and qualitative methods and an exploratory, descriptive, and contextual approach to enhance the research design. Ethical principles guided the study, including autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. The study comprised two phases. Participants were selected through a stratified, clustered sampling technique. In the first phase, data were collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), a 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire, and a knowledge and practices The participants were isiXhosa-speaking NMB residents older than 18 years of age. The second phase utilised the first-phase findings to develop an intervention programme. The intervention was implemented, and its efficacy was evaluated through post-intervention surveys, sensory evaluation, and a three-month telephonic follow-up. The findings indicated a significant decline in traditional food knowledge (TFK) and practices among the participants, with a marked shift towards Westernised diets. The primary factors driving this transition were urbanisation, economic constraints, and a lack of awareness about the nutritional benefits of traditional foods. The intervention programme, which included educational workshops and a sensory evaluation using indigenous crops, resulted in improved knowledge and practices regarding indigenous crops among the participants. Post-intervention data showed increased dietary diversity and a greater inclusion of traditional foods in daily diets. The study concluded that nutrition transition poses a significant challenge to the health and well-being of isiXhosa-speaking individuals in NMB. However, targeted interventions that promote traditional African diets can effectively address this issue. The study recommends that policymakers and public health practitioners incorporate culturally relevant and community-driven strategies to promote traditional food consumption. Future research should focus on the long-term impacts of such interventions and explore scalable models for broader implementation. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
A relevant intervention on nutrition transition among Isixhosa speaking people in Nelson Mandela Bay
- Authors: Fordjour Afriyie, Vera
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nutrition -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Nutrition -- Social aspects , Xhosa (African people) -- Nutrition
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69760 , vital:78026
- Description: The nutrition transition, characterised by a shift from traditional, nutrient-dense diets to Westernised, energy-dense, and nutrient-poor diets, has significant health implications globally. In South Africa (SA), particularly among the isiXhosa-speaking population in Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB), this transition has led to the dual burden of undernutrition and overnutrition, increasing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity and diabetes. Despite the prevalence of this nutrition phenomenon, limited research has explored the perceptions of nutrition transition among South African communities, although there is literature about the transition itself. Most studies on the research subject were undertaken in Asian and European countries and America. Generally, studies regarding the nutrition transition emphasise the importance of early public health interventions to prevent the transition from reaching critical levels. This research study aimed to answer the question: How do isiXhosa-speaking people in NMB perceive nutritional transition, and what are their knowledge and practices concerning traditional foods? This study’s primary aim was to identify and evaluate the NMB isiXhosa-speaking population’s perceptions regarding nutrition transition and their knowledge and practices concerning traditional foods. Subsequently, the study aimed to develop and test an educational intervention to promote traditional African diets and mitigate the adverse effects of nutrition transition. The researcher employed a multi-method approach, encompassing quantitative and qualitative methods and an exploratory, descriptive, and contextual approach to enhance the research design. Ethical principles guided the study, including autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. The study comprised two phases. Participants were selected through a stratified, clustered sampling technique. In the first phase, data were collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), a 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire, and a knowledge and practices The participants were isiXhosa-speaking NMB residents older than 18 years of age. The second phase utilised the first-phase findings to develop an intervention programme. The intervention was implemented, and its efficacy was evaluated through post-intervention surveys, sensory evaluation, and a three-month telephonic follow-up. The findings indicated a significant decline in traditional food knowledge (TFK) and practices among the participants, with a marked shift towards Westernised diets. The primary factors driving this transition were urbanisation, economic constraints, and a lack of awareness about the nutritional benefits of traditional foods. The intervention programme, which included educational workshops and a sensory evaluation using indigenous crops, resulted in improved knowledge and practices regarding indigenous crops among the participants. Post-intervention data showed increased dietary diversity and a greater inclusion of traditional foods in daily diets. The study concluded that nutrition transition poses a significant challenge to the health and well-being of isiXhosa-speaking individuals in NMB. However, targeted interventions that promote traditional African diets can effectively address this issue. The study recommends that policymakers and public health practitioners incorporate culturally relevant and community-driven strategies to promote traditional food consumption. Future research should focus on the long-term impacts of such interventions and explore scalable models for broader implementation. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Amagqirha (Xhosa diviners) and the treatment of mental illness: exploring indigenous healing practices and the potential for integrating indigenous knowledge into psychology training
- Authors: Klaas, Fihliwe
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Mental illness -- Treatment , Psychology -- Africa , Healers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69860 , vital:78042
- Description: This study focuses on Amagqirha kwa Xhosa (diviners) who are traditional healers within the Xhosa community. Despite their impact and footprint in the communities, there is limited knowledge regarding their role in managing mental health illnesses, particularly the kind of techniques they employ. In light of this, the study is aimed at exploring the types of techniques and interventions utilized by Amagqirha kwa Xhosa in treating psychological problems and assessing how the knowledge can be incorporated into the training of psychologists. The study employed a qualitative approach with semi-structured one-on-one interviews, using purposive and snowballing sampling strategies. Eight traditional healers from the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, Eastern Cape, participated in the study, and thematic data analysis was utilised to analyse the data. Two primary themes were revealed in Amagqirha’s experiences with treating mental illness, and the first set core themes are 1. Ukuxilonga (Diagnosing) and 2. Izinto ngokwa ses’Xhoseni ezenza ingulo ye ngqondo (Xhosa Realities and Causes of Mental Illnesses). The second set of core themes revealed Amagqirha’s treatment methods and interventions, and these are 1.Indlela Zokunyanga Zesintu (Tradition Methods of Healing) and 2.Impawu zoxilongo olunemiphumela zobuGqirha (Treatment efficacy in traditional healing). The findings highlight the importance of recognizing diverse knowledge systems in Mental Health care, emphasizing the need for culturally sensitive approaches that respect and take into account cultural context and spirituality of the community/patients. Additionally, the study provides guidelines for mental health practitioners when dealing with clients who align with paradigms other than the Western biomedical paradigm or worldview, highlighting the importance of integrating varying paradigms in approaching mental health practice. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Klaas, Fihliwe
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Mental illness -- Treatment , Psychology -- Africa , Healers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69860 , vital:78042
- Description: This study focuses on Amagqirha kwa Xhosa (diviners) who are traditional healers within the Xhosa community. Despite their impact and footprint in the communities, there is limited knowledge regarding their role in managing mental health illnesses, particularly the kind of techniques they employ. In light of this, the study is aimed at exploring the types of techniques and interventions utilized by Amagqirha kwa Xhosa in treating psychological problems and assessing how the knowledge can be incorporated into the training of psychologists. The study employed a qualitative approach with semi-structured one-on-one interviews, using purposive and snowballing sampling strategies. Eight traditional healers from the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality, Eastern Cape, participated in the study, and thematic data analysis was utilised to analyse the data. Two primary themes were revealed in Amagqirha’s experiences with treating mental illness, and the first set core themes are 1. Ukuxilonga (Diagnosing) and 2. Izinto ngokwa ses’Xhoseni ezenza ingulo ye ngqondo (Xhosa Realities and Causes of Mental Illnesses). The second set of core themes revealed Amagqirha’s treatment methods and interventions, and these are 1.Indlela Zokunyanga Zesintu (Tradition Methods of Healing) and 2.Impawu zoxilongo olunemiphumela zobuGqirha (Treatment efficacy in traditional healing). The findings highlight the importance of recognizing diverse knowledge systems in Mental Health care, emphasizing the need for culturally sensitive approaches that respect and take into account cultural context and spirituality of the community/patients. Additionally, the study provides guidelines for mental health practitioners when dealing with clients who align with paradigms other than the Western biomedical paradigm or worldview, highlighting the importance of integrating varying paradigms in approaching mental health practice. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
Experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the O.R. Tambo District Municipality
- Authors: Wabane, Malibongwe
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Midwifery -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor (Obstetrics) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hospital care -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69782 , vital:78034
- Description: Midwifery is a health science profession that deals with women in their confinement period, including the caring of new-borns. Historically, the midwifery profession has evolved from being a female-dominated profession to an occupation followed by both males and females. However, accoucheurs working in public maternity units face various challenges, such as a lack of support and discrimination from their female counterparts and women during confinement. These challenges are based mainly on tradition, religion, and the history of midwifery, a female-dominant profession. The potential effects of these challenges can be seen when women during confinement refuse maternal care from accoucheurs. As a result of this prejudice, accoucheurs may be unable to practice their midwifery skills and may choose other disciplines involving less intimate care. Such acts of refusal of care by women during confinement and these various challenges faced by accoucheurs in public maternity units are common in rural areas. The O.R. Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) comprises predominantly of rural areas where culture and tradition play an essential role in the community’s life. This study employed a qualitative research design with an explorative, descriptive, and contextual approach to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM to make recommendations to nursing managers regarding the provision of optimal support to accoucheurs working in the rural Eastern Cape. The target population of the study was all accoucheurs working in public maternity units in the ORTDM. Snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria and were voluntarily willing to participate in the study. The data collection method used was one-on-one semistructured interviews, which were also captured using a digital voice recorder. Field notes were used during data collection to enhance the researcher’s understanding of accoucheurs’ nonverbal experiences. The sample size, which was 12 accoucheurs, was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim, and Braun and Clark’s (2006) steps of reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) were used as a framework for data analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s model of trustworthiness was used to maintain the quality of the study by employing credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). The ethical principles that guided this study with human participants were the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice as outlined in the Belmont Report and its application (2015:14) Three main themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: • Theme 1: Accoucheurs experienced specific factors that enabled them to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 2: Accoucheurs identified barriers that disabled them in caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 3: Recommendations for nurse managers by accoucheurs to optimize their ability to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. Direct quotations from the raw data and relevant literature supported the research study results and were discussed in-depth in Chapter Four. Various recommendations were discussed in Chapter Five of this study that present options for nurse managers to optimize the support for accoucheurs who were caring for women during confinement in public maternity units.Midwifery is a health science profession that deals with women in their confinement period, including the caring of new-borns. Historically, the midwifery profession has evolved from being a female-dominated profession to an occupation followed by both males and females. However, accoucheurs working in public maternity units face various challenges, such as a lack of support and discrimination from their female counterparts and women during confinement. These challenges are based mainly on tradition, religion, and the history of midwifery, a female-dominant profession. The potential effects of these challenges can be seen when women during confinement refuse maternal care from accoucheurs. As a result of this prejudice, accoucheurs may be unable to practice their midwifery skills and may choose other disciplines involving less intimate care. Such acts of refusal of care by women during confinement and these various challenges faced by accoucheurs in public maternity units are common in rural areas. The O.R. Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) comprises predominantly of rural areas where culture and tradition play an essential role in the community’s life. This study employed a qualitative research design with an explorative, descriptive, and contextual approach to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM to make recommendations to nursing managers regarding the provision of optimal support to accoucheurs working in the rural Eastern Cape. The target population of the study was all accoucheurs working in public maternity units in the ORTDM. Snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria and were voluntarily willing to participate in the study. The data collection method used was one-on-one semistructured interviews, which were also captured using a digital voice recorder. Field notes were used during data collection to enhance the researcher’s understanding of accoucheurs’ nonverbal experiences. The sample size, which was 12 accoucheurs, was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim, and Braun and Clark’s (2006) steps of reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) were used as a framework for data analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s model of trustworthiness was used to maintain the quality of the study by employing credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). The ethical principles that guided this study with human participants were the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice as outlined in the Belmont Report and its application (2015:14) Three main themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: • Theme 1: Accoucheurs experienced specific factors that enabled them to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 2: Accoucheurs identified barriers that disabled them in caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 3: Recommendations for nurse managers by accoucheurs to optimize their ability to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. Direct quotations from the raw data and relevant literature supported the research study results and were discussed in-depth in Chapter Four. Various recommendations were discussed in Chapter Five of this study that present options for nurse managers to optimize the support for accoucheurs who were caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Wabane, Malibongwe
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Midwifery -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor (Obstetrics) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hospital care -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69782 , vital:78034
- Description: Midwifery is a health science profession that deals with women in their confinement period, including the caring of new-borns. Historically, the midwifery profession has evolved from being a female-dominated profession to an occupation followed by both males and females. However, accoucheurs working in public maternity units face various challenges, such as a lack of support and discrimination from their female counterparts and women during confinement. These challenges are based mainly on tradition, religion, and the history of midwifery, a female-dominant profession. The potential effects of these challenges can be seen when women during confinement refuse maternal care from accoucheurs. As a result of this prejudice, accoucheurs may be unable to practice their midwifery skills and may choose other disciplines involving less intimate care. Such acts of refusal of care by women during confinement and these various challenges faced by accoucheurs in public maternity units are common in rural areas. The O.R. Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) comprises predominantly of rural areas where culture and tradition play an essential role in the community’s life. This study employed a qualitative research design with an explorative, descriptive, and contextual approach to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM to make recommendations to nursing managers regarding the provision of optimal support to accoucheurs working in the rural Eastern Cape. The target population of the study was all accoucheurs working in public maternity units in the ORTDM. Snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria and were voluntarily willing to participate in the study. The data collection method used was one-on-one semistructured interviews, which were also captured using a digital voice recorder. Field notes were used during data collection to enhance the researcher’s understanding of accoucheurs’ nonverbal experiences. The sample size, which was 12 accoucheurs, was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim, and Braun and Clark’s (2006) steps of reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) were used as a framework for data analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s model of trustworthiness was used to maintain the quality of the study by employing credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). The ethical principles that guided this study with human participants were the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice as outlined in the Belmont Report and its application (2015:14) Three main themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: • Theme 1: Accoucheurs experienced specific factors that enabled them to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 2: Accoucheurs identified barriers that disabled them in caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 3: Recommendations for nurse managers by accoucheurs to optimize their ability to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. Direct quotations from the raw data and relevant literature supported the research study results and were discussed in-depth in Chapter Four. Various recommendations were discussed in Chapter Five of this study that present options for nurse managers to optimize the support for accoucheurs who were caring for women during confinement in public maternity units.Midwifery is a health science profession that deals with women in their confinement period, including the caring of new-borns. Historically, the midwifery profession has evolved from being a female-dominated profession to an occupation followed by both males and females. However, accoucheurs working in public maternity units face various challenges, such as a lack of support and discrimination from their female counterparts and women during confinement. These challenges are based mainly on tradition, religion, and the history of midwifery, a female-dominant profession. The potential effects of these challenges can be seen when women during confinement refuse maternal care from accoucheurs. As a result of this prejudice, accoucheurs may be unable to practice their midwifery skills and may choose other disciplines involving less intimate care. Such acts of refusal of care by women during confinement and these various challenges faced by accoucheurs in public maternity units are common in rural areas. The O.R. Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM) comprises predominantly of rural areas where culture and tradition play an essential role in the community’s life. This study employed a qualitative research design with an explorative, descriptive, and contextual approach to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of accoucheurs caring for women during confinement in public maternity units in the ORTDM to make recommendations to nursing managers regarding the provision of optimal support to accoucheurs working in the rural Eastern Cape. The target population of the study was all accoucheurs working in public maternity units in the ORTDM. Snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria and were voluntarily willing to participate in the study. The data collection method used was one-on-one semistructured interviews, which were also captured using a digital voice recorder. Field notes were used during data collection to enhance the researcher’s understanding of accoucheurs’ nonverbal experiences. The sample size, which was 12 accoucheurs, was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim, and Braun and Clark’s (2006) steps of reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) were used as a framework for data analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s model of trustworthiness was used to maintain the quality of the study by employing credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). The ethical principles that guided this study with human participants were the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice as outlined in the Belmont Report and its application (2015:14) Three main themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: • Theme 1: Accoucheurs experienced specific factors that enabled them to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 2: Accoucheurs identified barriers that disabled them in caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. • Theme 3: Recommendations for nurse managers by accoucheurs to optimize their ability to care for women during confinement in public maternity units. Direct quotations from the raw data and relevant literature supported the research study results and were discussed in-depth in Chapter Four. Various recommendations were discussed in Chapter Five of this study that present options for nurse managers to optimize the support for accoucheurs who were caring for women during confinement in public maternity units. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Exploring cultural context and masculine ideals: implications for male mental health help-seeking in South Africa
- Authors: Bux, Shezadia
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Masculinity -- South Africa , Men -- Mental health , Help-seeking behavior -- Research
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69849 , vital:78040
- Description: The pervasive underdiagnosis and undertreatment of mental health issues among males, exacerbated by societal expectations of masculinity, represent a significant public health concern. This study addresses the critical gap in understanding how sociocultural constructs of masculinity influence mental health help-seeking behaviours among males in South Africa, a context marked by high rates of crime, violence, substance abuse, and male suicides. Adopting a qualitative research approach, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 12 participants, employing convenience and snowball sampling techniques to achieve data saturation. Thematic analysis was utilised to systematically identify and interpret patterns of meaning within the data, focusing on participants' understandings of mental health, the impact of sociocultural constructions of masculinity on their help-seeking behaviours, and the barriers they encounter. The findings illuminate the profound impact of sociocultural constructs of masculinity on male mental health help-seeking behaviours, revealing significant barriers rooted in societal stigma, traditional masculinity norms, and a lack of tailored mental health services. The study also introduces a conceptual model illustrating the influences on mental health acknowledgement and help-seeking behaviour among males in South Africa, underscored by a reflective analysis of exploring male emotional well-being. This study highlights the urgent need for culturally sensitive mental health care interventions that address the unique challenges faced by men in South African communities. By challenging societal norms and advocating for improved mental health awareness and services tailored to men, this research contributes to the broader discourse on gender, mental health, and social change, offering insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to enhance male mental health outcomes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Bux, Shezadia
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Masculinity -- South Africa , Men -- Mental health , Help-seeking behavior -- Research
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69849 , vital:78040
- Description: The pervasive underdiagnosis and undertreatment of mental health issues among males, exacerbated by societal expectations of masculinity, represent a significant public health concern. This study addresses the critical gap in understanding how sociocultural constructs of masculinity influence mental health help-seeking behaviours among males in South Africa, a context marked by high rates of crime, violence, substance abuse, and male suicides. Adopting a qualitative research approach, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 12 participants, employing convenience and snowball sampling techniques to achieve data saturation. Thematic analysis was utilised to systematically identify and interpret patterns of meaning within the data, focusing on participants' understandings of mental health, the impact of sociocultural constructions of masculinity on their help-seeking behaviours, and the barriers they encounter. The findings illuminate the profound impact of sociocultural constructs of masculinity on male mental health help-seeking behaviours, revealing significant barriers rooted in societal stigma, traditional masculinity norms, and a lack of tailored mental health services. The study also introduces a conceptual model illustrating the influences on mental health acknowledgement and help-seeking behaviour among males in South Africa, underscored by a reflective analysis of exploring male emotional well-being. This study highlights the urgent need for culturally sensitive mental health care interventions that address the unique challenges faced by men in South African communities. By challenging societal norms and advocating for improved mental health awareness and services tailored to men, this research contributes to the broader discourse on gender, mental health, and social change, offering insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to enhance male mental health outcomes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Exploring resilience in undergraduate nursing students at a nursing education institution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Blatti, Jenny
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nursing students -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Psychology , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa , Nursing schools -- Faculty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69805 , vital:78036
- Description: Undergraduate nursing students worldwide experience stress and anxiety due to the demands of nursing education, which include challenges related to academic workloads and the clinical environment. This, in turn, may impede programme completion and continuation in nursing careers. Resilience is recognised as an effective attribute for nursing students in adapting to stressors and has been found to have a beneficial impact on learning experiences, academic performance, and professional practice. Despite numerous research studies conducted on resilience in the health professions, there remains little empirical work that has explored undergraduate nursing students' understanding and experience of their resilience. The purpose of this study was thus to explore undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of their resilience at a nursing education institution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and to compile recommendations for a resilience training programme in undergraduate nursing education. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive, and contextual research design was implemented, with the study underpinned by the Resilience Ecological Stress Model. Third and fourth-year nursing students were recruited by purposive sampling, following which data was collected online by means of eleven individual semi-structured interviews conducted and recorded on the Microsoft (MS) Teams platform. Data was analysed using Braun and Clarke’s six steps of reflexive thematic analysis, generating codes and themes. The following themes were identified: participants’ perceptions of their challenges while studying nursing, participants’ understanding and experience of resilience, and participants’ views on the unique requirements of the degree in nursing. Findings indicated that nursing students perceive resilience as a beneficial attribute in mitigating the stress and anxiety evoked by their diverse challenges. Recommendations for nursing education were formulated based on the theoretical framework constructs and the findings of the study. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Blatti, Jenny
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nursing students -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Psychology , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa , Nursing schools -- Faculty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69805 , vital:78036
- Description: Undergraduate nursing students worldwide experience stress and anxiety due to the demands of nursing education, which include challenges related to academic workloads and the clinical environment. This, in turn, may impede programme completion and continuation in nursing careers. Resilience is recognised as an effective attribute for nursing students in adapting to stressors and has been found to have a beneficial impact on learning experiences, academic performance, and professional practice. Despite numerous research studies conducted on resilience in the health professions, there remains little empirical work that has explored undergraduate nursing students' understanding and experience of their resilience. The purpose of this study was thus to explore undergraduate nursing students’ perceptions of their resilience at a nursing education institution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and to compile recommendations for a resilience training programme in undergraduate nursing education. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive, and contextual research design was implemented, with the study underpinned by the Resilience Ecological Stress Model. Third and fourth-year nursing students were recruited by purposive sampling, following which data was collected online by means of eleven individual semi-structured interviews conducted and recorded on the Microsoft (MS) Teams platform. Data was analysed using Braun and Clarke’s six steps of reflexive thematic analysis, generating codes and themes. The following themes were identified: participants’ perceptions of their challenges while studying nursing, participants’ understanding and experience of resilience, and participants’ views on the unique requirements of the degree in nursing. Findings indicated that nursing students perceive resilience as a beneficial attribute in mitigating the stress and anxiety evoked by their diverse challenges. Recommendations for nursing education were formulated based on the theoretical framework constructs and the findings of the study. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Exploring the nature of the parent-child relationship and well- being of adolescents in families with a current history of maternal mental illness in a semi-urban area in East London, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Phakane, Siphokazi
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Parent and child , Adolescent psychology , Mental illness
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69838 , vital:78039
- Description: Parent mental illness can detrimentally impact family functioning, thereby leading to increased conflicts, reduced adaptability, limited cohesion, and disorganised everyday planning (Smith, 2018). However, the specific effects of maternal mental illness on the relationship between mothers and adolescents, as well as on adolescent social and psychological development, remain unclear (Jones & Brown, 2020). This study aimed to explore and describe the nature of the parent-child relationship and the well-being of adolescents in families with a current history of maternal mental illness. Drawing from Bowlby's Ethological Theory of Attachment (1969) and from Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory (1970), qualitative research methods were employed to delve into these dynamics. The participants encompassed mothers aged between 30 to 60 with a current history of mental illness and adolescents aged between 15 to 18 residing with a mother with a current history of mental illness, and who is in remission. The study was conducted in a semi-urban area in East London, which is characterised by high unemployment rates, low education levels, and social stressors impacting mental health and family dynamics (Clark et al., 2019). Data collection involved face-to-face interviews, as well as utilising non-probability purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Braun and Clarke's (2006) framework was utilised for data interpretation, thus ensuring the adherence to the research ethics and to the trustworthiness standards as outlined by Lincoln and Guba (1985). The findings revealed both challenges and strengths in these families. The adolescents expressed concerns about the lack of parental support, coerced autonomy, and communication barriers. However, they also reported positive experiences of companionship and nurturing from their mothers. Emotional regulation difficulties and socio-economic challenges were prevalent, thus highlighting the need for tailored targeted support interventions to address the complex issues that are faced by the adolescents in the families which are affected by maternal mental illness. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the nuanced , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Phakane, Siphokazi
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Parent and child , Adolescent psychology , Mental illness
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69838 , vital:78039
- Description: Parent mental illness can detrimentally impact family functioning, thereby leading to increased conflicts, reduced adaptability, limited cohesion, and disorganised everyday planning (Smith, 2018). However, the specific effects of maternal mental illness on the relationship between mothers and adolescents, as well as on adolescent social and psychological development, remain unclear (Jones & Brown, 2020). This study aimed to explore and describe the nature of the parent-child relationship and the well-being of adolescents in families with a current history of maternal mental illness. Drawing from Bowlby's Ethological Theory of Attachment (1969) and from Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory (1970), qualitative research methods were employed to delve into these dynamics. The participants encompassed mothers aged between 30 to 60 with a current history of mental illness and adolescents aged between 15 to 18 residing with a mother with a current history of mental illness, and who is in remission. The study was conducted in a semi-urban area in East London, which is characterised by high unemployment rates, low education levels, and social stressors impacting mental health and family dynamics (Clark et al., 2019). Data collection involved face-to-face interviews, as well as utilising non-probability purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Braun and Clarke's (2006) framework was utilised for data interpretation, thus ensuring the adherence to the research ethics and to the trustworthiness standards as outlined by Lincoln and Guba (1985). The findings revealed both challenges and strengths in these families. The adolescents expressed concerns about the lack of parental support, coerced autonomy, and communication barriers. However, they also reported positive experiences of companionship and nurturing from their mothers. Emotional regulation difficulties and socio-economic challenges were prevalent, thus highlighting the need for tailored targeted support interventions to address the complex issues that are faced by the adolescents in the families which are affected by maternal mental illness. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the nuanced , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Extending psychological praxis within South Africa: exploring healers’ perceptions of treatment plurality
- Authors: Yew-Siong, Lauren
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Traditional medicine -- South Africa , Psychology -- Africa , Clinical health psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69771 , vital:78032
- Description: The prevailing psychological praxis in South Africa predominantly follows western paradigms for defining, classifying, and diagnosing health and illness; falling short in encompassing the diverse mental healthcare reality. Scarce resources, inadequate infrastructure, and the interplay of religio-cultural beliefs intersect, shaping how psychological disturbances are perceived and how treatment is sought- especially for patients who do not ascribe to one treatment modality, or one paradigm. Therefore, this study explored ideas and notions surrounding treatment plurality held by healers (that being psychologists, psychiatrists, and traditional healers), within the South African context. The research utilised a qualitative exploratory-descriptive research methodology with a phenomenological research design. The researcher then employed purposive and snowball sampling to recruit participants. Thereafter, the researcher conducted online semi-structured interviews, and applied Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis to analyse the data. The following themes were then unpacked: 1) Healers’ perceptions of treatment plurality; 2) The need for collaboration between various disciplines; 3) Education as a key factor in pluralism; 4) Healer ethics and malpractice; 5) The lack of governmental funding and resources. The results suggest the need for a pluralistic mental healthcare approach in South Africa, bridging western and traditional practices. Yet, challenges stemming from inadequate governmental funding, resources, policies, and ethical guidelines hinder its development and implementation. Therefore, it would take more than one set of guidelines to implement pluralistic treatment within South African mental healthcare. For this purpose, the researcher decided to create a blueprint for various developments that is needed to make a pluralistic approach a reality in South Africa. These findings encouraged the researcher to develop: 1) Guidelines for the Provision of Collaborative Care in Mental Healthcare Services; 2) Guidelines for South African governmental policy that foster pluralism and collaborative care in the mental healthcare system; 3) A pluralistic medical aid scheme; 4) A module blueprint that could potentially be included in a professional master’s programme, as well as the inclusion of a theory the researcher has developed, named the Pluralism-oriented Mental Healthcare Theory. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Yew-Siong, Lauren
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Traditional medicine -- South Africa , Psychology -- Africa , Clinical health psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69771 , vital:78032
- Description: The prevailing psychological praxis in South Africa predominantly follows western paradigms for defining, classifying, and diagnosing health and illness; falling short in encompassing the diverse mental healthcare reality. Scarce resources, inadequate infrastructure, and the interplay of religio-cultural beliefs intersect, shaping how psychological disturbances are perceived and how treatment is sought- especially for patients who do not ascribe to one treatment modality, or one paradigm. Therefore, this study explored ideas and notions surrounding treatment plurality held by healers (that being psychologists, psychiatrists, and traditional healers), within the South African context. The research utilised a qualitative exploratory-descriptive research methodology with a phenomenological research design. The researcher then employed purposive and snowball sampling to recruit participants. Thereafter, the researcher conducted online semi-structured interviews, and applied Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis to analyse the data. The following themes were then unpacked: 1) Healers’ perceptions of treatment plurality; 2) The need for collaboration between various disciplines; 3) Education as a key factor in pluralism; 4) Healer ethics and malpractice; 5) The lack of governmental funding and resources. The results suggest the need for a pluralistic mental healthcare approach in South Africa, bridging western and traditional practices. Yet, challenges stemming from inadequate governmental funding, resources, policies, and ethical guidelines hinder its development and implementation. Therefore, it would take more than one set of guidelines to implement pluralistic treatment within South African mental healthcare. For this purpose, the researcher decided to create a blueprint for various developments that is needed to make a pluralistic approach a reality in South Africa. These findings encouraged the researcher to develop: 1) Guidelines for the Provision of Collaborative Care in Mental Healthcare Services; 2) Guidelines for South African governmental policy that foster pluralism and collaborative care in the mental healthcare system; 3) A pluralistic medical aid scheme; 4) A module blueprint that could potentially be included in a professional master’s programme, as well as the inclusion of a theory the researcher has developed, named the Pluralism-oriented Mental Healthcare Theory. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Impact of an educational intervention on hygiene knowledge and practices among municipal waste and sanitation workers in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa
- Authors: Ntunja, Alive
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Public health , Hygiene , Environmental health
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69738 , vital:78015
- Description: Municipal waste and sanitation workers (street sweepers, latrine cleaners, and waste transporters) play a crucial role in maintaining public health by providing a safe and clean environment. They accomplish this by performing tasks such as sweeping streets, collecting domestic waste regularly, pit latrine cleaning, cleaning public toilets, and operating waste collection trucks. Nonetheless, they play an important role in mitigating health-related challenges by ensuring a clean and healthy environment through correct waste collection and disposal practices. Therefore, safe waste collection is a critical undertaking that safeguards the health and living conditions of individuals worldwide. However, their hygiene-related knowledge and practices remain low due to a lack of educational intervention programmes on hygiene. Therefore, the study investigated the impact of an educational intervention on hygiene knowledge and practices amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM). The study used a quasi-experimental study, one group, (pre- and post-test) design, using an educational intervention. A total of 201 municipal waste and sanitation workers were conveniently sampled in the study from all five municipal waste depots and six wastewater treatment plants in the NMBM. A self-administered, structured, hard-copy questionnaire was used to collect the participants’ demographic data and a pre-intervention assessment on hygiene-related knowledge and practices. An educational intervention based on existing literature and national environmental cleaning guidelines and policies was implemented, and after a minimum gap of two months following the intervention, participants were asked to complete the postintervention questionnaire. The collected data was captured in a QuestionPro survey platform and analysed in Microsoft Office 365 (2019 version) and R software (version 4.4.1). The knowledge and practice items were further evaluated for internal reliability using the Cronbach’s alpha technique. Inferential statistics were used to analyse and describe the data, including tests such as Pearson’s correlations, student t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariable linear regression analysis. A total of 201 participants, comprising 148 (73.6%) males and 53 (26.4%) females, participated in the study. Of the 201 participants, 95 (47.3%) indicated that 2 they had never heard of hygiene-related diseases. The study participants had poor knowledge and practices regarding hygiene prior to the educational intervention. Based on the paired samples t-test, there was a significant difference post-intervention phase in the mean scores for hygiene knowledge of 4.0 (±4.8), p<0.001 as well as hygiene practice scores of 4.3 (±3.4), p<0.001. Output obtained from the multivariable linear regression analysis revealed that participants working in Depot (A) (β=-2.82, p=0.005) were less knowledgeable about hygiene compared to those in Depot (B) in the pre-intervention phase. Participants who have not heard of hygiene-related diseases (β=-3.05, p<0.001) were significantly less knowledgeable about hygiene than their counterparts who have previously heard about hygiene-related diseases. Participants older than 51 years of age had poorer knowledge (b=-0.09, p=0.919) regarding hygiene when compared to the participants who were 18-30 years old. Furthermore, only female participants (b=1.44, p=0.022) and the Coloured ethnic group (b=1.44, p=0.050) had good hygiene practices when handling waste, compared to male participants and those of Black African ethnicity. The study's findings highlight the significant positive impact of an implemented educational intervention programme amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers on improving their knowledge of hygiene-related diseases and hygiene practices when discharging their duties. However, predictor factors such as working environment, educational training background, age, and race significantly influenced the impact of the implemented educational programme. The ongoing implementation of similar initiatives is highly recommended amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers, thus preventing hygiene-related infections amongst the studied population and fostering a healthier environment. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Ntunja, Alive
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Public health , Hygiene , Environmental health
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69738 , vital:78015
- Description: Municipal waste and sanitation workers (street sweepers, latrine cleaners, and waste transporters) play a crucial role in maintaining public health by providing a safe and clean environment. They accomplish this by performing tasks such as sweeping streets, collecting domestic waste regularly, pit latrine cleaning, cleaning public toilets, and operating waste collection trucks. Nonetheless, they play an important role in mitigating health-related challenges by ensuring a clean and healthy environment through correct waste collection and disposal practices. Therefore, safe waste collection is a critical undertaking that safeguards the health and living conditions of individuals worldwide. However, their hygiene-related knowledge and practices remain low due to a lack of educational intervention programmes on hygiene. Therefore, the study investigated the impact of an educational intervention on hygiene knowledge and practices amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM). The study used a quasi-experimental study, one group, (pre- and post-test) design, using an educational intervention. A total of 201 municipal waste and sanitation workers were conveniently sampled in the study from all five municipal waste depots and six wastewater treatment plants in the NMBM. A self-administered, structured, hard-copy questionnaire was used to collect the participants’ demographic data and a pre-intervention assessment on hygiene-related knowledge and practices. An educational intervention based on existing literature and national environmental cleaning guidelines and policies was implemented, and after a minimum gap of two months following the intervention, participants were asked to complete the postintervention questionnaire. The collected data was captured in a QuestionPro survey platform and analysed in Microsoft Office 365 (2019 version) and R software (version 4.4.1). The knowledge and practice items were further evaluated for internal reliability using the Cronbach’s alpha technique. Inferential statistics were used to analyse and describe the data, including tests such as Pearson’s correlations, student t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariable linear regression analysis. A total of 201 participants, comprising 148 (73.6%) males and 53 (26.4%) females, participated in the study. Of the 201 participants, 95 (47.3%) indicated that 2 they had never heard of hygiene-related diseases. The study participants had poor knowledge and practices regarding hygiene prior to the educational intervention. Based on the paired samples t-test, there was a significant difference post-intervention phase in the mean scores for hygiene knowledge of 4.0 (±4.8), p<0.001 as well as hygiene practice scores of 4.3 (±3.4), p<0.001. Output obtained from the multivariable linear regression analysis revealed that participants working in Depot (A) (β=-2.82, p=0.005) were less knowledgeable about hygiene compared to those in Depot (B) in the pre-intervention phase. Participants who have not heard of hygiene-related diseases (β=-3.05, p<0.001) were significantly less knowledgeable about hygiene than their counterparts who have previously heard about hygiene-related diseases. Participants older than 51 years of age had poorer knowledge (b=-0.09, p=0.919) regarding hygiene when compared to the participants who were 18-30 years old. Furthermore, only female participants (b=1.44, p=0.022) and the Coloured ethnic group (b=1.44, p=0.050) had good hygiene practices when handling waste, compared to male participants and those of Black African ethnicity. The study's findings highlight the significant positive impact of an implemented educational intervention programme amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers on improving their knowledge of hygiene-related diseases and hygiene practices when discharging their duties. However, predictor factors such as working environment, educational training background, age, and race significantly influenced the impact of the implemented educational programme. The ongoing implementation of similar initiatives is highly recommended amongst municipal waste and sanitation workers, thus preventing hygiene-related infections amongst the studied population and fostering a healthier environment. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Investigating the purported medicinal properties of cannabinoid containing products available for human consumption in South Africa
- Authors: Stark, Nicole Jade
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Thin layer chromatography , Tetrahydrocannabinol , Cannabinoids
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69716 , vital:78013
- Description: Cannabis has until recently, in some countries, been classified as an illicit, illegal drug. In South Africa, the sale of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is still illegal, but there has been an amendment of legislation in the governing of the use of marijuana in that the private use of marijuana was decriminalised in September 2018. This has led to questions about whether the recreational use of Cannabis should be legalised and what is the potential social implications of this legislation moving forward (Mokwena, 2019). This study aimed to assess whether the indications and consequently the concentrations associated with the declared purported use of cannabinoid containing products correspond with the information declared on the label and conform to the regulatory limits set out for these products. The objectives of this study were to explore: the range of products available in South Africa, the prescribed use and dosage of the product and to test the accuracy of the reported information on the product labelling regarding the cannabinoid content. This investigation pursued a quantitative approach that is empirical and comprised of laboratory-based experiments. A minimum of seven samples of different liquid preparations of products, reported to contain cannabinoids and being sold without the need for a prescription or licence were tested with the aid of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), to separate individual compounds from the many that could be found in these Cannabis products. The results of this testing of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and, where applicable, their concentrations were determined. Using the data collected and review of available literature, assessments were made as to whether the products tested conform to the regulatory standards and contained the cannabinoids as stated on the labelling. From the data obtained findings were that not all products currently available on the South African market correspond to the information reported on the label or conform to the regulatory standards. , Thesis (MPharm) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Stark, Nicole Jade
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Thin layer chromatography , Tetrahydrocannabinol , Cannabinoids
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69716 , vital:78013
- Description: Cannabis has until recently, in some countries, been classified as an illicit, illegal drug. In South Africa, the sale of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is still illegal, but there has been an amendment of legislation in the governing of the use of marijuana in that the private use of marijuana was decriminalised in September 2018. This has led to questions about whether the recreational use of Cannabis should be legalised and what is the potential social implications of this legislation moving forward (Mokwena, 2019). This study aimed to assess whether the indications and consequently the concentrations associated with the declared purported use of cannabinoid containing products correspond with the information declared on the label and conform to the regulatory limits set out for these products. The objectives of this study were to explore: the range of products available in South Africa, the prescribed use and dosage of the product and to test the accuracy of the reported information on the product labelling regarding the cannabinoid content. This investigation pursued a quantitative approach that is empirical and comprised of laboratory-based experiments. A minimum of seven samples of different liquid preparations of products, reported to contain cannabinoids and being sold without the need for a prescription or licence were tested with the aid of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), to separate individual compounds from the many that could be found in these Cannabis products. The results of this testing of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and, where applicable, their concentrations were determined. Using the data collected and review of available literature, assessments were made as to whether the products tested conform to the regulatory standards and contained the cannabinoids as stated on the labelling. From the data obtained findings were that not all products currently available on the South African market correspond to the information reported on the label or conform to the regulatory standards. , Thesis (MPharm) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Strategies to optimize quality of nursing care of patients in public hospitals in the Bono Region, Ghana
- Authors: Atinga Ba-Etilayoo
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nursing -- Ghana , Nurse and patient , Communication in nursing
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69749 , vital:78016
- Description: The quality of nursing care delivery is closely tied to positive patient outcomes and satisfaction. However, in Ghana's public hospitals, particularly in the Bono region, the standard of nursing care often falls short. Media reports have highlighted instances of poor nursing care, leading to increased patient morbidity and mortality in this area. Consequently, this study aimed to develop strategies that could be implemented by stakeholders to optimize the quality of nursing care for patients in public hospitals within the Sunyani municipality in the Bono region of Ghana. The Donabedian model of quality was the theoretical framework that underpinned this study. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed. The study was conducted in four phases: Phase One: This empirical phase explored and described participants' perceptions of nursing care quality in Bono region's public hospitals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews including purposively selected patient participants (n=18), professional nurses (n=18) and nurse managers (n=3) and analysed qualitatively following Creswell and Tesch’s (2021) six-step process. From this analysis, three main themes related to perceptions emerged-facilitators of, barriers to and outcomes of quality nursing care—and were thoroughly discussed. Phase Two: An integrative literature review was conducted to search, select, appraise, extract, and synthesise existing relevant literature on quality nursing care in public hospitals of lower to middle-income countries (LMICs). This review followed four stages recommended by Whittemore and Knafl (2005). The identified literature was critically appraised using the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence and Non-Research Evidence appraisal tools. The appraised literature was analysed, yielding nine strategies for optimizing the quality of nursing care in public hospitals from 12 articles under two themes: “Daily nursing care-related strategies” and “Organizational related strategies”. Phase Three: The findings from Phases One and Two were synthesised to develop a conceptual framework for strategies to optimize quality nursing care in Bono region's public hospitals. This framework was based on Dickoff et al.’s (1968) theory development outline. The resulting framework guided the drafting of the (I-CARE) strategies, an acronym for Implementing ABSTRACT v organizational strategies, Commitment to attributes and practices, Augmenting outcomes, Rendering holistic and patient-centered care, and Enhancing resources and support for quality nursing care. Phase Four: The I-CARE strategies were reviewed and validated by four experts with extensive backgrounds in strategy development and quality nursing care. The experts' modifications and recommendations were incorporated in finalizing the strategies. The strategies, when implemented, are expected to enhance the optimization of nursing care quality in Bono region's public hospitals, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and satisfaction. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Atinga Ba-Etilayoo
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Nursing -- Ghana , Nurse and patient , Communication in nursing
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69749 , vital:78016
- Description: The quality of nursing care delivery is closely tied to positive patient outcomes and satisfaction. However, in Ghana's public hospitals, particularly in the Bono region, the standard of nursing care often falls short. Media reports have highlighted instances of poor nursing care, leading to increased patient morbidity and mortality in this area. Consequently, this study aimed to develop strategies that could be implemented by stakeholders to optimize the quality of nursing care for patients in public hospitals within the Sunyani municipality in the Bono region of Ghana. The Donabedian model of quality was the theoretical framework that underpinned this study. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed. The study was conducted in four phases: Phase One: This empirical phase explored and described participants' perceptions of nursing care quality in Bono region's public hospitals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews including purposively selected patient participants (n=18), professional nurses (n=18) and nurse managers (n=3) and analysed qualitatively following Creswell and Tesch’s (2021) six-step process. From this analysis, three main themes related to perceptions emerged-facilitators of, barriers to and outcomes of quality nursing care—and were thoroughly discussed. Phase Two: An integrative literature review was conducted to search, select, appraise, extract, and synthesise existing relevant literature on quality nursing care in public hospitals of lower to middle-income countries (LMICs). This review followed four stages recommended by Whittemore and Knafl (2005). The identified literature was critically appraised using the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence and Non-Research Evidence appraisal tools. The appraised literature was analysed, yielding nine strategies for optimizing the quality of nursing care in public hospitals from 12 articles under two themes: “Daily nursing care-related strategies” and “Organizational related strategies”. Phase Three: The findings from Phases One and Two were synthesised to develop a conceptual framework for strategies to optimize quality nursing care in Bono region's public hospitals. This framework was based on Dickoff et al.’s (1968) theory development outline. The resulting framework guided the drafting of the (I-CARE) strategies, an acronym for Implementing ABSTRACT v organizational strategies, Commitment to attributes and practices, Augmenting outcomes, Rendering holistic and patient-centered care, and Enhancing resources and support for quality nursing care. Phase Four: The I-CARE strategies were reviewed and validated by four experts with extensive backgrounds in strategy development and quality nursing care. The experts' modifications and recommendations were incorporated in finalizing the strategies. The strategies, when implemented, are expected to enhance the optimization of nursing care quality in Bono region's public hospitals, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and satisfaction. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
Undergraduate bachelor of nursing students’ learning experiences of the operating room environment in public and private hospitals in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: de Vega, Jaunita Martina
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Operating room nurses -- South Africa , Operating rooms -- South Africa , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69794 , vital:78035
- Description: As per the regulations outlined by the South African Nursing Council (SANC), nursing students must fulfil a specified number of clinical hours to become registered practitioners. Regulation R425 and R174 mandates that undergraduate nursing students complete clinical hours in General Nursing Science (GNS), including a component in the operating room (OR) as part of their specialization. However, the educational experiences of Bachelor of Nursing (BON) students in the OR setting are not always positive. The intensity and urgency of perioperative activities in the OR can sometimes leave nursing students feeling threatened and overwhelmed, hindering their ability to view the OR as a conducive clinical learning environment (CLE). The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of undergraduate nursing students’ learning experiences of the OR environment in public and private hospitals while achieving the learning objectives for course completion. The study followed a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design. Undergraduate nursing students based at a higher education institution (HEI) undergoing a four-year BON degree and who had exposure to the OR environment were invited to participate in the study. Data collection involved interviewing 20 participants using focus group discussions. Data was transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically using Tesch’s method of analysis. Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural learning was used as a lens to explore the OR learning experiences of the nursing students placed at both public and private hospitals. An adapted version of the AGREE II tool was used as a framework to develop recommendations to optimise the learning experiences of nursing students in the OR environment. The analysis yielded three overarching themes and nine related sub-themes. It was evident that these students encountered challenges when adapting to the OR environment. These challenges were attributed to factors such as the reception and support they received in the CLE, their level of preparedness for OR procedures, and the numerous factors influencing their learning opportunities within the OR. The findings propose that enhancing nursing students’ preparation, along with implementing a structured induction programme, could lead to a more favourable experience in the OR and optimise learning outcomes. Additionally, fostering supportive mentorship programmes with OR professional nurses or staff trained to introduce nursing students to the OR, promoting professional communication between nursing education institutions (NEIs) and hospital OR management, are pivotal measures for maximizing learning opportunities and nurturing the professional growth of nursing students within the OR environment. Recommendations were developed using an adapted version of the AGREE II tool as a framework to optimise the learning experiences of nursing students in the OR environment. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: de Vega, Jaunita Martina
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Operating room nurses -- South Africa , Operating rooms -- South Africa , Nursing -- Study and teaching -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69794 , vital:78035
- Description: As per the regulations outlined by the South African Nursing Council (SANC), nursing students must fulfil a specified number of clinical hours to become registered practitioners. Regulation R425 and R174 mandates that undergraduate nursing students complete clinical hours in General Nursing Science (GNS), including a component in the operating room (OR) as part of their specialization. However, the educational experiences of Bachelor of Nursing (BON) students in the OR setting are not always positive. The intensity and urgency of perioperative activities in the OR can sometimes leave nursing students feeling threatened and overwhelmed, hindering their ability to view the OR as a conducive clinical learning environment (CLE). The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of undergraduate nursing students’ learning experiences of the OR environment in public and private hospitals while achieving the learning objectives for course completion. The study followed a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design. Undergraduate nursing students based at a higher education institution (HEI) undergoing a four-year BON degree and who had exposure to the OR environment were invited to participate in the study. Data collection involved interviewing 20 participants using focus group discussions. Data was transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically using Tesch’s method of analysis. Vygotsky’s theory of sociocultural learning was used as a lens to explore the OR learning experiences of the nursing students placed at both public and private hospitals. An adapted version of the AGREE II tool was used as a framework to develop recommendations to optimise the learning experiences of nursing students in the OR environment. The analysis yielded three overarching themes and nine related sub-themes. It was evident that these students encountered challenges when adapting to the OR environment. These challenges were attributed to factors such as the reception and support they received in the CLE, their level of preparedness for OR procedures, and the numerous factors influencing their learning opportunities within the OR. The findings propose that enhancing nursing students’ preparation, along with implementing a structured induction programme, could lead to a more favourable experience in the OR and optimise learning outcomes. Additionally, fostering supportive mentorship programmes with OR professional nurses or staff trained to introduce nursing students to the OR, promoting professional communication between nursing education institutions (NEIs) and hospital OR management, are pivotal measures for maximizing learning opportunities and nurturing the professional growth of nursing students within the OR environment. Recommendations were developed using an adapted version of the AGREE II tool as a framework to optimise the learning experiences of nursing students in the OR environment. , Thesis (MCur) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
Young adults’ use of social media platforms in maintaining passion and intimacy within romantic love relationships
- Authors: Maytham, Lauren
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Intimacy (Psychology) , Young adults , Online dating
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69816 , vital:78037
- Description: As technology has advanced, social media platforms have multiplied worldwide, allowing individuals to remain in contact with loved ones near and far. Despite the separation caused by distance, individuals can connect with each other, with social media playing an important role in developing and maintaining modern relationships. This, too, with romantic relationships. Existing research often overlooks the lived experiences of young adults maintaining romantic relationships through social media platforms in South Africa. This study addresses this gap by understanding how social media platforms enhance passion and intimacy, offering insights into the complexities of relationships. Young adults can interact with their romantic partners and explore alternative ways to maintain intimacy and passion when they are not physically together. The primary aim of this research is to understand the lived experiences of young adults who use social media platforms to maintain romantic love relationships. To pursue this aim, the researcher employed a qualitative phenomenological research design with a sample of eight participants, consisting of young adults aged 18 to 35. The participants were obtained using purposive and snowball sampling. The data was collected via online interviews utilising in-depth interviews. The data from participants' interviews was categorised, transcribed, and analysed for themes using Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis. The researcher adhered to ethical principles throughout the research. The findings revealed that routine interactions, such as messaging and video calls, are essential in maintaining relational stability and intimacy. Moreover, social media enhances passion by facilitating the sharing of romantic content, which in turn builds anticipation for physical reunions. However, maintaining privacy and boundaries is essential, requiring mutual understanding and respect. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-12
- Authors: Maytham, Lauren
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Intimacy (Psychology) , Young adults , Online dating
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69816 , vital:78037
- Description: As technology has advanced, social media platforms have multiplied worldwide, allowing individuals to remain in contact with loved ones near and far. Despite the separation caused by distance, individuals can connect with each other, with social media playing an important role in developing and maintaining modern relationships. This, too, with romantic relationships. Existing research often overlooks the lived experiences of young adults maintaining romantic relationships through social media platforms in South Africa. This study addresses this gap by understanding how social media platforms enhance passion and intimacy, offering insights into the complexities of relationships. Young adults can interact with their romantic partners and explore alternative ways to maintain intimacy and passion when they are not physically together. The primary aim of this research is to understand the lived experiences of young adults who use social media platforms to maintain romantic love relationships. To pursue this aim, the researcher employed a qualitative phenomenological research design with a sample of eight participants, consisting of young adults aged 18 to 35. The participants were obtained using purposive and snowball sampling. The data was collected via online interviews utilising in-depth interviews. The data from participants' interviews was categorised, transcribed, and analysed for themes using Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis. The researcher adhered to ethical principles throughout the research. The findings revealed that routine interactions, such as messaging and video calls, are essential in maintaining relational stability and intimacy. Moreover, social media enhances passion by facilitating the sharing of romantic content, which in turn builds anticipation for physical reunions. However, maintaining privacy and boundaries is essential, requiring mutual understanding and respect. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
A discourse analysis study of traditional health practitioners’ role in the treatment of female sexual violence and its mental health sequelae in KwaZulu-Natal
- Authors: Muthwa, Nqobile
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Women -- Violence against -- South Africa , Sex discrimination against women -- South Africa , Physicians -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63904 , vital:73625
- Description: South Africa is considered the epicentre of rape, leading to its reputation as the ‘rape capital of the world’. As a way of mitigating the risk of re-victimisation to individuals who have experienced rape, hospital-based post-rape centres were developed to offer services and support to rape victims. The uptake of these services remains scant as issues such as rape stigma, limited knowledge on their availability and alternative health systems limits their usage. In South Africa, there exists medical pluralism, which refers to multiple ways of making sense of illness and treatment seeking methods. It is estimated that around 80% of South Africans utilise the services of traditional health practitioners in conjunction with biomedical health practices or as a standalone service to get alternative solutions for their health needs. Victims of rape need to access a wide range of services such as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), medical examinations, and emergency contraception. There has been a paucity in research looking into the alternative treatments accessed by rape victims who do not access services in the formal healthcare system. It is against this backdrop that this study explored the construction and treatment formulation of rape by traditional health practitioners. The study focused on the use of language and how it becomes action that influences the services rendered to rape victims. Thematic analysis, discourse and conversational analytical approaches were used to analyse data that emerges from the one-on-one interviews. 15 traditional healers who identified as abathandazi, Izangoma and izinyanga were selected to participate in the present study. The healthworlds framework and social constructionism were used to make sense of how traditional health practitioners construct rape and how the dominant discourses surrounding rape influence how they understand their position as healthcare providers. The main findings of the study illustrated that in the healthworld of traditional healers’ understanding of rape was constructed as ukungcola nobumnyama / impurity and darkness. These discourses spoke to the perception of rape as an aberration as one’s ancestors should prevent traumas and catastrophes from befalling on the individual. When rape occurs, it signalled spiritual problems resulting into a phenomenon where ancestors cannot safeguard the living. Under these discourse rape was also constructed as something that taints, impurifies and contaminates not just the raped individual but their entire bloodline and ancestors. As a result of the discourse surrounding rape, cleansing and purification rituals played a huge role in post-rape care. In addition, traditional health practitioners viewed their role as facilitators in reestablishing the relationship between the raped individual and their ancestors. The study observed that rape victims who share the same healthworld are likely to experience spiritual transgressions following rape which will have long-lasting effects on the psychological health outcomes of victims. The present study recommends a post-rape care model that advocates for collaborative opportunities between biomedical and traditional healthcare practitioners. This model can be integrated into existing post-rape care systems to provide holistic and comprehensive healthcare that addresses biopsychosocial as well as the spiritual and cultural influences of rape. , Thesis (DPhil) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Muthwa, Nqobile
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Women -- Violence against -- South Africa , Sex discrimination against women -- South Africa , Physicians -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63904 , vital:73625
- Description: South Africa is considered the epicentre of rape, leading to its reputation as the ‘rape capital of the world’. As a way of mitigating the risk of re-victimisation to individuals who have experienced rape, hospital-based post-rape centres were developed to offer services and support to rape victims. The uptake of these services remains scant as issues such as rape stigma, limited knowledge on their availability and alternative health systems limits their usage. In South Africa, there exists medical pluralism, which refers to multiple ways of making sense of illness and treatment seeking methods. It is estimated that around 80% of South Africans utilise the services of traditional health practitioners in conjunction with biomedical health practices or as a standalone service to get alternative solutions for their health needs. Victims of rape need to access a wide range of services such as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), medical examinations, and emergency contraception. There has been a paucity in research looking into the alternative treatments accessed by rape victims who do not access services in the formal healthcare system. It is against this backdrop that this study explored the construction and treatment formulation of rape by traditional health practitioners. The study focused on the use of language and how it becomes action that influences the services rendered to rape victims. Thematic analysis, discourse and conversational analytical approaches were used to analyse data that emerges from the one-on-one interviews. 15 traditional healers who identified as abathandazi, Izangoma and izinyanga were selected to participate in the present study. The healthworlds framework and social constructionism were used to make sense of how traditional health practitioners construct rape and how the dominant discourses surrounding rape influence how they understand their position as healthcare providers. The main findings of the study illustrated that in the healthworld of traditional healers’ understanding of rape was constructed as ukungcola nobumnyama / impurity and darkness. These discourses spoke to the perception of rape as an aberration as one’s ancestors should prevent traumas and catastrophes from befalling on the individual. When rape occurs, it signalled spiritual problems resulting into a phenomenon where ancestors cannot safeguard the living. Under these discourse rape was also constructed as something that taints, impurifies and contaminates not just the raped individual but their entire bloodline and ancestors. As a result of the discourse surrounding rape, cleansing and purification rituals played a huge role in post-rape care. In addition, traditional health practitioners viewed their role as facilitators in reestablishing the relationship between the raped individual and their ancestors. The study observed that rape victims who share the same healthworld are likely to experience spiritual transgressions following rape which will have long-lasting effects on the psychological health outcomes of victims. The present study recommends a post-rape care model that advocates for collaborative opportunities between biomedical and traditional healthcare practitioners. This model can be integrated into existing post-rape care systems to provide holistic and comprehensive healthcare that addresses biopsychosocial as well as the spiritual and cultural influences of rape. , Thesis (DPhil) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04
A qualitative review on the manner in which psychologists address language barriers in psychological testing with isiXhosa speaking clients
- Authors: Fouche, Nicoleen Leonie
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Language and languages -- Psychological aspects , Psychological tests -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Counseling psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63835 , vital:73618
- Description: A racially segregated culture historically influenced the growth of psychological testing and evaluation in South Africa. Thus, South Africa's multicultural and multilingual community poses difficulties for psychologists in their daily work. Most of the psychological tests used by psychologists are predominantly normed in either or only English/Afrikaans. Given the economic and professional resources required to develop new standardised tests for the broader South African population, the current status quo is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Consequently, language barriers pose a challenge when psychometric standardised tests are administered in a language that is different from that of the client, and as a result, psychologists must develop ways to enhance the fairness of these measures for their client base. The avenue of research that was explored is how psychologists overcome the language boundary when assessing clients who speak an indigenous first language, particularly isiXhosa. As such, this study explored this question through qualitative methods. Through purposive sampling, nine psychologists were invited to share their practical expertise on this topic, using semi-structured online interviews. The findings of this study suggested several core themes providing useful methods for other psychologists facing the same challenge, including the challenges with administering psychological tests with isiXhosa clients, the availability of standardised tests in the South African context, and the importance of determining the client’s language proficiency. Five themes with several sub-themes emerged from the study. The study contributes to the currently limited existing body of knowledge, and subsequently to the research area that this study explores - thus further providing guidelines that practitioners can employ when working with clients who are isiXhosa speaking. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Fouche, Nicoleen Leonie
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Language and languages -- Psychological aspects , Psychological tests -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Counseling psychology
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63835 , vital:73618
- Description: A racially segregated culture historically influenced the growth of psychological testing and evaluation in South Africa. Thus, South Africa's multicultural and multilingual community poses difficulties for psychologists in their daily work. Most of the psychological tests used by psychologists are predominantly normed in either or only English/Afrikaans. Given the economic and professional resources required to develop new standardised tests for the broader South African population, the current status quo is set to continue for the foreseeable future. Consequently, language barriers pose a challenge when psychometric standardised tests are administered in a language that is different from that of the client, and as a result, psychologists must develop ways to enhance the fairness of these measures for their client base. The avenue of research that was explored is how psychologists overcome the language boundary when assessing clients who speak an indigenous first language, particularly isiXhosa. As such, this study explored this question through qualitative methods. Through purposive sampling, nine psychologists were invited to share their practical expertise on this topic, using semi-structured online interviews. The findings of this study suggested several core themes providing useful methods for other psychologists facing the same challenge, including the challenges with administering psychological tests with isiXhosa clients, the availability of standardised tests in the South African context, and the importance of determining the client’s language proficiency. Five themes with several sub-themes emerged from the study. The study contributes to the currently limited existing body of knowledge, and subsequently to the research area that this study explores - thus further providing guidelines that practitioners can employ when working with clients who are isiXhosa speaking. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04
An in vitro assessment of pharmacodynamic interactions between selected herbal extracts and anticancer chemotherapeutic agents
- Hwehwe, Nyashadzashe, Swanepoel, Bresler
- Authors: Hwehwe, Nyashadzashe , Swanepoel, Bresler
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Chemotherapy , Herbs -- Therapeutic use , Antineoplastic agents
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63506 , vital:73383
- Description: Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled growth and spreading of abnormal cells to distant body parts. Approximately 19.3 million and 10 million new cancer cases and cancer deaths, respectively were recorded in 2020. Despite advancements in prevention and therapeutic strategies, cancer remains a global health problem. Cancer patients are increasingly seeking complementary and alternative medicines, of which herbal medicines are the most common form of CAM used by patients. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies of herbal medicines in cancer have shown that they have antioxidant and anticancer (antitumor and anti-proliferative) properties. While concurrent use with conventional cancer treatments may improve treatment efficacy, alleviate chemotherapy-related side effects, boost the immune system, or impede drug resistance, it can also prompt drug-herbal interactions, and this may affect the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the chemotherapeutic drug. This study aimed to determine relevant pharmacodynamic interactions with chemotherapeutic drugs and investigate such interactions' mechanisms. The objectives of the study were to screen the cytotoxicity effects of drug compounds, herbal extracts, and drug-herb combinations, to determine the ability of treatments to induce apoptosis, and to determine the most beneficial treatment. The cytotoxic effects of cisplatin in HeLa cells, tamoxifen in MCF7 cells, 5-fluorouracil in Caco-2 cells, and grapeseed, green tea, fermented rooibos, and green rooibos in all the listed cell lines were evaluated individually and in combination using the bis-Benzamide H 33342 trihydrochloride/propidium iodide (Hoechst 33342/PI) dual staining method. CompuSyn 1.0 Software was used to quantify synergism and antagonism. The mechanism of apoptosis induction of the different synergetic combinations, drug compounds, and herbal extracts was illustrated by quantitative fluorescence image analysis, specifically cell cycle analysis, phosphatidylserine translocation, mitochondrial membrane potential analysis, caspase 3 activation, and reactive oxygen species production using the relevant contrast dyes. Grapeseed displayed cytotoxicity towards MCF7 and HeLa cells (IC50 57.98 and 83.28 μg/mL, respectively). Green tea was only cytotoxic against HeLa cells at an IC50 of 91,92 μg/mL. None of the extracts displayed cytotoxicity against Caco-2 cells (IC50 values > 200μg/mL). If the herbal extracts had inconclusive IC50 values in the three cell lines subsequent experiments were conducted using 100 μg/mL. The results showed that most of the combinations were antagonistic but, some combinations had synergistic or enhancement effects(1:3 for cisplatin with grape seed or green tea and tamoxifen with grapeseed or green tea, and 3:1 for cisplatin with green tea as well as for tamoxifen with fermented rooibos or green rooibos, and all the 1:1 combinations of 5- fluorouracil with all herbal extracts) with a combination index (CI) < 1. Grape seed and green tea were found to induce apoptosis in the three cell lines. Assays that were conducted to detect apoptosis induction showed positive staining for phosphatidylserine (PS), activated caspase 3, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Analysis of the cell cycle showed two things; 1) that grape seed and green tea were apoptotic in HeLa and MCF7 cells only, and 2) the extracts of green tea and green rooibos, and the combinations of grape seed with all drug compounds arrested the cell in more than one phase of the cell cycle. The combinations of grapeseed and green tea potentially induced apoptosis in various manners but those with both rooibos extracts were unclear in all the cell lines. The results for combinations with grapeseed and green tea are promising and provide a basis for further research as combinations of chemotherapeutic drugs and herbal extracts may be effective therapeutic strategies. , Thesis (MPharm) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Hwehwe, Nyashadzashe , Swanepoel, Bresler
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Chemotherapy , Herbs -- Therapeutic use , Antineoplastic agents
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63506 , vital:73383
- Description: Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled growth and spreading of abnormal cells to distant body parts. Approximately 19.3 million and 10 million new cancer cases and cancer deaths, respectively were recorded in 2020. Despite advancements in prevention and therapeutic strategies, cancer remains a global health problem. Cancer patients are increasingly seeking complementary and alternative medicines, of which herbal medicines are the most common form of CAM used by patients. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies of herbal medicines in cancer have shown that they have antioxidant and anticancer (antitumor and anti-proliferative) properties. While concurrent use with conventional cancer treatments may improve treatment efficacy, alleviate chemotherapy-related side effects, boost the immune system, or impede drug resistance, it can also prompt drug-herbal interactions, and this may affect the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the chemotherapeutic drug. This study aimed to determine relevant pharmacodynamic interactions with chemotherapeutic drugs and investigate such interactions' mechanisms. The objectives of the study were to screen the cytotoxicity effects of drug compounds, herbal extracts, and drug-herb combinations, to determine the ability of treatments to induce apoptosis, and to determine the most beneficial treatment. The cytotoxic effects of cisplatin in HeLa cells, tamoxifen in MCF7 cells, 5-fluorouracil in Caco-2 cells, and grapeseed, green tea, fermented rooibos, and green rooibos in all the listed cell lines were evaluated individually and in combination using the bis-Benzamide H 33342 trihydrochloride/propidium iodide (Hoechst 33342/PI) dual staining method. CompuSyn 1.0 Software was used to quantify synergism and antagonism. The mechanism of apoptosis induction of the different synergetic combinations, drug compounds, and herbal extracts was illustrated by quantitative fluorescence image analysis, specifically cell cycle analysis, phosphatidylserine translocation, mitochondrial membrane potential analysis, caspase 3 activation, and reactive oxygen species production using the relevant contrast dyes. Grapeseed displayed cytotoxicity towards MCF7 and HeLa cells (IC50 57.98 and 83.28 μg/mL, respectively). Green tea was only cytotoxic against HeLa cells at an IC50 of 91,92 μg/mL. None of the extracts displayed cytotoxicity against Caco-2 cells (IC50 values > 200μg/mL). If the herbal extracts had inconclusive IC50 values in the three cell lines subsequent experiments were conducted using 100 μg/mL. The results showed that most of the combinations were antagonistic but, some combinations had synergistic or enhancement effects(1:3 for cisplatin with grape seed or green tea and tamoxifen with grapeseed or green tea, and 3:1 for cisplatin with green tea as well as for tamoxifen with fermented rooibos or green rooibos, and all the 1:1 combinations of 5- fluorouracil with all herbal extracts) with a combination index (CI) < 1. Grape seed and green tea were found to induce apoptosis in the three cell lines. Assays that were conducted to detect apoptosis induction showed positive staining for phosphatidylserine (PS), activated caspase 3, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Analysis of the cell cycle showed two things; 1) that grape seed and green tea were apoptotic in HeLa and MCF7 cells only, and 2) the extracts of green tea and green rooibos, and the combinations of grape seed with all drug compounds arrested the cell in more than one phase of the cell cycle. The combinations of grapeseed and green tea potentially induced apoptosis in various manners but those with both rooibos extracts were unclear in all the cell lines. The results for combinations with grapeseed and green tea are promising and provide a basis for further research as combinations of chemotherapeutic drugs and herbal extracts may be effective therapeutic strategies. , Thesis (MPharm) -- Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Clinical Care & Medicinal Sciences, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-04
Community violence and mental health symptoms among adolescents in South Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Authors: Jameson, Stacey
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Violence -- Psychological aspects , Adolescent psychology , Community psychology , Mental health services
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63868 , vital:73621
- Description: There is a global prevalence of youth exposure to community violence. This is notably pronounced in South Africa, where children and adolescents face elevated levels of violence. Existing systematic reviews have predominately focused on international contexts, leaving a gap that requires comprehensive analysis within the South African context to understand the situation in comparison to global trends. The objective of this study was to synthesise the available literature on adolescent exposure to community violence and its impact on mental health outcomes in South Africa. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of such exposure among South African adolescents, explore associated internalising and externalising mental health symptoms, and assess the extent of this relationship. A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted, encompassing studies published between 2010 and 2022. Eighteen studies focusing on adolescents aged 10 to 19 years, investigating exposure to community violence and mental health outcomes were included. Meta-analytical procedures revealed that South African adolescents face elevated levels of both witnessing and direct victimisation of community violence, accompanied by heightened mental health symptoms, particularly in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Although a moderate positive correlation between community violence exposure and depression was identified, statistical significance was not achieved. Subgroup analyses, to explore gender as a potential moderating factor was conducted. This study underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and policy measures to address the impact of community violence on adolescent mental wellbeing in South Africa. These findings contribute to the existing literature by providing an understanding of the situation in the South African context compared to global estimates, offering recommendations for future research to inform more effective public health strategies. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Jameson, Stacey
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Violence -- Psychological aspects , Adolescent psychology , Community psychology , Mental health services
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63868 , vital:73621
- Description: There is a global prevalence of youth exposure to community violence. This is notably pronounced in South Africa, where children and adolescents face elevated levels of violence. Existing systematic reviews have predominately focused on international contexts, leaving a gap that requires comprehensive analysis within the South African context to understand the situation in comparison to global trends. The objective of this study was to synthesise the available literature on adolescent exposure to community violence and its impact on mental health outcomes in South Africa. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of such exposure among South African adolescents, explore associated internalising and externalising mental health symptoms, and assess the extent of this relationship. A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted, encompassing studies published between 2010 and 2022. Eighteen studies focusing on adolescents aged 10 to 19 years, investigating exposure to community violence and mental health outcomes were included. Meta-analytical procedures revealed that South African adolescents face elevated levels of both witnessing and direct victimisation of community violence, accompanied by heightened mental health symptoms, particularly in depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Although a moderate positive correlation between community violence exposure and depression was identified, statistical significance was not achieved. Subgroup analyses, to explore gender as a potential moderating factor was conducted. This study underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and policy measures to address the impact of community violence on adolescent mental wellbeing in South Africa. These findings contribute to the existing literature by providing an understanding of the situation in the South African context compared to global estimates, offering recommendations for future research to inform more effective public health strategies. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
Early screening for the post intensive care syndrome in a tertiary ICU follow-up clinic in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: van der Merwe, Elizabeth
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Critical care medicine , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Patients , Psychology, Pathological
- Language: English
- Type: Doctral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63915 , vital:73626
- Description: The Post ICU Syndrome (PICS) is defined as a constellation of new or worsened impairments in physical, cognitive, and/or psychological health which persist after critical care discharge. These deficits are more related to the patients’ intensive care unit (ICU) stay rather than to their original ICU admission diagnosis. Between 25-50% of critical care survivors suffer from PICS. There is a paucity of research on PICS in South Africa (SA). The primary objective of this study is to describe the incidence and co-occurrence of PICS symptoms, as well as the changes in instrumental activities of daily living and life roles in ICU survivors.The study was conducted in a multidisciplinary tertiary ICU in the Eastern Cape. Inclusion criteria were respiratory support for ≥ 48 hours, or a shocked state, and/or organ failure requiring ICU stay for 48 hours. Patients were assessed at six weeks and six months after hospital discharge. Physical impairment was measured by the six-minute walk test and ICU-acquired weakness by the Medical Research Council scale. Instrumental activities of daily living score and employment/educational status were determined. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Impact of Event Scale-Revised questionnaires were used as screening tools for significant psychological symptoms. Screening for neurocognitive impairment was performed with the NeuroScreen application and compared to a matched control group. The Short Form-36 Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire (HRQOL) was used to determine quality of life at baseline and study visits. 107 patients, half of whom had COVID-19, completed the six-month follow-up. Six months after hospital discharge, six out of ten patients were affected by PICS, five out of every ten suffered from physical impairment, four out of every ten reported significant psychological symptoms, with three out of every ten affected by both. Three out of ten experienced significant chronic pain. Overall, six out of every ten patients experienced significant psychological symptoms at either one or both study visits. Only one in ten had psychological symptoms in isolation at six months. Six out of every ten patients reported a significantly lower health-related quality of life at six months as compared to their baseline. Three out of every ten patients had not returned to their previous remunerative work, studying or home making. Neurocognitive impairment in this cohort was not verified, and this may have been due to the selection of the control group. However, there was a significant improvement in neurocognitive functioning from the six-week to the six-month study visits. Only 15% of patients received rehabilitation therapy after hospital discharge. Female sex, a higher co-morbidity score and an admission diagnosis of trauma were predictors of PICS symptoms. COVID-19 was not found to be associated with a higher incidence of PICS. , Thesis (D.Phil) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: van der Merwe, Elizabeth
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Critical care medicine , Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Patients , Psychology, Pathological
- Language: English
- Type: Doctral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63915 , vital:73626
- Description: The Post ICU Syndrome (PICS) is defined as a constellation of new or worsened impairments in physical, cognitive, and/or psychological health which persist after critical care discharge. These deficits are more related to the patients’ intensive care unit (ICU) stay rather than to their original ICU admission diagnosis. Between 25-50% of critical care survivors suffer from PICS. There is a paucity of research on PICS in South Africa (SA). The primary objective of this study is to describe the incidence and co-occurrence of PICS symptoms, as well as the changes in instrumental activities of daily living and life roles in ICU survivors.The study was conducted in a multidisciplinary tertiary ICU in the Eastern Cape. Inclusion criteria were respiratory support for ≥ 48 hours, or a shocked state, and/or organ failure requiring ICU stay for 48 hours. Patients were assessed at six weeks and six months after hospital discharge. Physical impairment was measured by the six-minute walk test and ICU-acquired weakness by the Medical Research Council scale. Instrumental activities of daily living score and employment/educational status were determined. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Impact of Event Scale-Revised questionnaires were used as screening tools for significant psychological symptoms. Screening for neurocognitive impairment was performed with the NeuroScreen application and compared to a matched control group. The Short Form-36 Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire (HRQOL) was used to determine quality of life at baseline and study visits. 107 patients, half of whom had COVID-19, completed the six-month follow-up. Six months after hospital discharge, six out of ten patients were affected by PICS, five out of every ten suffered from physical impairment, four out of every ten reported significant psychological symptoms, with three out of every ten affected by both. Three out of ten experienced significant chronic pain. Overall, six out of every ten patients experienced significant psychological symptoms at either one or both study visits. Only one in ten had psychological symptoms in isolation at six months. Six out of every ten patients reported a significantly lower health-related quality of life at six months as compared to their baseline. Three out of every ten patients had not returned to their previous remunerative work, studying or home making. Neurocognitive impairment in this cohort was not verified, and this may have been due to the selection of the control group. However, there was a significant improvement in neurocognitive functioning from the six-week to the six-month study visits. Only 15% of patients received rehabilitation therapy after hospital discharge. Female sex, a higher co-morbidity score and an admission diagnosis of trauma were predictors of PICS symptoms. COVID-19 was not found to be associated with a higher incidence of PICS. , Thesis (D.Phil) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
Exploring cultural context and masculine ideals: implications for male mental health help-seeking in South Africa
- Authors: Bux, Shezadia
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Mental health counseling , Masculinity -- South Africa , Men -- Mental health
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69604 , vital:77961
- Description: The pervasive underdiagnosis and undertreatment of mental health issues among males, exacerbated by societal expectations of masculinity, represent a significant public health concern. This study addresses the critical gap in understanding how sociocultural constructs of masculinity influence mental health help-seeking behaviours among males in South Africa, a context marked by high rates of crime, violence, substance abuse, and male suicides. Adopting a qualitative research approach, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 12 participants, employing convenience and snowball sampling techniques to achieve data saturation. Thematic analysis was utilised to systematically identify and interpret patterns of meaning within the data, focusing on participants' understandings of mental health, the impact of sociocultural constructions of masculinity on their help-seeking behaviours, and the barriers they encounter. The findings illuminate the profound impact of sociocultural constructs of masculinity on male mental health help-seeking behaviours, revealing significant barriers rooted in societal stigma, traditional masculinity norms, and a lack of tailored mental health services. The study also introduces a conceptual model illustrating the influences on mental health acknowledgement and help-seeking behaviour among males in South Africa, underscored by a reflective analysis of exploring male emotional well-being. This study highlights the urgent need for culturally sensitive mental health care interventions that address the unique challenges faced by men in South African communities. By challenging societal norms and advocating for improved mental health awareness and services tailored to men, this research contributes to the broader discourse on gender, mental health, and social change, offering insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to enhance male mental health outcomes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Bux, Shezadia
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Mental health counseling , Masculinity -- South Africa , Men -- Mental health
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/69604 , vital:77961
- Description: The pervasive underdiagnosis and undertreatment of mental health issues among males, exacerbated by societal expectations of masculinity, represent a significant public health concern. This study addresses the critical gap in understanding how sociocultural constructs of masculinity influence mental health help-seeking behaviours among males in South Africa, a context marked by high rates of crime, violence, substance abuse, and male suicides. Adopting a qualitative research approach, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 12 participants, employing convenience and snowball sampling techniques to achieve data saturation. Thematic analysis was utilised to systematically identify and interpret patterns of meaning within the data, focusing on participants' understandings of mental health, the impact of sociocultural constructions of masculinity on their help-seeking behaviours, and the barriers they encounter. The findings illuminate the profound impact of sociocultural constructs of masculinity on male mental health help-seeking behaviours, revealing significant barriers rooted in societal stigma, traditional masculinity norms, and a lack of tailored mental health services. The study also introduces a conceptual model illustrating the influences on mental health acknowledgement and help-seeking behaviour among males in South Africa, underscored by a reflective analysis of exploring male emotional well-being. This study highlights the urgent need for culturally sensitive mental health care interventions that address the unique challenges faced by men in South African communities. By challenging societal norms and advocating for improved mental health awareness and services tailored to men, this research contributes to the broader discourse on gender, mental health, and social change, offering insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to enhance male mental health outcomes. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
Exploring resilience of social workers working within the healthcare system in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, South Africa
- Authors: Deliwe, Olwethu Paul
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Social workers -- Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Resilience (Personality trait) , Health services administration -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63824 , vital:73617
- Description: Social workers working in the health care setting must respond to complex patient needs, a fast paced and multidisciplinary work environment, that are frequently not experienced as equalising platforms for the social work discipline. This requires a high level of resilience in social workers to remain responsive to compassionate human care, quality service delivery and selfcare. This study aimed to explore the resilience of social workers in the healthcare sector, in order to address the knowledge and practice gap and contribute to a better understanding of mental healthcare needs and coping resources of social workers, working in this field of service. The study was guided by two theoretical frameworks: The ecological systems theory and resilience theory. Informed by a constructivism research paradigm, the study employed semi-structures in-depth research interviews as a method to collect data with eight social workers as research participants, recruited via purposive research sampling from health and mental health care settings. The key findings indicate that social workers experience various challenges at work that leads to burnout as a result of the complex work that they do, and they are required to contain these and be resilient using different mechanism. All the ethical protocols were observed, and the necessary measures taken to enhance the trustworthiness of the study. The findings make a valuable contribution to the curriculum input for social work training and valuable insights for continuous professional development for social work practitioners in the health care sector. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Deliwe, Olwethu Paul
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Social workers -- Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Resilience (Personality trait) , Health services administration -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa)
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63824 , vital:73617
- Description: Social workers working in the health care setting must respond to complex patient needs, a fast paced and multidisciplinary work environment, that are frequently not experienced as equalising platforms for the social work discipline. This requires a high level of resilience in social workers to remain responsive to compassionate human care, quality service delivery and selfcare. This study aimed to explore the resilience of social workers in the healthcare sector, in order to address the knowledge and practice gap and contribute to a better understanding of mental healthcare needs and coping resources of social workers, working in this field of service. The study was guided by two theoretical frameworks: The ecological systems theory and resilience theory. Informed by a constructivism research paradigm, the study employed semi-structures in-depth research interviews as a method to collect data with eight social workers as research participants, recruited via purposive research sampling from health and mental health care settings. The key findings indicate that social workers experience various challenges at work that leads to burnout as a result of the complex work that they do, and they are required to contain these and be resilient using different mechanism. All the ethical protocols were observed, and the necessary measures taken to enhance the trustworthiness of the study. The findings make a valuable contribution to the curriculum input for social work training and valuable insights for continuous professional development for social work practitioners in the health care sector. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Health Science, School of Behavioural & Lifestyle Sciences, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04