The water and nutrient potential of brewery effluent for hydroponic tomato production
- Authors: Power, Sean Duncan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Hydroponics , Tomatoes -- Breeding , Brewery waste , Water -- Purification , Algae culture , Algae -- Biotechnology , Nitric acid , Phosphoric acid
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5358 , , Hydroponics , Tomatoes -- Breeding , Brewery waste , Water -- Purification , Algae culture , Algae -- Biotechnology , Nitric acid , Phosphoric acid
- Description: Brewery effluent that had undergone treatment in an anaerobic digester (AD) was used as an alternative water and nutrient source for hydroponic crop production. Brewery effluent was demonstrated to contain sufficient nutrients to support the growth, flowering and fruiting of Lycopersicum escolentum "Moneymaker" tomato crops. The adjustment of the effluent pH with phosphoric acid to between pH 6.0 and 6.5 increased the development of the crops by around 100% compared to crops grown in unaltered effluent. The pH adjusted effluent-grown plants grew to a mean height of 831.4 ± 21.1 mm and a dry biomass weight of 42.34 ± 2.76 g compared to the unaltered pH effluent plants which grew to a height of 410.6 ± 20.5 mm and a weight of 7.65 ± 0.68 g after 49 days. Effluent treatment in high-rate algal ponds (HRAP) was determined to have no positive effect on the nutritional potential of the effluent for Moneymaker production. The effluent-grown plants did not perform as well as plants grown in inorganic-fertilizer and municipal water. Plants grown in effluent grew taller but did not produce significantly more fruit when phosphoric acid (height: 1573.3 ± 50.4 mm, 19.4 ± 1.4 fruit per plant) was compared to nitric acid (height: 1254.1 ± 25.4 mm, 15.6 ± 1.5 fruit per plant) as the pH adjustment over 72 days. Direct and secondary plant stresses from effluent alkalinity, ammonium nutrition, nitrogen limitation, sodium concentrations and heat stress among other factors were probably confounding variables in these trials and require further investigation. Considering the raw effluent composition and manipulating the AD operation is a potential opportunity to improve overall AD performance, reduce chemical inputs in the effluent treatment process, reduce the final effluent alkalinity, and increase available nitrogen content in the final effluent. The anaerobic digester discharging >1000 m³ of nutrient enriched effluent every day is a resource with considerable potential. The benefits of developing this resource can contribute to cost-reduction at the brewery, more efficient water, nutrient and energy management at the brewery, and offer opportunities for job creation and potentially benefit local food security.
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- Date Issued: 2014
The production of Omega 3 fatty acids by a mixed microalgae culture
- Authors: Kimono, Diana Agnes
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Omega-3 fatty acids , Algae culture , Microalgae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:21097
- Description: Background and Aim: Microalgae are a potential economical source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids derived from microalgae are however still expensive due to high costs involved in production. These costs can partly be attributed to cultivation of microalgae in unialgal cultures, which are prone to contamination, difficult to scale up and require stringent control of growth conditions. This study therefore is aimed to investigate the feasibility of using a mixed microalgae culture for the production of omega-3 fatty acids. Methods and materials: The microalgae were grown under uncontrolled conditions in a hanging-bag photo-bioreactor, with only the phosphorus-nitrogen ratio (P:N-ratio) varied. Variations in the different population proportions in the culture were studied and related to the biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity of the culture. Finally, a comparison was made between the results obtained in this study and similar studies found in literature. Results and discussion: The mixed culture used was composed of several green microalgae, whose proportions varied with P:N-ratio, season, and age of the culture. Different interactions between the populations were observable, and these were thought to influence the culture’s biomass, total fatty acids (TFAs) and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. The TFA content of the culture was ~10-20% by the end of the exponential phase, depending on the nutrients supplied. The fatty acids were composed of mostly unsaturated fatty acids, the majority of which were omega-3 fatty acids; C18:3ω3 (up to 50% of TFA), C16:4ω3 (up to 15%) and C18:4ω3 (up to 5%). Other fatty acids observed included C16:0 (up to 25%), C18:1ω9/C18:1ω8 (up to 20%), C18:2ω6 (up to 5%), traces of C18:0, C18:3ω6, C17:0, C16:3ω3 and C16:1ω7 were also detected. The presence of these fatty acids was found to vary depending on season, P:N-ratio, and age of the culture. When compared to studies in the literature, the mixed culture was found to perform better than, or as well as reported studies, where unialgal cultures were cultivated under controlled laboratory conditions. Conclusion: In view of the reported advantages of cultivating mixed cultures, the production of omega-3 fatty acids via such cultures appears attractive. More research however is needed to optimise the culture; study interactions between the organisms and their effect on biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. Finally, the economic implications of using mixed cultures need to be evaluated as well.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The treatment of brewery effluent using an integrated high rate algal ponding system
- Authors: Cilliers, Anneke
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Water -- Purification -- South Africa , Algae -- Biotechnology , Algae culture , Algae -- Economic aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5331 , , Water -- Purification -- South Africa , Algae -- Biotechnology , Algae culture , Algae -- Economic aspects
- Description: The application of high rate algal ponds (HRAP) in the treatment of brewery effluent that met the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's (DWAF) general limits for discharge into a natural water resource of 1998 were tested during a lO-month baseline phase, followed by an 11-month optimization phase. The objective of the baseline phase was to monitor the seasonal performance of HRAPs. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) fluctuated between 11.16 d and 12.00 d in HRAPs. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) increased from 130.12 ± 6.94 mg/L (post-AD), to 171.21 ± 7.99 mg/L (post-HRAP) . The presence of algal cells and evaporation contributed towards an increase in post-HRAP COD. The ammonia (NH₄-N) concentration decreased from 46.59 ± 2.47 mg/L (post-AD), to 1.08 ± 0.12 mg/L (post-HRAP). The nitrite (NO₂- N) concentration remained below 1.00 mg/L in post-pilot plant AD, post-PFP and post-HRAP effluent. The phosphate (PO₄-P) concentration decreased from 29.81 ± 1.39 mg/L (post-AD) to 17.30 ± 1.16 mg/L PO₄-P. The objective of the optimization phase was to manipulate the HRT to achieve the maximum treatment rate that met the DWAF general limits for discharge into a natural water resource of 1998. Nitrogen (as NH₄-N, NO₃-N, NO₂-N) removal efficiency was used as an indicator of nutrient removal success. HRT was influenced by season. The optimal HRT for autumn was 4.30 d at a temperature of 20.53ºC in HRAP A2 (heated) and 18.96ºC in HRAP B2 (ambient). The optimal HRT for summer was 2.74 d at 29.90ºC in HRAP A2 (heated) and 26.36ºC in HRAP B2 (ambient). The COD decreased from 152.33 ± 4.85 mg/L (post-AD) to 95 .00 ± 3.75 mg/L (post-HRAP A2), and to 100.82 ± 5.93 mg/L (post-HRAP B2). The incoming NH₄-N concentration decreased from 42.53 ± 1.38 mg/ L (post-AD), to 1.70 ± 0.81 mg/ L (post-HRAP) . The nitrate (NO₃-N) concentration post-HRAP was 12 - 14 mg/L. The main methods for NH₄-N removal were probably NH₄-N volatilization through algal uptake. HRAPs were able to lower nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations to within the DWAF limits under normal operating conditions. It is recommended that HRAP treated brewery wastewater be used for irrigation after salt removal, or alternatively, for groundwater recharge . Regulatory exemptions would be required for higher than permitted COD and EC concentrations to enable these actions.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Co-utilisation of microalgae for wastewater treatment and the production of animal feed supplements
- Authors: Johnson, Hailey E
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Microalgae -- Biotechnology , Algae culture , Algae products , Waste products as feed , Sewage -- Purification , Organic wastes -- Recycling , Food industry and trade -- Waste disposal , Agriculture -- Waste disposal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3940 , , Microalgae -- Biotechnology , Algae culture , Algae products , Waste products as feed , Sewage -- Purification , Organic wastes -- Recycling , Food industry and trade -- Waste disposal , Agriculture -- Waste disposal
- Description: Microalgae have a variety of commercial applications, the oldest of which include utilisation as a food source and for use in wastewater treatment. These applications, however, are seldom combined due to toxicity concerns, for ethical reasons, and generally the requirement for cultivation of a single algae species for use as a feed supplement. These problems might be negated if a “safer” wastewater such as that from agricultural and/or commercial food production facilities were to be utilised and if a stable algae population can be maintained. In this investigation preliminary studies were carried out using an Integrated Algae Pond System (IAPS) for domestic wastewater treatment to determine the species composition in the associated High Rate Algae Ponds (HRAPs). The effect of different modes of operation, continuous versus batch, on nutrient removal, productivity and species composition was also investigated. Furthermore, indigenous species in the HRAP were isolated and molecularly identified as, Chlorella, Micractinium, Scenedesmus and Pediastrum. Additionally, the effect of the nor amino acid, 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid (HMTBA) and its Cu-chelated derivative, on the growth and biochemical composition of Chlorella, Micractinium, Scenedesmus, Pediastrum and Spirulina was investigated. Species composition in the HRAP was stable under continuous operation with Micractinium dominating > 90% of the algae population. Under batch operation the population dynamic shifted; Chlorella outcompeted Micractinium possibly due to nutrient depletion and selective grazing pressures caused by proliferation of Daphnia. Higher species diversity was observed during batch mode as slower growing algae were able to establish in the HRAP. Nutrient removal efficiency and biomass productivity was higher in continuous mode, however lower nutrient levels were obtained in batch operation. HMTBA did not significantly affect growth rate, however treatment with 10 mg.L-1 resulted in slightly increased growth rate in Micractinium and increased final biomass concentrations in Chlorella, Micractinium and Spirulina (although this was not statistically significant for Micractinium and Spirulina), which are known mixotrophic species. Algae treated with Cu-HMTBA, showed reduced final biomass concentration with 10 mg.L-1, caused by Cu toxicity. Biochemical composition of the algae was species-specific and differed through the growth cycle, with high protein observed during early growth and high carbohydrate during late growth/early stationary phase. Additionally, 0.1 mg.L-1 HMTBA and Cu-HMTBA significantly reduced protein content in Chlorella, Micractinium, Scenedesmus and Pediastrum. In conclusion, operation of the HRAP in continuous culture provided suitable wastewater treatment with high productivity of an ideal species, Micractinium, for use in animal feed supplementation. This species had 40% protein content during growth (higher than the other species tested) and dominated the HRAP at > 90% of the algae population during continuous mode. Addition of HMTBA (> 1 mg.L-1) to algae cultivation systems and those treating wastewater, has the potential to improve productivity and the value of the biomass by enhancing protein content. Overall, the co-utilisation of microalgae for wastewater treatment and the generation of a biomass rich in protein, for incorporation into formulated animal feed supplements, represents a closed ecosystem which conserves nutrients and regenerates a most valuable resource, water.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Towards a sustainable bioprocess for the remediation of acid mine drainage
- Authors: Mambo, Mutsa Prudence
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Acid mine drainage , Algae culture , Reduction (Chemistry) , Hydrolysis , ASPAM model (Acid mine drainage) , Water -- Purification
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5955 , , Acid mine drainage , Algae culture , Reduction (Chemistry) , Hydrolysis , ASPAM model (Acid mine drainage) , Water -- Purification
- Description: Acid mine drainage is of growing concern for both developing and developed economies. Thus there is increasing pressure to develop alternative remediation strategies. Biological sulphidogenic mechanisms have long since been studied but, very few have been implemented on a large scale. Limitations are due to the inability to acquire a suitable, low cost, environmentally friendly, renewable carbon source. The present study investigated the use of an algae biomass generated by the HRAOP of an IAPS as a carbon source for the EBRU 00AB/06 SRB consortium. The algae biomass and consortium were utilized together to remediate simulated AMD. Remediation involved decreasing the sulphate and metal concentrations in solution and decreasing the acidity of a simulated AMD. Experiments were carried out to investigate the capability of the EBRU 00AB/06 SRB consortium for sulphate reduction and sulphide generation. The consortium produced colonies when grown under anaerobic conditions in Petri dishes containing modified lactate SRB medium. The SRB consortium reduced the sulphate concentration of modified Postgates medium B and generated sulphide. Further analysis of the EBRU 00AB/06 SRB consortium revealed that the consortium was minimally impacted at pH 5 and by sulphate and iron at 3 g.L-1 and 0.5 g.L-1 respectively. The EBRU 00AB/06 SRB consortium was exposed to Actinomycin D and Ethidium Bromide to determine whether transcription and translation of proteins was required for sulphate reduction. Results indicated that sulphide generation and sulphate reduction were inducible. Analysis of the algae biomass used in this study revealed the empirical formula C1.0H1.91N0.084S0.003O0.36 indicating a carbon source rich in the nutrients required to sustain microbial development. Light microscopy revealed that algae cell walls and in particular those of Pediastrum were susceptible to acid hydrolysis. Dinitrosalicylic acid, Nile red, Bradford and Ninhydrin assays were used to determine the reducing sugar, lipid, protein and amino acid content respectively, of the mixed algae biomass. Results showed that upon exposure of the biomass to simulated AMD at pH 1 and pH 3, the concentration of reducing sugars and amino acids in solution increased. Whereas levels of lipids remained unchanged while the protein concentration decreased, indicating that, upon exposure of algae biomass to AMD, simulated or otherwise, cells ruptured, proteins were hydrolyzed and polysaccharides were broken down to sugars which are immediately available for SRB utilization. Exposure of biomass to simulated AMD revealed further that the presence of algae biomass increased the pH of simulated AMD (pH 3) to pH 7.67 after 4 d. Likewise, the pH of simulated AMD at 1 increased to 1.77 after 2 d while pH of the neutral control increased to 8.1 after 4 d. A direct comparison between lactate and algae biomass revealed 94 % sulphate removal after 23 d in the presence of algae biomass while 82 % sulphate removal was measured in the presence of lactate. Thus the EBRU 00AB/06 SRB consortium successfully utilized algae biomass for sulphate reduction and sulphide generation. In another experiment to establish if the consortium could remediate simulated AMD (pH 5) containing 0.5 g.L-1 iron and 3 g.L-1 sulphate while utilizing an algae biomass as the carbon source no residual iron was detected after 14 d and by day 23, an 89.07 % reduction in sulphate was measured. The results of this investigation are discussed in terms of utilizing a readily available and renewable biomass in the form of microalgae produced in HRAOPs as an effective carbon source in the SRB catalysed remediation of AMD.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Algal biotechnology and the beneficiation of saline effluent wastes
- Authors: Rose, Peter Dale
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Algae -- Biotechnology , Algae culture , Tanneries -- Waste disposal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4135 ,
- Description: Saline deterioration in the South African public water system has been documented and disposal of brine wastes has been identified as part of the problem. The broad aim of this research programme was to undertake an initial technical study to evaluate the feasibility of integrating algal biotechnology into a disposal function for these wastes. A demonstration of utility in the form of products and waste treatment could produce a beneficiation of saline effluents and provide incentives necessary to deal with the disposal issue. The study attempted to demonstrate a synthesis between the two main thrusts in algal biotechnology that have produced large-scale practical applications - stable, predictable algal production in saline media and the cost effective High Rate Oxidation Ponding (HROP) process for incorporating algal production into a waste treatment function. Tannery organic saline effluents and the biotechnology of Dunaliella salina culture producing β- carotene were chosen as paradigms for the study. 1. The alga was shown to grow in certain tannery effluents producing enhanced biomass yields compared to defined inorganic medium cultivation. The potential for amino acid or protein supplementation of defmed culture media was noted. 2. A reduction in organic load simultaneous with the growth of D.salina was recorded in laboratory-scale simulations of the HROP process. Rates similar to the fresh water HROP equivalent were demonstrated. 3. These results suggested the uptake and storage of organic nitrogen by D.salina. The consequent inhibition of β-carotene accumulation by the organism presented a potentially insurmountable obstacle to the feasibility of β-carotene production in this medium. Uptake and release of organic compounds, previously demonstrated in phytoplankton and other micro-algae, was confirmed in this study for D.salina. The evidence acquired indicated the internalization of both glycine and bovine serum albumin. An ultrastructural study demonstrated mechanisms by which this process might occur. 4. The release of substantial quantities of glycerol was shown. A mechanism whereby D. salina may use this to regulate ammonia availability via control of its associated bacterial population was observed. Glycerol release was identified as presenting an application in treating refractory organic wastes, such as secondary sewage sludges, by elevating C:N ratios. This could demonstrate a significant utility for brine waste impoundments. 5. A multistage production process was proposed to deal with the problem of β-carotene inhibition by separation of the growth and metabolite accumulation functions into separate unit operations. It was shown in this study that the stress of nitrogen deficiency combined with high salinity provides for effectiveβ-carotene accumulation under the conditions of low illumination that pertain in dense cultures. Subjected to these conditions effluent-grown cells show delayed but unimpaired {j-carotene accumulation. 6. A role for the plant hormone abscisic acid in mediating the stress response was demonstrated in D.salina. Fluorescence induction studies suggested the presence of a signalling process forming part of a sensitivity control mechanism. Stress induction of β-carotene accumulation could occur through four clearly defined stages. Potential was identified for using this response as a physiological probe for monitoring and regulating the stress induction process. 7. The multistage processing concept requires effective algal cell separation technology. The use of cross-flow ultrafiltration and diafiltration with a polyethersulfone tubular membrane system was demonstrated as an effective process for the recovery and washing of D. salina. Cell concentrates were produced in a viable form. 8. Process designs incorporating the findings of the research programme are presented demonstrating how effluent and organic waste treatment functions may be combined with the production of D.salina and its products. Application of the multi-stage processing concept to β-carotene production in a defined medium process was identified as offering a potential four-fold yield enhancement. This could have a significant impact on a high cost, marginal algal biotechnology process. Aspects of novelty have been claimed in provisional patents applications. A provisional demonstration of the feasibility of D.salina production in tannery effluent indicates that algal biotechnology may provide a utility for, and hence the beneficiation of saline effluent wastes.
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- Date Issued: 1992