Towards the optimization of resolution and rendering issues in the context of contemporary environmental design computer modelling
- Authors: Liu, Peng
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:8151 , , Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Description: This dissertation sets out to find a pragmatic solution for optimizing both resolution and rendering issues in the context of contemporary environmental design computer modelling. In this regard the following issues are addressed: Firstly, determining (with reference to a limited selection of existing 3DS Max software and plugins (i.e. VRay and Mental-Ray), which specific piece of software produces the best compromise as far as visual accuracy is concerned whilst still offering the designer the best scope for further design manipulation. Secondly, establishing design techniques which can increase the speed of model making as well as reduce rendering time without having an adverse effect on issues such as resolution and image quality. Lastly, ascertaining the least number of surfaces for a typical geometrical shape (e.g. chair, table, ornament etc.) without losing visual veracity by manipulation of the design itself. The research strongly supports the notion that VRay is the best overall software to be employed as a base before applying any design solutions. In this latter regard a number of solutions became evident as a means to both save memory and cut down on rendering time, including such factors as using spotlight rather than an omni light when rendering, because omni light calculations include the generation of needless shadows. The beneficial effect of employing ‘target direct’ light and reducing the area of light in order to decrease the calculation of shadow. Eliminating objects which do not need shadows from the lighting calculation and shutting off the reverberation and refraction factors before rendering. It was also confirmed that a black and white mipmap is better than a colour mipmap as far as saving on the system’s memory.
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- Date Issued: 2006
The effect of personalised adjustments to computer workstations on the efficiency and physical comfort of computer operators
- Authors: James, Genevieve
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Human engineering , Engineering design , Work environment , Microcomputer workstations -- Health aspects , Occupational diseases -- Prevention
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5112 , , Human engineering , Engineering design , Work environment , Microcomputer workstations -- Health aspects , Occupational diseases -- Prevention
- Description: The present study sought to investigate the effects of a Standard workstation, designed for “average” users, on an anthropometrically diverse sample of computer operators, and to assess whether physical and perceptual responses, as well as performance efficiency were dependent on stature. Further investigation assessed the influence of personalised adjustments to the Standard workstation, based on the anthropometric characteristics of the subjects, as well as the introduction of a custom-designed ‘floating’ wrist support, on subject responses. All subjects (n=30) were tested in each of the three workstations: Standard, Personalised and Wrist Support. For analysis of responses in the Standard workstation, subjects were divided into three groups depending on their stature: Short (<1650mm), Medium (1650mm to 1800mm), Tall (>1800mm). The musculoskeletal responses indicated that Tall subjects were forced to adopt the most awkward general body postures as a result of the low computer screen. However, the low screen allowed for the Short subjects to adopt the most natural general body postures, although levels of muscular activity in the upper trapezius suggest that the muscular load imposed on both Short and Tall subjects was significantly greater than that imposed on the Medium subjects. In addition, the Medium subjects’ perceptions of the Standard workstation dimensions support the fact that this workstation was better suited to users with “average” morphologies. The responses elicited in the Personalised and Wrist Support workstations were improved significantly when compared to the Standard workstation. Joint angles were more natural, upper trapezius EMG was reduced, standard of performance improved and perceptual responses indicated a diminished incidence of body and visual discomfort, as well as greater perceived satisfaction with these workstation dimensions. The improved physical responses suggest a decrease in the risk of developing cumulative trauma disorders. Although subjects were unaccustomed to the wrist support device, this workstation demonstrated a further reduction in the range of wrist angles, as well as a general positive attitude towards the concept.
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- Date Issued: 2005