Health and safety hazards and risks in the construction industry
- Authors: Mdyogolo, Zukiswa Caroline
- Date: 2022-04
- Subjects: Industrial safety , Work environment -- Safety measures
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:59111
- Description: Globally, the construction industry is infamous for a high level of fatalities. Construction sites are a very important place, as a considerable number of workers are involved in the construction process and activities, and H&S is critical to reduce hazards and the risk of being injured at work. The aim of the study was to evolve a framework of interventions to mitigate hazards, diseases, illnesses, injuries, fatalities, stress, and absenteeism in the construction industry. The objectives were to determine: why workers become ill due to construction and the implications; the causes of stress among construction workers, and worker absenteeism; what injuries workers experience, and the causes of fatalities, and if the current control measures are sufficient or whether more can be done. The research process commenced with a literature review relative to hazards and risks in the construction industry. A quantitative study was conducted among civil engineers, site supervisors, and construction H&S officers (CHSOs) in the construction industry using a questionnaire. The salient findings of the study suggest that the existing H&S legal and regulatory framework is barely effective. Although building contractors are aware of the most common H&S hazards and risks in construction, compliance is irregular. The study concluded that the identification of H&S hazards and risks is critical to mitigate fatalities, injuries, and illness. H&S education and training, and hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) should be improved and intensified, and a comprehensive risk mitigation plan should be developed and implemented on projects. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment, and Technology, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04
The effect of the integration of design, procurement, and construction relative to health and safety
- Authors: Deacon, Claire Helen
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Construction industry -- Management Building -- Safety measures , Industrial safety
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:28115
- Description: The rates of fatalities, injuries and diseases from work, has been a longstanding challenge for centuries. The challenge is validated by the fact that there is not a paper, or publication, that appears to have been written worldwide, without discussion regarding the extent of the problem in the construction industry. Despite there being prescriptive statutory requirements applicable to the sector, all attempts to reduce the reduce the accident rates in South Africa appear to have been largely unsuccessful. The review of literature indicates that most research has focused on design, designers, roles of stakeholders, inter alia that relate to construction health and safety. Given the situation noted, the research investigated design, various aspects of the construction process and stakeholders, and the inclusion of procurement as a major component of the construction process. A triangulated, or mixed methods research methodology was utilised for the thesis. The qualitative methodology utilised in Action Research (AR) and a total of three FGs’ sought to develop a theoretical model that would identify multi-stakeholder policies, practice and education requirements. An extensive international, African and South African literature review was conducted as part of the secondary research and the grounding for the mixed methodology of research. The information sought to contextualise the South African paradigm and practices. Two quantitative, multi-stakeholders’ studies were conducted during the development of the research. The quantitative aspect considers the perceptions of those practicing or involved in H&S, the interface regarding the stakeholders and ‘issues’ experienced in the challenges relating to daily work. Themes were developed, inter alia: a general; workers; management (including supervision, responsibilities and pricing); a stakeholders’ theme (including project managers; design and designers, and client), and the construction H&S theme (including the CHSA, construction H&S Manager (CHSM), construction H&S Officer (CHSO)). A total of 22 hypotheses were tested. The hypotheses considered all the stakeholders, within the framework of the research. Only 1 hypothesis was not supported, and hypothesis was partially supported. Three AR FGs’ were held in the Sarah Baartman District (a building focus) and at the Bhisho offices (a civil engineering focus) of the ECDRPW. The research considered the procurement processes that underpins a project, with some elements relative to the interface of H&S, design, the stages of work, and the current legislative framework. A validated theoretical model, the ‘Deacon Procurement, Design and Health and Safety Model’ emerged from the qualitative aspect of the research. The salient findings indicate a tendency in the industry to operate in silos, adhere to minimum levels of compliance, and not determining other aspects that could possibly reduce project and financial risk. Therefore, stakeholders need to work together, across the stages of work. Level of confidence is low among clients and built environment groups regarding H&S across the project life cycle, resulting in the non-compliance, and increased project risk. Clients such as the National Treasury do not identify H&S risks during project planning, resulting in the lack of adequate resources for projects, with supply chain management and procurement not ensuring compliance and technical expertise. Due to lack of knowledge CHSAs’, CHSMs’, and CHSOs,’ are not appointed timeously, resulting in noncompliance, and increased project risk. The construction H&S practitioners level of confidence is affected by lack of experience, not knowledge, in contrast to the lack of H&S knowledge of built environment professionals. A range of recommendations are provided that include, inter alia: development of policy, guidelines and practice notes regarding H&S, supply chain management and procurement; education and training, continuing professional development, training and workshops, and further research.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Preventative measures implementation of occupational health and safety injuries at SABMiller
- Authors: Mahlinza, Zwelibandze Phillip
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Industrial safety , Human rights workers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:26351
- Description: Purpose of study: The purpose of this study was to explore preventative measures in the implementation of occupational health and safety at SABMiller. Objective: The primary objective was to examine preventative measures in the implementation of occupational health and safety injuries at SABMiller. The study assessed the effectiveness of management strategies in the prevention of occupational health and safety injuries within SABMiller. Population and sample: The primary case is a beer manufacturing company in Rosslyn called SABMiller. The brewery operates in six different departments and each has a large staff population. Methodology: This study applied a mixed-method using a multiple case study design as an approach to the enquiry. Methods of data collection: Documents, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews were be used to obtain data to answer the research questions. Process of analysis: Qualitative and quantitative themes were analysed in a matrix. The three data sources were triangulated to validate the findings. Benefits of the study: Injury prevention benefits the employer and employee in many ways, including increased employee performance leading to increased productivity as well as cost savings. Main findings: Injuries that were reported were mostly musculoskeletal injuries and are mainly caused by human error. Most injuries that were reported are caused by contractors. Health and safety training and knowledge sharing was not well supported and injury prevention strategies were not optimised. Poor quality incident investigation, contractor injuries, lack of funding on safety projects, slow progress on loop closer and induction procedure not followed were the five main challenges to injury prevention management systems. Conclusions: The implementation of an effective injury measurement implementation programme could benefit the organisation and translate into increased operational value (organisational quality).
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- Date Issued: 2016
The effects of glove fit on task performance and on the human operator
- Authors: Stack, Jessica Danielle
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Hand -- Anatomy , Hand -- Wounds and injuries , Hand -- Care and hygiene , Gloves , Safety education, Industrial , Human-machine systems , Industrial safety , Industrial accidents
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5119 , , Hand -- Anatomy , Hand -- Wounds and injuries , Hand -- Care and hygiene , Gloves , Safety education, Industrial , Human-machine systems , Industrial safety , Industrial accidents
- Description: The hand is one of the most complex of all of the anatomical structures in the human body. It has been found that hand injuries are among the most frequent injuries that occur to the body, predominantly during industrial activities. It has therefore been concluded that more research is needed into protective factors, such as glove use. The design features of a glove emphasise either protection or performance. There is often a trade-off between increased safety and performance capability when donning gloves. It has been determined that gloves which are fitted and comfortable for the worker may provide the best compromise between protective functions and decreased performance. This investigation aimed to assess the influence of glove fit on the performance attributes of industrial tasks, as well as on the responses of the human operator. Glove fit was analysed as 35 male participants donned three different glove sizes during each test, including a best-fitting glove, a glove one size smaller than best-fitting, and a glove one size larger than best-fitting. For each glove size, gloves of two differing materials were tested, namely nitrile and neoprene. A barehanded condition was also tested, totalling seven gloved/barehanded conditions for each test. The seven conditions were assessed in a laboratory setting in a battery of tests. This consisted of components of task performance, including maximum pulling and pushing force, maximum torque, precision of force, tactility, speed and accuracy and dexterity. The performance responses were recorded, as well as participants’ perceptual responses using the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale, and muscle activity. Six muscles were selected: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Pollicus Longus, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and Flexor Carpi Radialis. The results revealed that glove fit does affect certain spects of performance, and influences human operator responses for selected task components. Furthermore, discrepancies were distinguished between orking barehanded and working with an optimally fitted glove. There was also a glove material effect established. Overall, it was found that muscle activity when exerting maximum force in a pushing and pulling direction was optimal with the nitrile glove material. Maximum torque performance was enhanced with the use of a best-fitting glove, as compared with an ill-fitting glove or barehanded work. Force precision was preferable when barehanded, as opposed to the tactility task which rendered optimal results with a best-fitting glove. The same was found for speed and accuracy results, as glove fit appeared to have no effect on performance, but performance was improved when participants were barehanded. Dexterity performance was the most conclusively influenced by the conditions, resulting in barehanded performance being optimal. However, should a glove be necessary for a given task, an optimally-fitted glove which is of a thinner material would be recommended. It is necessary to distinguish the performance components of a task within industry and select the most appropriate glove for optimal performance and the least risk of overexertion.
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- Date Issued: 2010
The effect of restricted environments on selected postural, physiological and perceptual responses
- Authors: Wolfe, Amy
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Human engineering , Posture , Human mechanics , Work environment , Human beings -- Effect of environment on , Musculoskeletal system -- Wounds and injuries , Industrial safety , Work -- Physiological aspects , Stress (Physiology)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5115 , , Human engineering , Posture , Human mechanics , Work environment , Human beings -- Effect of environment on , Musculoskeletal system -- Wounds and injuries , Industrial safety , Work -- Physiological aspects , Stress (Physiology)
- Description: Manual lifting tasks are the predominant means of transporting materials in industry with many of these tasks being performed in confined spaces. Research has tended to focus on the biomechanical implications of working in small spaces with a decided lack of information about the physiological and perceptual responses in these environments. This holistic study therefore investigated the manner in which the human operator responded to conditions where the ceiling height was lowered and reach demands increased. Thirty-two young physically active male subjects (age: 21.55yr; stature: 1810mm) were recruited to complete a 2-way repeated measures experiment during which four lifting protocols where different combinations of ceiling height (‘normal’ or reduced to 1460mm in height) and reach demands (400mm or 800mm) were tested. A crude postural analysis was conducted while physiological responses were detailed and continuously monitored. Perceptual responses were also assessed. The tasks with a ‘normal’ ceiling height (mean compression forces: 2615N; mean shearing forces: 388N) and the greatest reach distance (mean compression forces: 3655N; mean shearing forces: 386N) placed individuals under the highest strain. Mean heart rate (HR) responses were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the URN condition when compared to the RF condition. Furthermore, HR responses were statistically significantly affected by the height of the ceiling and the reach depth. Statistically significant differences (p< 0.05) in mean tidal volume (VT) occurred in the least (URN) and most (RF) restrictive conditions. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in mean VE were evident between URN and URF, between URN and RF and between RN and RF. Ceiling height and reach demands had a statistically significant effect on all respiratory responses. There was a statistically significant difference in mean oxygen consumption (VO2) between the URN and all other conditions, and between the most restricted task (RF) and all other conditions. Both the effect of ceiling height and reach demands had a statistically statistically significant impact on VO2. Respiratory quotient (RQ) was significantly higher when loads were moved over 800mm compared to 400mm yet ceiling height did not have a statistically significant effect on RQ. Mean energy expenditure was significantly higher in the RF condition compared to the two least restrictive conditions (URN and RN). Statistically significant differences in EE were also evident between URN and RN, and between URN and URF. EE was significantly affected by reductions in ceiling height and increases in reach demands. Perceptually, the RF task (mean ‘Central’ RPE of 11) was perceived to place significantly greater cardiorespiratory demands on the operator compared to the URN (CRPE: 10) and RN (CRPE: 10) conditions. Statistically significant differences in perceived musculoskeletal strain only occurred between URN and RF. The effect of reach was perceived to have a statistically significant effect on both cardiovascular and musculoskeletal demands whereas ceiling height only had a statistically significant effect on musculoskeletal demands. The greatest discomfort was experienced in the lower back with the most intense discomfort occurring in the RN condition.
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- Date Issued: 2008