- Title
- A review of the gobioid fishes of the Maldives
- Title
- Ichthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology; No. 58
- Creator
- Randall, John E, 1924-
- Creator
- Goren, Menachem
- Subject
- Perciformes
- Subject
- Perciformes -- Maldives
- Subject
- Gobioidae -- Maldives
- Subject
- Eleotrididae -- Malidves
- Subject
- Microdesmidae -- Maldives
- Subject
- Xenisthmidae -- Maldives
- Date Issued
- 1993-04
- Date
- 1993-04
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- vital:15034
- Identifier
- http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1019911
- Identifier
- ISSN 0073-4381
- Identifier
- ISBN 0-86810-251-2
- Identifier
- Margaret Smith Library, SAIAB, Grahamstown
- Description
- The following 84 gobioid fishes are reported from the Maldive Islands (those preceded by asterisk represent new records). GOBIIDAE: Amblyeleotris aurora (Polunin & Lubbock), *A. diagonalis Polunin and Lubbock, *A. periophthalma (Bleeker), *A. steinitzi (Klausewitz), A. wheeleri (Polunin & Lubbock), * Amblygobius hectori (Smith), A. semicinctus (Bennett), * Asterropteryx semipunctatus Ruppell, *A. spinosus (Goren), *Bathygobius calitus (Bennett), B. cocosensis (Bleeker), *B. cyclopterus (Valenciennes), * Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler), * Callogobius centrolepis Weber, *C. sclateri (Steindachner), *C. sp., Cryptocentrus fasciatus (Playfair & Gunther), *Ctenogobiops crocineus Smith, C. feroculus Lubbock & Polunin, * Eviota albolineata Jewett & Lachner, *E. guttata Lachner & Karnella, *E. nebulosa Smith, *E. nigripinna Lachner & Karnella, *E. prasina (Kluzinger), *E. sebreei Jordan & Seale, *E. zebrina Lachner & Karnella, *E. sp., * Flabelligobius latruncularius (Klausewitz), * Fusigobius duospilus Hoese & Reader, *F. neophytus (Gunther), *F. sp. 1 (sp. A of Winterpottom & Emery, 1986), *F. sp. 2 (sp. B of Winterbottom & Emery, 1986), *Gnatholepis anjerensis (Bleeker), *G. scapulostigma Herre, *Gobiodon citrinus (Ruppell), *G. sp. (Chagos specimens identified as G. rivulatus by Winterbottom & Emery, 1986), *Hetereleotris zanzibarensis (Smith), *Istigobius decoratus (Herre), *Macrodontogobius wilburi Herre, Oplopomus caninoides (Bleeker) (reported from Maldives by Regan, 1908), O. Oplopomus (Valenciennes) (reported from Maldives by Regan, 1908, as Hoplopomus acanthistius), *Opua maculipinnis, n. sp. (Opua E.K. Jordan is regarded as a senior synonym of Oplopomops Smith; the new species is characterized as follows: no dorsal spines filamentous, the third longest; 10 soft rays in second dorsal and anal fins; 27 scales in longitudinal series on body, 9 prodorsal scales; body depth 4.9 in SL, a midlateral row of five dusky blotches on body each containing a pair of dark brown spots, a large dusky spot under eye, and a large black spot posteriorly in first dorsal fin), *Palutrus reticularis Smith,* Papillogobius reichei (Bleeker), *Paragobiodon lacuniculus (Kendall and Goldsborough), *P. modestus (Regan), *Pleurosicya michelli Fourmanoir, *Priolepis cinctus (Regan), *P. nocturnus (Smith), *P. semidoliatus (Valenciennes), P. sp., Stonogobiops dracula Lubbock & Polunin, * Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese, *Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, *T. flammeum (Smith), *T. naudei Smith, *T. striata (Herre), *T. taylori Lobel, *T. tevegae Cohen & Davis, *T sp. 1, *T. sp. 2, *T. sp. 3, *T. sp. 4 (these four species of trimma to be described by R. Winterbottom), *Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery, Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker), V. puellaris (Tomiyama), V. sexguttata (Valenciennes), V. strigata (Broussonet), V. sp. (to be named by Hoese and Larson, in press), Vanderhorstia ambanoro (Fourmanoir),* V. ornatissima Smith, V. prealta Lachner & McKinney. ELEOTRIDIDAE: Eleotris melanosoma Bleeker. MICRODESMIDAE: * Gunnellichthys curiosus Dawson, *G. monostigma Smith, G. viridescens Dawson, *Ne- mateleotris decora Randall & Allen, N. magnifica Fowler, Ptereleotris evides (Jordan & Hubbs), P. heteroptera Bleeker, *P. microlepis (Bleeker), *P. zebra (Fowler), *P. sp. (probably either P. hanae or P. arabica; specimen needed). XENISTHMIDAE: Xenisthmus polyzonatus (Klunzinger).
- Description
- Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of SAIAB
- Format
- [ii], 1-37, [i]; ill. (some col.); 28 cm
- Format
- Format
- Digitised version of original print issue of the Ichthyological Bulletin of the JLB Smith Insitute of Ichthyology; No. 58
- Publisher
- J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
- Language
- English
- Relation
- Ichthyological bulletin (Rhodes University. Department of Ichthyology)
- Rights
- JLB Smith Insitute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown
- Rights
- CC BY-NC-SA : Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Rights
- Licensing Information: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)
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