Conference eQoboqobo
- Authors: Lubabalo, Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox , Student Researcher
- Date: 27-02-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75741 , KHA-008
- Description: uLubabalo Ntshoko nongumphandi uthetha ngokubaluleka komhlaba kunye nemdlela ekutyetywe ngayo eQoboqobo. UDr Michell Cox waseRhodes obhale incwadi ethi Voices for the Forest incwadi le ibhalwe ngemithi yonke esiyibilisayo nokubaluleka kwendalo empilweni yethu , Lubabalo Ntshoko and Dr Mitchell Cox speaks about the importance of nature and natural resources in Qoboqobo at a conference and she references her book titled Voices Of the Forest
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 27-02-2014
Udliwanondlebe noMthobeli waseFortCox
- Authors: Mthobeli waseFortCox , Watkins, Lee William
- Date: 17-02-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75739 , KHA-004
- Description: Ubalisa ngexesha lakudala ukuba ubuqala uhambe uyosebenza eGoli phambi kokuba uthathe umfazi okanye umntu ebethathathelwa umfazi nenkani kwenziwe lento kuthiwa kukuthwalwa.Uye wasibalisela nangokutshintsha xa ufikelele kwisigaba sobangumfana kufuneka uhambe uyisebenza ukuze uzithegele impahla yokutshintsha abengumfana aphume ebukrwaleleni .Uthi kwixesha langoku nelakudal akukho mbeko ngoku urhulumente uze nenkululeko efike yamosha yonke into. Ubalisa ngexesha lomtshotsho neengoma bebezicula.uye wacula ingoma yomtshotsho ethi (thula dali) uphinde wacula ingoma zobufana apho bebehlala phantsi bafundise ikrwala ingomo igama lengoma ( ntengu macetyana). , Fort Cox 7 February 2014 Interview
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 17-02-2014
Udliwano ndlebe nomama uNomachule
- Authors: Ngcutshana, Nomachule , Watkins, Lee William
- Date: 17-01-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75737 , KHA-001
- Description: Igqirha laswZanyokhwe kuQoboqobo Libalisa ngohambo lwalo lobugqirha kunye nedlela aqaphele ngayo ukuba unobizo lo bugqirha. , Interview with traditional healer Ngcutshana Nomachule, Zanyokwe village, about her spiritual journey.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 17-01-2014
Udliwano ndlebe nomama uNomachule
- Authors: Ngcutshana, Nomachule , Watkins, Lee William
- Date: 17-01-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75580 , KHA-001
- Description: Igqirha laswZanyokhwe kuQoboqobo Libalisa ngohambo lwalo lobugqirha kunye nedlela aqaphele ngayo ukuba unobizo lo bugqirha. , Interview with traditional healer Ngcutshana Nomachule, Zanyokwe village, about her spiritual journey.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 17-01-2014
Uqeqesho malunga neendlela yokwenza udliwano ndlebe
- Authors: Field workers , Watkins, Lee William
- Date: 17-01-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75738 , KHA-002
- Description: uDr Lee Watkins wenza uqeqesho malunga neendlela yokwenza udliwano ndlebe kuba ebezakuqala ukusebenza kunye nefield workers zaseNtinga. , Interview workshop of Ntinga Ntaba Kandoda field workers
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 17-01-2014
Intlombe: Amagqirha abuya ehlathini
- Authors: unknown , Student Researcher
- Date: 09-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75745 , KHA-016
- Description: Intlombe:Umntu wekhaya uyazithutha. Amagqirha abuya ehlathini abuya nengxelo yokuba bahambe njani nha , Musical Gathering: Traditional Healers return from the bushes
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 09-07-2014
Intlombe: Ingoma ezihlanu
- Authors: unknown , Student Researcher
- Date: 09-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75744 , KHA-015
- Description: Intlombe: Ingoma eculwayo ithi "Liyakwaliwa nguwe", Ingoma yesibini "uNonkala", Ingoma yesithathu "ndizohamaba nabani" ,Ingoma yesine "buyani zihlwele", ingoma yesihlanu "indzodzobila" , Musical Gathering with five songs sung: "Liyakwaliwa nguwe", "uNonkala", "Ndizohamba nabani", "Buyani zihlwele" and "Indzodzobila"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 09-07-2014
Ingoma yamagqirha "Goeie more"
- Authors: unknown , Student Researcher
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75743 , KHA-014
- Description: Kuculwa ingoma yamagqirha ebenziwe udliwanondlebe eZingcuka kuQoboqoqbo : igama lengoma "Goeie more" Ingomayesibhulu iniculawa ngamagqirha aseZingcuka kiuQoboqobo , Song sung by traditional healers titled "Goeie more" in Qoboqobo
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Thabisa Mhlalo uyazazisa
- Authors: Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75759 , KHA-020
- Description: Thabisa Mhlahlo oyifield worker yase Ntinga Ntaba kaNdoda uyazazisa kwaye uyachaza okokuba bazokwenza Udliwano-ndlebe nolutsha , Thabisa Mhlahlo a field worker of Ntinga Ntaba kaNdoda introducing herself before she conducts Interviews
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Thabisa Mhlalo uzokwenza Udliwano-ndlebe nomfundisi webandla lamawisile
- Authors: Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75760 , KHA-021
- Description: Thabisa Mhlahlo uyachaza okokuba bazokwenza Udliwano-ndlebe nomfundisi webandla lamawisile , Thabisa Mhlahlo speaks of her interview with the priest of the Methodist Church
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe nomama Yvonne Stuurmarn kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo
- Authors: Yvonne, Stuurman , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75762 , KHA-023
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe nomama uYvonne Stuurman kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo. Uthetha ngobudlelwana phakathi kobukrestu kunye namasiko amaXhosa , Thabisa Mhlahlo interviews Yvonne Stuurman on the relationship between christianity and the Xhosa tradition
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noMthunzi Belani
- Authors: Mthunzi, Belani , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek (South Africa) , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75784 , KHA-032
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe notata uMthundzi Belani nongumfundisi kwibandla lamaWisile kuQoboqobo: uchaza indlela icawa yabo eme ngayo , Interview with Mthunzi Belani on how his church is structured
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noNomonde Bethela kunye noNothemba Shosha yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo
- Authors: Nomonde, Bethela , Shosha, Nothemba , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75766 , KHA-027
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noNomonde Bethela kunye noNothemba Shosha bathetha ngemanyano yomama yecawa yamawisile , Interview with Nomonde Bethela and Nothemba Shosha about the gatherings that the women of the Methodist church have.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noNompi Mkhetshu
- Authors: Thobela, Sijako , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek (South Africa) , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75783 , KHA-031
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe nomama uNompi Mkhetshu waseMkhubiso kuQoboqobo uthetha ngento kuba saphucwa ubuthina bethu ngabantu abamhlophe , Interview with Nompi Mkhetshu. She speaks on how white people took away their dignity
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe notata uMzukisi Sgabi
- Authors: Mzukisi, Sgabi , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75761 , KHA-022
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe notata uMzukisi Sgabi nongumfundisi webandla lamawisile kuQoboqobo. Uthetha ngoNtsikane owathetha ngoThixo osezulwini , Thabisa Mhlahlo interviews Mr Mzukisi Sgabi who then speaks about Ntsikana the prophet
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noThabisa Mhlahlo entlobo zamaXhosa
- Authors: Thabisa, Mhlahlo , Student Researcher
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek (South Africa) , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75768 , KHA-029
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noThabisa Mhlahlo uchaza entlobo zamaXhosa , Interview with Thabisa Mhlahlo on the Xhosa people
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noThobela Sijako ngobudlelwane becawa nezinyanya
- Authors: Thobela, Sijako , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek (South Africa) , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75778 , KHA-030
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noThobela Sijako waseMkhubiso kuQoboqoqbo: Uthetha ngokuba bona kokwabo bayabenza ubudlelwane phakathi koThixo kunye nezinyanya , Interview with Thobela Sijako. Thobela speaks on how her family mixes Christianity and ancesteral worship
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noThobela Sijako ngobudlelwane becawa nezinyanya
- Authors: Thobela, Sijako , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Keiskammahoek (South Africa) , Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75780 , KHA-030
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noThobela Sijako waseMkhubiso kuQoboqoqbo: Uthetha ngokuba bona kokwabo bayabenza ubudlelwane phakathi koThixo kunye nezinyanya , Interview with Thobela Sijako. Thobela speaks on how her family mixes Christianity and ancesteral worship
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe noZingisa Taboyi kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo
- Authors: Zingisa, Taboyi , Student Researcher
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75763 , KHA-024
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noZingisa Taboyi kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo. Uthetha ngobudlelwana phakathi kobukrestu kunye namasiko amaXhosa , Interviews Zingisa Taboyi on the relationship between christianity and the Xhosa tradition
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014
Udliwano-ndlebe Ntombazipheli Jack kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo
- Authors: Ntombazipheli, Jack , Thabisa, Mhlahlo
- Date: 08-07-2014
- Subjects: Oral history Africa , Healers South Africa Interviews
- Language: Xhosa , English
- Type: Oral histories , Sound recordings , Interviews , audio recording
- Identifier: , vital:75764 , KHA-025
- Description: Udliwano-ndlebe noNtombazipheli Jack kwilali yaseMkhubiso KuQoboqobo. Uthetha ngobudlelwana phakathi kobukrestu kunye namasiko amaXhosa kwibandla lamaAfrika , Interview with Ntombazipheli Jack on the relationship between christianity and the Xhosa tradition
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 08-07-2014