A comparison between the South African and Kenyan labour law systems
- Authors: Munuve, Lilian Kasyoka
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- Kenya , Labor law -- South Africa , Labor law -- Kenya
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10205 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/752 , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- Kenya , Labor law -- South Africa , Labor law -- Kenya
- Description: Labour law is a system of rules regulating the labour force in the society. These rules of labour are legal rules and are legally enforceable which means that if there is a breach of rules a party may approach a court of law or any other institution to obtain relief in respect of the breach of the rules. As a large percentage of the population at any given time in the world is involved with employment relationship, the labour relationships between employer and employee cannot be ignored as it affects both socio-economic and political factors in our society. Labour Law in general focuses on various relationships, including the relationship between the employer and employee, between the employer and a trade union or a group of employees, employers and employers’ organization. From the foregoing it can be deduced that there are two components of labour law which must be distinguished, namely individual and collective labour. The individual relationship focuses on the relationship between the employer and the employee while collective labour laws deal with matters such as legal nature of trade unions (and employers’ organization), the legal nature and enforceability of collective agreements, collective bargaining institutions and the legal consequences that flow from strikes, lock outs and other forms of industrial action. Collective labour law can therefore be said to be the body of rules which regulates the following collective relationships between: • employees and the trade union they belong to • employers and employers’ organization • employers and /or employers organization and trade unions • the government and trade unions • the government and employers organization However the collective labour law cannot be said to be absolute but is interdependent with individual labour law because the collectively agreed terms become part of the individual employment relation. This study mainly focuses on the collective labour aspect of the labour law system which shall be discussed in detail in the chapters to follow.
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- Date Issued: 2008
A critical analysis of employment equity measures in South Africa
- Authors: Laher, Ismail
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: South Africa. Employment Equity Act, 1998 , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3680 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003195 , South Africa. Employment Equity Act, 1998 , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: This thesis analyses the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 and its application in labour law in South Africa. After an initial examination of the general concepts with regards to employment equity and current international conventions regarding employment equity, the study will move on to examine employment equity as it stands in the law today. In examining the current law regarding employment equity, a brief historical background will be offered in order to show the legacy of apartheid: the immense disparity between the different categories of South African people in the modern era. By using this background and analysing the relevant provisions of the Constitution, it will be argued that there is a very real need for employment equity measures to bring about a true sense of equality in South Africa and that such measures are fully endorsed by the Constitution. After it has been established that affirmative action is an important tool in the creation of an equal South Africa, the measures put in place to help create this equal South Africa will be critically analysed. This critical analysis will point out certain weaknesses in the current affirmative action system. Following this critical analysis of the South African employment equity law, the employment equity systems used in Brazil, Canada and Malaysia will be examined in detail. The purpose of this analysis will be to find the strengths and weaknesses and successes and failures of these foreign systems. This will be done in order to highlight those areas of the foreign systems that can be implemented into South African law in order to make the South African employment equity system stronger. The weaknesses of those systems will also be highlighted in order to learn valuable lessons from other system’s failures so that South Africa does not make the same mistakes. The final part of this thesis will be in depth discussions and the proposal of solutions to the weaknesses of the South African employment equity system that have been highlighted throughout the thesis. These proposals will be put forward in order to ensure the most efficient and effective employment equity system in South Africa. There will also be a reassessment of the most valuable lessons learned from the foreign systems that would be easily implemented into or avoided by the South African system in order to ensure an effective employment equity system. The purpose, therefore, of this thesis is to critically analyse employment equity in South Africa. A further purpose will be to propose certain amendments and changes to the current system to ensure the Employment Equity Act is reflective of the needs of the people South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2007
A critical examination of the regulation of fixed term employment services under South African Labour Laws
- Authors: Faku, Xolisa
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17316 , vital:40937
- Description: South Africa is the most unequal society on the planet, overwhelming Brazil, with a critical increment in wage inequalities. In a quest to reduce unemployment, this research is at the focal point of our nation's activity emergency. In any case, there ought to be components to ensure representation against oppressive work rehearses. The Labour Relations Act denoted a noteworthy change in South Africa's statutory modern relations framework. Following the progress to political majority rule government, the LRA embodied the new government's means to remake and democratize the economy and society as connected in the work relations field. Specifically, it presented new organizations went for giving managers and labourers a chance to break with the serious adversarialism that portrayed their relations before. In extending the equitable change, the Labour Relations Act which offered ascend to the foundation of the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) appeared on 18 February 1995, in an offer to add authenticity and straightforwardness to the financial basic leadership process. This research will investigate the law representing fixed term employment in South Africa. It will further give an investigation of the legitimate framework of fixed term representative keeping in mind the end goal to decide if it advances not too bad work in South Africa. This investigation intends to call attention to any substantive and procedural imperfections that might be accessible in the law. The study will likewise be taking the potential lessons which can be gained from different nations with comparative Fixed-term work challenges i.e. Namibia. This implies the examination will survey the current zone of law and propose an alternate approach. This will be finished by investigating important case law and enactments which secure settled term business. In certainty, the investigation intends to give new point of view regarding the matter of fixed term work and proffer a few changes to the law.
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- Date Issued: 2018
A double-edged sword : the minimum wage and agrarian labour in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, 2003–2014
- Authors: Naidoo, Lalitha
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Minimum wage -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laborers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Agricultural wages -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laborers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Social conditions , Agricultural laborers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural laws and legislation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Work environment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economics -- Sociological aspects , South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1994-
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177111 , vital:42791 , 10.21504/10962/177115
- Description: Statutory wage setting and the extension of labour laws to the South African agrarian labour market are path-breaking events that altered the unilateral power which agrarian employers had, under apartheid, to set low wages and harsh employment conditions. Yet, economic sociologists have shown little interest in the agrarian minimum wage in South Africa. Consequently, little to no sociological perspectives are available on the way in which statutory wages shape the setting of actual agrarian wages, employment conditions, labour relations and working and living conditions. At the same time, economic sociology’s neglect of agrarian minimum wages perpetuates the dominance of economics in minimum wage research, as well as the narrow cost-benefit analysis, and firm and employer-centric focus, deployed by both opponents of minimum wages in the neoclassical economics camp and supporters in the heterodox economics camp. The firm-centric focus also applies to the few labour relations scholars who focus on minimum wages. As a result, a wide body of empirical information is available and concentrated in the Global North, on low-waged, urban-based firms’ employment and labour relations strategies with the occasioning of minimum wage laws, with scant to non-existing information on rural-based workers’ experiences in the Global South, at least in the case of South Africa. This thesis addresses the lacuna in existing research, specifically by concentrating on agrarian workers’ narratives of the outcomes of minimum wages on actual wages and conditions, and experiences at the site of production and in the sphere of expanded social reproduction. The conceptual framework of the thesis is rooted in a critical realist meta-theory which directs inquiry towards the search for underlying causes of events with a sensitivity to the interaction of structure and agency, so as to develop explanations of events, which in turn encourage emancipatory thought and praxis. Within this framework, a political economy perspective of the agrarian minimum wage is charted, founded on an inter-disciplinary approach that incorporates economic sociology perspectives, which view markets as socio-political constructs, alongside a Marxist analysis of wages and the distinction between the value of labour and the value of labour power. Also relevant are segmentation labour market models where the focus is on segmentation in labour supply, demand and regulation, and institutional economics that highlights labour’s weak bargaining power in low-waged labour markets. Based on this analytical perspective, the South African agrarian minimum wage is seen as a necessary intervention stemming from post-apartheid uneven neoliberal restructuring processes, to address extremely low agrarian wages that pose threats to the ongoing generation of agrarian labour power. Low agrarian wages are located in unequal power relations in the workplace and are embedded in the totality of the low-waged agrarian labour market, composed of particular features in the supply-side of the labour market (the sphere of social reproduction of labour), the demand-side of the labour market (the site of production), and the forces of regulation (the labour relations regime). The thesis explores new ways of conceptualising minimum wages in the South African context, placing emphasis on the local agrarian labour market, and it highlights the agency of agrarian labour by revealing their struggles, working life and living conditions. In so doing, the research expands inquiry beyond economic “impact” at the level of the firm/employer to examine: (a) workers’ employment trends before and after the minimum wage was introduced, (b) the extent of changes in working and living conditions and labour relations, (c) the scope for workers in animating changes and their struggles and challenges, and (d) shifts in actual wages in relation to prescribed wage rates. Focussing on the aforementioned aspects represents an attempt in this thesis to build on themes, raised in heterodox economics studies, of minimum wages and their relationship to the social devaluation of low-waged work, inequalities in bargaining power, and justice. Based on a stratified sample of workers that included, among other variables, sex, geographical area and agricultural sub-sectors, original data was collected through 52 in-depth interviews, two focus group interviews (comprised of 10 workers), and 501 surveyed workers. The research did not find widespread job losses when minimum wages were introduced, as per neoclassical economics’ predictions. Nor did it find transitions from low- to high-road approaches in employment strategies and labour relations, as claimed by certain heterodox economists. Instead, the findings at the sites of production corroborate the uneven, mixed and contradictory findings of applied heterodox minimum wage studies on employment strategies, labour relations and wage settings. In this light, it is concluded that the agrarian minimum wage had layered outcomes for workers based on key findings, which include: (a) the minimum wage became the maximum wage as actual wages increased and clustered at the prescribed wage rate; (b) a level of gender wage parity close to the level of the prevailing prescribed minimum wage was found, but an overall gendered pattern to low-waged employment surfaced and manifested differently at sub-sector and enterprise levels; (c) though no changes were found in the way work was organised and how workers executed their tasks alongside no fundamental changes in the social relations of production, statutory minimum wages and limitations on working hours did reduce the hours of work and the existence of unpaid overtime work in certain sub-sectors such as livestock and dairy workplaces, through worker and employer initiatives (yet, at the same time, work intensification in compressed working hours appeared in the sample in other worksites, for example citrus workplaces); (d) authoritarian labour relations existed in varying depths and forms, based on sub-sector and enterprise characteristics, which shaped the propensity and scope for worker action; and (e) the layered outcomes of the agrarian minimum wage were felt at the site of social reproduction, where it brought a measure of relief for sampled workers; however, it was chronically inadequate to allow workers to meet their subsistence needs comprehensively. The research findings also highlight sub-sectoral complexities in changing employment and labour relations strategies from low- to high-road approaches in the agrarian sector. The layered outcomes of minimum wages for agrarian workers stems from the combined and uneven amalgamation of pre-existing and new conditions and relations consequent to neoliberalising processes in the agrarian political economy as well as the low minimum wage-setting. The thesis thus argues that the mixed outcomes reflect the layered character of the minimum wage as a conversion factor, which in turn equates to a layered notion of justice. This is because, on the one hand, the minimum wage ameliorates the plight of agrarian labour but, on the other hand, and given the bulwark of authoritarianism, pre-existing conditions and neoliberalising processes, the collective vulnerabilities in the agrarian labour market have expanded and may be intensifying. The agrarian minimum wage acts as a double-edged sword in contexts of mixed and layered outcomes for agrarian labour. A layered perspective of the conversion factor of a minimum wage exposes the possibilities and limitations of statutory wages as a conversion factor, based on context, and identifies the limits and possibilities for worker mobilisation and action. In the case of this research, the agrarian minimum wage deals in limited fashion with the value of labour power because of the initial and subsequent low settings; the minimum wage does not deal with class exploitation and the value of labour, although it sets the frame for instigating basic labour standards. The implications of a layered conversion potential of low minimum wage-settings are profound for conceptualising, theorising and researching the link between statutory wages and justice, with respect to the value of labour power and the value of labour. Future research on the minimum wage based on a Marxist reading of wages and located in real labour markets, strengthens heterodox approaches by deepening theories on the relationship between statutory wages, justice and production. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Department of Sociology, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
Affirmative action as a strategy for social justice in South Africa
- Authors: Sinuka, Zamile Hector
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Social justice -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , South Africa -- Employment Equity Act -- 1998
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/20362 , vital:29268
- Description: The purpose of this treatise is to develop a spirit of understanding affirmative action as a strategy that gives South Africa a human face of equality. The strategic development of affirmative action as part of Employment Equity Act is based on equality at workplace. This work takes note of the need to integrate human resource development for employment, productivity and education system that is based on formal education, prior knowledge education (RPL) and previous experience. The imbalances were designed to be of racial reflection therefore the redress process is racial in character but non-racial in content as the envisaged society is a non-racial society. The historical background of inequality and racial discrimination is noted in the environment of employment and on how other laws were enforcing the inequality. The arguments against affirmative action are debated and valid points of such arguments are noted as points of concern that must be considered in the process to attain equality. This work views affirmative action as a process that goes beyond employment relations and work as an instrument to change society by addressing social needs and services that have a reflection of inequality. Education is viewed as the out most important process to change the lives of people as affirmative action has a requirement of suitably qualified candidates to be affirmed. In South Africa problems of inequality were political designed but were enforced by various laws that were having material and psychological impact on the previously disadvantaged. The designated groups were divided into Africans, Indians and Coloureds, in Naidoo v Minister of Safety and Security this principle of defining designated racial groups was promoted in correction to the direction that was taken in Motala v University of Natal.Affirmative action is a legal process that addresses political designed problems. It is also a process that is exposed to abuse. Corrupt officials and managers appoint employees that do not qualify for posts on the bases of political affiliation or any other ground of discrimination. This is discussed with reference to the allegations of SADTU selling posts for principals, senior managers appointed in state co-operatives. The above mentioned tendencies are noted as part of negative indicators on the process that is meant to bring equality and non-racial society where all the citizens are given equal opportunities. This work views affirmative action as a strategy that is based on achieving a society that has a human face where race shall not be a point of reference.
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- Date Issued: 2017
Ammendments to the labour law relations act 66 of 1995 to addressing violent and intractable strikes
- Authors: Gavu, Siphelele
- Date: 2024-12
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor disputes -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/68692 , vital:77082
- Description: The main research question for this treatise is to determine whether the South African legal framework provides effective regulations in curbing violent and intractable strikes. To answer the research question, the research explored the evolution of the right to strike in South Africa, analysing its socio-economic impact and the transition from a repressive regime to a democratic one. The study assessed international, regional, and national legal frameworks, focusing on the right to strike and its regulation. Amendments to the LRA, including introducing rules for picketing, mandatory secret ballots for strikes, and advisory arbitration for dysfunctional strikes, were evaluated. The findings indicate that while these amendments represent a significant step in addressing the issues of violent strikes in an employment context, their effectiveness is limited. Persistent challenges include the frequent disregard by trade unions and their members for legal measures. This reflects the deeper socio- economic and political issues. The study suggests that the effectiveness of these legislative changes is hindered by ongoing social and economic inequalities, highlighting the need for broader socio-political solutions beyond legislative amendments. This comprehensive analysis explains the complexities surrounding strike actions in South Africa and the balance between upholding labour rights and maintaining workplace discipline and order. , Thesis (LLM) -- Faculty of Law, School of Mercantile Law, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-12
An analysis of the policy-making process in the Department of Labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act, (Act 55 of 1998)
- Authors: Matshikwe, Lungile Easter
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Labor policy -- South Africa , South Africa. Employment Equity Act, 1998 , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Policy sciences -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Public Management)
- Identifier: vital:10776 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/201 , Labor policy -- South Africa , South Africa. Employment Equity Act, 1998 , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Policy sciences -- South Africa
- Description: The research problem in this study was to analyse how the new constitutional, legal and political arrangements have influenced public policy-making in the department of labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act. To achieve this objective a theory for analysing policy–making process was presented. Corporatist theory is based on the following assumptions: Public policy is shaped by interaction between the state and interest groups. The state licences behaviour of interested organizations by attributing public status to them Policy-making is based on interest groups bargaining across a broad range of issues. The groups are functionally interdependent to enhance social stability. The groups use consensus in making decisions. Decision-making is centralised, it is done by leaders. The groups are bureaucratic in organization. The groups must be recorgnised by the state so that they can be allowed representation. The research questions that arise are: (1) Who sets the agenda for policy formulation? (2) How is the policy formulated? (3) how are the decisions taken? (4) How is the policy implemented? (5) How is the policy monitored? The objective of this study analyse how constitutional, legal and political changes have influenced public policy formulation in the Department of Labour with specific reference to the Employment Equity Act. Policy–making processes in the South African arena and factors that led to the promulgation of Employment Equity Act were discussed. This study was a qualitative design. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of five participants who were interviewed. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Data was analysed as described by Rubin and Rubin (1995:260) The result negated some of the assumptions of corporatist theory and others concurred with the theory. The findings of the study revealed that policy formulation in the Department of Labour is as a result of constitutional, and international conventions obligations. The findings further revealed that policy-information is institutionalised and there are competing interests due to divergent ideological orientations, different social backgrounds; racial differences; different; political beliefs; different class background; different historical backgrounds, and gender differences. (v) The formulation of the act was also characterised by advocacy, adversarism, stereotyping, alliances and consensus. These organisations. were bureaucratic and decisions were centralised. This study recommended a theory and the theory postulates that “public policy is the product of the social, economic, political, cultural, technolergical, and natural conditions of a given society in a particular epoch or period in the historical development of the particular nation or society and is influenced by dominant national and international forces and these influences may be cultural, economically, social, politically, technological, and type and system of government.
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- Date Issued: 2004
An analysis of the proposed amendments to the Labour Relations Act and other employment legislation
- Authors: Moodaley, Antonio
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , South Africa -- Labour Relations Act 1995
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10301 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021117
- Description: South Africa’s Labour Laws should undergo drastic changes in 2014 when new amendments take effect. The bills amend the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA), Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (BCEA) and the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (EEA). These amendments originate from the increasing “casualisation” of work prevalent in the South African Labour market and aim to address the phenomenon of labour broking, the continuous renewal of fixed-term contracts and unfair discrimination regarding wages amongst others. The legislature effected additional amendments to these Acts to align them with new developments, to improve the functioning of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and to fulfil South Africa’s obligation as a member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). 1 In addition, the amendments attempt to clarify the wording of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) to elucidate numerous significant judicial interpretations of various provisions of the current Act as well as to close what some believe to be loopholes in current legislation. There are differing views on the possible effects the amendments could have on the country; some believe that it will damage business while others believe it will affect job creation. 3 According to Bosch, the amendments allow employers flexibility without depriving employees of rights properly due to them. 4 The researcher emphasises topical issues such as the need for temporary employment services, entitlement to organisational rights and the abuse of fixed-term contracts and further discusses, to a lesser extent and focusing on discrimination, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act5 (BCEA) and the Employment Equity Act6 (EEA).
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- Date Issued: 2014
An appraisal of strike law in South Africa
- Authors: Crompton, Mark Stanley
- Date: 2005
- Subjects: Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:11038 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/379 , Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The recent amendments made to employment laws and in particular the rewriting of the South African Labour Relations Act has brought into focus the diverse and conflicting interests of employers and employees, which is a concern of labour law analysts. This appraisal of South African of strike law examines the statutory and judicially established labour law in regard to the phenomenon of collective industrial action by employees and the regulation of its occurrence. Historical developments in strike law are traced from the early 1900’s. A period of segregated trade unionism, led ultimately to the introduction of a more inclusive system of regulation, which has in turn been modified to bring the law into line with the new constitutional imperatives. Industrial action occurred, often unregulated and regardless of statutory limitations, and in particular that industrial action which related to mass protest action, now recognized as a specific form of strike. The now repealed Labour Relations Act 28 of 1956 is examined with regard to its strike regulating provisions, and identification of what were then new, unrecognized forms of strike action. It has allowed concepts and principles to be developed, under the unfair labour practice jurisdiction of the Industrial Court, much of which has been incorporated in the new Labour Relations Act. The legislation on strike law, which has been developed over the years, has been refined by the constitutional imperatives introduced to the national legal system. The relevant aspects of the new Constitution Act 108 of 1996 and its pervasive effect on strike law are examined. The right to strike in South African labour law, together with the protection of collective bargaining, is now constitutionally entrenched, and the right to strike is now accepted as a necessary adjunct to collective bargaining. It is necessary to give effect to the Constitution in national legislation, and the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 endeavours to accomplish this in chapter IV in regard to strike law, which, it could be argued, limits rather than gives expression to the right to strike. iii The Labour Relations Act of 1995 is then discussed with reference to protected and prohibited strikes, and unregulated strike action. It will be evident that the Act has endeavoured to contain unprocedural and productivity draining industrial action, by subjecting rights disputes to arbitration and Labour Court adjudication, subject to certain exceptions. The recourse to lock-out, as the employer’s prerogative and general corollary of strike action, is briefly discussed. The case law relating to strikes is discussed in respect of both the 1956 Act and the new Labour Relations Act of 1995. Among the issues explored are the strike provisions which have been developed in statute and labour related common law, such as the identification of issues in dispute, notice of strike, the issuing of ultimatums, the audi altarem partem rule and the court’s approach to protected and unprotected strikes. The intention is to determine trends resulting from amendments to the law and draw inferences regarding, in particular, the unregulated form of strikes that occur within the scope of the protections offered by the Act. It is the intention to determine whether the desired effect has been achieved by implementing legislative reforms in response to public policy considerations.
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- Date Issued: 2005
An examination of employee participation as provided for in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
- Authors: Khoza, Francisco Jabulani
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Decision making , Management -- Employee participation , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , South Africa. Labour Relations Act, 1995
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3676 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003191 , Decision making , Management -- Employee participation , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , South Africa. Labour Relations Act, 1995
- Description: The thesis covers the field of labour law known as employee participation in decision-making. It deals with the examination of the extent to which the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (the Act) promotes employee participation in decision-making. Firstly, the analysis shows that employee participation in decision-making is an aspect of democracy, which is translated into industrial democracy in industrial relations. In South Africa the philosophical foundation of employee participation is supported by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996 which embodies democratic values permeating all areas of the law including labour law. Secondly, the study elucidates the jurisprudential background of employee participation in South Africa. There is evidence of the development of some principles of participation like consultation; information disclosure; and the existence of participatory forums like works councils under the LRA 28 of 1956. Thirdly, in evaluating the extent to which the LRA 66 of 1995 promotes employee participation, the following aspects are covered: the relevance and contribution of information disclosure; the effect of consultation prior to dismissal for operational requirements; the role of collective bargaining; and the contribution of workplace forums. The conclusion is reached that all the foregoing aspects of the LRA 66 of 1995 will contribute to the promotion of employee participation in decision-making. The Labour Court and the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration can also ensure that in interpreting the Act employee participation is promoted where appropriate. Finally, employers and employees will have to accept this necessary partnership for the entrenchment of employee participation in decision-making.
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- Date Issued: 1999
Application of section 197 of the Labour Relations Act in an insourcing context
- Authors: Mahlati, Nomphelo Miliswa
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/47392 , vital:39974
- Description: The last two decades have been characterised by a phenomenal rise in the outsourcing of services to external service providers. The driver of this trend has been largely economic, since outsourcing offers more competitive price points for the same service at a comparable service level. Beyond the cost saving objective, the rationale for outsourcing has been to drive core strategy. However, with the economic slowdown, declining consumption and production are forcing entrepreneurs to change their way of thinking about the management of companies. Notably, in recent years there has been a small but a growing reversal of this trend where companies that have previously outsourced functions are being brought back in-house. One of the major concerns surrounding these changes of business strategies is the extent to which the employee rights are safeguarded.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Civil liability of an employer for injuries on duty
- Authors: Brandt, Denver Charles
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Liability (Law) -- South Africa , Employers' liability -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10195 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1042 , Liability (Law) -- South Africa , Employers' liability -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The workplace has evolved dramatically in the past decades. Technology has improved, innovative ways of utilising nuclear power have been developed, new chemicals have been introduced to the market and the adverse effects of other chemicals on both human health and safety and the environment have been discovered. This has influenced the nature of the workplace itself. While employees enjoy a common law right to a safe working environment and health and safety, state intervention currently provides restricted claims to an employee who has sustained injuries or contracted occupational diseases. This thesis explores the effect of section 35 of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 which deprives an employee of its common law right to institute civil action against an employer for an injury sustained or disease contracted during the course and scope of employment. Furthermore, this thesis also explores the marriage between the Occupational Health and Safety Act 89 of 1993 and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 as well as the position of ‘employee’ and ‘employer’ insofar as the scope and application of these two acts are concerned with specific reference to the position of labour broker employees. The use of indemnity clauses and its validity in South Africa will also be explored and discussed. This thesis also dedicates a chapter to the leading case authority of Jooste v Score Supermarket Trading (Pty) Ltd and its effect insofar as the enforcement and application of section 35 of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 is concerned. It is impossible to mention all the changes in the workplace that have occurred in the recent years, and this discussion therefore focuses on the current position of employees who have been deprived of their common law right to institute delictual action for damages resulting from an injury sustained while on duty as well as the impact of the current restrictive claims available to them. Alterations to existing approaches are also proposed to resurrect the common law right of employees to institute action against their employers. , Abstract
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- Date Issued: 2009
Constructive dismissal in labour law
- Authors: Van Loggerenberg, Johannes Jurgens
- Date: 2003
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:11054 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/301 , Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: The history of constructive dismissals in South Africa imitated from the English law in 1986, when an employee successfully challenged the employer on this particular concept after an incident relating a forced resignation. From the literature it is clear that constructive dismissal, as we know it today, originated from our English counterparts. Being a relatively new concept, the South African labour laws caught on at a rapid pace. The leading case on which the South African authors leaned towards was the English case of Woods v WM Car Services (Peterborough). In South Africa constructive dismissals were given statutory force in unfair dismissal law and is defined as the coerced or forced termination of a contract of employment resultant in from the conduct of the employer. There are many forms in which constructive dismissals would postulate that could justify an employee to lay claim to constructive dismissal. Examples thereof are the amendment of the contract of employment, rude language and sexual harassment. It is eminent that certain elements should be present before an employee would have reasonable prospects of succeeding with such a claim. Constructive dismissal comes into the equation when an employer behaves in such a manner that eventually and ultimately leads to the employee, being the receiving party, in the employment relationship, to terminate the employment contract. This termination must be the direct result of the conduct of the employer that irreparably frustrated the relationship and made it impossible for the employee to remain in the service of the employer in question. It appears that the courts have taken a firm stance on coerced or forced resignation, in its various forms tantamount to breach of contact, that any sufficiently unreasonable conduct by an employer may justify that the employee to terminate services and lay claim to the fact that he had been constructively dismissed. It needs to be mentioned that the fact that the mere fact that the employer acted in an unreasonable manner would not suffice and it is up to the employee to prove how the conduct of the employer justified the employee to leave and claim that the employer’s conduct resulted in a material or fundamental beach of the employment contract. In dealing with the contingency of the concept of constructive dismissals it has been expressly provided for in numerous systems of labour law. As is seen herein, a constructive dismissal consists in the termination of the employment contract by reason of the employee’s rather than the employer’s own immediate act. The act of the employee is precipitated by earlier conduct on the part of the employer, which conduct may or may not be justified. Various authors and academics endeavoured to defined constructive dismissal and all had the same or at least some of the elements present, to justify constructive dismissal. The most glaring element being the termination of employment as a result of the any conduct that is tantamount to a breach going to the root of the relationship by the employer, that frustrated the relationship between the employer and the employee and rendered it irreparable. The employee resigns or repudiates the employment contract as a result of the employer normally not leaving the employee any other option but to resign. This can also be termed as coerced or forced resignations and are commonly better known as “constructive dismissal”. The employee is deemed to have been dismissed, even though it is the employee who terminated the employment contract. The most important element to mention is the employee terminated the employment contract, ie resigned yet this is regarded as a dismissal, it is however for the employee to first lay a claim at the proper authority and the employee must prove his / her allegation before it can be a constructive dismissal. As will become clear, that the onus of proof is on the employee to show that the termination of employment resulted from the conduct of the employer. Equally true as in all cases of constructive dismissal, including cases of sexual harassment, being a ground for constructive dismissal, the employee must prove that to remain in service would have been unbearable and intolerable. Sexual harassment is one of the most difficult forms of constructive dismissals, in many cases there are no witnesses and the employee either “suffers in silence or opt to place her dignity at stake to prove her case. It seems as though the test is to determine if the employer’s conduct evinced a deliberate and oppressive intention to have the employment terminated and left the employee with only one option that of resignation to protect her interests. Employees have a right to seek statutory relief and needs to be protected. If a coerced or forced resignation had taken place irrespective whether the employee resigned or not. It is against this back drop that constructive dismissals was given legality and are now recognized as one of the four forms of dismissals in terms of the Act.
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- Date Issued: 2003
Critical analysis of the 2007 public service strike and its impact on the evolution of formalised collective bargaining in South Africa
- Authors: Bhe, Vuyisile
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Collective bargaining -- South Africa , Dispute resolution (Law) -- South Africa , Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Industrial relations -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10192 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1043 , Collective bargaining -- South Africa , Dispute resolution (Law) -- South Africa , Strikes and lockouts -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Industrial relations -- South Africa
- Description: Section 213 of the Labour Relations Act defines ’strike’ as the partial or complete concerted refusal to work, or the retardation or obstruction of work, by persons who are or have been employed by the same employer or by different employers, for the purpose of remedying a grievance or resolving a dispute in respect of any matter of mutual interest between the employer and employee, and any reference to “work” this definition includes overtime work, whether it is voluntary or compulsory. According to Mcllroy: “As long as our society is divided between those who own and control the means of production and those who only have the ability to work, strikes will be inevitable because they are the ultimate means workers have of protecting themselves.” 1 The Constitutional Court justified the exclusion of a constitutional right to lock out and the inclusion of a constitutional right to strike by indicating that the right to strike is not equivalent to a right to lock out and is essential for workplace democracy. 2 The right to strike is essential to bolster collective bargaining and thereby to give employees the power to bargain effectively with employers. The employers on the According to the Constitutional Court employers enjoy greater social and economic power compared to individual workers and may exercise a wide range of power against workers through a range of weapons, such as dismissal, the employment of alternative or replacement labour, the unilateral implementation of new terms and conditions of employment, and the exclusion of workers from the workplace. To combat this and have a say in the workplace, the Constitutional Court held that “employees need to act in concert to provide them collectively with sufficient power to bargain effectively with employers and exercise collective power primarily through the mechanism of strike action”. The importance of the right to strike in creating workplace democracy is also reflected in a number of Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court judgments. other hand have economic strength that is used to bargain effectively. That is why the strike enjoys constitutional protection, whereas the lock-out does not. , Abstract
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- Date Issued: 2009
Dismissal for medical incapacity
- Authors: Boy, Anthony Albert
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Capacity and disability -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:11047 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/316 , Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Capacity and disability -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: Labour law in South Africa has evolved over the past century at an ever increasing pace. The establishment of a democratic government in 1995 has been the trigger for a large number of labour law statutes being promulgated, particularly with reference to the laws governing the employment relationship and dismissal. From very humble and employer biased dispute resolution application under the common law of contract, labour law in this country has evolved through the various acts culminating in a labour law system which is highly regulated and codified. Dismissal for medical incapacity in this treatise is reviewed with regard to the applicable statutes and the various codes of good practice as the law has evolved and developed from the period covered by the common law through that covered by the 1995 LRA up to and including the current period. Particular attention is paid to both substantive and procedural requirements as well as the remedies applicable under the different legal regimes and the pertinent tribunals and courts. Regard is also given to the duration and causes of incapacity and the effect this may have on the applicable remedy applied by these tribunals. It will become apparant that the medically incapacitated employee occupied a relatively weak and vulnerable position under the common law as opposed to the current position under the 1995 LRA. The influence of the remedies applied by the tribunals under the 1956 LRA are clearly evident in the current regulations and codes under the 1995 LRA which contain specific statutory provisions for employees not to be unfairly dismissed. Distinctions are drawn between permissible and impermissible dismissals, with medical incapacity falling under the former. v Furthermore, a distinction is drawn statutorily between permanent and temporary illhealth/ injury incapacity with detailed guidelines for substantive and procedural fairness requirements to be met by employers. The powers of the specialist tribunals (CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Labour Courts) are regulated by statutory provisions and deal with appropriate remedies (reinstatement and/or compensation) a wardable in appropriate circumstances. Certain specific areas nonetheless still remain problematic for these tribunals and hence questions that require clear direction from the drafters of our law are: 1. How to distinguish misconduct in alcohol and drug abuse cases? 2. What degree of intermittent absenteeism is required before dismissal would be warranted? In certain other areas the tribunals have been fairly consistent and prescriptive in their approach and remedies awarded. Included here would be permanent incapacity, HIV cases and misconduct. It will emerge, however, that under the 1995 LRA the position of employees and the protections afforded them have been greatly increased.
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- Date Issued: 2004
Dismissal for medical incapacity
- Authors: Boy, Anthony Albert
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Capacity and disability -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10242 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1016262
- Description: Labour law in South Africa has evolved over the past century at an ever increasing pace. The establishment of a democratic government in 1995 has been the trigger for a large number of labour law statutes being promulgated, particularly with reference to the laws governing the employment relationship and dismissal. From very humble and employer biased dispute resolution application under the common law of contract, labour law in this country has evolved through the various acts culminating in a labour law system which is highly regulated and codified. Dismissal for medical incapacity in this treatise is reviewed with regard to the applicable statutes and the various codes of good practice as the law has evolved and developed from the period covered by the common law through that covered by the 1995 LRA up to and including the current period. Particular attention is paid to both substantive and procedural requirements as well as the remedies applicable under the different legal regimes and the pertinent tribunals and courts. Regard is also given to the duration and causes of incapacity and the effect this may have on the applicable remedy applied by these tribunals. It will become apparant that the medically incapacitated employee occupied a relatively weak and vulnerable position under the common law as opposed to the current position under the 1995 LRA. The influence of the remedies applied by the tribunals under the 1956 LRA are clearly evident in the current regulations and codes under the 1995 LRA which contain specific statutory provisions for employees not to be unfairly dismissed. Distinctions are drawn between permissible and impermissible dismissals, with medical incapacity falling under the former. Furthermore, a distinction is drawn statutorily between permanent and temporary illhealth/injury incapacity with detailed guidelines for substantive and procedural fairness requirements to be met by employers. The powers of the specialist tribunals (CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Labour Courts) are regulated by statutory provisions and deal with appropriate remedies (reinstatement and/or compensation) a wardable in appropriate circumstances. Certain specific areas nonetheless still remain problematic for these tribunals and hence questions that require clear direction from the drafters of our law are: How to distinguish misconduct in alcohol and drug abuse cases? What degree of intermittent absenteeism is required before dismissal would be warranted? In certain other areas the tribunals have been fairly consistent and prescriptive in their approach and remedies awarded. Included here would be permanent incapacity, HIV cases and misconduct. It will emerge, however, that under the 1995 LRA the position of employees and the protections afforded them have been greatly increased.
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- Date Issued: 2004
Economic dualism and labour re-allocation in South Africa, 1917-1970
- Authors: Hindson, Douglas Carlisle
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Labor policy -- South Africa -- History -- 20th century , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor economics -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:1090 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012294 , Labor policy -- South Africa -- History -- 20th century , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Labor economics -- South Africa
- Description: The central concern of this study is to analyse how the pattern of development in South Africa has influenced the long term growth of productive employment in the economy. The approach adopted is to appply a model of economic dualism to the South African case. Chapter 1, p. 1.
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- Date Issued: 1975
Equal pay for equal work
- Authors: Paul, Gary William
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Equal pay for equal work -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa , Pay equity -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/5343 , vital:20830
- Description: The notion of Decent Work has been broadly advocated since 1999 by means of various International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions. Through these Conventions and as part of its Decent Work Agenda, the ILO strives to foster the creation of social and economic systems, capable of ensuring basic security and employment and adaptable to rapidly changing local and global economic circumstances. The Decent Work Agenda has been widely accepted as an important strategy to eradicate poverty and enable socio-economic development. It is submitted that the concept of Decent Work as contemplated by the ILO, firstly focuses on the payment of an income, which allows the working individual a good life. It secondly strives to ensure that everybody has an equal chance to develop themselves; that working conditions are safe; that there is no instance of child and forced labour; and that discrimination does not occur. The elimination of discrimination in the workplace is not only an ever-evolving pursuit, given that it continues to manifest in innumerable forms, but it has also proven to be an extremely pervasive pursuit as evidenced by the jurisdiction-specific literature review in this study. The jurisdictions focused on in this study are the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Australia. This study concerns itself with pay-related discrimination which strains ILO Conventions No 100 and 111. Convention 100 focuses on equal pay for equal work and Convention No 111 focuses on the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the workplace. In spite of extensive legislative developments in the various jurisdictions which form part of this study, enhanced by the creation of various practical mechanisms to enable the elimination of pay-related discrimination, the stubborn problem of discriminatory pay practices has survived structured and deliberate attempts to get rid of it. In South Africa, the amendment to section 6(4) of the Employment Equity Act, assented on 1 August 2014, specifically describes a difference in conditions of employment between employees of the same employer performing the same or substantially the same work or work of equal value based on any one or more of the grounds listed in section 6(1), as unfair discrimination. This amendment therefore seeks to prohibit such unfair discriminatory practices. Based on the newness of this amendment and the fact that courts have not yet delivered judgments arising from litigation related to this particular amendment, a sense of uncertainty exists with respect to the adequacy of the amended section 6 in the Employment Equity Amendment Act. If progress in the other jurisdictions in this regard is anything to go by, there is no reason to believe that the amendment to section 6 will be a panacea capable of addressing all alleged discriminatory pay practices.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Essential services in light of the 2014 Labour Law amendments
- Authors: Seshoka, Lesiba Job
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/47427 , vital:39990
- Description: The topic of the treatise is “Essential Services in light of the 2014 Labour Law amendments”. It aims to investigate the state of essential services in the wake of the 2014 changes to the Labour Relations Act. As Pillay1 puts it, Furthermore, 15 years under our new essential services regime, it is time for reflection to preserve and improve what works and to fix what does not. The treatment of essential services is not playing as planned. In the meantime, notwithstanding the prohibition of strikes in essential services, they occur with disconcerting frequency, duration and intensity”. From these, one can deduce that prior to the changes effected in 2014, there have been serious challenges facing essential service personnel and employers which necessitated a change in legislation. The question, which this treatise tries to answer, is whether such change in legislation would in all likelihood addresses the challenges, which faced essential service employers and employees before it was enacted.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Insubordination in the workplace
- Authors: Chadd, Kevin Mark
- Date: 1999
- Subjects: Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3668 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003183 , Employees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: This thesis traces the development of insubordination in the employment relationship. The essence of the relationship is that the employee, by contracting out his or her productive capacity, occupies a subordinate position. The primary aim is to locate and define the nature of subordination and to investigate how the breach of this position would justify dismissal as interpreted and applied by the courts. This is achieved by investigating dismissal for insubordination under the common law contract of employment, the unfair labour practice jurisdiction and the 1995 Labour Relations Act. Initially the obligation of the employee to be subordinate, an essential term of the contract of employment, is located and defined by using the tests of Control, Organisation and Dominant Impression, which theoretically indicate the true nature of insubordination. Insubordination under the common law is equated with disobedience to the lawful and reasonable instructions of the employer which were given in good faith and fell squarely within the contractual relationship. Insubordination under the unfair labour practice jurisdiction was equated with a challenge to the authority of the employer of which disobedience was a manifestation of such intention. Instructions given by the employer under the unfair labour practice jurisdiction had to be lawful, reasonable and fair. What was fair depended on the surrounding circumstances of the dismissal and a wilful and unreasonable refusal of the employee to obey the valid instructions of the employer justified dismissal Under the 1995 Labour Relations Act it is submitted that insubordination will be dealt with in essentially the same manner as under the previous jurisdiction, subject to the Act's objectives and purposes. The disobedience of the employee is to be tolerated if that employee is attempting to achieve the Act's objectives, and any dismissal as a result of the disobedience could be unfair, because the employer's conduct fiustrates the purpose of the Act. Therefore, the contractual right of the employer to expect subordination from the employee may have been whittled away to such an extent over time that it seems superficial to regard subordination as an essential term of the contract of employment.
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- Date Issued: 1999