Kwongotela mwananga
- Authors: Tonga/ Hlanguni (Performers) , T.O. Kowano (Composer) , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1955
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Music--Mozambique , Topical songs , Guitar , Instrumental music , Africa Mozambique Bileni f-mz
- Language: Tonga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:36854 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR007-08
- Description: Topical songs with guitar
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1955
Maluzo (The failure)
- Authors: Tonga/ Hlanguni (Performers) , T.O. Kowano (Composer) , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1955
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Music--Mozambique , Topical songs , Guitar , Mandolin , Kazoo , Instrumental music , Africa Mozambique Bileni f-mz
- Language: Tonga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:36859 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR007-13
- Description: Topical song with guitar, mandoline and Kazoo (Musengere)
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1955
Mbilu yanga (My heart)
- Authors: Tonga/ Hlanguni (Performers) , T.O. Kowano (Composer) , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1955
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Music--Mozambique , Topical songs , Guitar , Instrumental music , Africa Mozambique Bileni f-mz
- Language: Tonga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:36855 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR007-09
- Description: Topical songs with guitar
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1955
Abayashi bonse bati bwela (Both parents say 'Come back')
- Authors: Jackson Cabala and 3 Bemba boys , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Mufulira f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier:${Handle} , vital:37245 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-12
- Description: All the singers were born in the Mine Compound and were brought up here. Thier chief and almost exclusive musical inspiration therfore, comes from the cinema and African town dance records from Johannesburg
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Aye welele wa Mhalaka (Alas for a bachelor)
- Authors: Ngoi Nono and Kabongo Anastase with friends , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga f-cg
- Language: Luba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37169 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-07
- Description: The song recounts all the troubles of a bachelor. The Songe tribe is an offshoot of the great Luba groups of the Kasai and Katanga provinces of Southern Congo. Topical song with 2 guitars and bottle, small rattle and whistle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Banakashi tabalila (Women's tears do not mean a thing)
- Authors: Isaac Matafwana and Sunkutu , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Mufulira f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37242 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-10
- Description: "Women's tears do not mean a thing! Their eyes shed tears while they sing with their lips." The form of this song is typically folk in its continued refrain. The situation to which the singer appears to refer, is the funeral dance in which the women sing lustily for the dance, while artificially inducing tears to fall in respect for the dead. Topical song with guitar and bottle
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Fyalila banuta Kapyanga (How Kapyanga's wife wept)
- Authors: James Mtemberwa , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Serenje f-za
- Language: Lala
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37201 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0021-13
- Description: Kapyanga's wife went to the mine shaft head and there she saw am ambulance. She wept, thinking that it may be her husband who had been injured underground, but it was not so." Topical song with Kankowele mbira, fan-shaped mbira, with external resonator
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Ifye achitile ba ya beli (This is what he did)
- Authors: Group of six Bemba men , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Kasama f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37232 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-04
- Description: A certain man was going to get married. But on the day of the wedding, when the bride was brought from her village, he ran away. The song was thought highly of by the audience. Topical song with clapping.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Joni mwana Seke (Joni, the child of Seke)
- Authors: Group of 5 Aushi boys , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Fort Roseberry f-za
- Language: Aushi
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37146 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0019-15
- Description: The singers say they went to compete with others and acquitted themselves very well. Unfortunately their best singer Joni, was not there. Topical song.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Kakonko (The small rough "knot" that spoils good work)
- Authors: Isaac Matafwana and Sunkutu , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Mufulira f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37241 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-09
- Description: He goes on to say: "If your mother has no wisdom, how can you have wisdom?" " I married a beautiful woman, but I left her for she was diseased."If a small imperfection spoils an otherwise good work, they call the obstruction a "knot", as in a string. Topical song with guitar and bottle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Kasonde waritumpa, Kasonde mubanga (Kasonde is stupid)
- Authors: Kasonde and Mubangaied , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Kasama f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier:${Handle} , vital:37227 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-01
- Description: The rattle was composed of a wire hoop mounted on a pole about 6 feet high. A transverse wire had pieces of iron threaded on it, which rattled when the rattle-player struck the end of the pole on the ground and struck the side of the pole rhythmically in syncopation with the palm of his left hand. Topical song with rattle pole and bottle struck with spoon.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Katikalepuke, katikatobeke (About to snap, about to break)
- Authors: Isaac Matafwana and Sunkutu , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Mufulira f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37239 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-07
- Description: The words are mostly in Bemba with a little Swahili here and there. "About to snap, about to break. Leave me by myself, so that I can enjoy the pleasure of it. Let the others indulge in their eartly pleasures. Don't worry about them. I like my girl because she dresses well." Topical song with guitar and bottle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Lolo inamukinga
- Authors: Ngoi Nono and Kabango Anastase with 9 Luba men , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga f-cg
- Language: Luba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37171 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-09
- Description: The singers of this song were all employed on the Kolwezi Copper mine, the most westerly of the great copper mines of the Katanga province of Southern Congo. Topical songs with 2 guitars, bottle and small rattle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Maitumbe (Rapture)
- Authors: Edmond Cileshe and his wife , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Kitwe f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37251 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0024-03
- Description: "we are musicians and although some of our words sound a little romantic, our purpose is not to seduce women but to entertain everyone." Most of what he sings is in an old-fashioned Bemba and not readily translatable. The performer is blind, and has been since he was a child, going blind shortly after he learnt to walk, he said. Tuning of the instrument as follows:- 368, 340, 308, 280, 252, 232, 210, 190, 170, 154, 140 vps. Ndelema dance song-Greeting song with Mumamba mbira bell.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
- Authors: Chibanda and Kasena with 7 Kanyoka men , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Kandakanda f-cg
- Language: Kanyoka
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37165 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-05
- Description: "The Kanyoka captured the chief of the Kasai people on the other side of the river, cut off his head, put it in a pot of beer and drank the beer." It is not certain from the context to which tribal wars this incident refers, if any. It may well be a form of boasting or braggadocio. Topical song with 2 guitars, 3 basket rattles and 1 bottle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Masenga wa Bena Nomba (Masenga of the Bena Nomba
- Authors: Ngoi Nono and Kabongo Anastase with friends , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga f-cg
- Language: Luba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37167 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-06
- Description: This is a song set to a guitar accompaniment - in which the idiom both of melody and accompaniment follows the folk tradition. It is an excellent example of modern topical songs from this region of Southern Congo. Topical song with 2 guitars and bottle, small rattle and whistle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Mayo (My mother)
- Authors: Kasonde and Mubangaied , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Kasama f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37229 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-02
- Description: "My child is sick, you the doctor must look after him.-You, my wife, are a jealous woman-what are you after?" Topical song with rattle pole and bottle struck with spoon.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Mayo, mayo (Mother, mother)
- Authors: William Siwale and 3 friends , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk songs, Ambo (Zambia) , Folk songs, Bemba , Topical songs , Africa Zambia Banroft f-za
- Language: bemba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37238 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0023-06
- Description: "Mothers, mothers, harvest your crops." Topical song with guitar
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Mionde abana
- Authors: Ngoi Nono and Kabango Anastase with 9 Luba men , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga f-cg
- Language: Luba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37172 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-10
- Description: The singers of this song were all employed on the Kolwezi Copper mine, the most westerly of the great copper mines of the Katanga province of Southern Congo. Topical songs with 2 guitars, bottle and small rattle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957
Muleka Mwene Yombwe (Name of a man)
- Authors: Ngoi Nono and Kabango Anastase with Luba men , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Topical songs , Instrumental music , Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga f-cg
- Language: Luba
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:37170 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0020-08
- Description: The song is about a man called Muleka Mwene Yombwe who refused to allow his wife to go down to the river to fish. All the group's songs were songs they had heard in their own village and set to the guitar, and this is an excellent example. Topical song with 2 guitars and bottle, and small rattle.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1957