Tribute to South African Freedom Fighters
- Date: nd
- Subjects: Government, Resistance to -- South Africa , South Africa -- History -- 20th century , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: , vital:33097 , Bulk File 7
- Description: This booklet contains potted biographies of a number of recently deceased stalwart members of the New Unity Movement, its predecessor, the Non-European Unity Movement and affiliates TLSA, CATA, SOYA AND APDUSA.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: nd
- Date: nd
- Subjects: Government, Resistance to -- South Africa , South Africa -- History -- 20th century , South Africa -- Politics and government
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: , vital:33097 , Bulk File 7
- Description: This booklet contains potted biographies of a number of recently deceased stalwart members of the New Unity Movement, its predecessor, the Non-European Unity Movement and affiliates TLSA, CATA, SOYA AND APDUSA.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: nd
What is a co-operative?
- Authors: Crankshaw, Paul
- Date: [Date of publication not identified]
- Subjects: Cooperative societies -- South Africa , Producer cooperatives -- South Africa , Consumer cooperatives -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30448
- Description: The word ‘co-operative’ means to work together for a common goal. A co-operative is a group of people who together own and control an organisation or a business for the benefit of its members. A co-operative is democratic, and so the members of the co-operative are responsible to each other. They work for themselves; and together they decide how to run the co-operative and how to share the profits. , This booklet was put together by members of Cope, with the help of Paul Crankshaw (editing and layout), Leslie Lawson (photographs and interviews) and Sue Beattie (drawings)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: [Date of publication not identified]
- Authors: Crankshaw, Paul
- Date: [Date of publication not identified]
- Subjects: Cooperative societies -- South Africa , Producer cooperatives -- South Africa , Consumer cooperatives -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30448
- Description: The word ‘co-operative’ means to work together for a common goal. A co-operative is a group of people who together own and control an organisation or a business for the benefit of its members. A co-operative is democratic, and so the members of the co-operative are responsible to each other. They work for themselves; and together they decide how to run the co-operative and how to share the profits. , This booklet was put together by members of Cope, with the help of Paul Crankshaw (editing and layout), Leslie Lawson (photographs and interviews) and Sue Beattie (drawings)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: [Date of publication not identified]
Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour
- Hofmeyr, Georges Justus, Vogel, Joshua. P, Cuthbert, Anna, Singata, Mandisa
- Authors: Hofmeyr, Georges Justus , Vogel, Joshua. P , Cuthbert, Anna , Singata, Mandisa
- Date: 03-2017
- Subjects: South Africa Pregnancy Computer File
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44640 , https://DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006067.pub3
- Description: Background Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour (also known as the 'Kristeller manoeuvre') involves application of manual pressure to the uppermost part of the uterus directed towards the birth canal, in an attempt to assist spontaneous vaginal birth and avoid prolonged second stage orthe need for operative birth. Fundal pressure has also been applied using an inflatable belt. Fundal pressure is widely used, however methods of its use vary widely. Despite strongly held opinions in favour of and against the use of fundal pressure, there is limited evidence regarding its maternal and neonatal benefits and harms. There is a need for objective evaluation of the eGectiveness and safety of fundal pressure in the second stage of labour. Objectives To determine if fundal pressure is eGective in achieving spontaneous vaginal birth, and preventing prolonged second stage or the need for operative birth, and to explore maternal and neonatal adverse eGects related to fundal pressure. Search methods We searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register (30 November 2016) and reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials of fundal pressure (manual or by inflatable belt) versus no fundal pressure in women in the second stage of labour with singleton cephalic presentation. Data collection and analysis Two or more review authors independently assessed potential studies for inclusion and quality. We extracted data using a pre-designed form. We entered data into Review Manager 5 soAware and checked for accuracy. Main results Nine trials are included in this updated review. Five trials (3057 women) compared manual fundal pressure versus no fundal pressure. Four trials (891 women) compared fundal pressure by means of an inflatable belt versus no fundal pressure. It was not possible to blind women and staG to this intervention. We assessed two trials as being at high risk of attrition bias and another at high risk of reporting bias. All other trials were low or unclear for other risk of bias domains. Most of the trials had design limitations. Heterogeneity was high for the majority of outcomes. Manual fundal pressure versus no fundal pressure Manual fundal pressure was not associated with changes in: spontaneous vaginal birth within a specified time (risk ratio (RR) 0.96, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71 to 1.28; 120 women; 1 trial; very low-quality evidence), instrumental births (RR 3.28, 95% CI 0.14 to 79.65; 197 women; 1 trial), caesarean births (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.07 to 17.27; 197 women; 1 trial), operative birth (average RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.12 to 3.55; 317 women; 2 studies; I2 = 43%; Tau2 = 0.71; very low-quality evidence), duration of second stage (mean diGerence (MD) -0.80 minutes, 95% CI -3.66 to 2.06 minutes; 194 women; 1 study; very low-quality evidence), low arterial cord pH in newborn babies (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.58; 297 women; 2 trials; very low-quality evidence), or Apgar scores less than seven at five minutes (average RR 4.48, 95% CI 0.28 to 71.45; 2759 infants; 4 trials; I2 = 89%; Tau2 = 3.55; very low-quality evidence). More women who received manual fundal pressure had cervical tears than in the control group (RR 4.90, 95% CI 1.09 to 21.98; 295 women; 1 trial). No neonatal deaths occurred in either of the two studies reporting this outcome (very low-quality evidence). No trial reported the outcome severe maternal morbidity or death. Fundal pressure by inflatable belt versus no fundal pressure Fundal pressure by inflatable belt did not reduce the number of women havinginstrumental births (average RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.52 to 1.02; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 52%; Tau2 = 0.05) or operative births (average RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.38 to 1.01; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 78%; Tau2 = 0.14; very low-quality evidence). Heterogeneity was high for both outcomes. Duration of second stage was reported in two trials, which both showed that inflatable belts shortened duration of labour in nulliparous women (average MD -50.80 minutes, 95% CI -94.85 to -6.74 minutes; 253 women; 2 trials; I2 = 97%; Tau2 = 975.94; very low-quality evidence). No data on this outcome were available for multiparous women. The inflatable belt did not make any diGerence to rates of caesarean births (average RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.14 to 2.26; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 70%; Tau2 = 0.98), low arterial cord pHin newborn babies (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.09 to 2.55; 461 infants; 1 trial; low-quality evidence), or Apgar scores less than seven atfive minutes (RR 4.62, 95% CI 0.22 to 95.68; 500 infants; 1 trial; very low-quality evidence). Third degree perinealtears were increased in the inflatable belt group (RR 15.69, 95% CI 2.10 to 117.02; 500 women; 1 trial). Spontaneous vaginal birth within a specified time, neonatal death, andsevere maternal morbidity or death were not reported in any trial. Authors' conclusions There is insuGicient evidence to draw conclusions on the beneficial or harmful eGects of fundal pressure, either manually or by inflatable belt. Fundal pressure by an inflatable belt during the second stage of labour may shorten duration of second stage for nulliparous women, and lower rates of operative birth. However, existing studies are small and their generalizability is uncertain. There is insuGicient evidence regarding safety for the baby. There is no evidence on the use of fundal pressure in specific clinical settings such as inability of the mother to bear down due to exhaustion or unconsciousness. There is currently insuGicient evidence for the routine use of fundal pressure by any method on women in the second stage of labour. Because of current widespread use of the procedure and the potential for use in settings where other methods of assisted birth are not available, further good quality trials are needed. Further evaluation in other groups of women (such as multiparous women) will also be required. Future research should describe in detail how fundal pressure was applied and consider safety of the unborn baby, perineal outcomes, longer-term maternal and infant outcomes and maternal satisfaction.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 03-2017
- Authors: Hofmeyr, Georges Justus , Vogel, Joshua. P , Cuthbert, Anna , Singata, Mandisa
- Date: 03-2017
- Subjects: South Africa Pregnancy Computer File
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44640 , https://DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006067.pub3
- Description: Background Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour (also known as the 'Kristeller manoeuvre') involves application of manual pressure to the uppermost part of the uterus directed towards the birth canal, in an attempt to assist spontaneous vaginal birth and avoid prolonged second stage orthe need for operative birth. Fundal pressure has also been applied using an inflatable belt. Fundal pressure is widely used, however methods of its use vary widely. Despite strongly held opinions in favour of and against the use of fundal pressure, there is limited evidence regarding its maternal and neonatal benefits and harms. There is a need for objective evaluation of the eGectiveness and safety of fundal pressure in the second stage of labour. Objectives To determine if fundal pressure is eGective in achieving spontaneous vaginal birth, and preventing prolonged second stage or the need for operative birth, and to explore maternal and neonatal adverse eGects related to fundal pressure. Search methods We searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register (30 November 2016) and reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials of fundal pressure (manual or by inflatable belt) versus no fundal pressure in women in the second stage of labour with singleton cephalic presentation. Data collection and analysis Two or more review authors independently assessed potential studies for inclusion and quality. We extracted data using a pre-designed form. We entered data into Review Manager 5 soAware and checked for accuracy. Main results Nine trials are included in this updated review. Five trials (3057 women) compared manual fundal pressure versus no fundal pressure. Four trials (891 women) compared fundal pressure by means of an inflatable belt versus no fundal pressure. It was not possible to blind women and staG to this intervention. We assessed two trials as being at high risk of attrition bias and another at high risk of reporting bias. All other trials were low or unclear for other risk of bias domains. Most of the trials had design limitations. Heterogeneity was high for the majority of outcomes. Manual fundal pressure versus no fundal pressure Manual fundal pressure was not associated with changes in: spontaneous vaginal birth within a specified time (risk ratio (RR) 0.96, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71 to 1.28; 120 women; 1 trial; very low-quality evidence), instrumental births (RR 3.28, 95% CI 0.14 to 79.65; 197 women; 1 trial), caesarean births (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.07 to 17.27; 197 women; 1 trial), operative birth (average RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.12 to 3.55; 317 women; 2 studies; I2 = 43%; Tau2 = 0.71; very low-quality evidence), duration of second stage (mean diGerence (MD) -0.80 minutes, 95% CI -3.66 to 2.06 minutes; 194 women; 1 study; very low-quality evidence), low arterial cord pH in newborn babies (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.58; 297 women; 2 trials; very low-quality evidence), or Apgar scores less than seven at five minutes (average RR 4.48, 95% CI 0.28 to 71.45; 2759 infants; 4 trials; I2 = 89%; Tau2 = 3.55; very low-quality evidence). More women who received manual fundal pressure had cervical tears than in the control group (RR 4.90, 95% CI 1.09 to 21.98; 295 women; 1 trial). No neonatal deaths occurred in either of the two studies reporting this outcome (very low-quality evidence). No trial reported the outcome severe maternal morbidity or death. Fundal pressure by inflatable belt versus no fundal pressure Fundal pressure by inflatable belt did not reduce the number of women havinginstrumental births (average RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.52 to 1.02; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 52%; Tau2 = 0.05) or operative births (average RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.38 to 1.01; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 78%; Tau2 = 0.14; very low-quality evidence). Heterogeneity was high for both outcomes. Duration of second stage was reported in two trials, which both showed that inflatable belts shortened duration of labour in nulliparous women (average MD -50.80 minutes, 95% CI -94.85 to -6.74 minutes; 253 women; 2 trials; I2 = 97%; Tau2 = 975.94; very low-quality evidence). No data on this outcome were available for multiparous women. The inflatable belt did not make any diGerence to rates of caesarean births (average RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.14 to 2.26; 891 women; 4 trials; I2 = 70%; Tau2 = 0.98), low arterial cord pHin newborn babies (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.09 to 2.55; 461 infants; 1 trial; low-quality evidence), or Apgar scores less than seven atfive minutes (RR 4.62, 95% CI 0.22 to 95.68; 500 infants; 1 trial; very low-quality evidence). Third degree perinealtears were increased in the inflatable belt group (RR 15.69, 95% CI 2.10 to 117.02; 500 women; 1 trial). Spontaneous vaginal birth within a specified time, neonatal death, andsevere maternal morbidity or death were not reported in any trial. Authors' conclusions There is insuGicient evidence to draw conclusions on the beneficial or harmful eGects of fundal pressure, either manually or by inflatable belt. Fundal pressure by an inflatable belt during the second stage of labour may shorten duration of second stage for nulliparous women, and lower rates of operative birth. However, existing studies are small and their generalizability is uncertain. There is insuGicient evidence regarding safety for the baby. There is no evidence on the use of fundal pressure in specific clinical settings such as inability of the mother to bear down due to exhaustion or unconsciousness. There is currently insuGicient evidence for the routine use of fundal pressure by any method on women in the second stage of labour. Because of current widespread use of the procedure and the potential for use in settings where other methods of assisted birth are not available, further good quality trials are needed. Further evaluation in other groups of women (such as multiparous women) will also be required. Future research should describe in detail how fundal pressure was applied and consider safety of the unborn baby, perineal outcomes, longer-term maternal and infant outcomes and maternal satisfaction.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 03-2017
Iodine nutrition status in Africa: Potentially high prevalence of iodine deficiency in pregnancy even in countries classified as iodine sufficient
- Charles Bitamazire Businge, Benjamin Longo-Mbenza, Andre Pascal Kengne
- Authors: Charles Bitamazire Businge , Benjamin Longo-Mbenza , Andre Pascal Kengne
- Date: 03-8-2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43336 ,
- Description: Objective: To assess the burden of iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Africa using estimated pregnancy median urinary iodine concentration (pMUIC). Design: pMUIC for each African country was estimated using a regression equation derived by correlating the school-age children (SAC) median UIC (mUIC) and pMUIC from countries around the globe, and the SAC mUIC data for African countries obtained from the Iodine Global Network (IGN) 2017 and 2019 Score cards. Setting: Iodine deficiency was endemic in many African countries before the introduction of iodine fortification, mainly through universal salt iodisation programmes about 25 years ago. There is a scarcity of data on the level of iodine nutrition in pregnancy in Africa. Women living in settings with pMUIC below 150 μg/l are at risk of iodine deficiency-related pregnancy complications. Participants: Fifty of the fifty-five African countries that had data on iodine nutrition status. Results: A cut-off school age mUIC ≤ 175 μg/l is correlated with insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy (pregnancy mUIC ≤ 150 μg/l). Twenty-two African countries had SAC mUIC less than 175 μg/l, which correlated with insufficient iodine intake during pregnancy (pMUIC less than 150 μg/l). However, nine of these twenty-two countries had adequate iodine intake based on SAC mUIC. Conclusions: There is likely a high prevalence of insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy, including in some African countries classified as having adequate iodine intake in the general population. A SAC mUIC ≤ 175 μ
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 03-8-2020
- Authors: Charles Bitamazire Businge , Benjamin Longo-Mbenza , Andre Pascal Kengne
- Date: 03-8-2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43336 ,
- Description: Objective: To assess the burden of iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Africa using estimated pregnancy median urinary iodine concentration (pMUIC). Design: pMUIC for each African country was estimated using a regression equation derived by correlating the school-age children (SAC) median UIC (mUIC) and pMUIC from countries around the globe, and the SAC mUIC data for African countries obtained from the Iodine Global Network (IGN) 2017 and 2019 Score cards. Setting: Iodine deficiency was endemic in many African countries before the introduction of iodine fortification, mainly through universal salt iodisation programmes about 25 years ago. There is a scarcity of data on the level of iodine nutrition in pregnancy in Africa. Women living in settings with pMUIC below 150 μg/l are at risk of iodine deficiency-related pregnancy complications. Participants: Fifty of the fifty-five African countries that had data on iodine nutrition status. Results: A cut-off school age mUIC ≤ 175 μg/l is correlated with insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy (pregnancy mUIC ≤ 150 μg/l). Twenty-two African countries had SAC mUIC less than 175 μg/l, which correlated with insufficient iodine intake during pregnancy (pMUIC less than 150 μg/l). However, nine of these twenty-two countries had adequate iodine intake based on SAC mUIC. Conclusions: There is likely a high prevalence of insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy, including in some African countries classified as having adequate iodine intake in the general population. A SAC mUIC ≤ 175 μ
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 03-8-2020
A Review of Arterial Stiffness and HIV Infection in Adult Africans
- Awotedu, Kofoworola Olajire, Iputo, Jehu
- Authors: Awotedu, Kofoworola Olajire , Iputo, Jehu
- Date: 09-06-2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43615 ,
- Description: Aim: To review the impact of the human immunodeficiency virus and antiretroviral therapy on the vasculature. Objectives: This review seeks to identify the burden which the human immunodeficiency virus and antiretroviral therapy have on the vasculature. Method: Medline/PubMed and Google scholar were searched. There were over 100 publications reviewed. Some people who worked in similar fields were also contacted. The present review summarized current understanding of Human immunodeficiency virus, antiretroviral therapy and effect on the vasculature such as arterial stiffness. Atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, the strengths and weaknesses of current testing strategies, and their potential applications in clinical research and patient care. The association of inflammatory biomarkers, blood pressure and ageing with arterial stiffness were also reviewed. Conclusion: Available literature shows that HIV and antiretroviral agents have a great impact on the vasculature and its progression.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 09-06-2016
- Authors: Awotedu, Kofoworola Olajire , Iputo, Jehu
- Date: 09-06-2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43615 ,
- Description: Aim: To review the impact of the human immunodeficiency virus and antiretroviral therapy on the vasculature. Objectives: This review seeks to identify the burden which the human immunodeficiency virus and antiretroviral therapy have on the vasculature. Method: Medline/PubMed and Google scholar were searched. There were over 100 publications reviewed. Some people who worked in similar fields were also contacted. The present review summarized current understanding of Human immunodeficiency virus, antiretroviral therapy and effect on the vasculature such as arterial stiffness. Atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction, the strengths and weaknesses of current testing strategies, and their potential applications in clinical research and patient care. The association of inflammatory biomarkers, blood pressure and ageing with arterial stiffness were also reviewed. Conclusion: Available literature shows that HIV and antiretroviral agents have a great impact on the vasculature and its progression.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 09-06-2016
Medical Education in Decentralized Settings: How Medical Students Contribute to Health Care in 10 Sub-Saharan African Countries
- Talib, Zohray, van Schalkwyk, Susan, Cooper , I, Pattanaik , Swaha, Turay , Khadija, Sagay, Atiene S, Baingana , Rhona, Baird , Sarah, Gaede , Bernhard, Iputo, Jehu, Kibore , Minnie, Manongi , Rachel, Matsika , Antony, Mogodi , Mpho, Ramucesse , Jeremais, Ross, Heather, Simuyeba, Moses, Haile-Mariam, Damen
- Authors: Talib, Zohray , van Schalkwyk, Susan , Cooper , I , Pattanaik , Swaha , Turay , Khadija , Sagay, Atiene S , Baingana , Rhona , Baird , Sarah , Gaede , Bernhard , Iputo, Jehu , Kibore , Minnie , Manongi , Rachel , Matsika , Antony , Mogodi , Mpho , Ramucesse , Jeremais , Ross, Heather , Simuyeba, Moses , Haile-Mariam, Damen
- Date: 10-2017
- Subjects: Sub Sahara Africa Medical Education Health Care Medical Students Computer File
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44644 , https://doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002003
- Description: Purpose: African medical schools are expanding, straining resources at tertiary health facilities. Decentralizing clinical training can alleviate this tension. This study assessed the impact of decentralized training and contribution of undergraduate medical students at health facilities. Method: Participants were from 11 Medical Education Partnership Initiative-funded medical schools in 10 African countries. Each school identified two clinical training sites-one rural and the other either peri-urban or urban. Qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used to gather information about the sites, student activities, and staff perspectives between March 2015 and February 2016. Interviews with site staff were analyzed using a collaborative directed approach to content analysis, and frequencies were generated to describe site characteristics and student experiences. Results: The clinical sites varied in level of care but were similar in scope of clinical services and types of clinical and nonclinical student activities. Staff indicated that students have a positive effect on job satisfaction and workload. Respondents reported that students improved the work environment, institutional reputation, and introduced evidence-based approaches. Students also contributed to perceived improvements in quality of care, patient experience, and community outreach. Staff highlighted the need for resources to support students. Conclusions: Students were seen as valuable resources for health facilities. They strengthened health care quality by supporting overburdened staff and by bringing rigor and accountability into the work environment. As medical schools expand, especially in low-resource settings, mobilizing new and existing resources for decentralized clinical training could transform health facilities into vibrant service and learning environments.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 10-2017
- Authors: Talib, Zohray , van Schalkwyk, Susan , Cooper , I , Pattanaik , Swaha , Turay , Khadija , Sagay, Atiene S , Baingana , Rhona , Baird , Sarah , Gaede , Bernhard , Iputo, Jehu , Kibore , Minnie , Manongi , Rachel , Matsika , Antony , Mogodi , Mpho , Ramucesse , Jeremais , Ross, Heather , Simuyeba, Moses , Haile-Mariam, Damen
- Date: 10-2017
- Subjects: Sub Sahara Africa Medical Education Health Care Medical Students Computer File
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44644 , https://doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002003
- Description: Purpose: African medical schools are expanding, straining resources at tertiary health facilities. Decentralizing clinical training can alleviate this tension. This study assessed the impact of decentralized training and contribution of undergraduate medical students at health facilities. Method: Participants were from 11 Medical Education Partnership Initiative-funded medical schools in 10 African countries. Each school identified two clinical training sites-one rural and the other either peri-urban or urban. Qualitative and quantitative data collection tools were used to gather information about the sites, student activities, and staff perspectives between March 2015 and February 2016. Interviews with site staff were analyzed using a collaborative directed approach to content analysis, and frequencies were generated to describe site characteristics and student experiences. Results: The clinical sites varied in level of care but were similar in scope of clinical services and types of clinical and nonclinical student activities. Staff indicated that students have a positive effect on job satisfaction and workload. Respondents reported that students improved the work environment, institutional reputation, and introduced evidence-based approaches. Students also contributed to perceived improvements in quality of care, patient experience, and community outreach. Staff highlighted the need for resources to support students. Conclusions: Students were seen as valuable resources for health facilities. They strengthened health care quality by supporting overburdened staff and by bringing rigor and accountability into the work environment. As medical schools expand, especially in low-resource settings, mobilizing new and existing resources for decentralized clinical training could transform health facilities into vibrant service and learning environments.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 10-2017
Acacia Karoo - Adelaide (South Arica)
- Authors: Pringle,Thomas (1789-1834)
- Date: 1822
- Subjects: Acacia karroo -- South Africa -- Adelaide , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , essay
- Identifier: , vital:33082
- Description: Transcript: "1822 Thomas Pringle, 1835 April. In The Koonap River Valley, Adelaide, E.Cape. p.126. "Among the mimosa trees (i.e. thorntrees) sprinkled over the meadows, or lower bottoms, the traces of their (i.e. elephant) operations were not less apparent. Immense numbers of these trees had been torn out of the ground and placed in an inverted position in order to enable the animals to browse at their ease on their juicy roots which form a favourite part of their food. I observed that, in numerous instances, when the trees were of considerable size, The elephant had employed one of his tusks, exactly as he would use a crowbar, thrusting it under The roots to loosen their hold on The earth before he attempted to tear them up with his proboscis, many of the larger mimosas had resisted all their efforts, and, indeed, it is only after rains that they can successfully attempt the operation."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1822
- Authors: Pringle,Thomas (1789-1834)
- Date: 1822
- Subjects: Acacia karroo -- South Africa -- Adelaide , Trees -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , essay
- Identifier: , vital:33082
- Description: Transcript: "1822 Thomas Pringle, 1835 April. In The Koonap River Valley, Adelaide, E.Cape. p.126. "Among the mimosa trees (i.e. thorntrees) sprinkled over the meadows, or lower bottoms, the traces of their (i.e. elephant) operations were not less apparent. Immense numbers of these trees had been torn out of the ground and placed in an inverted position in order to enable the animals to browse at their ease on their juicy roots which form a favourite part of their food. I observed that, in numerous instances, when the trees were of considerable size, The elephant had employed one of his tusks, exactly as he would use a crowbar, thrusting it under The roots to loosen their hold on The earth before he attempted to tear them up with his proboscis, many of the larger mimosas had resisted all their efforts, and, indeed, it is only after rains that they can successfully attempt the operation."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1822
The Livingstone Letters
- Authors: Livingstone, David
- Date: 1843-02-24
- Subjects: Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 -- Correspondence
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:24683 , This manuscript is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , MS 20 067
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1843-02-24
- Authors: Livingstone, David
- Date: 1843-02-24
- Subjects: Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 -- Correspondence
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:24683 , This manuscript is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , MS 20 067
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1843-02-24
James Maurice Primrose: Notebook 1
- Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23228 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23228 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
James Maurice Primrose: Notebook 2 - Fasicule 1
- Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23229 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23229 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
James Maurice Primrose: Notebook 2 - Fasicule 2
- Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23260 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23260 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
James Maurice Primrose: Notebook 2 - Fasicule 2
- Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23259 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23259 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
James Maurice Primrose: Notebook 4
- Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23261 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
- Authors: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892
- Date: 1851
- Subjects: Primrose, James Maurice, 1819-1892 -- Diaries
- Type: Text
- Identifier: , vital:23261 , MS 20 063 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017.
- Description: The notebooks have been published as a book, as follows: Dr Caroline Jackson (ed.), Diary of Captain James Maurice Primrose, 34rd Regiment of Foot (Rhodes University, 2016).
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1851
The Livingstone Letters
- Authors: Livingstone, David
- Date: 1863-07-03
- Subjects: Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 -- Correspondence
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:24684 , This manuscript is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , MS 20 067
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1863-07-03
- Authors: Livingstone, David
- Date: 1863-07-03
- Subjects: Livingstone, David, 1813-1873 -- Correspondence
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:24684 , This manuscript is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017. , MS 20 067
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1863-07-03
Tour of South Africa, 1891 - full album
- Date: 1891
- Subjects: Historic buildings -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- Photographs Architecture -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- Photographs Buildings -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Photographs Cape Town (South Africa) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Photograph Streets -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Photographs
- Type: Image
- Identifier: , vital:26640 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017 , PIC 5000_1
- Description: A photograph album showing views of Cape Town, probably taken by someone who visited and did a tour of Cape Town in 1891.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1891
- Date: 1891
- Subjects: Historic buildings -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- Photographs Architecture -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- Photographs Buildings -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Photographs Cape Town (South Africa) -- Buildings, structures, etc. -- Photograph Streets -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Photographs
- Type: Image
- Identifier: , vital:26640 , This image is held at the Cory Library for Humanities Research at Rhodes University. For further information contact The digitisation of this image was made possible through a generous grant received from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2014-2017 , PIC 5000_1
- Description: A photograph album showing views of Cape Town, probably taken by someone who visited and did a tour of Cape Town in 1891.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1891
Illustrated souvenir of the Industrial and Arts Exhibition held at Grahamstown, December 1898 to January 1899
- Date: 1899
- Subjects: Commercial products South Africa Grahamstown History , Church buildings South Africa Grahamstown , Schools South Africa Grahamstown , Merchants South Africa Grahamstown , Buildings South Africa Grahamstown , South Africa History 1836-1909 , Grahamstown Literary and Social Institute , Bloukrans Bridge (Eastern Cape, South Africa) -- Pictorial works Pictorial works , Grahamstown (South Africa) Pictorial works
- Language: English
- Type: book , illustrated works , text
- Identifier: , vital:32887 , Cory Library for Humanities Research, Rhodes University Library, Grahamstown, South Africa
- Description: This publication, dated 1899, serves as souvenir publication of the industrial and arts exhibition held at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, between December 1898 and January 1899.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1899
- Date: 1899
- Subjects: Commercial products South Africa Grahamstown History , Church buildings South Africa Grahamstown , Schools South Africa Grahamstown , Merchants South Africa Grahamstown , Buildings South Africa Grahamstown , South Africa History 1836-1909 , Grahamstown Literary and Social Institute , Bloukrans Bridge (Eastern Cape, South Africa) -- Pictorial works Pictorial works , Grahamstown (South Africa) Pictorial works
- Language: English
- Type: book , illustrated works , text
- Identifier: , vital:32887 , Cory Library for Humanities Research, Rhodes University Library, Grahamstown, South Africa
- Description: This publication, dated 1899, serves as souvenir publication of the industrial and arts exhibition held at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, between December 1898 and January 1899.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1899
Anniversary bulletin, 1943-1993: Unity Movement 50th year of struggle-and the struggle continues
- Authors: New Unity Movement
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: New Unity Movement (South Africa) -- Periodicals , Labour -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Social conditions -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Politics and government -- Periodicals
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30481
- Description: The Unity Movement was established in 1943 after long and hard struggles of the disfranchised oppressed people in South Africa against foreign domination by first the Dutch and then the British ruling classes. The Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM) as it was named was the first National liberation movement to base itself upon several most important principles and policies: (i) That there could be only ONE SOLUTION for all the people in South Africa to bring freedom, justice and peace. Thus the UNITY of the oppressed and exploited who were denied all citizenship rights was a vital necessity.(ii) That the ruling class and all its agents among us had done everything possible to prevent the oppressed from uniting in their struggles. They had used the tactics of divide-and-rule as a major weapon against our struggles. The struggle for UNITY was always to be one important answer to these divide-and-rule tactics.(iii) That the ruling class used the myths of "race" and the "inferiority" of persons of colour, language, "culture" and separate schools, housing areas, hospitals, churches, jobs, etc., etc., to divide people. The Unity Movement declared war on racism, tribalism and all forms of discrimination. It strove to educate and organise the oppressed to UNDERSTAND WHY AND HOW WE were oppressed. It also strove to teach the oppressed that only a united people could win the freedom struggle; the ruling class were always united; as a disunited people we could never win our liberation struggle. (iv) That our democratic rights had been known for centuries. But we must know them and demand ALL of them. Democracy could not exist if people had some democratic rights and lacked others. We had to know this because dishonest political activists used the masses to get privileges (concessions) for themselves while they pretended to struggle on behalf of the masses. There was a minimum we must always demand, but we could and must strive for even more. (v) That the oppressed were robbed of their land and their possessions (mainly livestock); their homes were destroyed. They were driven into labour camps and mission stations after these wars of dispossession. They were forced to work as cheap labour in the mines and on the farms and in the factories and homes of the conquerors. Landlessness was a feature of all colonies conquered by the warring colonial powers. Today these colonial powers form the basis of World Imperialism. This World Imperialism is the main enemy of every oppressed nation with a history of colonial conquest. It is imperialism that paid for and bought over the collaborators who have been in government since April 1994. But now that they are part of government the collaborators are paid out of the taxes they collect from workers and others they now help to oppress. (vi) That the struggle for the land by the combined unified efforts of workers, landless peasants and the rural poor was a vital part of our struggles. Victory here would help to root out unemployment, homes broken up by the migrant labour system, by a lack of education and necessary skills, poor health, starvation and lack of simple things like drinking water and proper sewage. Thus the struggle for the land (point 7 of our programme) and all the other 9 demands belonged together as part of ONE struggle. That in our struggle the interest of the workers, the landless peasantry and the millions of rural poor are our first concern. And that the struggle against foreign domination (that is, against World Imperialism) was part of our struggle for total liberation. In the light of these founding principles and policies it is clear that a "government of National Unity" set up by the de Klerk Government and World Imperialism (that is, the USA, Canada, Britain, Japan and the European Community) cannot bring liberation peace and justice to us. , Abantu bebanye abasoze boyiswe! = Abantu bemunye abasoze behlulwe!
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
- Authors: New Unity Movement
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: New Unity Movement (South Africa) -- Periodicals , Labour -- South Africa -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Social conditions -- Periodicals , South Africa -- Politics and government -- Periodicals
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30481
- Description: The Unity Movement was established in 1943 after long and hard struggles of the disfranchised oppressed people in South Africa against foreign domination by first the Dutch and then the British ruling classes. The Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM) as it was named was the first National liberation movement to base itself upon several most important principles and policies: (i) That there could be only ONE SOLUTION for all the people in South Africa to bring freedom, justice and peace. Thus the UNITY of the oppressed and exploited who were denied all citizenship rights was a vital necessity.(ii) That the ruling class and all its agents among us had done everything possible to prevent the oppressed from uniting in their struggles. They had used the tactics of divide-and-rule as a major weapon against our struggles. The struggle for UNITY was always to be one important answer to these divide-and-rule tactics.(iii) That the ruling class used the myths of "race" and the "inferiority" of persons of colour, language, "culture" and separate schools, housing areas, hospitals, churches, jobs, etc., etc., to divide people. The Unity Movement declared war on racism, tribalism and all forms of discrimination. It strove to educate and organise the oppressed to UNDERSTAND WHY AND HOW WE were oppressed. It also strove to teach the oppressed that only a united people could win the freedom struggle; the ruling class were always united; as a disunited people we could never win our liberation struggle. (iv) That our democratic rights had been known for centuries. But we must know them and demand ALL of them. Democracy could not exist if people had some democratic rights and lacked others. We had to know this because dishonest political activists used the masses to get privileges (concessions) for themselves while they pretended to struggle on behalf of the masses. There was a minimum we must always demand, but we could and must strive for even more. (v) That the oppressed were robbed of their land and their possessions (mainly livestock); their homes were destroyed. They were driven into labour camps and mission stations after these wars of dispossession. They were forced to work as cheap labour in the mines and on the farms and in the factories and homes of the conquerors. Landlessness was a feature of all colonies conquered by the warring colonial powers. Today these colonial powers form the basis of World Imperialism. This World Imperialism is the main enemy of every oppressed nation with a history of colonial conquest. It is imperialism that paid for and bought over the collaborators who have been in government since April 1994. But now that they are part of government the collaborators are paid out of the taxes they collect from workers and others they now help to oppress. (vi) That the struggle for the land by the combined unified efforts of workers, landless peasants and the rural poor was a vital part of our struggles. Victory here would help to root out unemployment, homes broken up by the migrant labour system, by a lack of education and necessary skills, poor health, starvation and lack of simple things like drinking water and proper sewage. Thus the struggle for the land (point 7 of our programme) and all the other 9 demands belonged together as part of ONE struggle. That in our struggle the interest of the workers, the landless peasantry and the millions of rural poor are our first concern. And that the struggle against foreign domination (that is, against World Imperialism) was part of our struggle for total liberation. In the light of these founding principles and policies it is clear that a "government of National Unity" set up by the de Klerk Government and World Imperialism (that is, the USA, Canada, Britain, Japan and the European Community) cannot bring liberation peace and justice to us. , Abantu bebanye abasoze boyiswe! = Abantu bemunye abasoze behlulwe!
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
Can workers look forward to a safer and healthier workplace in the new South Africa
- Industrial Health Research Group
- Authors: Industrial Health Research Group
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Industrial safety -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Industrial hygiene -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30492
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
- Authors: Industrial Health Research Group
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Industrial safety -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Industrial hygiene -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30492
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
FAWU Wage Information System: research for bargaining support
- Food and Allied Workers' Union
- Authors: Food and Allied Workers' Union
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , pamphlet
- Identifier: , vital:32567
- Description: Please read schedule 1 carefully together with the proposal for a wage information system for the FAWU Research Training Programme. I have established from FAWU that they do not have an adequate wage information system in place and therefore propose to assist them. There are two phases to WIS which I hope to cover together with the trainee, Thandi Yoli.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
- Authors: Food and Allied Workers' Union
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: Uncatalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , pamphlet
- Identifier: , vital:32567
- Description: Please read schedule 1 carefully together with the proposal for a wage information system for the FAWU Research Training Programme. I have established from FAWU that they do not have an adequate wage information system in place and therefore propose to assist them. There are two phases to WIS which I hope to cover together with the trainee, Thandi Yoli.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?