Political constellations: an analysis of the use of language in positioning South African political parties in the Daily Sun
- Authors: Siebörger, Ian
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of , Political culture South Africa , Systemic grammar , Political parties South Africa , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Mass media and language South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113934 , vital:33846 , http://doi.org/10.21504/10962/113934
- Description: As a young democracy, post-apartheid South Africa has both a complex and rapidly changing political landscape, and a developing system of interconnected public spheres in which ordinary citizens engage in political discourses. In this context, this thesis examines the ways in which language is used to position South Africa's political parties in the Daily Sun, the country's most widely-read tabloid newspaper. It uses a complex, multi-stage method of analysis to develop tools for describing how different policy positions and moral evaluations are associated with political parties. This is accomplished through complementary analyses using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). The study describes current political discourses in South Africa as the products of a long process of historical development extending through the segregationist and apartheid eras to the post-apartheid present. It also situates the Daily Sun within South Africa's current media landscape and argues that the newspaper is to some extent successful in facilitating a vibrant alternative public sphere in which readers engage with the news. The study's multi-stage method of analysis begins with a corpus analysis of all political news articles from the Daily Sun dating from January to June 2015. This analysis reveals various tendencies in the positioning of South Africa's three largest political parties that are investigated further in later stages of analysis. Three selected individual articles are subjected to _ne-grained analysis in an exploratory analysis stage, and three others in a targeted analysis stage. The exploratory analyses are designed to investigate the contribution of various linguistic and discursive resources to political positioning in the data, while the targeted analyses demonstrate the contribution of these resources to positioning in articles that were carefully selected to reflect as many of the trends found in the corpus analysis as possible. These analyses enact the concept of axiological-semantic density from LCT to show the ways in which political knowledge is condensed in the articles. This condensation produces constellations of people, policy positions and moral evaluations in each article. These constellations, in turn, give indications of the cosmologies, or organizing principles, behind the Daily Sun's political news coverage. On the basis of the exploratory analyses, a multi-level translation device for axiological-semantic density is developed to describe the ways in which this concept is enacted in the analysis. The use of this translation device is then demonstrated using the targeted analyses. This study adapts the concepts of iconization, aggregation and technicality from SFL, collectively referred to as 'mass', to show how language works to position political parties. It finds that the use of intertextual references and lexical strings makes a considerable contribution toward political positioning in the data. Repeated couplings of the abovementioned resources in complexes (also known as syndromes) drive the process of political positioning. The Daily Sun is found to report primarily on concrete actions by individual politicians, and contains little to no information on policy decisions. No one political party is favoured, but coverage tends to emphasize accusations against politicians. This may reinforce distrust in politics and a withdrawal from engagement in political processes among readers. By contrast, this study shows that engagement in South Africa's public discourses can be encouraged through stronger promotion of critical language awareness in education, the growth of civil society organizations as vehicles for dialogue and social action on matters of public interest, and a variety of initiatives by the media designed to show the relevance of policy decisions to individuals' lives and increase participation in the news-making process. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, English Language and Linguistics, 2019
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2019
- Authors: Siebörger, Ian
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of , Political culture South Africa , Systemic grammar , Political parties South Africa , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Mass media and language South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113934 , vital:33846 , http://doi.org/10.21504/10962/113934
- Description: As a young democracy, post-apartheid South Africa has both a complex and rapidly changing political landscape, and a developing system of interconnected public spheres in which ordinary citizens engage in political discourses. In this context, this thesis examines the ways in which language is used to position South Africa's political parties in the Daily Sun, the country's most widely-read tabloid newspaper. It uses a complex, multi-stage method of analysis to develop tools for describing how different policy positions and moral evaluations are associated with political parties. This is accomplished through complementary analyses using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). The study describes current political discourses in South Africa as the products of a long process of historical development extending through the segregationist and apartheid eras to the post-apartheid present. It also situates the Daily Sun within South Africa's current media landscape and argues that the newspaper is to some extent successful in facilitating a vibrant alternative public sphere in which readers engage with the news. The study's multi-stage method of analysis begins with a corpus analysis of all political news articles from the Daily Sun dating from January to June 2015. This analysis reveals various tendencies in the positioning of South Africa's three largest political parties that are investigated further in later stages of analysis. Three selected individual articles are subjected to _ne-grained analysis in an exploratory analysis stage, and three others in a targeted analysis stage. The exploratory analyses are designed to investigate the contribution of various linguistic and discursive resources to political positioning in the data, while the targeted analyses demonstrate the contribution of these resources to positioning in articles that were carefully selected to reflect as many of the trends found in the corpus analysis as possible. These analyses enact the concept of axiological-semantic density from LCT to show the ways in which political knowledge is condensed in the articles. This condensation produces constellations of people, policy positions and moral evaluations in each article. These constellations, in turn, give indications of the cosmologies, or organizing principles, behind the Daily Sun's political news coverage. On the basis of the exploratory analyses, a multi-level translation device for axiological-semantic density is developed to describe the ways in which this concept is enacted in the analysis. The use of this translation device is then demonstrated using the targeted analyses. This study adapts the concepts of iconization, aggregation and technicality from SFL, collectively referred to as 'mass', to show how language works to position political parties. It finds that the use of intertextual references and lexical strings makes a considerable contribution toward political positioning in the data. Repeated couplings of the abovementioned resources in complexes (also known as syndromes) drive the process of political positioning. The Daily Sun is found to report primarily on concrete actions by individual politicians, and contains little to no information on policy decisions. No one political party is favoured, but coverage tends to emphasize accusations against politicians. This may reinforce distrust in politics and a withdrawal from engagement in political processes among readers. By contrast, this study shows that engagement in South Africa's public discourses can be encouraged through stronger promotion of critical language awareness in education, the growth of civil society organizations as vehicles for dialogue and social action on matters of public interest, and a variety of initiatives by the media designed to show the relevance of policy decisions to individuals' lives and increase participation in the news-making process. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, English Language and Linguistics, 2019
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2019
Literacy, orality and recontextualization in the parliament of the Republic of South Africa : an ethnographic study
- Authors: Siebörger, Ian
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: South Africa. Parliament (1994- ) -- Language , Bill drafting -- South Africa , South Africa -- Languages -- Political aspects , Sociolinguistics -- South Africa , Language and languages -- Variation , Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Systemic grammar
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2384 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1016140
- Description: In parliaments, the tasks of drafting legislation and conducting oversight are accomplished by means of complex chains of spoken, written and multimodal texts. In these genre chains, information is recontextualized from one text to another before being debated in sittings of the houses of parliament. This study employs the point of view afforded by linguistic ethnography to investigate critically the ways in which meanings are recontextualized in one section of such a genre chain, namely the process by which committees of South Africa's National Assembly oversee the budgets of government departments and state-owned entities. It does this to identify possible sources of communication difficulties in this process and suggest ways in which these can be minimized. In so doing, it develops a theoretical model of the discursive effects of recontextualization informed by Latour's (1987) notion of black-boxing as well as Maton's (2011) Legitimation Code Theory. This model uses Interactional Sociolinguistics and elements of Systemic Functional Linguistics, including APPRAISAL and Transitivity as tools to describe the realization of these effects in language. This study finds that ideational and interpersonal meanings are condensed and decondensed at particular points in the genre chain in ways that lead to some MPs’ voices being recontextualized more accurately than others’. It also shows that common sources of communication difficulties in the committee process include differences in political background and understandings of committee procedure and participant roles. It recommends that representatives of departments and entities reporting to the committees should receive a fuller prebriefing on their roles; that MPs should receive training on asking clear, focused questions; and that the role of committee secretaries as procedural advisors should be strengthened.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Siebörger, Ian
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: South Africa. Parliament (1994- ) -- Language , Bill drafting -- South Africa , South Africa -- Languages -- Political aspects , Sociolinguistics -- South Africa , Language and languages -- Variation , Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Systemic grammar
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2384 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1016140
- Description: In parliaments, the tasks of drafting legislation and conducting oversight are accomplished by means of complex chains of spoken, written and multimodal texts. In these genre chains, information is recontextualized from one text to another before being debated in sittings of the houses of parliament. This study employs the point of view afforded by linguistic ethnography to investigate critically the ways in which meanings are recontextualized in one section of such a genre chain, namely the process by which committees of South Africa's National Assembly oversee the budgets of government departments and state-owned entities. It does this to identify possible sources of communication difficulties in this process and suggest ways in which these can be minimized. In so doing, it develops a theoretical model of the discursive effects of recontextualization informed by Latour's (1987) notion of black-boxing as well as Maton's (2011) Legitimation Code Theory. This model uses Interactional Sociolinguistics and elements of Systemic Functional Linguistics, including APPRAISAL and Transitivity as tools to describe the realization of these effects in language. This study finds that ideational and interpersonal meanings are condensed and decondensed at particular points in the genre chain in ways that lead to some MPs’ voices being recontextualized more accurately than others’. It also shows that common sources of communication difficulties in the committee process include differences in political background and understandings of committee procedure and participant roles. It recommends that representatives of departments and entities reporting to the committees should receive a fuller prebriefing on their roles; that MPs should receive training on asking clear, focused questions; and that the role of committee secretaries as procedural advisors should be strengthened.
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- Date Issued: 2012
An analysis of intrasemiotic and intersemiotic relations of textual and visual modes in Namibian school science textbooks
- Authors: Mateus, Venasius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Semiotics , Force and energy , Visual learning , Verbal learning , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Science -- Textbooks
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177203 , vital:42799
- Description: Although science education in Namibia receives much attention, learners’ performance is low in subjects such as Physical Sciences. The topic of Forces is among the topics in Physical Sciences where learners perform poorly. The provision of basic education in Namibia faces many challenges. One of these is that many teachers are not fully qualified for teaching the subjects they currently teach. Another (possibly related) challenge is that the majority of teachers in Namibian schools rely heavily on school textbooks when planning their lessons. In addition, learners use school textbooks as learning aids. The textbooks are developed and published in the private sector and based on the national curriculum statements. Quality of education has been amongst the major goals of education in Namibia. For quality assurance purposes, school science textbooks have to undergo a formal evaluation process. School textbooks, especially science textbooks, are multimodal. This means that they are designed with various modes, such as the textual and visual, often used in expressing scientific meanings. Literature reveals the textual and visual as individual modes having their own affordances, however, when integrated in school science textbooks contribute to strengthened meanings. No study published was found in Namibia or elsewhere that focused on analysing the intrasemiotic and intersemiotic sense relations of the textual and visual modes in Namibian school Physical Sciences textbooks. This study therefore aimed at contributing to filling this knowledge gap. The research is a qualitative case study and employed the interpretive paradigm. The selected Physical Sciences textbooks that constitute the data in this study were explored in depth via document analysis. Related textual and visual modes in the Physical Sciences textbooks were analysed in order to help answer the research questions of the study. Systemic Functional Linguistics was employed as the theoretical underpinning for this study. In this study, the sense relations were explored in terms of the sense relation themes which were coded and developed from common features of scientific discourse. The results reveal that scientific knowledge within the textual mode in the topic of Forces is communicated mostly through synonymy and repetition while within the visual mode it is mostly through antonymy, collocation, and synonymy. This contributed to meaning potential in the topic of Forces for the three Physical Sciences textbooks. The results further indicated that the overall cohesion within the textual and visual modes in the topic of Forces is achieved since repetition, which is the most direct form of lexical cohesion together with synonymy, collocation, and antonymy which are aspects of cohesion, occurred most frequently within these modes. This result further indicates that meaning potential in the topic of Forces in the three Physical Sciences textbooks were strengthened. While some sense relations occurred most frequently within individual modes, they were less frequent in other modes and vice versa. This indicates that different modes have different affordances. Finally, it was found that combining the textual and visual modes in the topic of Forces contributes to intersemiotic complementarity being achieved through the sense relations of collocation, hyponymy, and meronymy. , Thesis (MEd) -- Education, Education, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Mateus, Venasius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia , Semiotics , Force and energy , Visual learning , Verbal learning , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Science -- Textbooks
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/177203 , vital:42799
- Description: Although science education in Namibia receives much attention, learners’ performance is low in subjects such as Physical Sciences. The topic of Forces is among the topics in Physical Sciences where learners perform poorly. The provision of basic education in Namibia faces many challenges. One of these is that many teachers are not fully qualified for teaching the subjects they currently teach. Another (possibly related) challenge is that the majority of teachers in Namibian schools rely heavily on school textbooks when planning their lessons. In addition, learners use school textbooks as learning aids. The textbooks are developed and published in the private sector and based on the national curriculum statements. Quality of education has been amongst the major goals of education in Namibia. For quality assurance purposes, school science textbooks have to undergo a formal evaluation process. School textbooks, especially science textbooks, are multimodal. This means that they are designed with various modes, such as the textual and visual, often used in expressing scientific meanings. Literature reveals the textual and visual as individual modes having their own affordances, however, when integrated in school science textbooks contribute to strengthened meanings. No study published was found in Namibia or elsewhere that focused on analysing the intrasemiotic and intersemiotic sense relations of the textual and visual modes in Namibian school Physical Sciences textbooks. This study therefore aimed at contributing to filling this knowledge gap. The research is a qualitative case study and employed the interpretive paradigm. The selected Physical Sciences textbooks that constitute the data in this study were explored in depth via document analysis. Related textual and visual modes in the Physical Sciences textbooks were analysed in order to help answer the research questions of the study. Systemic Functional Linguistics was employed as the theoretical underpinning for this study. In this study, the sense relations were explored in terms of the sense relation themes which were coded and developed from common features of scientific discourse. The results reveal that scientific knowledge within the textual mode in the topic of Forces is communicated mostly through synonymy and repetition while within the visual mode it is mostly through antonymy, collocation, and synonymy. This contributed to meaning potential in the topic of Forces for the three Physical Sciences textbooks. The results further indicated that the overall cohesion within the textual and visual modes in the topic of Forces is achieved since repetition, which is the most direct form of lexical cohesion together with synonymy, collocation, and antonymy which are aspects of cohesion, occurred most frequently within these modes. This result further indicates that meaning potential in the topic of Forces in the three Physical Sciences textbooks were strengthened. While some sense relations occurred most frequently within individual modes, they were less frequent in other modes and vice versa. This indicates that different modes have different affordances. Finally, it was found that combining the textual and visual modes in the topic of Forces contributes to intersemiotic complementarity being achieved through the sense relations of collocation, hyponymy, and meronymy. , Thesis (MEd) -- Education, Education, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
The use of video as a resource for the development of L1 Foundation Phase Literacy in isiXhosa: a digital multimodal discourse approach
- Authors: Schafli, Sasha-Lee
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Xhosa language Study and teaching , Oral reading , Literacy , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Discourse analysis , Educational technology South Africa Eastern Cape , Video recordings in education
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/467105 , vital:76815 , DOI https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/467105
- Description: Videos as a resource for African language L1 literacy development are strikingly absent from the South African school curriculum for the Foundation Phase (Grades 1 to 3). Furthermore, an overall lack of isiXhosa same language subtitling (SLS) practices in South Africa for videos poses questions as to the benefits and challenges of SLS for L1 early grade readers of isiXhosa. The aim of this research was to test, describe and analyse the efficacy of five isiXhosa YouTube story videos with SLS for the development of literacy in isiXhosa at the Grade 2 and 3 L1 levels. In this mixed-methods study, the five videos were exposed to Grade 2 and 3 learners at a school in the Eastern Cape in a quantitative two-group experimental design in a three-month intervention. This was to determine whether video exposure resulted in significant difference for learners' literacy, focusing particularly on word recognition, Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) scores and broad semiotic awareness between the linguistic and visual modes. The five videos were also analysed with a Digital Multimodal Discourse Analysis (DMDA), illustrating potential areas in which these five videos could assist or pose challenges to literacy learning in this context. While learners’ reading scores improved over the three-month intervention, nonparametric t-test results indicate SLS video exposure did not make a significant difference in learners’ reading improvements. Results from both methods were triangulated with cognitive theories of multimodal literacy and Mayer’s principles of learning with multimedia. The analysis highlights that while the videos’ design may be conducive for learning, the subtitle rate in the videos is far greater than the learners’ reading scores in this study or reading speed benchmarks expected of Grade 2 and 3 learners. This can result in these videos being ineffective as a resource to improve literacy in isiXhosa for this level. This research highlights the importance of the integration of multiple methods of analysis for multimodal resources, as well as the importance of subtitle rate as a system within a multimodal analysis for literacy research. Furthermore, Comparative Relations in Intersemiotic Texture is proposed as a useful system for examining learning resources. This research further suggests areas of focus for future video design in potential L1 Foundation Phase literacy resources for isiXhosa and other African languages. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
- Authors: Schafli, Sasha-Lee
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Xhosa language Study and teaching , Oral reading , Literacy , Functionalism (Linguistics) , Discourse analysis , Educational technology South Africa Eastern Cape , Video recordings in education
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/467105 , vital:76815 , DOI https://doi.org/10.21504/10962/467105
- Description: Videos as a resource for African language L1 literacy development are strikingly absent from the South African school curriculum for the Foundation Phase (Grades 1 to 3). Furthermore, an overall lack of isiXhosa same language subtitling (SLS) practices in South Africa for videos poses questions as to the benefits and challenges of SLS for L1 early grade readers of isiXhosa. The aim of this research was to test, describe and analyse the efficacy of five isiXhosa YouTube story videos with SLS for the development of literacy in isiXhosa at the Grade 2 and 3 L1 levels. In this mixed-methods study, the five videos were exposed to Grade 2 and 3 learners at a school in the Eastern Cape in a quantitative two-group experimental design in a three-month intervention. This was to determine whether video exposure resulted in significant difference for learners' literacy, focusing particularly on word recognition, Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) scores and broad semiotic awareness between the linguistic and visual modes. The five videos were also analysed with a Digital Multimodal Discourse Analysis (DMDA), illustrating potential areas in which these five videos could assist or pose challenges to literacy learning in this context. While learners’ reading scores improved over the three-month intervention, nonparametric t-test results indicate SLS video exposure did not make a significant difference in learners’ reading improvements. Results from both methods were triangulated with cognitive theories of multimodal literacy and Mayer’s principles of learning with multimedia. The analysis highlights that while the videos’ design may be conducive for learning, the subtitle rate in the videos is far greater than the learners’ reading scores in this study or reading speed benchmarks expected of Grade 2 and 3 learners. This can result in these videos being ineffective as a resource to improve literacy in isiXhosa for this level. This research highlights the importance of the integration of multiple methods of analysis for multimodal resources, as well as the importance of subtitle rate as a system within a multimodal analysis for literacy research. Furthermore, Comparative Relations in Intersemiotic Texture is proposed as a useful system for examining learning resources. This research further suggests areas of focus for future video design in potential L1 Foundation Phase literacy resources for isiXhosa and other African languages. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Humanities, Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
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