${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Factors that prevent black South Africans from attaining adequate levels of saving Wed 12 May 2021 23:43:22 SAST ]]> The experience of multi-cultural communication within a South African organization Wed 12 May 2021 23:12:03 SAST ]]> Comparison of different notions of compactness in the fuzzy topological space Wed 12 May 2021 23:06:38 SAST ]]> Geomorphic and ambient environmental impacts on lichen distribution on two inland Nunataks in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica Wed 12 May 2021 23:01:32 SAST ]]> An investigation into the dietary requirements of Oreochromis Mossambicus fry and the formulation and preparation of a dry food for use in aquaculture Wed 12 May 2021 23:01:12 SAST ]]> Language policy implementation towards community participation in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality Wed 12 May 2021 22:38:06 SAST ]]> A critical review of some of Roald Dahl's books for children, with particular reference to a 'subversive' element in his writing, some responses to his work and its place in the education of the child Wed 12 May 2021 20:53:07 SAST ]]> Species and spatio-temporal variation in the yield, nutritive value and in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics of selected grass species from two communal grazing lands of the Eastern Cape 0.05) interaction between any of the main factors. Macro and micro mineral content of plant samples collected from the two communal grazing lands showed great variations (P<0.05) between species, seasons and altitude. In the Highveld, CP ranged from 3.9 to 6.5% DM being significantly highest (P<0.05) in Cynodon dactylon and lowest in E. plana. When all species were combined, higher CP was recorded for samples harvested in summer (5.5%) followed by spring and autumn, and lowest in winter (3.8%). In the Lowveld, Eragrostis chloromelus had higher (P<0.05) CP level followed by C. dactylon and T. Triandra. When all species were pooled, forage samples harvested in summer had a significantly higher (P<0.05) CP followed by spring, autumn and winter. In summary, CP content of all grasses was below the critical maintenance level for livestock especially during late dry seasons. In both areas, the highest NDF level was measured for Eragrostis plana and lowest for Themeda triandra. As for altitudinal differences, samples collected from the upland areas had generally the lowest (P<0.05) CP and highest ADF contents. For grasses harvested from the Highveld, C. dactylon produced the most (P<0.05) gas after 48 h of fermentation (794.6 ml/g DM) and also had the highest 48h DMD (415.1 g kg-1). Themeda triandra produced least (P<0.05) gas (742 ml/g DM) 48h post-incubation. The least (P<0.05) degradable species after 48 h was E. chloromelus (372.9 g kg-1). For grasses harvested from Lowveld, the 48h cumulative gas production was highest (822.7 ml/g DM) in E. plana and lowest (742.8 ml/g DM) in E. chloromelus, while S. africanus had least 48h DMD (327.9 kg-1). In both the Highveld and Lowveld, gas production and DMD were highest in the autumn season. It was concluded most grasses were deficient in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it is recommended that mineral supplements should be offered to animals to improve animal productivity throughout the year. Findings of this study suggested that addition of protein and energy sources may be desirable in both grazing areas to meet the maintenance/production requirements of the grazing ruminants throughout the year. Key words: Forage yield, chemical composition, landscape gradient; seasonal variations; in vitro ruminal gas production; dry matter degradability.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 20:14:11 SAST ]]> Local economic development through small businesses in Dimbaza Wed 12 May 2021 20:05:49 SAST ]]> Developing risk management strategies for stock market investment portfolio management Wed 12 May 2021 19:42:20 SAST ]]> A study of the concept of the church in the Pauline Corpus and in Luke-Acts with special reference to the reasons for differences in their understanding Wed 12 May 2021 19:35:50 SAST ]]> Verstegniese aspekte van Daniel Hugo se poësie met spesifieke verwysing na Die Twaalde Letter Wed 12 May 2021 19:27:59 SAST ]]> Bank Competition and Economic Growth: The Case of South Africa, Russia and China Wed 12 May 2021 19:27:40 SAST ]]> Critical success factors for the implementation of an electronic health record system in the public health care sector of South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 19:27:20 SAST ]]> An exploration of teacher leadership: a case study in a Namibian rural primary school Wed 12 May 2021 19:15:25 SAST ]]> Hans Lodeizen en die romantiek Wed 12 May 2021 18:47:40 SAST ]]> An analysis of "self-determination" in international law : the case of South Sudan Wed 12 May 2021 18:44:17 SAST ]]> An investigation into parental involvements in the learning of mathematics : a case study involving grade 5 San learners and their parents Wed 12 May 2021 18:21:52 SAST ]]> Goeie maniere en etiket Wed 12 May 2021 18:16:49 SAST ]]> Molybdeunum mineralization with emphasis on porphyry systems genesis and exploration Wed 12 May 2021 17:37:08 SAST ]]> Studies on the ecology and molecular biology of transferable drug resistance factors in coliform bacteria Wed 12 May 2021 16:48:56 SAST ]]> Research portfolio Wed 12 May 2021 16:25:00 SAST ]]> A longitudinal study of DNS traffic: understanding current DNS practice and abuse Wed 12 May 2021 16:13:16 SAST ]]> Exploring the importance of the mother/child relationship during maternal incarceration : a case study at Worcester female correctional centre Wed 12 May 2021 14:40:05 SAST ]]> The relationship between inflation and financial development in South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:26:19 SAST ]]> The contribution of the citrus sub-sector to the economy of Sundays River Valley Local Municipality Wed 12 May 2021 13:56:03 SAST ]]> New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and Africa's quest for regional economic integration: the case of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tue 07 May 2024 09:30:13 SAST ]]> Psychiatric in-patients’ experiences of an art group : with a focus on the self Thu 13 May 2021 07:41:37 SAST ]]> Eye of a needle Thu 13 May 2021 07:11:00 SAST ]]> A sociological investigation of conflict and its effects on employees performance at the Windhoek training centre Thu 13 May 2021 06:57:37 SAST ]]> Journalism sourcing and credibility: a study of Raia Mwema’s use of anonymous sources Thu 13 May 2021 06:37:28 SAST ]]> Impact of smallholder irrigation schemes on rural livelihoods of farmers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: the case of Melani Irrigation Scheme Thu 13 May 2021 06:35:39 SAST ]]> A critical review of contemporary dance/movement therapy Thu 13 May 2021 06:11:46 SAST ]]> A needs analysis for the implementation of a complementary course in mathematics education for teachers of mathematics in Namibia: a case study Thu 13 May 2021 05:41:01 SAST ]]> The media, Equal Education and school learners : an investigation of the possibility of 'political listening' in the South African education crisis Thu 13 May 2021 04:48:25 SAST ]]> Changes in the aerobic saprophytic microbial flora during biltong production with special reference to the micrococcaceae Thu 13 May 2021 04:30:31 SAST ]]> An exploration of factors that impact on levels of employee satisfaction and organisational performance : an organisational diagnosis Thu 13 May 2021 04:22:41 SAST ]]> Microstructural and analytical characterization of plasma dissociated zircon Thu 13 May 2021 04:10:41 SAST ]]> Perspectives of managers regarding the effectiveness of programmes at Nerina one stop youth justice centre for addressing yout re-offending Thu 13 May 2021 03:21:28 SAST ]]> The role of leadership in shaping organisational culture in a school in Namibia. 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