en-us 5 An Investigation of the usage of teaching methods and assessment practices in environmental learning processes and emergent curriculum and sustainability competencies Wed 12 May 2021 23:30:10 SAST ]]> A mineral systems approach to the development of structural targeting criteria for orogenic gold deposits in the Asankrangwa gold belt of the Kumasi Basin, South-west Ghana 116 Moz of endowment and contribute to making south-west Ghana the greatest Paleoproterozoic gold province in the world. Gold deposits in the Kumasi Basin are shear zone hosted and mineralisation ranges from disseminated to massive sulphide refractory deposits, to free milling quartz vein style deposits. Structural relationships and age dating indicate that most deposits are genetically related and were formed during a single episode of gold mineralisation during the D4 NNW-SSE crustal shortening deformation event of the Eburnean Orogeny (2125 – 1980 Ma). The understanding of structural controls on mineralisation is critical for exploration success as it allows exploration to focus on areas where these structural controls exist. This study uses a mineral systems approach to understand the relationship between the geodynamic history and structural controls on gold mineralisation in the Kumasi Basin at various scales, and define targeting criteria which can be applied for the purpose of developing predictive exploration models for making new discoveries in the Asanko Gold Mine camp located in the Asankrangwa Belt. The study used a quantitative analysis to establish residual endowment potential in the Asankrangwa Belt, providing the basis for a business model and resulting exploration strategy. Once established, a Fry autocorrelation analysis was applied to identify trends in deposit and camp spatial distribution to which critical geological processes were ascribed. Observed trends were mapped from multi-scale geophysical data sets and through interpretation of existing geophysical structure models, and structural criteria for targeting orogenic gold deposits at the regional and camp scales were developed. Results show that different structural controls on mineralisation act at the regional and camp scale. At the regional scale the distribution of gold camps was found to be controlled by fundamental N-S and NW-SE basement structures with gold camps forming where they intersect NE-SW first and second order structural corridors. At the Asanko Gold Mine camp scale, deposit distribution was found to be related to the intersection between major second order D3 NE-SW shear zones, minor third order D4 NNE-SSW brittle faults, and cryptic NW-SE upward propagating basement structures. In addition to these structural criteria, deposits in the Asanko Gold Mine camp were found to be aligned along a NNE-SSW lineament caused by the interaction between the N-S basement structure and the NE-SW trending Asankrangwa Belt shear corridor.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 17:27:00 SAST ]]> Evaluating the cyber security skills gap relating to penetration testing Wed 12 May 2021 14:18:43 SAST ]]> The continued viability of the discretionary Inter vivos trust as an instrument for estate planning Thu 13 May 2021 06:30:16 SAST ]]> A study to determine the degree to which the HIV/AIDS pandemic is being addressed at DaimlerCrysler, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 01:22:33 SAST ]]> The factors affecting the interpretation of geochemical surveys in mineral exploration Thu 13 May 2021 01:02:43 SAST ]]> The effects of trade policy on the development of the South African petrochemical industry Thu 13 May 2021 01:01:04 SAST ]]> The naive moral as a possible mental attitude behind the outlaw-motif in English medieval narratives and its influence upon the structure of Thomas Lodge's "Rosalynde" and Shakespeare's "As you like it" Thu 13 May 2021 00:16:47 SAST ]]>