en-us 5 A case study on the incidence and extent of medullated and coloured fibres in the commercially produced South African wool clip 2010 – 2017 Wed 19 Oct 2022 14:21:27 SAST ]]> An aesthetic exploration of skin as the abject other Wed 19 Oct 2022 09:27:41 SAST ]]> Exploring the nature and scope of food insecurity among postgraduate students: a case of Nelson Mandela University Wed 08 Jun 2022 12:18:05 SAST ]]> Ifuthe leelwimi kwimpumelelo yabafundi bebanga leshumi elinambini kwizifundo zejiyografi(sezelizwe) kwizikolo ezibini ezichongiweyo kwisithili saseMonti Wed 08 Jun 2022 11:29:12 SAST ]]> An investigating of the causes of conflict in the department of employment and labour in Port Elizabeth Wed 08 Jun 2022 10:33:05 SAST ]]> The application of the prescription act in labour disputes Thu 23 Jun 2022 08:33:46 SAST ]]> Potential suppressive effects of alien Acacia melanoxylon on Afrotemperate Forest tree recruitment Thu 09 Jun 2022 16:57:43 SAST ]]> Effect of fire severity on Afrotemperate forest tree survival 40) individually, using logistic regression. A strong linear relationship between dNBR and stem fire severity (r2 = 0.69, p < 0.001) confirmed the accuracy of dNBR as a measure of fire severity in Afrotemperate forest. In the fire investigated, 4 628 ha of Afrotemperate forest burnt of which 67% burnt at low severity, 21% at medium severity and 12% at high severity. The dNBR values associated with fire severity categories were comparable between Afrotemperate and North American forests, suggesting that dNBR values are relatively standard across forest types. Information on the distribution of fire severity facilitates investigation of further questions regarding past and future fire regimes and the fire ecology of Afrotemperate forest. The post-fire survival rate of Afrotemperate forest trees was 45% which is comparable to that in coniferous forests of North America but lower than that in temperate forests of Australia and Portugal and the neighbouring dune thicket which shares several species with Afrotemperate forest. Fire severity had a significant negative effect on survival and tree size a significant positive effect. Total variance explained by the model (for species collectively) was 40.8%, of which fire severity and tree size combined explained 13.2%, and species as random factor, 27.6%. Respective tree species showed differential survival responses – four species showed high survival (> 60% of individuals), while five species showed low survival (< 40%). This study was the first post-fire assessment of the resprouting ability of Afrotemperate forest trees and a third of the trees surveyed (for species collectively) resprouted from the stem. This suggested that resprouting from the stem is a primary means of post-fire recovery in Afrotemperate forest trees, in contrast with previous assertions that several common canopy species, including Podocarpus latifolius, Afrocarpus falcatus, Scutia myrtina, Scolopia mundii and Rapanea melanophloeos, are unable to resprout. Varying resilience to fire among species supports previous suggestions that fire affects species’ composition and diversity in these forests and calls for careful management of fire regimes in the face of global change.]]> Thu 09 Jun 2022 16:02:39 SAST ]]> Hydraulic vulnerability of Subtropical Thicket to drought : a remote sensing and physiological perspective Mon 13 Jun 2022 12:24:52 SAST ]]> Spatial modelling of accessibility to tuberculosis treatment: the case of Ngaka Modiri Molema District Fri 10 Jun 2022 12:04:20 SAST ]]> Classification and clustering based methods for outlier detection of solar resource data Fri 10 Jun 2022 11:50:14 SAST ]]> Encapsulation of flame retardants for lithium-ion battery safety Fri 10 Jun 2022 10:33:13 SAST ]]>